blob: 7309f8f1217004d7194634364daa57defe177a1c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @version //autogentag//
* @filesource
* @package Tree
* @subpackage Tests
require_once 'tree.php';
* @package Tree
* @subpackage Tests
class ezcTreeXmlTest extends ezcTreeTest
private $tempDir;
protected function setUp()
$this->tempDir = $this->createTempDir( 'ezcXmlTreeTest' );
protected function tearDown()
protected function setUpEmptyTestTree()
$tree = ezcTreeXml::create(
$this->tempDir . '/test.xml',
new ezcTreeXmlInternalDataStore()
return $tree;
protected function setUpTestTree()
copy( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/files/init.xml', $this->tempDir . '/test.xml' );
$tree = new ezcTreeXml(
$this->tempDir . '/test.xml',
new ezcTreeXmlInternalDataStore()
return $tree;
public function testOpenInvalidFormatXmlTree()
$dirname = dirname( __FILE__ );
$tree = new ezcTreeXml(
new ezcTreeXmlInternalDataStore()
catch ( ezcTreeInvalidXmlFormatException $e )
self::assertSame( "The XML file '$dirname/files/invalid-structure.xml' does not validate according to the expected schema:\n$dirname/files/invalid-structure.xml:12:0: Did not expect element foo there\n", $e->getMessage() );
public function testOpenInvalidXmlTree()
$dirname = dirname( __FILE__ );
$tree = new ezcTreeXml(
new ezcTreeXmlInternalDataStore()
catch ( ezcTreeInvalidXmlException $e )
self::assertSame( "The XML file '$dirname/files/invalid-xml.xml' is not well-formed:\n$dirname/files/invalid-xml.xml:28:8: Opening and ending tag mismatch: node line 4 and tree\n$dirname/files/invalid-xml.xml:29:1: Premature end of data in tag tree line 3\n", $e->getMessage() );
public function testOpenNonExistingXmlTree()
$dirname = dirname( __FILE__ );
$tree = new ezcTreeXml(
new ezcTreeXmlInternalDataStore()
catch ( ezcBaseFileNotFoundException $e )
self::assertSame( "The XML file '$dirname/files/does-not-exist.xml' could not be found.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testCreateXmlTree()
$tree = ezcTreeXml::create(
$this->tempDir . '/new-tree.xml',
new ezcTreeXmlInternalDataStore()
self::assertSame( false, $tree->nodeExists( '1' ) );
self::assertSame( false, $tree->nodeExists( '3' ) );
$node = $tree->createNode( 1, "Root Node" );
self::assertType( 'ezcTreeNode', $node );
self::assertSame( '1', $node->id );
$tree->setRootNode( $node );
self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '1' ) );
$node2 = $tree->createNode( 2, "Node 2" );
$node->addChild( $node2 );
self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '2' ) );
$node->addChild( $node3 = $tree->createNode( 3, "Node 3" ) );
$node3->addChild( $tree->createNode( 4, "Node 3.4" ) );
self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '3' ) );
self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '4' ) );
dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/files/create-test.xml',
$this->tempDir . '/new-tree.xml'
public function testCreateXmlTreeWithPrefix()
$tree = ezcTreeXml::create(
$this->tempDir . '/new-tree.xml',
new ezcTreeXmlInternalDataStore(),
self::assertSame( false, $tree->nodeExists( '1' ) );
self::assertSame( false, $tree->nodeExists( '3' ) );
$node = $tree->createNode( 1, "Root Node" );
self::assertType( 'ezcTreeNode', $node );
self::assertSame( '1', $node->id );
$tree->setRootNode( $node );
self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '1' ) );
self::assertSame( '1', $tree->getRootNode()->id );
$node2 = $tree->createNode( 2, "Node 2" );
$node->addChild( $node2 );
self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '2' ) );
$node->addChild( $node3 = $tree->createNode( 3, "Node 3" ) );
$node3->addChild( $tree->createNode( 4, "Node 3.4" ) );
self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '3' ) );
self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '4' ) );
dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/files/create-test-prefix.xml',
$this->tempDir . '/new-tree.xml'
public function testSetPrefix()
$tree = ezcTreeXml::create(
$this->tempDir . '/new-tree.xml',
new ezcTreeXmlInternalDataStore(),
$tree->prefix = 'foo';
self::fail( "Expected exception not thrown" );
catch ( ezcBasePropertyPermissionException $e )
self::assertSame( "The property 'prefix' is read-only.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testIssetAndGetPrefix()
$tree = ezcTreeXml::create(
$this->tempDir . '/new-tree.xml',
new ezcTreeXmlInternalDataStore(),
self::assertSame( true, isset( $tree->prefix ) );
self::assertSame( 'ezc', $tree->prefix );
public function testCreateXmlTreeWithTransaction()
$tree = ezcTreeXml::create(
$this->tempDir . '/new-tree.xml',
new ezcTreeXmlInternalDataStore()
$tree->setRootNode( $node = $tree->createNode( 1, "Root Node" ) );
self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '1' ) );
