blob: 8d46722694be27083b6b85cba753005b1fd72333 [file] [log] [blame]
Review Alexandru 2009-08-03
[x] issue #14916 (extract help) doesn't have any tests
Inherently tested by ezcConsoleInputTest, since this already has tests for
help generation. These also ensure that no regression turns up during the
refactoring. Extracting the very same tests into a new test case would not
make sense. --ts
[x] ezcConsoleStandardInputHelpGenerator - shouldn't it be named
[x] some method signatures don't reflect the doc blocks, eg.
[x] @return array(int=>array(int=>string)) can be written easier as
@return array(array(string)) as we do in other components
[x] for issue #15010 the file testTableWithoutFormatting.dat does not
exist in the windows folder. There are actually 15 files or so
which are missing from the windows folder and prevent testing
on Windows.