blob: 2943d90b8085757127b45198fbf3771a8df0c3ac [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcTreeVisitorPlainText class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @version //autogentag//
* @filesource
* @package Tree
* An implementation of the ezcTreeVisitor interface that generates
* a plain text representation of a tree structure.
* <code>
* <?php
* $visitor = new ezcTreeVisitorPlainText( ezcTreeVisitorPlainText::SYMBOL_UTF8 );
* $tree->accept( $visitor );
* echo (string) $visitor; // print the plot
* ?>
* </code>
* Shows (something like):
* <code>
* Hylobatidae
* ├─Hylobates
* │ ├─Lar Gibbon
* │ ├─Agile Gibbon
* │ ├─Müller's Bornean Gibbon
* │ ├─Silvery Gibbon
* │ ├─Pileated Gibbon
* │ └─Kloss's Gibbon
* ├─Hoolock
* │ ├─Western Hoolock Gibbon
* │ └─Eastern Hoolock Gibbon
* ├─Symphalangus
* └─Nomascus
* ├─Black Crested Gibbon
* ├─Eastern Black Crested Gibbon
* ├─White-cheecked Crested Gibbon
* └─Yellow-cheecked Gibbon
* </code>
* @package Tree
* @version //autogentag//
class ezcTreeVisitorPlainText implements ezcTreeVisitor
* Represents the ASCII symbol set.
const SYMBOL_ASCII = 1;
* Represents the UTF-8 symbol set.
const SYMBOL_UTF8 = 2;
* Holds all the edges of the graph.
* @var array(string=>array(string))
protected $edges = array();
* Holds the root ID
* @var string
protected $root = null;
* Constructs a new ezcTreeVisitorPlainText visualizer using $symbolCharset
* as character set.
* This class only supports 'ascii' and 'utf-8' as character sets. Default is
* 'utf-8'.
* @see SYMBOL_UTF8
* @param int $symbolCharset
public function __construct( $symbolCharset = self::SYMBOL_UTF8 )
switch ( $symbolCharset )
case self::SYMBOL_ASCII:
$symbols = array( '|', '+', '-', '+' );
case self::SYMBOL_UTF8:
$symbols = array( '│', '├', '─', '└' );
$this->symbolPipe = $symbols[0];
$this->symbolTee = $symbols[1];
$this->symbolLine = $symbols[2];
$this->symbolCorner = $symbols[3];
* Visits the node and sets the the member variables according to the node
* type and contents.
* @param ezcTreeVisitable $visitable
* @return bool
public function visit( ezcTreeVisitable $visitable )
if ( $visitable instanceof ezcTreeNode )
if ( $this->root === null )
$this->root = $visitable->id;
$parent = $visitable->fetchParent();
if ( $parent )
$this->edges[$parent->id][] = $visitable->id;
return true;
* Loops over the children of the node with ID $id.
* This methods loops over all the node's children and adds the correct
* layout for each node depending on the state that is collected in the
* $level and $levelLast variables.
* @param string $id
* @param int $level
* @param array(int=>bool) $levelLast
* @return string
private function doChildren( $id, $level = 0, $levelLast = array() )
$text = '';
if ( !isset( $this->edges[$id] ) )
return $text;
$children = $this->edges[$id];
$numChildren = count( $children );
$count = 0;
foreach ( $children as $child )
for ( $i = 0; $i < $level; $i++ )
if ( isset( $levelLast[$i] ) && $levelLast[$i] )
$text .= ' ';
$text .= "{$this->symbolPipe} ";
if ( $count != $numChildren )
$text .= "{$this->symbolTee}{$this->symbolLine}";
$levelLast[$level] = false;
$text .= "{$this->symbolCorner}{$this->symbolLine}";
$levelLast[$level] = true;
$text .= $child . "\n";
$text .= $this->doChildren( $child, $level + 1, $levelLast );
return $text;
* Returns the text representatation of a tree.
* @return string
* @ignore
public function __toString()
$tree = $this->root . "\n";
$tree .= $this->doChildren( $this->root );
return $tree;