$node->addChild( $tree->createNode( 2, "Node 2" ) );
$node->addChild( $node3 = $tree->createNode( 3, "Node 3" ) );
$node3->addChild( $tree->createNode( 4, "Node 3.4" ) );
self::assertSame( false, $tree->nodeExists( '3' ) );
self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '3' ) );
dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/files/create-test.xml',
$this->tempDir . '/new-tree.xml'
public function testStoreUpdatedData()
$tree = ezcTreeXml::create(
$this->tempDir . '/new-tree.xml',
new ezcTreeXmlInternalDataStore()
$root = $tree->createNode( 1, "Camelinae" );
$tree->setRootNode( $root );
$root->addChild( $tree->createNode( 2, "Lama" ) );
$root->addChild( $tree->createNode( 3, "Vicugna" ) );
$root->addChild( $tree->createNode( 4, "Camelus" ) );
// start over
$tree = new ezcTreeXml(
$this->tempDir . '/new-tree.xml',
new ezcTreeXmlInternalDataStore()
$camelus = $tree->fetchNodeById( 4 );
self::assertSame( "Camelus", $camelus->data );
$camelus->data = "Something Wrong";
$camelus->data = "Camels";
// start over
$tree = new ezcTreeXml(
$this->tempDir . '/new-tree.xml',
new ezcTreeXmlInternalDataStore()
$camelus = $tree->fetchNodeById( 4 );
self::assertSame( "Camels", $camelus->data );
public function testStoreUpdatedData2()
$tree = ezcTreeXml::create(
$this->tempDir . '/new-tree.xml',
new ezcTreeXmlInternalDataStore()
$tree->autoId = true;
$rootNode = $tree->createNode( null, 'Elements' );
$tree->setRootNode( $rootNode );
$nonMetal = $tree->createNode( 'NonMetals', 'Non-Metals' );
$rootNode->addChild( $nonMetal );
$nobleGasses = $tree->createNode( null, 'Noble Gasses' );
$rootNode->addChild( $nobleGasses );
$nonMetal->addChild( $tree->createNode( null, 'Hydrogen' ) );
$nonMetal->addChild( $tree->createNode( null, 'Carbon' ) );
// start over
$tree = new ezcTreeXml(
$this->tempDir . '/new-tree.xml',
new ezcTreeXmlInternalDataStore()
$nonMetals = $tree->fetchNodeById( 'NonMetals' );
self::assertSame( "Non-Metals", $nonMetals->data );
$nonMetals->data = "Non-Metals renamed";
// start over
$tree = new ezcTreeXml(
$this->tempDir . '/new-tree.xml',
new ezcTreeXmlInternalDataStore()
$nonMetals = $tree->fetchNodeById( 'NonMetals' );
self::assertSame( "Non-Metals renamed", $nonMetals->data );
public function testStoreUpdatedData3()
$tree = $this->setUpTestTree();
$node = $tree->fetchNodeById( 1 );
$node->data = "Node 1 renamed";
dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/files/init-renamed-node.xml',
$this->tempDir . '/test.xml'
public function testReloadAutoGenId()
$tree = ezcTreeXml::create(
$this->tempDir . '/new-tree.xml',
new ezcTreeXmlInternalDataStore()
$tree->autoId = true;
$root = $tree->createNode( null, "Camelinae" );
$tree->setRootNode( $root );
$root->addChild( $tree->createNode( null, "Lama" ) );
$root->addChild( $tree->createNode( null, "Vicugna" ) );
$root->addChild( $tree->createNode( null, "Camelus" ) );
// start over
$tree = new ezcTreeXml(
$this->tempDir . '/new-tree.xml',
new ezcTreeXmlInternalDataStore()
$root = $tree->getRootNode();
$newNode = $tree->createNode( null, "Oempa" );
$root->addChild( $newNode );
$camelus = $tree->fetchNodeById( 5 );
self::assertSame( "Oempa", $camelus->data );
public function testReloadAutoGenIdWithPrefix()
$tree = ezcTreeXml::create(
$this->tempDir . '/new-tree.xml',
new ezcTreeXmlInternalDataStore(),
$tree->autoId = true;
$root = $tree->createNode( null, "Camelinae" );
$tree->setRootNode( $root );
$root->addChild( $tree->createNode( null, "Lama" ) );
$root->addChild( $tree->createNode( null, "Vicugna" ) );
$root->addChild( $tree->createNode( null, "Camelus" ) );
// start over
$tree = new ezcTreeXml(
$this->tempDir . '/new-tree.xml',
new ezcTreeXmlInternalDataStore()
$root = $tree->getRootNode();
$newNode = $tree->createNode( null, "Oempa" );
$root->addChild( $newNode );
$camelus = $tree->fetchNodeById( 5 );
self::assertSame( "Oempa", $camelus->data );
// start over
$tree = new ezcTreeXml(
$this->tempDir . '/new-tree.xml',
new ezcTreeXmlInternalDataStore()
$root = $tree->fetchNodeById( 5 );
$newNode = $tree->createNode( null, "Loempa" );
$root->addChild( $newNode );
$camelus = $tree->fetchNodeById( 5 );
self::assertSame( "Oempa", $camelus->data );
$camelus = $tree->fetchNodeById( 6 );
self::assertSame( "Loempa", $camelus->data );
// test for bug #13155
public function testFetchDataNode1()
$dirname = dirname( __FILE__ );
$tree = new ezcTreeXml(
new ezcTreeXmlInternalDataStore()
$node = $tree->fetchNodeById( 1 );
$data = $node->data;
self::fail( "Expected exception not thrown." );
catch ( ezcTreeDataStoreMissingDataException $e )
self::assertEquals( "The data store does not have data stored for the node with ID '1'.", $e->getMessage() );
public static function suite()
return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( "ezcTreeXmlTest" );