blob: a53e49f99816ed781eb71f08f28d7a4ea6f54e24 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcImageTransformation class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @see ezcImageConverter
* @package ImageConversion
* @version //autogentag//
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @filesource
* Provides transformations on images using filters and MIME conversions.
* Objects of this class group MIME type conversion and filtering of images
* into transformations of images. Transformations can be chained by referencing
* to another transformation so that multiple transformations will be produced
* after each other.
* <code>
* $filters = array(
* new ezcImageFilter( 'scaleDownByWidth',
* array(
* 'width' => 100
* )
* ),
* new ezcImageFilter( 'crop',
* array(
* 'x' => 0,
* 'y' => 0,
* 'width' => 100,
* 'height' => 100,
* )
* ),
* );
* $mimeTypes = array( 'image/jpeg', 'image/png' );
* // ezcImageTransformation object returned for further manipulation
* $thumbnail = $converter->createTransformation(
* 'thumbnail',
* $filters,
* $mimeTypes
* );
* $converter->transform( 'thumbnail', 'var/storage/myOriginal1.jpg',
* 'var/storage/myThumbnail1' ); // res: image/jpeg
* $converter->transform( 'thumbnail', 'var/storage/myOriginal2.png',
* 'var/storage/myThumbnail2' ); // res: image/png
* $converter->transform( 'thumbnail', 'var/storage/myOriginal3.gif',
* 'var/storage/myThumbnail3' ); // res: image/.png
* // Animated GIF, will simply be copied!
* $converter->transform( 'thumbnail', 'var/storage/myOriginal4.gif',
* 'var/storage/myThumbnail4' ); // res: image/gif
* </code>
* @see ezcImageConverter
* @package ImageConversion
* @version //autogentag//
class ezcImageTransformation
* Array of MIME types allowed as output for this transformation.
* Leave empty, for all MIME types to be allowed.
* @var array(string)
protected $mimeOut;
* Stores the filters utilized by a transformation.
* @var array(ezcImageFilter)
protected $filters;
* Stores the name of this transformation.
* @var string
protected $name;
* The ezcImageConverter
* @var ezcImageConverter
protected $converter;
* The handler last used for filtering.
* @var ezcImageHandler
protected $lastHandler;
* Options for the final save step.
* @var ezcSaveOptions
protected $saveOptions;
* Initialize transformation.
* @param ezcImageConverter $converter The global converter.
* @param string $name Name for the transformation.
* @param array(ezcImageFilter) $filters Filters to apply.
* @param array(string) $mimeOut Output MIME types.
* @param ezcImageSaveOptions $saveOptions Options for saving images.
* @throws ezcImageFiltersException
* On invalid filter or filter settings error.
* @throws ezcImageMimeTypeUnsupportedException
* If the output type is unsupported.
public function __construct( ezcImageConverter $converter, $name, array $filters = array(), array $mimeOut = array(), ezcImageSaveOptions $saveOptions = null )
$this->converter = $converter;
$this->name = $name;
$this->setFilters( $filters );
$this->setMimeOut( $mimeOut );
$this->setSaveOptions( $saveOptions !== null ? $saveOptions : new ezcImageSaveOptions() );
* Add a filter to the conversion.
* Adds a filter with the specific settings. Filters can be added either
* before an existing filter or at the end (leave out $before parameter).
* @param ezcImageFilter $filter The filter definition.
* @param int $before Where to add the filter
* @return void
* @throws ezcImageFilterNotAvailableException
* If the given filter is not available.
public function addFilter( ezcImageFilter $filter, $before = null )
if ( $this->converter->hasFilter( $filter->name ) === false )
throw new ezcImageFilterNotAvailableException( $filter->name );
if ( isset( $before ) && isset( $this->filters[$before] ) )
array_splice( $this->filters, $before, 0, array( $filter ) );
$this->filters[] = $filter;
* Determine output MIME type
* Returns the MIME type that the transformation will output.
* @param string $fileIn File that should deal as input for the transformation.
* @param string $mimeIn Specify the MIME type, so method does not need to.
* @return string MIME type the transformation will output.
* @throws ezcImageAnalyzerException If the input type is unsupported.
public function getOutMime( $fileIn, $mimeIn = null )
if ( !isset( $mimeIn ) )
$analyzer = new ezcImageAnalyzer( $fileIn );
$mimeIn = $analyzer->mime;
$mimeOut = $this->converter->getMimeOut( $mimeIn );
// Is output type allowed by this transformation? Else use first allowed one...
return in_array( $mimeOut, $this->mimeOut ) ? $mimeOut : reset( $this->mimeOut );
* Apply the given filters for the transformation.
* Applies the conversion as defined to the given file and saves it as
* defined.
* @param string $fileIn The file to transform.
* @param string $fileOut The file to save the transformed image to.
* @return void
* @throws ezcImageTransformationException If an error occurs during the
* transformation. The returned exception contains the exception
* the problem resulted from in it's public $parent attribute.
* @throws ezcBaseFileNotFoundException If the file you are trying to
* transform does not exists.
