blob: 8a2b473534075a89c77c5f327b7364474ca22b0a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @version //autogentag//
* @filesource
* @package UserInput
* @subpackage Tests
class ezcInputFilterDefinitionTest extends ezcTestCase
* setUp
* @access public
protected function setUp()
if ( !ezcBaseFeatures::hasExtensionSupport( 'filter', "0.9.5-dev" ) )
$this->markTestSkipped( 'ext/filter >= 0.9.5-dev is required to run this test.' );
public function testValidateDefinitionArray()
// The definition parameter should be an array
$def = array( 'test' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::REQUIRED, 'int' ) );
self::assertEquals( true, ezcInputForm::validateDefinition( $def ) );
$def = 42;
self::assertEquals( array( ezcInputForm::DEF_NO_ARRAY, "The definition array is not an array" ), ezcInputForm::validateDefinition( $def ) );
public function testValidateDefinitionOneElement()
// There should be atleast one element
$def = array();
self::assertEquals( array( ezcInputForm::DEF_EMPTY, "The definition array is empty" ), ezcInputForm::validateDefinition( $def ) );
$def = array( 'test' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::REQUIRED, 'int' ) );
self::assertEquals( true, ezcInputForm::validateDefinition( $def ) );
public function testValidateDefinitionElementClass()
// Each element should be an array
$def = array( 'test' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement() );
self::assertEquals( true, ezcInputForm::validateDefinition( $def ) );
$def = array( 'test' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL ) );
self::assertEquals( true, ezcInputForm::validateDefinition( $def ) );
$def = array( 'test' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'float' ) );
self::assertEquals( true, ezcInputForm::validateDefinition( $def ) );
$def = array( 'test' => 42 );
self::assertEquals( array( ezcInputForm::DEF_ELEMENT_NO_DEFINITION_ELEMENT, "The definition for element 'test' is not an ezcInputFormDefinitionElement" ), ezcInputForm::validateDefinition( $def ) );
public function testValidateDefinitionRequiredOrOptional()
// The first value in an element should be REQUIRED or OPTIONAL
$def = array( 'test' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( -1, 'number_int' ) );
self::assertEquals( array( ezcInputForm::DEF_NOT_REQUIRED_OR_OPTIONAL, "The first element definition for element 'test' is not ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL or ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::REQUIRED" ), ezcInputForm::validateDefinition( $def ) );
$def = array( 'test' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( 2, 'number_int' ) );
self::assertEquals( array( ezcInputForm::DEF_NOT_REQUIRED_OR_OPTIONAL, "The first element definition for element 'test' is not ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL or ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::REQUIRED" ), ezcInputForm::validateDefinition( $def ) );
public function testValidateDefinitionOptionsType()
// The type for the 3rd value should either be an array, a string or a long (integer)
$def = array( 'test' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'string', FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW ) );
self::assertEquals( true, ezcInputForm::validateDefinition( $def ) );
$def = array( 'test' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::REQUIRED, 'int', array( 'min_range' => 42 ) ) );
self::assertEquals( true, ezcInputForm::validateDefinition( $def ) );
$def = array( 'test' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'boolean', false ) );
self::assertEquals( array( ezcInputForm::DEF_WRONG_FLAGS_TYPE, "The options to the definition for element 'test' is not of type integer, string or array" ), ezcInputForm::validateDefinition( $def ) );
$def = array( 'test' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'callback', 'astring' ) );
self::assertEquals( true, ezcInputForm::validateDefinition( $def ) );
public function testValidateDefinitionFlagsType()
// The type for the 4th value should be an integer
$def = array( 'test' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'string', null, FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY ) );
$val = ezcInputForm::validateDefinition( $def );
self::assertEquals( true, $val );
$def = array( 'test' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'boolean', null, false ) );
$val = ezcInputForm::validateDefinition( $def );
self::assertEquals( array( ezcInputForm::DEF_WRONG_FLAGS_TYPE, "The flags to the definition for element 'test' is not of type integer, string or array" ), $val );
public function testValidateDefinitionCallback()
// A callback filter should have the form "string" or "array(string, string)"
$def = array( 'test' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::REQUIRED, 'callback', 'filterFunction' ) );
self::assertEquals( true, ezcInputForm::validateDefinition( $def ) );
$def = array( 'test' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::REQUIRED, 'callback', 42 ) );
self::assertEquals( array( ezcInputForm::DEF_WRONG_FLAGS_TYPE, "The callback filter for element 'test' should not be an integer" ), ezcInputForm::validateDefinition( $def ) );
$def = array( 'test' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::REQUIRED, 'callback', array( 'filterclass', 'filterFunction' ) ) );
self::assertEquals( true, ezcInputForm::validateDefinition( $def ) );
$def = array( 'test' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::REQUIRED, 'callback', array( 42, 'filterFunction' ) ) );
self::assertEquals( array( ezcInputForm::DEF_WRONG_FLAGS_TYPE, "The array elements for the callback filter for element 'test' should both be a string" ), ezcInputForm::validateDefinition( $def ) );
