blob: 8ff6ce3f33de6f99a43c6b5619cdf99bdc8c0b27 [file] [log] [blame]
- Fixed issue #16867: Else condition is loaded wrong from XML file.
- Fixed the saving of data via execution data handlers.
1.4 - Monday 21 December 2009
- No changes.
1.4rc1 - Monday 07 December 2009
- No changes.
1.4beta1 - Monday 23 November 2009
- No changes.
1.4alpha1 - Monday 09 November 2009
- Fixed issue #14451: $workflow->nodes does not return all nodes.
- ezcWorkflowNodeSubWorkflow now passes the correct parent id to a child
- Increased compatibility with stricter MySQL server modes.
1.3.3 - Monday 11 May 2009
- Fixed issue #14754 and #14760: ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageXml does not
handle DOMText (whitespace) nodes properly.
1.3.2 - Monday 30 March 2009
- Fixed execution of ezcWorkflowNodeFinally nodes.
- Fixed issue #14437: id conflict possible in ezcWorkflowVisitorNodeCollector.
- ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageXml can now handle subclasses of
ezcWorkflowNodeStart, ezcWorkflowNodeEnd, and ezcWorkflowNodeFinally.
- The ezcWorkflow class now implements the Countable interface. count() invoked
for an ezcWorkflow object will return the number of nodes of the workflow.
- The ezcWorkflowExecution::loadFromVariableHandlers() and
ezcWorkflowExecution::saveToVariableHandlers() methods now pass the
ezcWorkflowExecution object to the ezcWorkflowVariableHandler::load() and
ezcWorkflowVariableHandler::save() methods.
1.3.1 - Monday 09 February 2009
- Fixed ezcWorkflowVisitorVisualization::__toString() for workflow variable
values with HTML entities.
1.3 - Monday 05 January 2009
- Changed the Loop node to allow more than two incoming and outgoing nodes.
1.3rc1 - Monday 15 December 2008
- No changes
1.3beta1 - Monday 01 December 2008
- Added RelaxNG grammar for the XML-based workflow definition language.
1.3alpha1 - Monday 10 November 2008
- Implemented ezcWorkflow::reset() to reset a workflow.
- Implemented issue #13182: ezcWorkflowNodeInput::execute() should check
variable conditions.
- Implemented issue #13204: Implement ezcWorkflowConditionInArray.
- Fixed issue #13467: Workflow Visualization missed end node.
- Fixed issue #13478: Canceling execution does not remove execution completely.
- Fixed a warning in ezcWorkflowExecution::unsetVariable().
1.2 - Monday 16 June 2008
- No changes.
1.2rc1 - Tuesday 10 June 2008
- No changes
1.2beta1 - Tuesday 27 May 2008
- Implemented issue #12694: Replace reflection test for class type with SPL
1.2alpha1 - Monday 07 April 2008
- Implemented issue #10941: Support for the Cancel Case workflow pattern. The
execution of a workflow can now be cancelled by either reaching a
ezcWorkflowNodeCancel node or by calling the cancel() node on an
ezcWorkflowExecution object. In either case, the execution is immediately
halted, already activated nodes will not be executed.
- Implemented issue #12404: Separate file i/o from XML processing in
- Implemented a plugin system that allows plugin developers to hook into
various extension points in the workflow execution engine.
- The visualization visitor can now show the current state of a workflow in
execution. This includes the highlighting of activated nodes as well as the
contents of the workflow variables.
- The new execution visualizer plugin (ezcWorkflowExecutionVisualizerPlugin)
uses the visualization visitor to create visualizations of each step of a
workflow execution.
1.1 - Monday 17 December 2007
- Added explicit calls to __toString() for PHP 5.1 compatiblity.
- Changed default value for the ezcWorkflowExecutionListener::notify() method's
$type argument from self::INFO to ezcWorkflowExecutionListener::INFO to work
around an issue in PHP 5.1's Reflection API that breaks the test suite.
1.1rc1 - Wednesday 05 December 2007
- Fixed issue #12144: Resuming from synchronization of parallel split fails.
1.1beta1 - Wednesday 28 November 2007
- Implemented issue #11862: Allow arrays to have automatically generated keys.
1.1alpha1 - Monday 29 October 2007
- Added ezcWorkflowNodeLoop class to conveniently express loops.
- Refactored the XML definition storage:
- DOM is now used for both the loading and saving of workflows (issue
- The marshalling of the node configuration is now handled in the individual
node classes. This makes it possible to have custom node classes handled by
the XML definition storage.
- Default node configurations are handled better now.
- Implemented issue #10883: Apply comparison conditions to two variables.
- Implemented issue #10918: Error messages when loading invalid XML.
- Implemented issue #10985: Mapping variables between parent and sub workflows.
- Implemented issue #11003: Add ELSE option to exclusive choice.
- Fixed issue #11068: Implement ezcWorkflowExecution::hasVariable().
1.0.1 - Monday 30 July 2007
- Fixed issue #11067: $execution->getVariable() throws an exeception if value
of variable is null.
- Fixed format string issue in ezcWorkflowExecution::endThread().
1.0 - Monday 02 July 2007
- Fixed an issue that is caused by a bug in PHP 5.2.1.
1.0rc1 - Monday 25 June 2007
- Fixed issue #10919: Input validation of all waiting variables before
throwing an exception.
- Fixed issue #10922: Resuming with execution ID.
- Fixed issue #10968: Allow service objects to suspend the workflow execution.
- Documentation updates and fixes.
1.0beta2 - Thursday 31 May 2007
- Fixed issue #10641: ezcWorkflowNodeVariableSet is not exported to XML
1.0beta1 - Monday 07 May 2007
- Initial release of this package.