blob: 05f07c26bc58d72cd3e64b6bf2406337bb3588cf [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcTreeDbNestedSet class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @version //autogentag//
* @filesource
* @package TreeDatabaseTiein
* ezcTreeDbNestedSet implements a tree backend which stores parent/child
* information with left and right values.
* The table that stores the index (configured using the $indexTableName argument
* of the {@link __construct} method) should contain at least four fields. The
* first one 'id' will contain the node's ID, the second one 'parent_id' the ID
* of the node's parent. Both fields should be of the same database field type.
* Supported field types are either integer or a string type. The other two
* fields "lft" and "rgt" will store the left and right values that the
* algorithm requires. These two fields should be of an integer type.
* In order to use auto-generated IDs, the 'id' field needs to be an
* auto-incrementing integer field, by using either an auto-increment field, or
* a sequence.
* @property-read ezcTreeDbDataStore $store
* The data store that is used for retrieving/storing data.
* @property string $nodeClassName
* Which class is used as tree node - this class *must* inherit
* the ezcTreeNode class.
* @package TreeDatabaseTiein
* @version //autogentag//
* @mainclass
class ezcTreeDbNestedSet extends ezcTreeDbParentChild
* Creates a new ezcTreeDbNestedSet object.
* The different arguments to the method configure which database
* connection ($dbh) is used to access the database and the $indexTableName
* argument which table is used to retrieve the relation data from. The
* $store argument configure which data store is used with this tree.
* It is up to the user to create the database table and make sure it is
* empty.
* @param ezcDbHandler $dbh
* @param string $indexTableName
* @param ezcTreeDbDataStore $store
public static function create( ezcDbHandler $dbh, $indexTableName, ezcTreeDbDataStore $store )
return new ezcTreeDbNestedSet( $dbh, $indexTableName, $store );
* Returns all the nodes in the path from the root node to the node with ID
* $nodeId, including those two nodes.
* @param string $nodeId
* @return ezcTreeNodeList
public function fetchPath( $nodeId )
$className = $this->properties['nodeClassName'];
$list = new ezcTreeNodeList;
$db = $this->dbh;
$q = $db->createSelectQuery();
// FROM indexTable as node,
// indexTable as parent
// node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt
// AND
// = $nodeId
// ORDER BY parent.lft
$q->select( '' )
->from( $db->quoteIdentifier( $this->indexTableName ) . " as node" )
->from( $db->quoteIdentifier( $this->indexTableName ) . " as parent" )
->where( $q->expr->lAnd(
$q->expr->between( 'node.lft', 'parent.lft', 'parent.rgt' ),
$q->expr->eq( '', $q->bindValue( $nodeId ) )
->orderBy( 'parent.lft' );
$s = $q->prepare();
foreach ( $s as $result )
$list->addNode( new $className( $this, $result['id'] ) );
return $list;
* Returns the node with ID $nodeId and all its children, sorted according to
* the {@link Depth-first sorting}
* algorithm.
* @param string $nodeId
* @return ezcTreeNodeList
public function fetchSubtreeDepthFirst( $nodeId )
$className = $this->properties['nodeClassName'];
$list = new ezcTreeNodeList;
$db = $this->dbh;
// Fetch parent information
list( $left, $right, $width ) = $this->fetchNodeInformation( $nodeId );
// Fetch subtree
// SELECT id
// FROM indexTable
// WHERE lft BETWEEN $left AND $right
// ORDER BY lft
$q = $db->createSelectQuery();
$q->select( 'id' )
->from( $db->quoteIdentifier( $this->indexTableName ) )
->where( $q->expr->between( 'lft', $q->bindValue( $left ), $q->bindValue( $right ) ) )
->orderBy( 'lft' );
$s = $q->prepare();
foreach ( $s as $result )
$list->addNode( new $className( $this, $result['id'] ) );
return $list;
* Returns the distance from the root node to the node with ID $nodeId.
* @param string $nodeId
* @return int
public function getPathLength( $nodeId )
$path = $this->fetchPath( $nodeId );
return count( $path->nodes ) - 1;
* Returns whether the node with ID $childId is a direct or indirect child
* of the node with ID $parentId.
* @param string $childId
* @param string $parentId
* @return bool
public function isDescendantOf( $childId, $parentId )
$path = $this->fetchPath( $childId );
if ( isset( $path[$parentId] ) && ( $childId !== $parentId ) )
return true;
return false;
* Sets a new node as root node, this also wipes out the whole tree.