$def = array( 'test' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::REQUIRED, 'callback', array( 'filterclass', 42 ) ) );
self::assertEquals( array( ezcInputForm::DEF_WRONG_FLAGS_TYPE, "The array elements for the callback filter for element 'test' should both be a string" ), ezcInputForm::validateDefinition( $def ) );
public function testValidateDefinitionValidFilter()
// The filter should be an existing filter
$def = array( 'test' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::REQUIRED, 'foobar' ) );
self::assertEquals( array( ezcInputForm::DEF_UNSUPPORTED_FILTER, "The filter 'foobar' for element 'test' does not exist. Pick one of: int, boolean, float, validate_regexp, validate_url, validate_email, validate_ip, string, stripped, encoded, special_chars, unsafe_raw, email, url, number_int, number_float, magic_quotes, callback" ), ezcInputForm::validateDefinition( $def ) );
public function testValidateDefinitionFieldName()
// The input field name should have a sane format
$def = array( 'test' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::REQUIRED, 'int' ) );
self::assertEquals( true, ezcInputForm::validateDefinition( $def ) );
$def = array( '' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::REQUIRED, 'int' ) );
self::assertEquals( array( ezcInputForm::DEF_FIELD_NAME_BROKEN, "The element name '' has an unsupported format. It should start with an a-z and followed by a-z0-9_" ), ezcInputForm::validateDefinition( $def ) );
$def = array( '^*(68769' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::REQUIRED, 'int' ) );
self::assertEquals( array( ezcInputForm::DEF_FIELD_NAME_BROKEN, "The element name '^*(68769' has an unsupported format. It should start with an a-z and followed by a-z0-9_" ), ezcInputForm::validateDefinition( $def ) );
$def = array( 'foobar_42' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::REQUIRED, 'int' ) );
self::assertEquals( true, ezcInputForm::validateDefinition( $def ) );
public function testValidateThroughConstructor1()
$def = array( '^*(68769' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::REQUIRED, 'int' ) );
$obj = new ezcInputForm( INPUT_GET, $def );
self::fail( "No exception, where we should have had one" );
catch ( ezcInputFormInvalidDefinitionException $e )
self::assertEquals( "Invalid definition array: The element name '^*(68769' has an unsupported format. It should start with an a-z and followed by a-z0-9_.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testValidateThroughConstructor2()
$def = array( 'dummy' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'int' ) );
$obj = new ezcInputForm( INPUT_GET, $def );
$obj->dummy = 'should not work';
self::fail( "No exception, where we should have had one" );
catch ( ezcBasePropertyPermissionException $e )
self::assertEquals( "The property 'dummy' is read-only.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testRequiredAvailability()
$def = array(
'test1' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::REQUIRED, 'int' ),
'test2' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'int' ),
'test3' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'int' ),
'test4' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::REQUIRED, 'int' ),
$obj = new ezcInputForm( INPUT_GET, $def );
self::fail( "No exception, where we should have had one" );
catch ( ezcInputFormVariableMissingException $e )
self::assertEquals( "Required input field 'test1' missing.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testOptionalProperties()
$def = array(
'test2' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'int' ),
'test3' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'int' ),
$obj = new ezcInputForm( INPUT_GET, $def );
$expectedArray = array( 'test2', 'test3' );
self::assertEquals( $expectedArray, $obj->getOptionalProperties() );
self::assertEquals( array(), $obj->getRequiredProperties() );
public function testInvalidOptionalProperties()
$def = array(
'test2' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'int' ),
'test3' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'int' ),
$obj = new ezcInputForm( INPUT_GET, $def );
$expectedArray = array( 'test2', 'test3' );
self::assertEquals( $expectedArray, $obj->getInvalidProperties() );
self::assertEquals( array(), $obj->getValidProperties() );
public function testIsValid()
$def = array(
'test2' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'int' ),
'test3' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'int' ),
$obj = new ezcInputForm( INPUT_GET, $def );
$expectedArray = array( 'test2', 'test3' );
self::assertEquals( false, $obj->isValid() );
public function testGetUnsafeRawDataUnknownField()
$def = array(
'test2' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'int' ),
'test3' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'int' ),
$obj = new ezcInputForm( INPUT_GET, $def );
$obj->getUnsafeRawData( 'test1' );
catch ( ezcInputFormUnknownFieldException $e )
self::assertEquals( "The field 'test1' is not defined.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testGetUnsafeRawDataNoDataField()
$def = array(
'test2' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'int' ),
'test3' => new ezcInputFormDefinitionElement( ezcInputFormDefinitionElement::OPTIONAL, 'int' ),
$obj = new ezcInputForm( INPUT_GET, $def );
$obj->getUnsafeRawData( 'test2' );
self::fail( "No exception, where we should have had one" );
catch ( ezcInputFormFieldNotFoundException $e )
self::assertEquals( "The field 'test2' could not be found in the input source.", $e->getMessage() );
public static function suite()
return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( "ezcInputFilterDefinitionTest" );