blob: a8daf12408564f7c8bec58b71c5f3c002c26f031 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcLogFilterRule class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package EventLog
* @version //autogentag//
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* The ezcLogFilterRule is a rule that is added to the ezcLogFilterSet.
* This class binds the matching part of the filter rule together with a container.
* The container contains the value bound to the filter.
* {@link __construct()}
* @package EventLog
* @version //autogentag//
class ezcLogFilterRule
* The matching part of the ezcLogFilterRule
* @var ezcLogFilter
private $filter;
* Should continue to the next filter if this rule matches?
* @var bool
private $continueProcessing;
* The container that contains the result.
* @var array(mixed)
private $container;
* True if it matches all severities, otherwise false.
* @var bool
private $severityStar = false;
* True if it matches all sources, otherwise false.
* @var bool
private $sourceStar = false;
* True if it matches all categories, otherwise false.
* @var bool
private $categoryStar = false;
* Internal structure for faster lookup.
* @var array(string=>mixed)
private $structure;
* Creates an ezcLogFilterRule.
* The ezcLogFilter $filter is the matching part of this filter rule. See {@link get()}.
* The $container contains the value bound to the $filter, the result.
* If the filter matches, the boolean $continueProcessing indicates whether the next
* filter is processed.
* @param ezcLogFilter $filter
* @param mixed $container
* @param bool $continueProcessing
public function __construct( ezcLogFilter $filter, $container, $continueProcessing )
$this->filter = clone( $filter );
if ( $this->filter->severity == 0 )
$this->severityStar = true;
if ( sizeof( $this->filter->source ) == 0 )
$this->filter->source = array( "*" );
$this->sourceStar = true;
if ( sizeof( $this->filter->category ) == 0 )
$this->filter->category = array( "*" );
$this->categoryStar = true;
$this->continueProcessing = $continueProcessing;
$this->container = ( is_array( $container ) ? $container : array( $container ) );
* Creates an internal structure, to quickly lookup the combination of severity, source, and
* categories.
protected function createStructure()
$severities = $this->getMaskArray( $this->filter->severity );
if ( sizeof( $severities ) == 0 )
$severities = array( "*" );
foreach ( $severities as $severity )
foreach ( $this->filter->source as $source )
foreach ( $this->filter->category as $category )
$key = $severity . "_" . $source . "_" . $category;
$this->structure[ $key ] = true;
* Returns true when the given $severity, $source, and $category matches with this filter rule.
* @param int $severity
* @param string $source
* @param string $category
* @return bool
public function isMatch( $severity, $source, $category )
if ( $this->severityStar )
$severity = "*";
if ( $this->sourceStar )
$source = "*";
if ( $this->categoryStar )
$category = "*";
$key = $severity . "_" . $source . "_" . $category;
return ( isset( $this->structure[ $key ] ) && $this->structure[ $key ] );
* Returns the container, containing the result.
* @return mixed
public function getContainer()
return $this->container;
* Returns true if, after matching, should proceeded to the next filter rule.
* @return bool
public function shouldContinueProcessing()
return $this->continueProcessing;
* Returns the bits set in $mask as separate values in an array.
* @param int $mask
* @return array(int)
protected function getMaskArray( $mask )
$result = array();
$input = 1;
while ( $input <= $mask )
if ( $mask & $input )
$result[] = $input;
$input <<= 1;
return $result;