blob: 4489eb017ceadcc4542ccfc5da183fc433cfb6e9 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcWebdavLockLockRequestGenerator class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Webdav
* @version //autogentag//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @access private
* Request generator used to generate PROPPATCH requests to realize the LOCK.
* This lock check observer generates PROPPATCH request to acquire a lock on
* all checked resources. The generated requests can be obtained using the
* {@link getRequests()} method, after the lock check successfully passed.
* @package Webdav
* @version //autogen//
* @access private
class ezcWebdavLockLockRequestGenerator implements ezcWebdavLockCheckObserver
* Generated requests.
* @var array(ezcWebdavPropPatchRequest)
protected $requests = array();
* Request that issued the lock.
* @var ezcWebdavLockRequest
protected $issuingRequest;
* Active lock information part of lock response.
* @var ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryPropertyActiveLock
protected $activeLock;
* Lockdiscovery property of the resource the lock was issued to.
* @var ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryProperty
protected $mainLockDiscoveryProp;
* Creates a new request generator.
* The $request is the LOCK requst object, which was sent by the client.
* The $activeLock part will be attached to the <lockdiscovery> property of
* every affected resource.
* @param ezcWebdavLockRequest $request
* @param ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryPropertyActiveLock $activeLock
public function __construct(
ezcWebdavLockRequest $request,
ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryPropertyActiveLock $activeLock
$this->issuingRequest = $request;
$this->activeLock = $activeLock;
* Notify the generator about a response.
* Notifies the request generator that a request should be generated w.r.t.
* the given $response.
* @param ezcWebdavPropFindResponse $response
* @return void
public function notify( ezcWebdavPropFindResponse $response )
$originalRequestUri = $this->issuingRequest->requestUri;
$path = $response->node->path;
$propPatch = new ezcWebdavPropPatchRequest( $response->node->path );
$lockDiscovery = clone $this->extractLockDiscovery( $response );
$activeLock = clone $this->activeLock;
if ( $originalRequestUri === $path )
// Is lock base
$activeLock->baseUri = null;
$activeLock->lastAccess = new ezcWebdavDateTime();
// Store for later use
$this->mainLockDiscoveryProp = $lockDiscovery;
// Not the lock base
$activeLock->baseUri = $originalRequestUri;
$activeLock->lastAccess = null;
$lockDiscovery->activeLock->append( $activeLock );
$this->requests[] = $propPatch;
* Returns all collected requests generated in the processor.
* @return array(ezcWebdavPropPatchRequest)
public function getRequests()
return $this->requests;
* Returns the lock discovery property assigned to $path.
* This method is used to retrieve the lock discovery property for $path,
* to include it into the LOCK response body.
* @param string $path
* @return ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryProperty
public function getLockDiscoveryProperty( $path )
return $this->mainLockDiscoveryProp;
* Extracts the current lock discovery property.
* Extracts the current lock discovery property of the affected node from
* PROPFIND $response. If no lockdiscovery property could be found, a new
* one is returned.
* @param ezcWebdavPropFindResponse $response
* @return ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryProperty
protected function extractLockDiscovery( ezcWebdavPropFindResponse $response )
foreach ( $response->responses as $propStatRes )
if ( $propStatRes->status === ezcWebdavResponse::STATUS_200
&& $propStatRes->storage->contains( 'lockdiscovery' )
return $propStatRes->storage->get( 'lockdiscovery' );
// Not found
return new ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryProperty();