blob: ec0fc2c262e9c0af1c4456d9a8d323741cacc044 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcWebdavPropertyHandler class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Webdav
* @version //autogen//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* Handles the parsing and serailization of live and dead properties.
* An instance of this class is used by {@link ezcWebdavTransport} and {@link
* ezcWebdavFileBackend} to parse {@link ezcWebdavLiveProperty} and {@link
* ezcWebdavDeadProperty} instances from XML content and to re-serialized
* instances of these classes back to XML.
* {@link ezcWebdavTransport} might be configured to use a different property
* handler, to adjust the behavior of property handling to specific client
* needs. {@link ezcWebdavFileBackend} always uses this default implementation.
* @package Webdav
* @version //autogen//
class ezcWebdavPropertyHandler
* XML tool.
* @var ezcWebdavXmlTool
protected $xmlTool;
* Regedx to parse the <getcontenttype /> XML elemens content.
* Example: 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'
const GETCONTENTTYPE_REGEX = '(^(?P<mime>\w+/\w+)\s*(?:;\s*charset\s*=\s*(?P<charset>.+)\s*)?$)i';
* Creates a new property handler.
* An instance of this class is capable of handling live and dead WebDAV
* properties. It can extract properties from requests and generate
* response information for properties. If $xml is not specified, the
* instance in {@link ezcWebdavServer} will be used, which propably
* underlies client specific adjustments.
* The {@link ezcWebdavXmlTool} instance of {@link ezcWebdavServer} can be
* configured using a {@link ezcWebdavServerConfiguration} in the {@link
* ezcWebdavServerConfigurationManager} of the {@link ezcWebdavServer}
* singleton instance. The XML instance is created as soon as the server is
* configured for a specific client.
* @param ezcWebdavXmlTool $xml
* @return void
public function __construct( ezcWebdavXmlTool $xml = null )
if ( $xml !== null )
$this->xmlTool = $xml;
* Returns the XML tool to work with.
* This method either returns the internally ({@link $xmlTool}) instance of
* {@link ezcWebdavXmlTool} or, if this one is not available, the instance
* stored in the singleton of {@link ezcWebdavServer}. The latter instance
* might be an extended one, which is adjusted to the special needs of a
* certain client.
* @return ezcWebdavXmlTool
protected function getXmlTool()
if ( $this->xmlTool === null )
return ezcWebdavServer::getInstance()->xmlTool;
return $this->xmlTool;
* Returns extracted properties in an ezcWebdavPropertyStorage.
* This method receives a DOMNodeList $domNodes which must contain a set
* of DOMElement objects, while each of those represents a WebDAV property.
* The list may contain live properties as well as dead ones. Live
* properties ({@link ezcWebdavLiveProperty}) as defined in RFC 2518 are
* currently recognized, except for locking related properties. All other
* properties in the DAV: namespace are added as dead properties ({@link
* ezcWebdavDeadProperty}). Dead properties are parsed generally in any
* namespace.
* The extracted properties are stored in the given {@link
* ezcWebdavPropertyStorage} $storage. If a $flag value is provided, this
* one is submitted as the second parameter to {@link
* ezcWebdavFlaggedPropertyStorage->attach()}.
* @param DOMNodeList $domNodes
* @param ezcWebdavBasicPropertyStorage $storage
* @param int $flag
* @return ezcWebdavBasicPropertyStorage
public final function extractProperties( DOMNodeList $domNodes, ezcWebdavBasicPropertyStorage $storage, $flag = null )
for ( $i = 0; $i < $domNodes->length; ++$i )
$currentNode = $domNodes->item( $i );
if ( $currentNode->nodeType !== XML_ELEMENT_NODE )
// Skip
// Initialize
$property = null;
// DAV: namespace indicates live property! If parsing live fails, a dead property is returned
if ( $currentNode->namespaceURI === ezcWebdavXmlTool::XML_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE )
$property = $this->dispatchExtractLiveProperty( $currentNode );
// Other namespaces are always dead properties
$property = $this->dispatchExtractDeadProperty( $currentNode );
$flag === null ? $storage->attach( $property ) : $storage->attach( $property, $flag );
return $storage;
* Dispatches the extraction of a live property.