* @throws ezcBaseFilePermissionException If the file you are trying to
* transform is not readable.
public function transform( $fileIn, $fileOut )
// Sanity checks
if ( !is_file( $fileIn ) )
throw new ezcBaseFileNotFoundException( $fileIn );
if ( !is_readable( $fileIn ) )
throw new ezcBaseFilePermissionException( $fileIn, ezcBaseFileException::READ );
// Start atomic file operation
$fileTmp = tempnam( dirname( $fileOut ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '.'. basename( $fileOut ) );
copy( $fileIn, $fileTmp );
// MIME types
$analyzer = new ezcImageAnalyzer( $fileTmp );
// Do not process animated GIFs
if ( $analyzer->data->isAnimated )
copy( $fileTmp, $fileOut );
unlink( $fileTmp );
$mimeIn = $analyzer->mime;
catch ( ezcImageAnalyzerException $e )
// Clean up
unlink( $fileTmp );
// Rethrow
throw new ezcImageTransformationException( $e );
$outMime = $this->getOutMime( $fileTmp, $mimeIn );
$ref = '';
// Catch exceptions for cleanup
// Apply the filters
foreach ( $this->filters as $filter )
// Avoid reopening in same handler
if ( isset( $this->lastHandler ) )
if ( $this->lastHandler->hasFilter( $filter->name ) )
$this->lastHandler->applyFilter( $ref, $filter );
// Handler does not support filter, save file
$this->lastHandler->save( $ref );
$this->lastHandler->close( $ref );
// Get handler to perform filter correctly
$this->lastHandler = $this->converter->getHandler( $filter->name, $mimeIn );
$ref = $this->lastHandler->load( $fileTmp, $mimeIn );
$this->lastHandler->applyFilter( $ref, $filter );
// When no filters are performed by a transformation, we might have no last handler here
if ( !isset( $this->lastHandler ) )
$this->lastHandler = $this->converter->getHandler( null, $mimeIn, $outMime );
$ref = $this->lastHandler->load( $fileTmp, $mimeIn );
// Perform conversion
if ( $this->lastHandler->allowsOutput( ( $outMime ) ) )
$this->lastHandler->convert( $ref, $outMime );
// Close in last handler
$this->lastHandler->save( $ref );
$this->lastHandler->close( $ref );
// Destroy invalid reference (has been closed)
$ref = null;
// Retreive correct handler
$this->lastHandler = $this->converter->getHandler( null, $mimeIn, $outMime );
// Load in new handler
$ref = $this->lastHandler->load( $fileTmp );
// Perform conversion
$this->lastHandler->convert( $ref, $outMime );
// Everything done, save and close
$this->lastHandler->save( $ref, null, null, $this->saveOptions );
$this->lastHandler->close( $ref );
catch ( ezcImageException $e )
// Cleanup
if ( $ref !== null )
$this->lastHandler->close( $ref );
if ( file_exists( $fileTmp ) )
unlink( $fileTmp );
$this->lastHandler = null;
// Rethrow
throw new ezcImageTransformationException( $e );
// Cleanup
$this->lastHandler = null;
// Finalize atomic file operation
if ( ezcBaseFeatures::os() === 'Windows' && file_exists( $fileOut ) )
// Windows does not allows overwriting files using rename,
// therefore the file is unlinked here first.
if ( unlink( $fileOut ) === false )
// Cleanup
unlink( $fileTmp );
throw new ezcImageFileNotProcessableException( $fileOut, 'The file exists and could not be unlinked.' );
if ( @rename( $fileTmp, $fileOut ) === false )
unlink( $fileTmp );
throw new ezcImageFileNotProcessableException( $fileOut, "The temporary file {$fileTmp} could not be renamed to {$fileOut}." );
* Set the filters for this transformation.
* Checks if the filters defined are available and saves them to the created
* transformation if everything is okay.
* @param array(ezcImageFilter) $filters Array of {@link ezcImageFilter filter objects}.
* @return void
* @throws ezcImageFilterNotAvailableException
* If a filter is not available.
* @throws ezcBaseFileException
* If the filter array contains invalid object entries.
protected function setFilters( array $filters )
foreach ( $filters as $id => $filter )
if ( !$filter instanceof ezcImageFilter )
throw new ezcBaseSettingValueException( 'filters', 'array( int => ' . get_class( $filter ) . ' )', 'array( int => ezcImageFilter )' );
if ( !$this->converter->hasFilter( $filter->name ) )
throw new ezcImageFilterNotAvailableException( $filter->name );
$this->filters = $filters;
* Sets the MIME types which are allowed for output.
* @param array $mime MIME types to allow output for.
* @return void
* @throws ezcImageMimeTypeUnsupportedException
* If the MIME types cannot be used as output of any of the
* handlers in the converter.
protected function setMimeOut( array $mime )
foreach ( $mime as $mimeType )
if ( !$this->converter->allowsOutput( $mimeType ) )
throw new ezcImageMimeTypeUnsupportedException( $mimeType, 'output' );
$this->mimeOut = $mime;
* Sets the save options.
* Sets the save options, that are used for the final save step of the
* transformation.
* {@link ezcImageSaveOptions}
* @param ezcImageSaveOptions $options Save options.
* @return void
public function setSaveOptions( ezcImageSaveOptions $options )
$this->saveOptions = $options;