blob: e0d1f44df7cbb3f240bffddfa93708aeff5751f2 [file] [log] [blame]
- Fixed issue #16127: Searching with numeric values.
- Fixed issue #16350: Wrong spelled HTTP method.
- Fixed issue #16195: Errors when searching with Solr.
1.0.8 - Monday 23 November 2009
- Fixed issue #15380: iconv notice in Zend_Search_Lucene backend.
- Fixed issue #15381: Another iconv notice in Zend_Search_Lucene backend.
- Fixed issue #15382: Zend_Search_Lucene->deleteById did not really remove the
entry because Zend_Search_Lucene wouldn't find the item by just the ID.
Workaround added.
1.0.7 - Monday 09 November 2009
- Fixed issue #15267: Solr handler did not force the UTF-8 charset for
1.0.6 - Tuesday 01 September 2009
- Fixed issue #15289: "AND" and "OR" in the query builder are even recognised
when there is no whitespace around them.
- Fixed issue #15290: Test suite tries to acces local file.
- Fixed issue #15294: Index is always re-created when the Zend Search Lucene
backend is initialized, wiping out all index data.
- Fixed issue #15295: The Zend_Search_Lucene backend returns a different result
format then the Solr backend.
- Fixed issue #15302: ezcSearchSession::update() leads to errors.
- Implemented issue #15086: Added ezcSearchSession->createDeleteQuery() and
- Implemented issue #15087: Added ezcSearchSession->deleteByID() and
ezcSearchSession->findByID() for retrieving and deleting documents by their
1.0.5 - Monday 22 June 2009
- Fixed issue #15085: ezcSearchZendLuceneHandler fails on writing index to
relative path.
1.0.4 - Monday 30 March 2009
- Implemented issue #14429: Support for Solr 1.3.
- Implemented issue #14594: provide body of error pages.
- Added the reConnect() method to the Solr handler, so that you can re-connect
to it in case the connection causes issues. Related to issue #14636: Can not
use solr handler in long running scripts.
1.0.3 - Monday 09 February 2009
- Fixed issue #14159: ezcSearchQueryBuilder() does not handle colons properly
in search strings for Solr.
1.0.2 - Monday 01 December 2008
- Fixed issue #13908: Search component's SolR handler should respect HTTP
status codes. (Initial patch by Alexander M. Turek).
1.0.1 - Monday 10 November 2008
- Fixed issue #13891: ezcSearchNetworkException is used, but does not exist.
- Fixed issue with sending incorrect HTTP requests to Solr.
- Fixed issue with regards to respecting HTTP Connection: close headers when
talking to Solr.
1.0 - Monday 16 June 2008
- No changes.
1.0rc1 - Tuesday 10 June 2008
- Changed the way how ezcSearchQueryBuilder works. You will now have to
run parseSearchQuery() instead of just passing the query object, query
string and fields to the constructor.
- Changed the nested array result for documents into a structure where each
ezcSearchResult contains an array of ezcSearchResultDocument objects, which
on its turn contain the score, highlighting and document itself.
- Changed the default limit fo returned search results for the Solr handler
from 10 to unlimited (well, 999999).
1.0alpha2 - Tuesday 13 May 2008
- Fixes to the Solr handler:
- Implemented missing "order by" support.
- Fixed between support.
- Fixed boost support in case a field already had a boost value assigned by
1.0alpha1 - Monday 05 May 2008
- Initial release of this package.