blob: 1d3f053d4deedc98db6356fd7f1e2bfe98464793 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcWorkflowNodeConditionalBranch class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Workflow
* @version //autogen//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* Abstract base class for nodes that conditionally branch multiple threads of
* execution.
* Most implementations only need to set the conditions for proper functioning.
* @package Workflow
* @version //autogen//
abstract class ezcWorkflowNodeConditionalBranch extends ezcWorkflowNodeBranch
* Constraint: The minimum number of conditional outgoing nodes this node
* has to have. Set to false to disable this constraint.
* @var integer
protected $minConditionalOutNodes = false;
* Constraint: The minimum number of conditional outgoing nodes this node
* has to activate. Set to false to disable this constraint.
* @var integer
protected $minActivatedConditionalOutNodes = false;
* Constraint: The maximum number of conditional outgoing nodes this node
* may activate. Set to false to disable this constraint.
* @var integer
protected $maxActivatedConditionalOutNodes = false;
* Holds the conditions of the out nodes.
* The key is the position of the out node in the array of out nodes.
* @var array( 'condition' => array( 'int' => ezcWorkflowCondtion ) )
protected $configuration = array(
'condition' => array(),
'else' => array()
* Adds the conditional outgoing node $outNode to this node with the
* condition $condition. Optionally, an $else node can be specified that is
* activated when the $condition evaluates to false.
* @param ezcWorkflowCondition $condition
* @param ezcWorkflowNode $outNode
* @param ezcWorkflowNode $else
* @return ezcWorkflowNode
public function addConditionalOutNode( ezcWorkflowCondition $condition, ezcWorkflowNode $outNode, ezcWorkflowNode $else = null )
$this->addOutNode( $outNode );
$this->configuration['condition'][ezcWorkflowUtil::findObject( $this->outNodes, $outNode )] = $condition;
if ( !is_null( $else ) )
$this->addOutNode( $else );
$key = ezcWorkflowUtil::findObject( $this->outNodes, $else );
$this->configuration['condition'][$key] = new ezcWorkflowConditionNot( $condition );
$this->configuration['else'][$key] = true;
return $this;
* Returns the condition for a conditional outgoing node
* and false if the passed not is not a (unconditional)
* outgoing node of this node.
* @param ezcWorkflowNode $node
* @return ezcWorkflowCondition
* @ignore
public function getCondition( ezcWorkflowNode $node )
$keys = array_keys( $this->outNodes );
$numKeys = count( $keys );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $numKeys; $i++ )
if ( $this->outNodes[$keys[$i]] === $node )
if ( isset( $this->configuration['condition'][$keys[$i]] ) )
return $this->configuration['condition'][$keys[$i]];
return false;
return false;
* Returns true when the $node belongs to an ELSE condition.
* @param ezcWorkflowNode $node
* @return bool
* @ignore
public function isElse( ezcWorkflowNode $node )
return isset( $this->configuration['else'][ezcWorkflowUtil::findObject( $this->outNodes, $node )] );
* Evaluates all the conditions, checks the constraints and activates any nodes that have
* passed through both checks and condition evaluation.
* @param ezcWorkflowExecution $execution
* @return boolean true when the node finished execution,
* and false otherwise
* @ignore
public function execute( ezcWorkflowExecution $execution )
$keys = array_keys( $this->outNodes );
$numKeys = count( $keys );
$nodesToStart = array();
$numActivatedConditionalOutNodes = 0;
if ( $this->maxActivatedConditionalOutNodes !== false )
$maxActivatedConditionalOutNodes = $this->maxActivatedConditionalOutNodes;
$maxActivatedConditionalOutNodes = $numKeys;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $numKeys && $numActivatedConditionalOutNodes <= $maxActivatedConditionalOutNodes; $i++ )
if ( isset( $this->configuration['condition'][$keys[$i]] ) )
// Conditional outgoing node.
if ( $this->configuration['condition'][$keys[$i]]->evaluate( $execution->getVariables() ) )
$nodesToStart[] = $this->outNodes[$keys[$i]];
// Unconditional outgoing node.
$nodesToStart[] = $this->outNodes[$keys[$i]];
if ( $this->minActivatedConditionalOutNodes !== false && $numActivatedConditionalOutNodes < $this->minActivatedConditionalOutNodes )
throw new ezcWorkflowExecutionException(
'Node activates less conditional outgoing nodes than required.'
return $this->activateOutgoingNodes( $execution, $nodesToStart );
* Checks this node's constraints.
* @throws ezcWorkflowInvalidWorkflowException if the constraints of this node are not met.
public function verify()
$numConditionalOutNodes = count( $this->configuration['condition'] );
if ( $this->minConditionalOutNodes !== false && $numConditionalOutNodes < $this->minConditionalOutNodes )
throw new ezcWorkflowInvalidWorkflowException(
'Node has less conditional outgoing nodes than required.'