blob: c38f68a7fccea976902bde0466ade8108c64cf83 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcMailFileParser class
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Mail
* @version //autogen//
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* Parses application/image/video and audio parts.
* @package Mail
* @version //autogen//
* @access private
class ezcMailFileParser extends ezcMailPartParser
* Default class to handle file attachments when parsing mails
* is ezcMailFile.
* Change this to your own file class with:
* <code>
* $parser = new ezcMailParser();
* $parser->options->fileClass = 'myCustomFileClass';
* // call $parser->parseMail( $set );
* </code>
* where myCustomFileClass extends ezcMailFile.
* @var string
public static $fileClass = 'ezcMailFile';
* Holds the headers for this part.
* @var ezcMailHeadersHolder
private $headers = null;
* Holds the maintype of the parsed part.
* @var string
private $mainType = null;
* Holds the subtype of the parsed part.
* @var string
private $subType = null;
* Holds the filepointer to the attachment.
* @var resource
private $fp = null;
* Holds the full path and filename of the file to save to.
* @var string
private $fileName = null;
* Static counter used to generate unique directory names.
* @var int
private static $counter = 1;
* Holds if data has been written to the output file or not.
* This is used for delayed filter adding neccessary for quoted-printable.
* @var bool
private $dataWritten = false;
* Constructs a new ezcMailFileParser with maintype $mainType subtype $subType
* and headers $headers.
* @throws ezcBaseFileNotFoundException
* if the file attachment file could not be openened.
* @param string $mainType
* @param string $subType
* @param ezcMailHeadersHolder $headers
public function __construct( $mainType, $subType, ezcMailHeadersHolder $headers )
$this->mainType = $mainType;
$this->subType = $subType;
$this->headers = $headers;
// figure out the base filename
// search Content-Disposition first as specified by RFC 2183
$matches = array();
if ( preg_match( '/\s*filename="?([^;"]*);?/i',
$this->headers['Content-Disposition'], $matches ) )
$fileName = trim( $matches[1], '"' );
// fallback to the name parameter in Content-Type as specified by RFC 2046 4.5.1
else if ( preg_match( '/\s*name="?([^;"]*);?/i',
$this->headers['Content-Type'], $matches ) )
$fileName = trim( $matches[1], '"' );
else // default
$fileName = "filename";
// clean file name (replace unsafe characters with underscores)
$fileName = strtr( $fileName, "/\\\0\"|?*<:;>+[]", '______________' );
$this->fp = $this->openFile( $fileName ); // propagate exception
* Returns the filepointer of the opened file $fileName in a unique directory..
* This method will create a new unique folder in the temporary directory specified in ezcMailParser.
* The fileName property of this class will be set to the location of the new file.
* @throws ezcBaseFileNotFoundException
* if the file could not be opened.
* @param string $fileName
* @return resource
private function openFile( $fileName )
// The filename is now relative, we need to extend it with the absolute path.
// To provide uniqueness we put the file in a directory based on processID and rand.
$dirName = ezcMailParser::getTmpDir() . getmypid() . '-' . self::$counter++ . '/';
if ( !is_dir( $dirName ) )
mkdir( $dirName, 0700 );
// remove the directory and the file when PHP shuts down
ezcMailParserShutdownHandler::registerForRemoval( $dirName );
$this->fileName = $dirName . $fileName;
$fp = fopen( $this->fileName, 'w' );
if ( $this->fp === false )
throw new ezcBaseFileNotFoundException( $this->fileName );
return $fp;
* Destructs the parser object.
* Closes and removes any open file.
public function __destruct()
// finish() was not called. The mail is completely broken.
// we will clean up the mess
if ( $this->fp !== null )
fclose( $this->fp );
$this->fp = null;
if ( $this->fileName !== null && file_exists( $this->fileName ) )
unlink( $this->fileName );
* Sets the correct stream filters for the attachment.
* $line should contain one line of data that should be written to file.
* It is used to correctly determine the type of linebreak used in the mail.
* @param string $line
private function appendStreamFilters( $line )
// append the correct decoding filter
switch ( strtolower( $this->headers['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] ) )
case 'base64':
stream_filter_append( $this->fp, 'convert.base64-decode' );
case 'quoted-printable':
// fetch the type of linebreak
preg_match( "/(\r\n|\r|\n)$/", $line, $matches );
$lb = count( $matches ) > 0 ? $matches[0] : ezcMailTools::lineBreak();
$param = array( 'line-break-chars' => $lb );
stream_filter_append( $this->fp, 'convert.quoted-printable-decode',
case '7bit':
case '8bit':
// do nothing here, file is already just binary
// 7bit default
* Parse the body of a message line by line.
* This method is called by the parent part on a push basis. When there
* are no more lines the parent part will call finish() to retrieve the
* mailPart.
* The file will be decoded and saved to the given temporary directory within
* a directory based on the process ID and the time.
* @param string $line
public function parseBody( $line )
if ( $line !== '' )
if ( $this->dataWritten === false )
$this->appendStreamFilters( $line );
$this->dataWritten = true;
fwrite( $this->fp, $line );
* Return the result of the parsed file part.
* This method is called automatically by the parent part.
* @return ezcMailFile
public function finish()
fclose( $this->fp );
$this->fp = null;
// When we have PGP support these lines should be removed. They are here now to hide
// PGP parts since they will show up as file attachments if not.
if ( $this->mainType == "application" &&
( $this->subType == 'pgp-signature'
|| $this->subType == 'pgp-keys'
|| $this->subType == 'pgp-encrypted' ) )
return null;
$filePart = new self::$fileClass( $this->fileName );
// set content type
$filePart->setHeaders( $this->headers->getCaseSensitiveArray() );
ezcMailPartParser::parsePartHeaders( $this->headers, $filePart );
switch ( strtolower( $this->mainType ) )
case 'image':
$filePart->contentType = ezcMailFile::CONTENT_TYPE_IMAGE;
case 'audio':
$filePart->contentType = ezcMailFile::CONTENT_TYPE_AUDIO;
case 'video':
$filePart->contentType = ezcMailFile::CONTENT_TYPE_VIDEO;
case 'application':
$filePart->contentType = ezcMailFile::CONTENT_TYPE_APPLICATION;
// set mime type
$filePart->mimeType = $this->subType;
// set inline disposition mode if set.
$matches = array();
if ( preg_match( '/^\s*inline;?/i',
$this->headers['Content-Disposition'], $matches ) )
$filePart->dispositionType = ezcMailFile::DISPLAY_INLINE;
if ( preg_match( '/^\s*attachment;?/i',
$this->headers['Content-Disposition'], $matches ) )
$filePart->dispositionType = ezcMailFile::DISPLAY_ATTACHMENT;
$filePart->size = filesize( $this->fileName );
return $filePart;