blob: cd0df86f875e8d14b6e9d5095dec00014bd5d6a8 [file] [log] [blame]
1.0.8 - Tuesday 01 September 2009
- Reorganized the source code to fall in line with guidelines.
- Fixed the ezcSystemReaderCantScanOSException class to properly inherit
from ezcSystemInfoException and ezcBaseException.
- Implemented issue #15352: Added support for XCache.
- Removed support for PHP Accelerator, which is for PHP 4 only.
1.0.7 - Monday 10 November 2008
- Fixed Zend platform URL.
1.0.6 - Monday 05 May 2008
- Fixed retrieving CPU count, type and speed on Windows Vista.
1.0.5 - Monday 25 June 2007
- Fixed issue #11014: ezcSystemInfoMacReader::getCpuCount() returns incorrect
- Documentation updates and fixes.
1.0.4 - Thursday 31 May 2007
- Fixed issue #9413: There is no Mac Reader for SystemInformation, although
it's referenced in the code.
1.0.3 - Monday 07 May 2007
- Fixed issue #9838: ezcSystemInformation doesn't have
proper property documentation.
1.0.2 - Monday 20 November 2006
- Fixed issue #9451: ezcSystemInfo - info_freebsd / info_linux differences.
1.0.1 - Monday 28 August 2006
- Refactored to use the new ezcBaseStruct class.
1.0 - Monday 12 June 2006
- Fixed small CS issues.
1.0rc1 - Monday 29 May 2006
- Fixed bug #8251: Fatal error caused by ezcSystemInfoWindowsReader.
1.0beta2 - Tuesday 09 May 2006
- Added the cpuCount property that shows the number of CPUs in a machine.
- Changed the cpuSpeed property to always return a floating point in MHz.
- Removed the cpuUnit property which would return 'MHz' or 'GHz'.
1.0beta1 - Wednesday 19 April 2006
- Initial release of this package.