blob: 113eb8a4fb68168f7b7ba299732bf0a5f935910d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @version //autogentag//
* @filesource
* @package Tree
* @subpackage Tests
* @package Tree
* @subpackage Tests
class ezcTreeCopyTest extends ezcTestCase
protected function setUp()
static $i = 0;
$this->tempDir = $this->createTempDir( __CLASS__ . sprintf( '_%03d_', ++$i ) ) . '/';
$this->storeFromXml = new ezcTreeXmlInternalDataStore();
$this->storeFromMem = new ezcTreeMemoryDataStore();
$this->storeToXml = new ezcTreeXmlInternalDataStore();
$this->storeToMem = new ezcTreeMemoryDataStore();
protected function tearDown()
protected function addTestData( $tree )
$primates = array(
'Hominoidea' => array(
'Hylobatidae' => array(
'Hylobates' => array(
'Lar Gibbon',
'Agile Gibbon',
'Müller\'s Bornean Gibbon',
'Silvery Gibbon',
'Pileated Gibbon',
'Kloss\'s Gibbon',
'Hoolock' => array(
'Western Hoolock Gibbon',
'Eastern Hoolock Gibbon',
'Symphalangus' => array(),
'Nomascus' => array(
'Black Crested Gibbon',
'Eastern Black Crested Gibbon',
'White-cheecked Crested Gibbon',
'Yellow-cheecked Gibbon',
'Hominidae' => array(
'Pongo' => array(
'Bornean Orangutan',
'Sumatran Orangutan',
'Gorilla' => array(
'Western Gorilla' => array(
'Western Lowland Gorilla',
'Cross River Gorilla',
'Eastern Gorilla' => array(
'Mountain Gorilla',
'Eastern Lowland Gorilla',
'Homo' => array(
'Homo Sapiens' => array(
'Homo Sapiens Sapiens',
'Homo Superior'
'Pan' => array(
'Common Chimpanzee',
$root = $tree->createNode( 'Hominoidea', 'Hominoidea' );
$tree->setRootNode( $root );
$this->addChildren( $root, $primates['Hominoidea'] );
private function addChildren( ezcTreeNode $node, array $children )
foreach( $children as $name => $child )
if ( is_array( $child ) )
$newNode = $node->tree->createNode( $name, $name );
$node->addChild( $newNode );
$this->addChildren( $newNode, $child );
$newNode = $node->tree->createNode( $child, $child );
$node->addChild( $newNode );
protected function doCopyTest( $treeFrom, $treeTo )
ezcTree::copy( $treeFrom, $treeTo );
self::assertSame( 35, $treeFrom->getChildCountRecursive( 'Hominoidea' ) );
self::assertSame( 35, $treeTo->getChildCountRecursive( 'Hominoidea' ) );
$pathFrom = $treeFrom->fetchPath( 'Homo Superior' );
$pathTo = $treeTo->fetchPath( 'Homo Superior' );
self::assertEquals( 5, $pathFrom->size );
self::assertEquals( 5, $pathTo->size );
self::assertSame( array_keys( $pathFrom->nodes ), array_keys( $pathTo->nodes ) );
$node = $treeFrom->fetchNodeById( 'Müller\'s Bornean Gibbon' );
self::assertSame( "Müller's Bornean Gibbon", $node->data );
$node = $treeTo->fetchNodeById( 'Müller\'s Bornean Gibbon' );
self::assertSame( "Müller's Bornean Gibbon", $node->data );
public function testTreeMemoryToXML()
$treeFrom = ezcTreeMemory::create( $this->storeFromMem );
$this->addTestData( $treeFrom );
$treeTo = ezcTreeXml::create( $this->tempDir . 'testTreeMemoryToXML.xml', $this->storeToXml );
self::doCopyTest( $treeFrom, $treeTo );
public function testTreeXmlToMemory()
$treeFrom = ezcTreeXml::create( $this->tempDir . 'testTreeMemoryToXML.xml', $this->storeFromXml );
$this->addTestData( $treeFrom );
$treeTo = ezcTreeMemory::create( $this->storeToMem );
self::doCopyTest( $treeFrom, $treeTo );
public static function suite()
return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( "ezcTreeCopyTest" );