blob: ca2cfcb64fe510102428f9024bf425c4a977c4c2 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcMailPop3Transport class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Mail
* @version //autogen//
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* The class ezcMailPop3Transport implements functionality for handling POP3
* mail servers.
* The implementation supports most of the commands specified in:
* - {@link} (POP3)
* - {@link} (POP3 AUTH)
* The POP3 server can be in different states. Most POP3 commands require
* that a connection is established and a user is authenticated.
* The POP3 transport class allows developers to interface with a POP3 server.
* Basic commands:
* - connect to a POP3 server ({@link __construct()})
* - authenticate a user with a username and password ({@link authenticate()})
* - disconnect from the POP3 server ({@link disconnect()})
* Work with message numbers:
* - get the message numbers and sizes of all the messages ({@link listMessages()})
* - get the message numbers and IDs of all the messages ({@link listUniqueIdentifiers()})
* - get the headers of a certain message ({@link top()})
* - delete a message ({@link delete()})
* Work with ezcMailPop3Set sets (parseable with ezcMailParser):
* - create a set from all messages ({@link fetchAll()})
* - create a set from a certain message ({@link fetchByMessageNr()})
* - create a set from a range of messages ({@link fetchFromOffset()})
* Miscellaneous commands:
* - get the status of messages on the server ({@link status()})
* - issue a NOOP command to keep the connection alive ({@link noop()})
* The usual operation with a POP3 server is illustrated by this example:
* <code>
* // create a new POP3 transport object by specifying the server name, optional
* // port and optional SSL mode
* $options = new ezcMailPop3TransportOptions();
* $options->ssl = true;
* $pop3 = new ezcMailPop3Transport( '', null, $options );
* // Authenticate to the POP3 server
* $pop3->authenticate( 'username', 'password' );
* // issue commands to the POP3 server
* // for example get the headers of the first message, which can be
* // parsed with ezcMailVariableSet and ezcMailParser
* $headers = $pop3->top( 1 );
* // see the above list of commands or consult the online documentation for
* // the full list of commands you can issue to an POP3 server and examples
* // disconnect from the POP3 server
* $pop3->disconnect();
* </code>
* See {@link ezcMailPop3TransportOptions} for options you can specify for POP3.
* @todo ignore messages of a certain size?
* @todo // support for signing?
* @property ezcMailPop3TransportOptions $options
* Holds the options you can set to the POP3 transport.
* @package Mail
* @version //autogen//
* @mainclass
class ezcMailPop3Transport
* Internal state set when the POP3 transport is not connected to a server.
* @access private
* Internal state set when the POP3 transport is connected to the server
* but no successful authentication has been performed.
* @access private
* Internal state set when the POP3 transport is connected to the server
* and authenticated.
* @access private
* Internal state set when the QUIT command has been issued to the POP3 server
* but before the disconnect has taken place.
* @access private
const STATE_UPDATE = 4;
* Plain text authorization.
const AUTH_PLAIN_TEXT = 1;
* APOP authorization.
const AUTH_APOP = 2;
* Holds the connection state.
* $var int {@link STATE_NOT_CONNECTED},
* {@link STATE_UPDATE}.
protected $state = self::STATE_NOT_CONNECTED;
* The connection to the POP3 server.
* @var ezcMailTransportConnection
protected $connection = null;
* Holds the initial greeting from the POP3 server when connecting.
* @var string
protected $greeting = null;
* Options for a POP3 transport connection.
* @var ezcMailPop3TransportOptions
private $options;
* Creates a new POP3 transport and connects to the $server at $port.
* You can specify the $port if the POP3 server is not on the default
* port 995 (for SSL connections) or 110 (for plain connections). Use the
* $options parameter to specify an SSL connection.
* For options you can specify for POP3 see {@link ezcMailPop3TransportOptions}.
