blob: c0b58e6d519e288e53f02b180b67125f198722e8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @filesource
* @package AuthenticationDatabaseTiein
* @version //autogentag//
* @subpackage Tests
include_once( 'AuthenticationDatabaseTiein/tests/test.php' );
* @package AuthenticationDatabaseTiein
* @version //autogentag//
* @subpackage Tests
class ezcAuthenticationDatabaseTest extends ezcAuthenticationDatabaseTieinTest
public static $table = 'authusers';
public static $fieldId = 'uniqueid';
public static $fieldUser = 'username';
public static $fieldPassword = 'pass';
public static $fieldName = 'name';
public static $fieldCountry = 'country';
public static function suite()
return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( "ezcAuthenticationDatabaseTest" );
public function setUp()
$this->db = ezcDbInstance::get();
if ( $this->db === false )
$this->markTestSkipped( "You must provide a database to runtests.php." );
$tables = array( self::$table => new ezcDbSchemaTable(
array (
self::$fieldId => new ezcDbSchemaField( 'integer', false, true, null, true ),
self::$fieldUser => new ezcDbSchemaField( 'text', 32, true ),
self::$fieldPassword => new ezcDbSchemaField( 'text', 64, true ),
self::$fieldName => new ezcDbSchemaField( 'text', 64, true ),
self::$fieldCountry => new ezcDbSchemaField( 'text', 32, true )
array (
self::$fieldUser => new ezcDbSchemaIndex( array ( self::$fieldUser => new ezcDbSchemaIndexField() ), false, false ),
) ) );
$schema = new ezcDbSchema( $tables );
$schema->writeToDb( $this->db );
catch ( Exception $e )
// Oracle seems to skip every other test if the next line is enabled
// $this->markTestSkipped( "Cannot create test table '" . self::$table . "'. " . $e->getMessage() );
if ( !isset( $this->db ) )
$this->markTestSkipped( "You must provide a database to runtests.php. Run runtests.php --help to see how to specify a database." );
$query = new ezcQueryInsert( $this->db );
$query->insertInto( $this->db->quoteIdentifier( self::$table ) )
->set( $this->db->quoteIdentifier( self::$fieldId ), $query->bindValue( '1' ) )
->set( $this->db->quoteIdentifier( self::$fieldUser ), $query->bindValue( 'jan.modaal' ) )
->set( $this->db->quoteIdentifier( self::$fieldPassword ), $query->bindValue( sha1( 'qwerty' ) ) )
->set( $this->db->quoteIdentifier( self::$fieldName ), $query->bindValue( 'Jan Modaal' ) )
->set( $this->db->quoteIdentifier( self::$fieldCountry ), $query->bindValue( 'NL' ) );
$stmt = $query->prepare();
$query = new ezcQueryInsert( $this->db );
$query->insertInto( $this->db->quoteIdentifier( self::$table ) )
->set( $this->db->quoteIdentifier( self::$fieldId ), $query->bindValue( '2' ) )
->set( $this->db->quoteIdentifier( self::$fieldUser ), $query->bindValue( 'john.doe' ) )
->set( $this->db->quoteIdentifier( self::$fieldPassword ), $query->bindValue( crypt( 'foobar', 'jo' ) ) )
->set( $this->db->quoteIdentifier( self::$fieldName ), $query->bindValue( 'John Doe' ) )
->set( $this->db->quoteIdentifier( self::$fieldCountry ), $query->bindValue( 'US' ) );
$stmt = $query->prepare();
$query = new ezcQueryInsert( $this->db );
$query->insertInto( $this->db->quoteIdentifier( self::$table ) )
->set( $this->db->quoteIdentifier( self::$fieldId ), $query->bindValue( '3' ) )
->set( $this->db->quoteIdentifier( self::$fieldUser ), $query->bindValue( 'zhang.san' ) )
->set( $this->db->quoteIdentifier( self::$fieldPassword ), $query->bindValue( md5( 'asdfgh' ) ) )
->set( $this->db->quoteIdentifier( self::$fieldName ), $query->bindValue( 'Zhang San' ) )
->set( $this->db->quoteIdentifier( self::$fieldCountry ), $query->bindValue( 'CN' ) );
$stmt = $query->prepare();
$query = new ezcQueryInsert( $this->db );
$query->insertInto( $this->db->quoteIdentifier( self::$table ) )
->set( $this->db->quoteIdentifier( self::$fieldId ), $query->bindValue( '4' ) )
->set( $this->db->quoteIdentifier( self::$fieldUser ), $query->bindValue( 'hans.mustermann' ) )
->set( $this->db->quoteIdentifier( self::$fieldPassword ), $query->bindValue( 'abcdef' ) )
->set( $this->db->quoteIdentifier( self::$fieldName ), $query->bindValue( 'Hans Mustermann' ) )
->set( $this->db->quoteIdentifier( self::$fieldCountry ), $query->bindValue( 'DE' ) );
$stmt = $query->prepare();
catch ( Exception $e )
$this->markTestSkipped( "Cannot insert test values into table '" . self::$table . "'. " . $e->getMessage() );
public function tearDown()
$this->db->exec( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this->db->quoteIdentifier( self::$table ) );
public function testDatabasePasswordNull()
$credentials = new ezcAuthenticationPasswordCredentials( 'jan.modaal', null );
$database = new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseInfo( $this->db, self::$table, array( self::$fieldUser, self::$fieldPassword ) );
$authentication = new ezcAuthentication( $credentials );
$authentication->addFilter( new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseFilter( $database ) );
$this->assertEquals( false, $authentication->run() );
public function testDatabaseSha1Correct()
$credentials = new ezcAuthenticationPasswordCredentials( 'jan.modaal', 'b1b3773a05c0ed0176787a4f1574ff0075f7521e' );
$database = new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseInfo( $this->db, self::$table, array( self::$fieldUser, self::$fieldPassword ) );
$authentication = new ezcAuthentication( $credentials );
$authentication->addFilter( new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseFilter( $database ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, $authentication->run() );
public function testDatabaseSha1Fail()
$credentials = new ezcAuthenticationPasswordCredentials( 'jan.modaal', 'wrong password' );
$database = new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseInfo( $this->db, self::$table, array( self::$fieldUser, self::$fieldPassword ) );
$authentication = new ezcAuthentication( $credentials );
$authentication->addFilter( new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseFilter( $database ) );
$this->assertEquals( false, $authentication->run() );
public function testDatabaseCryptCorrect()
$credentials = new ezcAuthenticationPasswordCredentials( 'john.doe', 'joB9EZ4O1cXDk' );
