blob: e35529cfc212335b07491761651da9324f6c93c5 [file] [log] [blame]
1.3.5 - Monday 09 November 2009
- Fixed bug #15466: Documentation error for ezcConfigurationReader.
1.3.4 - Tuesday 01 September 2009
- Implemented issue #13244: ezcConfigurationIniWriter::writeSetting() enforces
quoting even thought it is documented differently.
- Fixed bug #15309: Hash keys with quotes were not escaped properly internally.
1.3.3 - Monday 11 May 2009
- Fixed bug #14701: Reader classes were cached too aggresively resulting in
calling ->init() for the 2nd time on a manager not re-initializing the
correct configuration object.
1.3.2 - Monday 15 December 2008
- Fixed bug #14087: ezcConfigurationManager::reset() does not reset the cached
configuration objects.
1.3.1 - Monday 06 October 2008
- Implemented issue #12523: Offer hasConfigFile() in ezcConfigurationManager.
- Fixed bug #13458: Problems with fetching out-of-range integers in
configuration files.
1.3 - Monday 16 June 2008
- No changes.
1.3rc1 - Tuesday 10 June 2008
- No changes
1.3beta1 - Tuesday 27 May 2008
- No changes.
1.3alpha1 - Monday 05 May 2008
- Implemented issue #12694: replace reflection test for class type with spl
- Implemented issue #12911: Added the hasGroup() and getSettingsInGroup()
methods to ezcConfigurationManager to allow for fetching of all settings
in a group. (Patch by James Pic)
1.2.1 - Monday 03 March 2008
- Fixed issue #12477: missing backslash \ in file format part of configuration
component tutorial.
1.2 - Monday 02 July 2007
- Documentation fixes and updates.
1.2beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007
- Implemented issue #9965: Support for delayed initialization through
- Implemented issue #10457: Unclear what $name in getSetting() of
Configuration component means.
- Added the ezcConfigurationManager::reset() method that returns the
manager to its uninitialized state.
- Fixed issue #10110: Warnings in configuration tests with the posix extension
is not enabled.
1.1 - Monday 18 December 2006
- Fixed issue #9819: Let all components deal with the ezcBaseAutoloadException
1.1beta1 - Monday 20 November 2006
- Added feature #9169: Ini files can also have comments that start with an ;
now - instead of only using # as comment marker.
1.0.4 - Monday 09 October 2006
- Fixed a bug where the class name ezcConfigurationUnknownSetting was used
instead of the correct name ezcConfigurationUnknownSettingException.
1.0.3 - Monday 28 August 2006
- Refactored to use new ezcBaseStruct class to inherit all the structs from.
1.0.2 - Monday 12 June 2006
- Added a check to insure that the init method is called before fetching a
reader in the manager. If the init method was not called then an
ezcConfigurationManagerNotInitializedException will be thrown.
1.0.1 - Monday 20 February 2006
- Fixed bug #7855: Ini value not followed by newline sequence is not
1.0 - Monday 30 January 2006
- Fixed documentation regarding when which exception is thrown.
- Added getSettingsAsList() method to retrieve a group of settings but without
their names being used as keys in the returned array. This allows the list()
= $manager->getSettingsAsList( $name, $group, $settingsArray() ); syntax.
1.0rc1 - Monday 16 January 2006
- Changed exception behavior. All errors will now throw a different exception
- Fixed generation of file names to include a . before appending the suffix.
- Fixed a spelling error when throwing an exception in case a file could not
be written to.
1.0beta2 - Wednesday 21 December 2005
- Added implementation of getGroupNames() that returns all group names from
a configuration file.
- Changed method names:
* allComments() to getAllComments()
* allSettings() to getAllSettings()
* arraySetting() to getArraySetting()
* boolSetting() to getBoolSetting()
* comments() to getComments()
* comment() to getComment()
* floatSetting() to getFloatSetting()
* intSetting() to getIntSetting()
* numberSetting() to getNumberSetting()
* settingNames() to getSettingNames()
* settingsInGroup() to getSettingsInGroup()
* settings() to getSettings()
* setting() to getSetting()
* stringSetting() to getStringSetting()
- Changed method names:
* arraySetting() to getArraySetting()
* boolSetting() to getBoolSetting()
* numberSetting() to getNumberSetting()
* settings() to getSettings()
* setting() to getSetting()
* stringSetting() to getStringSetting()
- Changed method name:
* timestamp() to getTimestamp()
- Changed method name:
* timestamp() to getTimestamp()
1.0beta1 - [RELEASEDATE]
- Initial release of this package.