* Example of creating a POP3 transport:
* <code>
* // replace with your POP3 server address
* $pop3 = new ezcMailPop3Transport( '' );
* // if you want to use SSL:
* $options = new ezcMailPop3TransportOptions();
* $options->ssl = true;
* $pop3 = new ezcMailPop3Transport( '', null, $options );
* </code>
* @throws ezcMailTransportException
* if it was not possible to connect to the server
* @throws ezcBaseExtensionNotFoundException
* if trying to use SSL and the extension openssl is not installed
* @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException
* if $options contains a property not defined
* @throws ezcBaseValueException
* if $options contains a property with a value not allowed
* @param string $server
* @param int $port
* @param ezcMailPop3TransportOptions|array(string=>mixed) $options
public function __construct( $server, $port = null, $options = array() )
if ( $options instanceof ezcMailPop3TransportOptions )
$this->options = $options;
else if ( is_array( $options ) )
$this->options = new ezcMailPop3TransportOptions( $options );
throw new ezcBaseValueException( "options", $options, "ezcMailPop3TransportOptions|array" );
if ( $port === null )
$port = ( $this->options->ssl === true ) ? 995 : 110;
$this->connection = new ezcMailTransportConnection( $server, $port, $this->options );
$this->greeting = $this->connection->getLine();
if ( !$this->isPositiveResponse( $this->greeting ) )
throw new ezcMailTransportException( "The connection to the POP3 server is ok, but a negative response from server was received: '{$this->greeting}'. Try again later." );
$this->state = self::STATE_AUTHORIZATION;
* Destructs the POP3 transport object.
* If there is an open connection to the POP3 server it is closed.
public function __destruct()
if ( $this->state != self::STATE_NOT_CONNECTED )
$this->connection->sendData( 'QUIT' );
$this->connection->getLine(); // discard
catch ( ezcMailTransportException $e )
// Ignore occuring transport exceptions.
* Sets the value of the property $name to $value.
* @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException
* if the property $name does not exist
* @throws ezcBaseValueException
* if $value is not accepted for the property $name
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $value
* @ignore
public function __set( $name, $value )
switch ( $name )
case 'options':
if ( !( $value instanceof ezcMailPop3TransportOptions ) )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( 'options', $value, 'instanceof ezcMailPop3TransportOptions' );
$this->options = $value;
throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $name );
* Returns the value of the property $name.
* @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException
* if the property $name does not exist
* @param string $name
* @return mixed
* @ignore
public function __get( $name )
switch ( $name )
case 'options':
return $this->options;
throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $name );
* Returns true if the property $name is set, otherwise false.
* @param string $name
* @return bool
* @ignore
public function __isset( $name )
switch ( $name )
case 'options':
return true;
return false;
* Disconnects the transport from the POP3 server.
public function disconnect()
if ( $this->state != self::STATE_NOT_CONNECTED )
$this->connection->sendData( 'QUIT' );
$this->connection->getLine(); // discard
$this->state = self::STATE_UPDATE;
$this->connection = null;
$this->state = self::STATE_NOT_CONNECTED;
* Authenticates the user to the POP3 server with $user and $password.
* You can choose the authentication method with the $method parameter.
* The default is to use plaintext username and password (specified in the
* ezcMailPop3TransportOptions class).
* This method should be called directly after the construction of this
* object.
* Example:
* <code>
* // replace with your POP3 server address
* $pop3 = new ezcMailPop3Transport( '' );
* // replace the values with your username and password for the POP3 server
* $pop3->authenticate( 'username', 'password' );
* </code>
* @throws ezcMailTransportException
* if there is no connection to the server
* or if already authenticated
* or if the authentication method is not accepted by the server
* or if the provided username/password combination did not work
* @param string $user
* @param string $password
* @param int $method
public function authenticate( $user, $password, $method = null )
if ( $this->state != self::STATE_AUTHORIZATION )
throw new ezcMailTransportException( "Tried to authenticate when there was no connection or when already authenticated." );
if ( is_null( $method ) )
$method = $this->options->authenticationMethod;
if ( $method == self::AUTH_PLAIN_TEXT ) // normal plain text login
// authenticate ourselves
$this->connection->sendData( "USER {$user}" );
$response = $this->connection->getLine();
if ( !$this->isPositiveResponse( $response ) )
throw new ezcMailTransportException( "The POP3 server did not accept the username: {$response}." );
$this->connection->sendData( "PASS {$password}" );
$response = $this->connection->getLine();
if ( !$this->isPositiveResponse( $response ) )
throw new ezcMailTransportException( "The POP3 server did not accept the password: {$response}." );
else if ( $method == self::AUTH_APOP ) // APOP login
// fetch the timestamp from the greeting
$timestamp = '';
preg_match( '/.*(<.*>).*/',
$timestamp );
// check if there was a greeting. If not, apop is not supported
if ( count( $timestamp ) < 2 )
throw new ezcMailTransportException( "The POP3 server did not accept the APOP login: No greeting." );
$hash = md5( $timestamp[1] . $password );
$this->connection->sendData( "APOP {$user} {$hash}" );
$response = $this->connection->getLine();
if ( !$this->isPositiveResponse( $response ) )
throw new ezcMailTransportException( "The POP3 server did not accept the APOP login: {$response}." );
throw new ezcMailTransportException( "Invalid authentication method provided." );
$this->state = self::STATE_TRANSACTION;
* Returns an array of the message numbers on the server and the size of the
* messages in bytes.
