blob: 6ba0afabb3d9282fdff996b1c6688d404680a8f0 [file] [log] [blame]
1.5 - Monday 21 December 2009
- No changes.
1.5rc1 - Monday 07 December 2009
- No changes.
1.5beta1 - Monday 23 November 2009
- No changes.
1.5alpha1 - Tuesday 01 September 2009
- Implemented feature #12433: The new ezcCacheStorageFileObject deprecates
ezcCacheStorageFileArray, since it can store objects that implement
ezcBaseExportable, arrays and scalar values.
- Fixed memcache test cases.
- Fixed issue #15227: Warnings during minor race condition in
ezcCacheStorageFile are now silenced.
1.4.1 - Monday 11 May 2009
- Fixed issue #14684: Exception on invalid cache location now contains the
location it results from it.
- Fixed issue #14685: Corrected tutorial regarding ezcCacheStackConfigurator.
1.4 - Monday 16 June 2008
- No changes.
1.4rc1 - Tuesday 10 June 2008
- Fixed issue #13053: Fixed calculation of remaining life time in all storage
classes and with that resolved the strange behavior in the Memcach storage.
- Fixed issue #13112: Corrected the tutorial text.
- Fixed issue #13119: Replaced references to /tmp with createTempDir() calls.
1.4beta1 - Tuesday 27 May 2008
- Fixed issue #12993: Hierarchical caching does not prune items in the correct
situation. Note that the internal structure of the stack meta data changed
drastically with this fix. You need to reset() the whole storage after this
1.4alpha1 - Monday 05 May 2008
- Implemented feature #12587: Hierachic caching for the Cache component. The
class ezcCacheStack and related classes provide that feature.
- Fixed issue #12666: ezcCacheStorageMemcache potentially creates multiple
connections to the same memcached server.
1.3 - Monday 17 December 2007
- No changes.
1.3beta1 - Wednesday 28 November 2007
- Fixed issue #11888: Small fixes to PHPDoc in memory_backend.php.
1.3alpha1 - Monday 29 October 2007
- Implemented issue #10533: ezcCacheManager::getCache does not support delayed
- Fixed issue #11064: Marked search() as protected in ezcCacheStorageFile.
- Implemented feature request #11049: Added APC and Memcache backends for
caching. Based on a patch from Grady Kuhnline.
- Fixed issue #11181: A physical location is not required anymore for pure
memory backends.
- Fixed issue #11413: The search flag is off by default for restore() and
- Fixed issue #11138: The validateLocation() method is defined as abstract in
1.2 - Monday 02 July 2007
- Documentation fixes.
1.2rc1 - Monday 25 June 2007
- Documentation fixes.
1.2beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007
- Implemented issue #9383: Ability to set file permissions on created files.
- Added ezcCacheStorageFileOptions class.
- Fixed issue #10678: ezcCacheStorageOptions throws incorrect exceptions.
- Implemented issue #10577: ezcCacheStorageFile::restore searches for files
and returns the wrong data. A new parameter to disable searching was invented.
1.1.4 - Monday 18 December 2006
- Fixed issue #9493: Convert < and > in exception messages to ' and ' for
Cache, ConsoleTools, ImageAnalysis, ImageConversion, PersistentObject,
- Fixed issue #9819: Let all components deal with the ezcBaseAutoloadException
1.1.3 - Monday 20 November 2006
- Fixed issue #9443: ezcCacheStorageFile::delete() only removes the first
cache file found.
1.1.2 - Monday 28 August 2006
- Refactored property handling.
1.1.1 - Monday 07 August 2006
- Updated tutorial with a new example.
1.1 - Monday 12 June 2006
- Fixed tests for Windows.
1.1rc1 - Monday 29 May 2006
- Fixed bug #8301: ezcCacheStorageFile::search and delete do not work with
identifiers containing slashes.
- Fixed bug #8359: Similar IDs lead to invalid data item count. ATTENTION:
This invalidates all cache items, which consists only of an ID. Please purge
these caches manually.
- Refactored to use the new ezcBaseOptions class.
1.1beta1 - Tuesday 09 May 2006
- Implemented feature request 7841: Added possibility to provide a TTL of
false to make cache items last endlessly.
1.0.1 - Monday 27 February 2006
- Fixed bug #7830: ezcCacheStorageFile::generateIdentifier is using HFS
directory separator (colon) in filename. It now uses a "=". Attention: This
invalidates all cache files when upgrading. You should purge the cache
1.0 - Monday 30 January 2006
- Fixed unreported bug: ezcCacheStorageFile::countDataItems() was intended to
return int (number of cache items matching certain criteria) but returned
1.0rc1 - Monday 16 January 2006
- Added value checks for options provided to ezcCacheStorage classes.
- Changed exception behavior. All errors will now throw a different exception
1.0beta2 - Friday 23 December 2005
- Changed method names:
* ezcCacheStorage::hasData() to countDataItems().
* ezcCacheStorage::remainingLifeTime() to getRemainingLifeTime().
- Fixed bug #7469: "Missing PHP closing tags in cache file".
1.0beta1 - Friday 25 November 2005
- Initial release of this package.