ZooKeeper 3.4.14-rc3 release.
ZOOKEEPER-1815: Tolerate incorrectly set system hostname in tests (3.4)

Inspired by the following commit: https://github.com/apache/zookeeper/commit/23852655a6d41f675b8a9cca66387fca9bfe4e12

in order to fix build problems on H31 Jenkins slave. Infra reported that nothing has been changed in name resolution, but the patch still looks reasonable and hopefully fix the JMX connection problem.

This "backport" is JMX-only and doesn't try to fully backport the original patch.

Author: Andor Molnar <andor@apache.org>

Reviewers: eolivelli@gmail.com

Closes #824 from anmolnar/ZOOKEEPER-1815_34
1 file changed
tree: 9cda81132e044ca8883b53fa7bab367ecf9fa037
  1. bin/
  2. conf/
  3. src/
  4. zookeeper-client/
  5. zookeeper-contrib/
  6. zookeeper-docs/
  7. zookeeper-it/
  8. zookeeper-jute/
  9. zookeeper-recipes/
  10. zookeeper-server/
  11. .gitattributes
  12. .gitignore
  13. build.xml
  14. excludeFindBugsFilter.xml
  15. ivy.xml
  16. ivysettings.xml
  17. LICENSE.txt
  18. NOTICE.txt
  19. owaspSuppressions.xml
  20. pom.xml
  21. README.md
  22. README_packaging.txt

For the latest information about ZooKeeper, please visit our website at:


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Full documentation for this release can also be found in docs/index.html

Packaging/release artifacts

The release artifact contains the following jar file at the toplevel:

zookeeper-.jar - legacy jar file which contains all classes and source files. Prior to version 3.3.0 this was the only jar file available. It has the benefit of having the source included (for debugging purposes) however is also larger as a result

The release artifact contains the following jar files in “dist-maven” directory:

zookeeper-.jar - bin (binary) jar - contains only class (.class) files zookeeper--sources.jar - contains only src (.java) files zookeeper--javadoc.jar - contains only javadoc files

These bin/src/javadoc jars were added specifically to support Maven/Ivy which have the ability to pull these down automatically as part of your build process. The content of the legacy jar and the bin+sources jar are the same.

As of version 3.3.0 bin/sources/javadoc jars contained in dist-maven directory are deployed to the Apache Maven repository after the release has been accepted by Apache: http://people.apache.org/repo/m2-ibiblio-rsync-repository/