* The format of the returned array is:
* <code>
* array( message_id => message_size );
* </code>
* Example:
* <code>
* array( 2 => 1700, 5 => 1450, 6 => 21043 );
* </code>
* Before calling this method, a connection to the POP3 server must be
* established and a user must be authenticated successfully.
* @throws ezcMailTransportException
* if there was no connection to the server
* or if not authenticated
* or if the server sent a negative response
* @return array(int)
public function listMessages()
if ( $this->state != self::STATE_TRANSACTION )
throw new ezcMailTransportException( "Can't call listMessages() on the POP3 transport when not successfully logged in." );
// send the command
$this->connection->sendData( "LIST" );
$response = $this->connection->getLine();
if ( !$this->isPositiveResponse( $response ) )
throw new ezcMailTransportException( "The POP3 server sent a negative response to the LIST command: {$response}." );
// fetch the data from the server and prepare it to be returned.
$messages = array();
while ( ( $response = $this->connection->getLine( true ) ) !== "." )
list( $num, $size ) = explode( ' ', $response );
$messages[$num] = $size;
return $messages;
* Returns the unique identifiers for messages on the POP3 server.
* You can fetch the unique identifier for a specific message by providing
* the $msgNum parameter.
* The unique identifier can be used to recognize mail from servers
* between requests. In contrast to the message numbers the unique numbers
* assigned to an email usually never changes.
* Note: POP3 servers are not required to support this command and it may fail.
* The format of the returned array is:
* <code>
* array( message_num => unique_id );
* </code>
* Before calling this method, a connection to the POP3 server must be
* established and a user must be authenticated successfully.
* Example:
* <code>
* array( 1 => '000001fc4420e93a', 2 => '000001fd4420e93a' );
* </code>
* @throws ezcMailTransportException
* if there was no connection to the server
* or if not authenticated
* or if the server sent a negative response
* @param int $msgNum
* @return array(string)
public function listUniqueIdentifiers( $msgNum = null )
if ( $this->state != self::STATE_TRANSACTION )
throw new ezcMailTransportException( "Can't call ListUniqueIdentifiers() on the POP3 transport when not successfully logged in." );
// send the command
$result = array();
if ( $msgNum !== null )
$this->connection->sendData( "UIDL {$msgNum}" );
$response = $this->connection->getLine( true );
if ( $this->isPositiveResponse( $response ) )
// get the single response line from the server
list( $dummy, $num, $id ) = explode( ' ', $response );
$result[(int)$num] = $id;
throw new ezcMailTransportException( "The POP3 server sent a negative response to the UIDL command: {$response}." );
$this->connection->sendData( "UIDL" );
$response = $this->connection->getLine();
if ( $this->isPositiveResponse( $response ) )
// fetch each of the result lines and add it to the result
while ( ( $response = $this->connection->getLine( true ) ) !== "." )
list( $num, $id ) = explode( ' ', $response );
$result[(int)$num] = $id;
throw new ezcMailTransportException( "The POP3 server sent a negative response to the UIDL command: {$response}." );
return $result;
* Returns information about the messages on the server.
* The information returned through the parameters is:
* - $numMessages = number of messages
* - $sizeMessages = sum of the messages sizes
* Before calling this method, a connection to the POP3 server must be
* established and a user must be authenticated successfully.