* This method takes care for dispatching to the plugin registry takes
* place before and after the actual live property is extracted.
* Additionally the extractUnknownLiveProperty is announced, if the
* property could not be parsed internally. If the property still cannot be
* parsed, it is dispatched to the dead property parsing. This also
* includes the additional hook announcements.
* @param DOMElement $element
* @return ezcWebdavLiveProperty
private function dispatchExtractLiveProperty ( DOMElement $element )
$property = $this->extractLiveProperty( $element );
// First, let a plugin try
if ( $property === null )
// Plugin hook extractUnknownLiveProperty
$property = ezcWebdavServer::getInstance()->pluginRegistry->announceHook(
new ezcWebdavPluginParameters(
'domElement' => $element,
'xmlTool' => $this->getXmlTool(),
if ( $property === null )
// Second, parse dead property instead
$property = $this->dispatchExtractDeadProperty( $element );
return $property;
* Dispatches the extraction of a dead property.
* This method takes care that the dispatching to the plugin registry takes
* place before and after the actual dead property is extracted.
* @param DOMElement $element
* @return ezcWebdavDeadProperty
private function dispatchExtractDeadProperty ( DOMElement $element )
// Plugin hook beforeExtractDeadProperty
$property = ezcWebdavServer::getInstance()->pluginRegistry->announceHook(
new ezcWebdavPluginParameters(
'domElement' => $element,
'xmlTool' => $this->getXmlTool(),
// No plugin wanted to parse the property, parse default
if ( $property === null )
$property = $this->extractDeadProperty( $element );
return $property;
* Extract a dead property from a DOMElement.
* This method is responsible for parsing a {@link ezcWebdavDeadProperty}
* (unknown) property from a $domElement.
* @param DOMElement $domElement
* @return ezcWebdavDeadProperty
protected function extractDeadProperty( DOMElement $domElement )
// Create standalone XML for property
// It may possibly occur, that shortcut clashes occur...
$propDom = new DOMDocument();
$copiedNode = $propDom->importNode( $domElement, true );
$propDom->appendChild( $copiedNode );
return new ezcWebdavDeadProperty(
(string) $domElement->namespaceURI,
* Extracts a live property from a DOMElement.
* This method is responsible for parsing WebDAV live properties. The
* DOMElement $domElement must be an XML element in the DAV: namepsace. If
* the received property is not defined in RFC 2518, null is returned.
* @param DOMElement $domElement
* @return ezcWebdavLiveProperty|null
protected function extractLiveProperty( DOMElement $domElement )
$property = null;
switch ( $domElement->localName )
case 'creationdate':
$property = new ezcWebdavCreationDateProperty();
if ( trim( $domElement->nodeValue ) !== '' )
$property->date = new ezcWebdavDateTime( $domElement->nodeValue );
case 'displayname':
$property = new ezcWebdavDisplayNameProperty();
if ( trim( $domElement->nodeValue ) !== '' )
$property->displayName = $domElement->nodeValue;
case 'getcontentlanguage':
$property = new ezcWebdavGetContentLanguageProperty();
if ( trim( $domElement->nodeValue ) !== '' )
// e.g. 'de, en'
$property->languages = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $domElement->nodeValue ) );
case 'getcontentlength':
$property = new ezcWebdavGetContentLengthProperty();
if ( trim( $domElement->nodeValue ) !== '' )
$property->length = trim( $domElement->nodeValue );
case 'getcontenttype':
$property = new ezcWebdavGetContentTypeProperty();
// @todo: Should this throw an exception, if the match fails?