* @param ezcTreeNode $node
public function setRootNode( ezcTreeNode $node )
$db = $this->dbh;
// Remove nodes from tree
// DELETE FROM indexTable
$q = $db->createDeleteQuery();
$q->deleteFrom( $db->quoteIdentifier( $this->indexTableName ) );
$s = $q->prepare();
// Remove all data belonging to those nodes
// Create new root node
// INSERT INTO indexTable
// SET parent_id = null,
// id = $node->id,
// lft = 1, rgt = 2
$q = $db->createInsertQuery();
$q->insertInto( $db->quoteIdentifier( $this->indexTableName ) )
->set( 'parent_id', "null" )
->set( 'id', $q->bindValue( $node->id ) )
->set( 'lft', 1 )
->set( 'rgt', 2 );
$s = $q->prepare();
// Store data for new root node
$this->store->storeDataForNode( $node, $node->data );
* Creates the query to insert an empty node into the database, so that the last-inserted ID can be obtained.
* @return ezcQueryInsert
protected function createAddEmptyNodeQuery()
$db = $this->dbh;
$q = $db->createInsertQuery();
$q->insertInto( $db->quoteIdentifier( $this->indexTableName ) )
->set( 'lft', 0 )
->set( 'rgt', 0 );
return $q;
* Updates the left and right values of the nodes that are added while
* adding a whole subtree as child of a node.
* The method does not update nodes where the IDs are in the $excludedIds
* list.
* @param int $right
* @param int $width
* @param array(string) $excludedIds
protected function updateNestedValuesForSubtreeAddition( $right, $width, $excludedIds = array() )
$db = $this->dbh;
// Move all the right values + $width for nodes where the the right value >=
// the parent right value:
// UPDATE indexTable
// SET rgt = rgt + $width
// WHERE rgt >= $right
$q = $db->createUpdateQuery();
$q->update( $db->quoteIdentifier( $this->indexTableName ) )
->set( 'rgt', $q->expr->add( 'rgt', $width ) )
->where( $q->expr->gte( 'rgt', $right ) );
if ( count( $excludedIds ) )
$q->where( $q->expr->not( $q->expr->in( 'id', $excludedIds ) ) );
// Move all the left values + $width for nodes where the the right value >=
// the parent left value
// UPDATE indexTable
// SET lft = lft + $width
// WHERE lft >= $right
$q = $db->createUpdateQuery();
$q->update( $db->quoteIdentifier( $this->indexTableName ) )
->set( 'lft', $q->expr->add( 'lft', $width ) )
->where( $q->expr->gte( 'lft', $right ) );
if ( count( $excludedIds ) )
$q->where( $q->expr->not( $q->expr->in( 'id', $excludedIds ) ) );
* Adds the node $childNode as child of the node with ID $parentId.
* @param string $parentId
* @param ezcTreeNode $childNode
public function addChild( $parentId, ezcTreeNode $childNode )
if ( $this->inTransaction )
$this->addTransactionItem( new ezcTreeTransactionItem( ezcTreeTransactionItem::ADD, $childNode, null, $parentId ) );
$db = $this->dbh;
// Fetch parent's information
list( $left, $right, $width ) = $this->fetchNodeInformation( $parentId );
// Update left and right values to account for new subtree
$this->updateNestedValuesForSubtreeAddition( $right, 2 );
// Add new node
if ( $width == 2 )
$newLeft = $left + 1;
$newRight = $left + 2;
$newLeft = $right;
$newRight = $right + 1;
// INSERT INTO indexTable
// SET parent_id = $parentId,
// id = $childNode->id,
// lft = $newLeft,
// rgt = $newRight
$q = $this->createAddNodeQuery( $childNode->id );
$q->set( 'parent_id', $q->bindValue( $parentId ) )
->set( 'id', $q->bindValue( $childNode->id ) )
->set( 'lft', $q->bindValue( $newLeft ) )
->set( 'rgt', $q->bindValue( $newRight ) );
$s = $q->prepare();
// Add the data for the new node
$this->store->storeDataForNode( $childNode, $childNode->data );
* Returns the left, right and width values for the node with ID $nodeId as an
* array.
* The format of the array is:
* - 0: left value
* - 1: right value
* - 2: width value (right - left + 1)
* @param string $nodeId
* @return array(int)
protected function fetchNodeInformation( $nodeId )
$db = $this->dbh;
// SELECT lft, rgt, rft-lft+1 as width
// FROM indexTable
// WHERE id = $nodeId
$q = $db->createSelectQuery();
$q->select( 'lft, rgt, rgt - lft + 1 as width' )
->from( $db->quoteIdentifier( $this->indexTableName ) )
->where( $q->expr->eq( 'id', $q->bindValue( $nodeId ) ) );
$s = $q->prepare();
$r = $s->fetchAll( PDO::FETCH_NUM );
return $r[0];
* Updates the left and right values in case a subtree is deleted.