* Example of returning the status of messages on the server:
* <code>
* $pop3 = new ezcMailPop3Transport( '' );
* $pop3->authenticate( 'username', 'password' );
* $pop3->status( $numMessages, $sizeMessages );
* </code>
* After running the above code, $numMessages and $sizeMessages will be
* populated with values.
* @throws ezcMailTransportException
* if there was no connection to the server
* or if not authenticated
* or if the server sent a negative response
* @param int &$numMessages
* @param int &$sizeMessages
public function status( &$numMessages, &$sizeMessages )
if ( $this->state != self::STATE_TRANSACTION )
throw new ezcMailTransportException( "Can't call status() on the POP3 transport when not successfully logged in." );
$this->connection->sendData( "STAT" );
$response = $this->connection->getLine();
if ( $this->isPositiveResponse( $response ) )
// get the single response line from the server
list( $dummy, $numMessages, $sizeMessages ) = explode( ' ', $response );
$numMessages = (int)$numMessages;
$sizeMessages = (int)$sizeMessages;
throw new ezcMailTransportException( "The POP3 server did not respond with a status message: {$response}." );
* Deletes the message with the message number $msgNum from the server.
* The message number must be a valid identifier fetched with (example)
* {@link listMessages()}.
* Any future reference to the message-number associated with the message
* in a command generates an error.
* Before calling this method, a connection to the POP3 server must be
* established and a user must be authenticated successfully.
* @throws ezcMailTransportException
* if there was no connection to the server
* or if not authenticated
* or if the server sent a negative response
* @param int $msgNum
public function delete( $msgNum )
if ( $this->state != self::STATE_TRANSACTION )
throw new ezcMailTransportException( "Can't call delete() on the POP3 transport when not successfully logged in." );
$this->connection->sendData( "DELE {$msgNum}" );
$response = $this->connection->getLine();
if ( !$this->isPositiveResponse( $response ) )
throw new ezcMailTransportException( "The POP3 server could not delete the message: {$response}." );
* Returns the headers and the $numLines first lines of the body of the mail with
* the message number $msgNum.
* If the command failed or if it was not supported by the server an empty string is
* returned.
* Note: POP3 servers are not required to support this command and it may fail.
* Before calling this method, a connection to the POP3 server must be
* established and a user must be authenticated successfully.
* Example of listing the mail headers of all the messages from the server:
* <code>
* $pop3 = new ezcMailPop3Transport( '' );
* $pop3->authenticate( 'username', 'password' );
* $parser = new ezcMailParser();
* $messages = $pop3->listMessages();
* foreach ( $messages as $messageNr => $size )
* {
* $set = new ezcMailVariableSet( $pop3->top( $messageNr ) );
* $mail = $parser->parseMail( $set );
* $mail = $mail[0];
* echo "From: {$mail->from}, Subject: {$mail->subject}, Size: {$size}\n";
* }
* </code>
* @throws ezcMailTransportException
* if there was no connection to the server
* or if not authenticated
* or if the server sent a negative response
* @param int $msgNum
* @param int $numLines
* @return string
public function top( $msgNum, $numLines = 0 )
if ( $this->state != self::STATE_TRANSACTION )
throw new ezcMailTransportException( "Can't call top() on the POP3 transport when not successfully logged in." );
// send the command
$this->connection->sendData( "TOP {$msgNum} {$numLines}" );
$response = $this->connection->getLine();
if ( !$this->isPositiveResponse( $response ) )
throw new ezcMailTransportException( "The POP3 server sent a negative response to the TOP command: {$response}." );
// fetch the data from the server and prepare it to be returned.
$message = "";
while ( ( $response = $this->connection->getLine( true ) ) !== "." )
$message .= $response . "\n";
return $message;
* Returns an ezcMailPop3Set with all the messages on the server.
* If $deleteFromServer is set to true the mail will be removed from the
* server after retrieval. If not it will be left.
* Before calling this method, a connection to the POP3 server must be
* established and a user must be authenticated successfully.
