blob: beb13b4c9c965838a78e0b7972b7a0e69188bc18 [file] [log] [blame]
1.1.1 - Monday 16 June 2008
- Implemented issue #12694: Replace reflection test for class type with SPL
1.1 - Monday 17 December 2007
- No changes.
1.1beta1 - Wednesday 28 November 2007
- No changes.
1.1alpha1 - Monday 12 November 2007
- Implemented change #10677: Removed the throwing of an exception of the
execution mechamisn was not initialized.
1.0.4 - Monday 25 June 2007
- Documentation updates and fixes.
1.0.3 - Monday 07 May 2007
- Fixed issue #010108: Grammar in default Execution error message needs
1.0.2 - Monday 18 December 2006
- Fixed issue #9819: Let all components deal with the ezcBaseAutoloadException
1.0.1 - Monday 28 August 2006
- Documentation updates.
1.0 - Monday 30 January 2006
- Fixed an unreported bug where in the case of an uncaught exception the error
handler's onError() method would be called twice.
1.0rc1 - Monday 16 January 2006
- Changed exception behavior. All errors will now throw a different exception
1.0beta2 - Wednesday 21 December 2005
- Changed default error message in ezcExecutionBasicErrorHandler to be more
1.0beta1 - Tuesday 22 November 2005
- Initial release of this package.