blob: 0f8743af999bf586b1bd56abd00ab0f438d3afca [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcWorkflowVisitorVisualization class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Workflow
* @version //autogen//
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* An implementation of the ezcWorkflowVisitor interface that
* generates GraphViz/dot markup for a workflow definition.
* <code>
* <?php
* $visitor = new ezcWorkflowVisitorVisualization;
* $workflow->accept( $visitor );
* print $visitor;
* ?>
* </code>
* @property ezcWorkflowVisitorVisualizationOptions $options
* @package Workflow
* @version //autogen//
class ezcWorkflowVisitorVisualization extends ezcWorkflowVisitor
* Holds the displayed strings for each of the nodes.
* @var array(string => string)
protected $nodes = array();
* Holds all the edges of the graph.
* @var array( id => array( ezcWorkflowNode ) )
protected $edges = array();
* Holds the name of the workflow.
* @var string
protected $workflowName = 'Workflow';
* Properties.
* @var array(string=>mixed)
protected $properties = array();
* Constructor.
public function __construct()
$this->options = new ezcWorkflowVisitorVisualizationOptions;
* Property get access.
* @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException
* If the given property could not be found.
* @param string $propertyName
* @ignore
public function __get( $propertyName )
if ( $this->__isset( $propertyName ) )
return $this->properties[$propertyName];
throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $propertyName );
* Property set access.
* @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException
* @param string $propertyName
* @param string $propertyValue
* @ignore
public function __set( $propertyName, $propertyValue )
switch ( $propertyName )
case 'options':
if ( !( $propertyValue instanceof ezcWorkflowVisitorVisualizationOptions ) )
throw new ezcBaseValueException(
throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $propertyName );
$this->properties[$propertyName] = $propertyValue;
* Property isset access.
* @param string $propertyName
* @return bool
* @ignore
public function __isset( $propertyName )
return array_key_exists( $propertyName, $this->properties );
* Perform the visit.
* @param ezcWorkflowVisitable $visitable
protected function doVisit( ezcWorkflowVisitable $visitable )
if ( $visitable instanceof ezcWorkflow )
$this->workflowName = $visitable->name;
// The following line of code is not a no-op. It triggers the
// ezcWorkflow::__get() method, thus initializing the respective
// ezcWorkflowVisitorNodeCollector object.
if ( $visitable instanceof ezcWorkflowNode )
$id = $visitable->getId();
if ( in_array( $id, $this->options['highlightedNodes'] ) )
$color = $this->options['colorHighlighted'];
$color = $this->options['colorNormal'];
if ( !isset( $this->nodes[$id] ) )
$this->nodes[$id] = array(
'label' => (string)$visitable,
'color' => $color
$outNodes = array();
foreach ( $visitable->getOutNodes() as $outNode )
$label = '';
if ( $visitable instanceof ezcWorkflowNodeConditionalBranch )
$condition = $visitable->getCondition( $outNode );
if ( $condition !== false )
$label = ' [label="' . $condition . '"]';
$outNodes[] = array( $outNode->getId(), $label );
$this->edges[$id] = $outNodes;
* Returns a the contents of a graphviz .dot file.
* @return boolean
* @ignore
public function __toString()
$dot = 'digraph ' . $this->workflowName . " {\n";
foreach ( $this->nodes as $key => $data )
$dot .= sprintf(
"node%s [label=\"%s\", color=\"%s\"]\n",
$dot .= "\n";
foreach ( $this->edges as $fromNode => $toNodes )
foreach ( $toNodes as $toNode )
$dot .= sprintf(
"node%s -> node%s%s\n",
if ( !empty( $this->options['workflowVariables'] ) )
$dot .= 'variables [shape=none, label=<<table>';
foreach ( $this->options['workflowVariables'] as $name => $value )
$dot .= sprintf(
htmlspecialchars( ezcWorkflowUtil::variableToString( $value ) )
$dot .= "</table>>]\n";
return $dot . "}\n";