* Example:
* <code>
* $pop3 = new ezcMailPop3Transport( '' );
* $pop3->authenticate( 'username', 'password' );
* $set = $pop3->fetchAll();
* // parse $set with ezcMailParser
* $parser = new ezcMailParser();
* $mails = $parser->parseMail( $set );
* foreach ( $mails as $mail )
* {
* // process $mail which is an ezcMail object
* }
* </code>
* @throws ezcMailTransportException
* if there was no connection to the server
* or if not authenticated
* or if the server sent a negative response
* @param bool $deleteFromServer
* @return ezcMailParserSet
public function fetchAll( $deleteFromServer = false )
$messages = $this->listMessages();
return new ezcMailPop3Set( $this->connection, array_keys( $messages ), $deleteFromServer );
* Returns an ezcMailPop3Set containing only the $number -th message from
* the server.
* If $deleteFromServer is set to true the mail will be removed from the
* server after retrieval. If not it will be left.
* Note: for POP3 the first message is 1 (so for $number = 0 the exception
* will be thrown).
* Before calling this method, a connection to the POP3 server must be
* established and a user must be authenticated successfully.
* Example:
* <code>
* $pop3 = new ezcMailPop3Transport( '' );
* $pop3->authenticate( 'username', 'password' );
* $set = $pop3->fetchByMessageNr( 1 );
* // $set can be parsed with ezcMailParser
* </code>
* @throws ezcMailTransportException
* if there was no connection to the server
* or if not authenticated
* or if the server sent a negative response
* @throws ezcMailNoSuchMessageException
* if the message $number is out of range
* @param int $number
* @param bool $deleteFromServer
* @return ezcMailPop3Set
public function fetchByMessageNr( $number, $deleteFromServer = false )
$messages = $this->listMessages();
if ( !isset( $messages[$number] ) )
throw new ezcMailNoSuchMessageException( $number );
return new ezcMailPop3Set( $this->connection, array( $number ), $deleteFromServer );
* Returns an ezcMailPop3Set with $count messages starting from $offset from
* the server.
* Fetches $count messages starting from the $offset and returns them as a
* ezcMailPop3Set. If $count is not specified or if it is 0, it fetches
* all messages starting from the $offset.
* Before calling this method, a connection to the POP3 server must be
* established and a user must be authenticated successfully.
* Example:
* <code>
* $pop3 = new ezcMailPop3Transport( '' );
* $pop3->authenticate( 'username', 'password' );
* $set = $pop3->fetchFromOffset( 1, 10 );
* // $set can be parsed with ezcMailParser
* </code>
* @throws ezcMailTransportException
* if there was no connection to the server
* or if not authenticated
* or if the server sent a negative response
* @throws ezcMailInvalidLimitException
* if $count is negative
* @throws ezcMailOffsetOutOfRangeException
* if $offset is outside of the existing range of messages
* @param int $offset
* @param int $count
* @param bool $deleteFromServer
* @return ezcMailPop3Set
public function fetchFromOffset( $offset, $count = 0, $deleteFromServer = false )
if ( $count < 0 )
throw new ezcMailInvalidLimitException( $offset, $count );
$messages = array_keys( $this->listMessages() );
if ( $count == 0 )
$range = array_slice( $messages, $offset - 1, count( $messages ), true );
$range = array_slice( $messages, $offset - 1, $count, true );
if ( !isset( $range[$offset - 1] ) )
throw new ezcMailOffsetOutOfRangeException( $offset, $count );
return new ezcMailPop3Set( $this->connection, $range, $deleteFromServer );
* Sends a NOOP command to the server, use it to keep the connection alive.
* Before calling this method, a connection to the POP3 server must be
* established and a user must be authenticated successfully.
* @throws ezcMailTransportException
* if there was no connection to the server
* or if not authenticated
* or if the server sent a negative response
public function noop()
if ( $this->state != self::STATE_TRANSACTION )
throw new ezcMailTransportException( "Can't call noop() on the POP3 transport when not successfully logged in." );
// send the command
$this->connection->sendData( "NOOP" );
$response = $this->connection->getLine();
if ( !$this->isPositiveResponse( $response ) )
throw new ezcMailTransportException( "The POP3 server sent a negative response to the NOOP command: {$response}." );
* Returns true if the response from the server is a positive one.
* @param string $line
* @return bool
protected function isPositiveResponse( $line )
if ( strpos( $line, "+OK" ) === 0 )
return true;
return false;