blob: a197deeb533fa87b8f51894b244abdd2139ddc14 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcWorkflowNodeInput class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Workflow
* @version //autogen//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* An object of the ezcWorkflowNodeInput class represents an input (from the application) node.
* When the node is reached, the workflow engine will suspend the workflow execution if the
* specified input data is not available (first activation). While the workflow is suspended,
* the application that embeds the workflow engine may supply the input data and resume the workflow
* execution (second activation of the input node). Input data is stored in a workflow variable.
* Incoming nodes: 1
* Outgoing nodes: 1
* This example creates a simple workflow that expectes two input variables,
* once which can be any value and another that can only be an integer between
* one and ten.
* <code>
* <?php
* $workflow = new ezcWorkflow( 'Test' );
* $input = new ezcWorkflowNodeInput(
* 'mixedVar' => new ezcWorkflowConditionIsAnything,
* 'intVar' => new ezcWorkflowConditionAnd(
* array(
* new ezcWorkflowConditionIsInteger,
* new ezcWorkflowConditionIsGreatherThan( 0 )
* new ezcWorkflowConditionIsLessThan( 11 )
* )
* )
* );
* $input->addOutNode( $workflow->endNode );
* $workflow->startNode->addOutNode( $input );
* ?>
* </code>
* @package Workflow
* @version //autogen//
class ezcWorkflowNodeInput extends ezcWorkflowNode
* Constructs a new input node.
* An input node accepts an array of workflow variables to accept
* and/or together with a condition on the variable if required.
* Each element in the configuration array must be either
* <b>String:</b> The name of the workflow variable to require. No conditions.
* or
* <ul>
* <li><i>Key:</i> The name of the workflow variable to require.</li>
* <li><i>Value:</i> An object of type ezcWorkflowCondition</li>
* </ul>
* @param mixed $configuration
* @throws ezcBaseValueException
public function __construct( $configuration = '' )
if ( !is_array( $configuration ) )
throw new ezcBaseValueException(
'configuration', $configuration, 'array'
$tmp = array();
foreach ( $configuration as $key => $value )
if ( is_int( $key ) )
if ( !is_string( $value ) )
throw new ezcBaseValueException(
'workflow variable name', $value, 'string'
$variable = $value;
$condition = new ezcWorkflowConditionIsAnything;
if ( !is_object( $value ) || !$value instanceof ezcWorkflowCondition )
throw new ezcBaseValueException(
'workflow variable condition', $value, 'ezcWorkflowCondition'
$variable = $key;
$condition = $value;
$tmp[$variable] = $condition;
parent::__construct( $tmp );
* Executes this node.
* @param ezcWorkflowExecution $execution
* @return boolean true when the node finished execution,
* and false otherwise
* @ignore
public function execute( ezcWorkflowExecution $execution )
$variables = $execution->getVariables();
$canExecute = true;
$errors = array();
foreach ( $this->configuration as $variable => $condition )
if ( !isset( $variables[$variable] ) )
$execution->addWaitingFor( $this, $variable, $condition );
$canExecute = false;
else if ( !$condition->evaluate( $variables[$variable] ) )
$errors[$variable] = (string)$condition;
if ( !empty( $errors ) )
throw new ezcWorkflowInvalidInputException( $errors );
if ( $canExecute )
$this->activateNode( $execution, $this->outNodes[0] );
return parent::execute( $execution );
return false;
* Generate node configuration from XML representation.
* @param DOMElement $element
* @return array
* @ignore
public static function configurationFromXML( DOMElement $element )
$configuration = array();
foreach ( $element->getElementsByTagName( 'variable' ) as $variable )
$configuration[$variable->getAttribute( 'name' )] = ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageXml::xmlToCondition(
ezcWorkflowUtil::getChildNode( $variable )
return $configuration;
* Generate XML representation of this node's configuration.
* @param DOMElement $element
* @ignore
public function configurationToXML( DOMElement $element )
foreach ( $this->configuration as $variable => $condition )
$xmlVariable = $element->appendChild(
$element->ownerDocument->createElement( 'variable' )
$xmlVariable->setAttribute( 'name', $variable );
$condition, $element->ownerDocument