// Currently, the property stays empty and the backend needs to handle this
if ( trim( $domElement->nodeValue ) !== ''
&& preg_match( self::GETCONTENTTYPE_REGEX, $domElement->nodeValue, $matches ) > 0 )
$property->mime = $matches['mime'];
if ( isset( $matches['charset'] ) )
$property->charset = $matches['charset'];
case 'getetag':
$property = new ezcWebdavGetEtagProperty();
if ( trim( $domElement->nodeValue ) !== '' )
$property->etag = $domElement->nodeValue;
case 'getlastmodified':
$property = new ezcWebdavGetLastModifiedProperty();
if ( trim( $domElement->nodeValue ) !== '' )
$property->date = new ezcWebdavDateTime( $domElement->nodeValue );
case 'resourcetype':
$property = new ezcWebdavResourceTypeProperty();
if ( trim( $domElement->nodeValue ) !== '' )
$property->type = $domElement->nodeValue;
case 'source':
$property = new ezcWebdavSourceProperty();
if ( $domElement->hasChildNodes() )
$property->links = $this->extractLinkContent( $domElement );
return null;
return $property;
* Serializes an object of new ezcWebdavPropertyStorage to XML.
* Attaches all properties of the $storage to the $parentElement XML
* element in their XML representation.
* @param ezcWebdavPropertyStorage $storage
* @param DOMElement $parentElement
* @return void
public final function serializeProperties( ezcWebdavPropertyStorage $storage, DOMElement $parentElement )
foreach ( $storage as $property )
if ( $property instanceof ezcWebdavLiveProperty )
$propertyElement = $this->serializeLiveProperty( $property, $parentElement );
// Attempt plugins to parse an unknown live property
if ( $propertyElement === null )
// Plugin hook beforeSerializeLiveProperty
$propertyElement = ezcWebdavServer::getInstance()->pluginRegistry->announceHook(
new ezcWebdavPluginParameters(
'property' => $property,
'xmlTool' => $this->getXmlTool(),
'parentElement' => $parentElement,
// Plugin hook serializeDeadProperty
$propertyElement = ezcWebdavServer::getInstance()->pluginRegistry->announceHook(
new ezcWebdavPluginParameters(
'property' => $property,
'xmlTool' => $this->getXmlTool(),
// No plugin wanted to serialize the propery
if ( $propertyElement === null )
if ( $property === false )
var_dump( $storage );
$propertyElement = $this->serializeDeadProperty( $property, $parentElement );
if ( $propertyElement instanceof DOMNode )
$parentElement->appendChild( $propertyElement );
// Extracting
* Extracts the <link /> XML elements.
* This method extracts the <link /> XML elements from the <source />
* element and returns the corresponding {@link
* ezcWebdavSourcePropertyLink} object to be used as the content of {@link
* ezcWebdavSourceProperty}.
* @param DOMElement $domElement
* @return ezcWebdavSourcePropertyLink
protected function extractLinkContent( DOMElement $domElement )
$links = array();
$linkElements = $domElement->getElementsByTagNameNS(
ezcWebdavXmlTool::XML_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE, 'link'
for ( $i = 0; $i < $linkElements->length; ++$i )
$links[] = new ezcWebdavSourcePropertyLink(
$linkElements->item( $i )->getElementsByTagNameNS( ezcWebdavXmlTool::XML_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE, 'src' )->nodeValue,
$linkElements->item( $i )->getElementsByTagNameNS( ezcWebdavXmlTool::XML_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE, 'dst' )->nodeValue
return $links;
// Serializing
* Returns the XML representation of a dead property.
* Returns a DOMElement, representing the content of the given $property in
* XML. The newly created element is also appended as a child to the given
* $parentElement.
* @param ezcWebdavDeadProperty $property
* @param DOMElement $parentElement
* @return DOMElement
protected function serializeDeadProperty( ezcWebdavDeadProperty $property, DOMElement $parentElement )
if ( $property->content === null )
return $this->getXmlTool()->createDomElement(
$contentDom = $this->getXmlTool()->createDom( $property->content );
return $parentElement->ownerDocument->importNode( $contentDom->documentElement, true );
* Returns the XML representation of a live property.
