blob: ad0af662ca894ae641a99f8bdab5033d671b2da0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @version //autogentag//
* @filesource
* @package Translation
* ezcTranslation is a container that holds the translated strings for a
* specific context.
* ezcTranslation objects are returned by the ezcTranslationManager for every
* requested context.
* For an example see {@link ezcTranslationManager}.
* @package Translation
* @version //autogentag//
* @mainclass
class ezcTranslation
* Contains an array where the key is the original string (often
* English) and the element is an object of the class
* ezcTranslationData (a struct).
* @var array(string=>ezcTranslationData)
private $translationMap;
* Constructs the ezcTranslation object.
* The constructor receives an array containing the translation elements,
* and builds up an internal map between the original string and the
* accompanying translation data.
* @param array(ezcTranslationData) $data
function __construct( array $data )
$this->translationMap = array();
foreach ( $data as $translationElement )
$this->translationMap[$translationElement->original] = $translationElement;
* Returns the replacement for the key $key from the parameters $params.
* The params array is an associative array in the form array('key'=>'value').
* This is a callback function used by the getTranslation() method for each
* matched parameter in the translated string.
* @param string $key
* @param array $params
* @return string
private function parameterCallback( $key, array $params )
if ( !isset( $params[strtolower( $key )] ) )
throw new ezcTranslationParameterMissingException( $key );
$string = $params[strtolower( $key )];
// We use ctype_upper() here to check if the first character of the key
// is an uppercase letter. If it is then we make the first character of
// the returned translation also an upper case character. With this
// mechanism we can correctly upper case translated strings if word
// order changes. See
// {@link ezcTranslationTest::testGetStringWithParameters} for an
// example of this.
if ( ctype_upper( $key[0] ) )
$string = ucfirst( $string );
return $string;
* Returns the translated version of the original string $key.
* This method returns a translated string and substitutes the parameters $param
* in the localized string.
* @throws ezcTranslationKeyNotAvailableException when the key is not
* available in the translation definitions
* @throws ezcTranslationParameterMissingException when not enough
* parameters are passed for a parameterized string
* @param string $key
* @param array(string=>string) $params
* @return string
public function getTranslation( $key, array $params = array() )
if ( !isset( $this->translationMap[$key] ) )
throw new ezcTranslationKeyNotAvailableException( $key );
$translatedString = $this->translationMap[$key]->translation;
// Little optimization to prevent preg if not needed, it bails out too
// if there is just a percent sign in the string without a valid
// parameter-identifier, but we can live with that.
if ( strstr( $translatedString, '%' ) === false )
return $translatedString;
// So we do have a possibility of a parameterized string, replace those
// with the parameters. The callback function can actually throw an
// exception to tell that there was a missing parameter.
return (string) preg_replace( '@%(([A-Za-z][a-z_]*[a-z])|[1-9])@e', '$this->parameterCallback("\\1", $params)', $translatedString );
* Returns the replacement for the key $key from the parameters $params.
* The params array is an associative array in the form array('key'=>'value').
* This is a callback function used by the compileTranslation() method for each
* matched parameter in the translated string.
* @param string $key
* @param array $params
* @return string
private function parameterCallbackCompile( $key, array $params )
if ( !isset( $params[strtolower( $key )] ) )
throw new ezcTranslationParameterMissingException( $key );
// We use ctype_upper() here to check if the first character of the key
// is an uppercase letter. If it is then we make the first character of
// the returned translation also an upper case character. With this
// mechanism we can correctly upper case translated strings if word
// order changes. See
// {@link ezcTranslationTest::testGetStringWithParameters} for an
// example of this.
if ( ctype_upper( $key[0] ) )
$string = "' . ucfirst(". $params[strtolower( $key )] . ") . '";
$string = "' . ". $params[strtolower( $key )] . " . '";
return $string;
* Returns the translated version of the original string $key.
* This method returns a translated string and substitutes the parameters $param
* in the localized string with PHP code to place the variable data into
* the string at a later moment. Instead of the values for each of the
* parameters, an expression to get to the data should be sumbitted into
* the $params array.
* <code>
* echo $translation->compileTranslation( "Hello #%nr", array( "nr" => '$this->send->nr' ) );
* </code>
* Will return something like:
* <code>
* 'Hallo #' . $this->send->nr . ''
* </code>
* @param string $key
* @param array(string=>string) $params
* @return string
public function compileTranslation( $key, array $params = array() )
if ( !isset( $this->translationMap[$key] ) )
throw new ezcTranslationKeyNotAvailableException( $key );
$translatedString = var_export( $this->translationMap[$key]->translation, true );
// Little optimization to prevent preg if not needed, it bails out too
// if there is just a percent sign in the string without a valid
// parameter-identifier, but we can live with that.
if ( strstr( $translatedString, '%' ) === false )
return $translatedString;
// So we do have a possibility of a parameterized string, replace those
// with the parameters. The callback function can actually throw an
// exception to tell that there was a missing parameter.
return (string) preg_replace( '@%(([A-Za-z][a-z_]*[a-z])|[1-9])@e', '$this->parameterCallbackCompile("\\1", $params)', $translatedString );