* @param int $right
* @param int $width
protected function updateNestedValuesForSubtreeDeletion( $right, $width )
$db = $this->dbh;
// Move all the right values + $width for nodes where the the right
// value > the parent right value
// UPDATE indexTable
// SET rgt = rgt - $width
// WHERE rgt > $right
$q = $db->createUpdateQuery();
$q->update( $db->quoteIdentifier( $this->indexTableName ) )
->set( 'rgt', $q->expr->sub( 'rgt', $width ) )
->where( $q->expr->gt( 'rgt', $right ) );
// Move all the right values + $width for nodes where the the left
// value > the parent right value
// UPDATE indexTable
// SET lft = lft - $width
// WHERE lft > $right
$q = $db->createUpdateQuery();
$q->update( $db->quoteIdentifier( $this->indexTableName ) )
->set( 'lft', $q->expr->sub( 'lft', $width ) )
->where( $q->expr->gt( 'lft', $right ) );
* Deletes the node with ID $nodeId from the tree, including all its children.
* @param string $nodeId
public function delete( $nodeId )
if ( $this->inTransaction )
$this->addTransactionItem( new ezcTreeTransactionItem( ezcTreeTransactionItem::DELETE, null, $nodeId ) );
// Delete all data for the deleted nodes
$nodeList = $this->fetchSubtreeDepthFirst( $nodeId );
$this->store->deleteDataForNodes( $nodeList );
// Fetch node information
list( $left, $right, $width ) = $this->fetchNodeInformation( $nodeId );
// DELETE FROM indexTable
// WHERE lft BETWEEN $left and $right
$db = $this->dbh;
$q = $db->createDeleteQuery();
$q->deleteFrom( $db->quoteIdentifier( $this->indexTableName ) )
->where( $q->expr->between( 'lft', $left, $right ) );
$s = $q->prepare();
// Update the left and right values to account for the removed subtree
$this->updateNestedValuesForSubtreeDeletion( $right, $width );
* Moves the node with ID $nodeId as child to the node with ID $targetParentId.
* @param string $nodeId
* @param string $targetParentId
public function move( $nodeId, $targetParentId )
if ( $this->inTransaction )
$this->addTransactionItem( new ezcTreeTransactionItem( ezcTreeTransactionItem::MOVE, null, $nodeId, $targetParentId ) );
$db = $this->dbh;
// Get the nodes that are gonne be moved in the subtree
$nodeIds = array();
foreach ( $this->fetchSubtreeDepthFirst( $nodeId )->nodes as $node )
$nodeIds[] = $node->id;
// Update parent ID for the node
// UPDATE indexTable
// SET parent_id = $targetParentId
// WHERE id = $nodeId
$q = $db->createUpdateQuery();
$q->update( $db->quoteIdentifier( $this->indexTableName ) )
->set( 'parent_id', $q->bindValue( $targetParentId ) )
->where( $q->expr->eq( 'id', $q->bindValue( $nodeId ) ) );
$s = $q->prepare();
// Fetch node information
list( $origLeft, $origRight, $origWidth ) = $this->fetchNodeInformation( $nodeId );
// Update the nested values to account for the moved subtree (delete part)
$this->updateNestedValuesForSubtreeDeletion( $origRight, $origWidth );
// Fetch node information
list( $targetParentLeft, $targetParentRight, $targerParentWidth ) = $this->fetchNodeInformation( $targetParentId );
// Update the nested values to account for the moved subtree (addition part)
$this->updateNestedValuesForSubtreeAddition( $targetParentRight, $origWidth, $nodeIds );
// Update nodes in moved subtree
$adjust = $targetParentRight - $origLeft;
// UPDATE indexTable
// SET rgt = rgt + $adjust
// WHERE id in $nodeIds
$q = $db->createUpdateQuery();
$q->update( $db->quoteIdentifier( $this->indexTableName ) )
->set( 'rgt', $q->expr->add( 'rgt', $adjust ) )
->where( $q->expr->in( 'id', $nodeIds ) );
// UPDATE indexTable
// SET lft = lft + $adjust
// WHERE id in $nodeIds
$q = $db->createUpdateQuery();
$q->update( $db->quoteIdentifier( $this->indexTableName ) )
->set( 'lft', $q->expr->add( 'lft', $adjust ) )
->where( $q->expr->in( 'id', $nodeIds ) );