* Returns a DOMElement, representing the content of the given $property.
* The newly created element is also appended as a child to the given
* $parentElement.
* In case the given property is not recodnized, null is returned to
* indicate that a plugin hook must be announced to see if a plugin can
* serialize the property.
* @param ezcWebdavLiveProperty $property
* @param DOMElement $parentElement
* @return DOMElement|null
protected function serializeLiveProperty( ezcWebdavLiveProperty $property, DOMElement $parentElement )
switch ( get_class( $property ) )
case 'ezcWebdavCreationDateProperty':
$elementName = 'creationdate';
$elementValue = ( $property->date !== null ? $property->date->format( DATE_ISO8601 ) : null );
case 'ezcWebdavDisplayNameProperty':
$elementName = 'displayname';
$elementValue = $property->displayName;
case 'ezcWebdavGetContentLanguageProperty':
$elementName = 'getcontentlanguage';
$elementValue = ( count( $property->languages ) > 0 ? implode( ', ', $property->languages ) : null );
case 'ezcWebdavGetContentLengthProperty':
$elementName = 'getcontentlength';
$elementValue = $property->length;
case 'ezcWebdavGetContentTypeProperty':
$elementName = 'getcontenttype';
$elementValue = ( $property->mime !== null ? $property->mime . ( $property->charset === null ? '' : '; charset="' . $property->charset . '"' ) : null );
case 'ezcWebdavGetEtagProperty':
$elementName = 'getetag';
$elementValue = $property->etag;
case 'ezcWebdavGetLastModifiedProperty':
$elementName = 'getlastmodified';
$elementValue = ( $property->date !== null ? $property->date->format( DATE_RFC1123 ) : null );
case 'ezcWebdavResourceTypeProperty':
$elementName = 'resourcetype';
$elementValue = ( $property->type === ezcWebdavResourceTypeProperty::TYPE_COLLECTION ? array( $this->getXmlTool()->createDomElement( $parentElement->ownerDocument, 'collection' ) ) : null );
case 'ezcWebdavSourceProperty':
$elementName = 'source';
$elementValue = ( $property->links !== null ? $this->serializeLinkContent( $property->links, $parentElement->ownerDocument ) : null );
// Now let the plugin registry hook in
return null;
$propertyElement = $parentElement->appendChild(
$this->getXmlTool()->createDomElement( $parentElement->ownerDocument, $elementName, $property->namespace )
if ( $elementValue instanceof DOMDocument )
$dom->importNode( $elementValue->documentElement, true )
else if ( is_array( $elementValue ) )
foreach ( $elementValue as $subValue )
$propertyElement->appendChild( $subValue );
else if ( is_scalar( $elementValue ) )
$propertyElement->nodeValue = $elementValue;
return $propertyElement;
* Serializes an array of ezcWebdavSourcePropertyLink elements to XML.
* This method takes an array of {@link ezcWebdavSourcePropertyLink}
* instances, which are serialized to DOMElement objects (using the given
* $dom) to be added to a {@link ezcWebdavSourceProperty} XML
* representation. The DOMElement instances are returned in an array.
* @param array(ezcWebdavSourcePropertyLink) $links
* @param DOMDocument $dom To create the returned DOMElements.
* @return array(DOMElement)
protected function serializeLinkContent( array $links = null, DOMDocument $dom )
$linkContentElements = array();
foreach ( $links as $link )
$linkElement = $this->getXmlTool()->createDomElement( $dom, 'link' );
$this->getXmlTool()->createDomElement( $dom, 'src' )
)->nodeValue = $link->src;
$this->getXmlTool()->createDomElement( $dom, 'dst' )
)->nodeValue = $link->dst;
$linkContentElements[] = $linkElement;
return $linkContentElements;