blob: 8f509fadfaa842ae2c200dd442ba1f363f00b810 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @version //autogentag//
* @filesource
* @package TranslationCacheTiein
* @subpackage Tests
* @package TranslationCacheTiein
* @subpackage Tests
class ezcTranslationCacheBackendTest extends ezcTestCase
private $cacheObj;
protected function setUp()
$this->cacheObj = new ezcCacheStorageFileArray( $this->createTempDir( 'ezcTranslationCacheBackendTest' ) );
$expected = array(
new ezcTranslationData( 'Node ID: %node_id Visibility: %visibility', 'Knoop ID: %node_id Zichtbaar: %visibility', false, ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED )
$this->cacheObj->store( 'nl-nl/contentstructuremenu/show_content_structure', $expected );
$expected = array();
$expected[] = new ezcTranslationData( 'Approval', 'Goedkeuring', false, ezcTranslationData::UNFINISHED );
$expected[] = new ezcTranslationData( 'Approvals', false, false, ezcTranslationData::UNFINISHED );
$this->cacheObj->store( 'nl-nl/design/admin/collaboration', $expected );
$expected = array();
$expected[] = new ezcTranslationData( 'Groups', 'Groepen', false, ezcTranslationData::OBSOLETE );
$this->cacheObj->store( 'nl-nl/design/admin/collaboration/group_tree', $expected );
protected function tearDown()
* There are no configuration options yet, so comment this test out for now.
public function testConfigSetting()
$backend = new ezcTranslationCacheBackend( $this->cacheObj );
$backend->setOptions( array ( 'location' => 'tests/translations', 'format' => '[LOCALE].xml' ) );
public function testConfigSettingBroken()
$backend = new ezcTranslationCacheBackend( $this->cacheObj );
$backend->setOptions( array ( 'lOcAtIOn' => 'tests/translations' ) );
catch ( ezcBaseSettingNotFoundException $e )
self::assertEquals( "The setting 'lOcAtIOn' is not a valid configuration setting.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testGetContext1()
$currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ );
$backend = new ezcTranslationCacheBackend( $this->cacheObj );
$context = $backend->getContext( 'nl-nl', 'contentstructuremenu/show_content_structure' );
$expected = array( new ezcTranslationData( 'Node ID: %node_id Visibility: %visibility', 'Knoop ID: %node_id Zichtbaar: %visibility', false, ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED ) );
self::assertEquals( $expected, $context );
public function testGetContextUnfinishedData()
$currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ );
$backend = new ezcTranslationCacheBackend( $this->cacheObj );
$context = $backend->getContext( 'nl-nl', 'design/admin/collaboration' );
$expected = array();
$expected[] = new ezcTranslationData( 'Approval', 'Goedkeuring', false, ezcTranslationData::UNFINISHED );
$expected[] = new ezcTranslationData( 'Approvals', false, false, ezcTranslationData::UNFINISHED );
self::assertEquals( $expected, $context );
public function testGetContextObsolete()
$currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ );
$backend = new ezcTranslationCacheBackend( $this->cacheObj );
$context = $backend->getContext( 'nl-nl', 'design/admin/collaboration/group_tree' );
$expected = array();
self::assertEquals( $expected, $context );
public function testGetMissingContext()
$currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ );
$backend = new ezcTranslationCacheBackend( $this->cacheObj );
$context = $backend->getContext( 'nl-nl', 'does/not/exist' );
catch ( ezcTranslationContextNotAvailableException $e )
self::assertEquals( "The context 'does/not/exist' does not exist.", $e->getMessage() );
* Writer tests
public function testWriter1()
$currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ );
$backend = new ezcTranslationCacheBackend( $this->cacheObj );
$backend->initWriter( 'nb-no' );
$contextName = 'contentstructuremenu/show_content_structure';
$contextData = array(
new ezcTranslationData( 'Node ID: %node_id Visibility: %visibility', 'Node-ID: %node_id Synlig/skjult: %visibility', false, ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED ),
new ezcTranslationData( 'Approvals', false, false, ezcTranslationData::UNFINISHED ),
new ezcTranslationData( 'Groups', 'Groepen', false, ezcTranslationData::OBSOLETE ),
$backend->storeContext( $contextName, $contextData );
/* Unsetting element 2, as that should not be in the returned context */
unset( $contextData[2] );
$storedContext = $backend->getContext( 'nb-no', $contextName );
self::assertEquals( $contextData, $storedContext );
public function testNonInitException1()
$currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ );
$backend = new ezcTranslationCacheBackend( $this->cacheObj );
$backend->storeContext( 'dummy', array() );
catch ( ezcTranslationWriterNotInitializedException $e )
self::assertEquals( "The writer is not initialized with the initWriter() method.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testNonInitException2()
$currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ );
$backend = new ezcTranslationCacheBackend( $this->cacheObj );
catch ( ezcTranslationWriterNotInitializedException $e )
self::assertEquals( "The writer is not initialized with the initWriter() method.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testNonInitException3()
$currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ );
$backend = new ezcTranslationCacheBackend( $this->cacheObj );
$backend->initWriter( 'nb-no' );
catch ( ezcTranslationWriterNotInitializedException $e )
self::assertEquals( "The writer is not initialized with the initWriter() method.", $e->getMessage() );
public static function suite()
return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( "ezcTranslationCacheBackendTest" );