$database = new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseInfo( $this->db, self::$table, array( self::$fieldUser, self::$fieldPassword ) );
$authentication = new ezcAuthentication( $credentials );
$authentication->addFilter( new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseFilter( $database ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, $authentication->run() );
public function testDatabaseCryptFail()
$credentials = new ezcAuthenticationPasswordCredentials( 'john.doe', 'wrong password' );
$database = new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseInfo( $this->db, self::$table, array( self::$fieldUser, self::$fieldPassword ) );
$authentication = new ezcAuthentication( $credentials );
$authentication->addFilter( new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseFilter( $database ) );
$this->assertEquals( false, $authentication->run() );
public function testDatabaseMd5Correct()
$credentials = new ezcAuthenticationPasswordCredentials( 'zhang.san', 'a152e841783914146e4bcd4f39100686' );
$database = new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseInfo( $this->db, self::$table, array( self::$fieldUser, self::$fieldPassword ) );
$authentication = new ezcAuthentication( $credentials );
$authentication->addFilter( new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseFilter( $database ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, $authentication->run() );
public function testDatabaseMd5Fail()
$credentials = new ezcAuthenticationPasswordCredentials( 'zhang.san', 'wrong password' );
$database = new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseInfo( $this->db, self::$table, array( self::$fieldUser, self::$fieldPassword ) );
$authentication = new ezcAuthentication( $credentials );
$authentication->addFilter( new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseFilter( $database ) );
$this->assertEquals( false, $authentication->run() );
public function testDatabasePlainCorrect()
$credentials = new ezcAuthenticationPasswordCredentials( 'hans.mustermann', 'abcdef' );
$database = new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseInfo( $this->db, self::$table, array( self::$fieldUser, self::$fieldPassword ) );
$authentication = new ezcAuthentication( $credentials );
$authentication->addFilter( new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseFilter( $database ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, $authentication->run() );
public function testDatabasePlainFail()
$credentials = new ezcAuthenticationPasswordCredentials( 'hans.mustermann', 'wrong password' );
$database = new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseInfo( $this->db, self::$table, array( self::$fieldUser, self::$fieldPassword ) );
$authentication = new ezcAuthentication( $credentials );
$authentication->addFilter( new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseFilter( $database ) );
$this->assertEquals( false, $authentication->run() );
public function testDatabasePlainFailIncorrectUsername()
$credentials = new ezcAuthenticationPasswordCredentials( 'no such user', 'wrong password' );
$database = new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseInfo( $this->db, self::$table, array( self::$fieldUser, self::$fieldPassword ) );
$authentication = new ezcAuthentication( $credentials );
$authentication->addFilter( new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseFilter( $database ) );
$this->assertEquals( false, $authentication->run() );
public function testDatabaseFetchData()
$credentials = new ezcAuthenticationPasswordCredentials( 'john.doe', 'joB9EZ4O1cXDk' );
$database = new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseInfo( $this->db, self::$table, array( self::$fieldUser, self::$fieldPassword ) );
$authentication = new ezcAuthentication( $credentials );
$filter = new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseFilter( $database );
$filter->registerFetchData( array( 'name', 'country' ) );
$authentication->addFilter( $filter );
$this->assertEquals( true, $authentication->run() );
$expected = array( 'name' => array( 'John Doe' ),
'country' => array( 'US' )
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $filter->fetchData() );
public function testDatabaseInfo()
$database = ezcAuthenticationDatabaseInfo::__set_state( array( 'instance' => $this->db, 'table' => self::$table, 'fields' => array( self::$fieldUser, self::$fieldPassword ) ) );
$this->assertEquals( $this->db, $database->instance );
$this->assertEquals( self::$table, $database->table );
$this->assertEquals( array( self::$fieldUser, self::$fieldPassword ), $database->fields );
public function testDatabaseOptions()
$options = new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseOptions();
$this->missingPropertyTest( $options, 'no_such_option' );
public function testDatabaseOptionsGetSet()
$options = new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseOptions();
$database = new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseInfo( $this->db, self::$table, array( self::$fieldUser, self::$fieldPassword ) );
$filter = new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseFilter( $database );
$filter->setOptions( $options );
$this->assertEquals( $options, $filter->getOptions() );
public function testDatabaseProperties()
$database = new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseInfo( $this->db, self::$table, array( self::$fieldUser, self::$fieldPassword ) );
$filter = new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseFilter( $database );
$this->invalidPropertyTest( $filter, 'database', 'wrong value', 'ezcAuthenticationDatabaseInfo' );
$this->missingPropertyTest( $filter, 'no_such_property' );
public function testDatabasePropertiesIsSet()
$database = new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseInfo( $this->db, self::$table, array( self::$fieldUser, self::$fieldPassword ) );
$filter = new ezcAuthenticationDatabaseFilter( $database );
$this->issetPropertyTest( $filter, 'database', true );
$this->issetPropertyTest( $filter, 'no_such_property', false );