blob: dfe73b88660c4bbb8623c6d55a12385f5c34dff6 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcTemplateBlockTstNode class
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Template
* @version //autogen//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @access private
* Block elements in parser trees.
* @package Template
* @version //autogen//
* @access private
class ezcTemplateBlockTstNode extends ezcTemplateCodeTstNode
* Array of all child elements.
* @var array
public $children;
* Is true if this block is a closing block (ie. {/...}), false otherwise.
* @var bool
public $isClosingBlock;
* Is true if this block can nest other elements.
* A closing block is required to end the nesting in this case.
* @see $isClosingBlock
* @var bool
public $isNestingBlock;
* The name of the block.
* @var string
public $name;
* The calculated indentation value for the entire text block.
* @var string/false
protected $minimumWhitespace;
* The parent block element of the current block.
* @var ezcTemplateBlockTstNode
public $parentBlock;
* The starting point for the closing marker (the slash) specified with a cursor
* <code>
* {/foreach}
* ^
* </code>
* @var ezcTemplateCursor
public $closingCursor;
* Constructs a new ezcTemplateBlockTstNode
* @param ezcTemplateSourceCode $source
* @param ezcTemplateCursor $start
* @param ezcTemplateCursor $end
public function __construct( ezcTemplateSourceCode $source, /*ezcTemplateCursor*/ $start, /*ezcTemplateCursor*/ $end )
parent::__construct( $source, $start, $end );
$this->children = array();
$this->isClosingBlock = false;
$this->parentBlock = null;
$this->closingCursor = null;
// Most blocks use nesting
$this->isNestingBlock = true;
$this->minimumWhitespace = null;
* Returns the current tree properties
* @return array(string=>mixed)
public function getTreeProperties()
return array( 'name' => $this->name,
'isClosingBlock' => $this->isClosingBlock,
'isNestingBlock' => $this->isNestingBlock,
'children' => $this->children );
* Checks if the block has any children, returns true or false.
* @return bool
public function hasChildren()
return count( $this->children );
* Adds the element $child as child of this block element.
* @param ezcTemplateTstNode $child
public function appendChild( ezcTemplateTstNode $child )
$this->children[] = $child;
* Returns the first child element of the block.
* @return ezcTemplateTstNode
* @throws ezcTemplateTstNodeException::NO_FIRST_CHILD if there are no children.
public function getFirstChild()
if ( count( $this->children ) === 0 )
throw new ezcTemplateTstNodeException( ezcTemplateTstNodeException::NO_FIRST_CHILD );
return $this->children[0];
* Removes the first child element of the block.
* @throws ezcTemplateTstNodeException::NO_FIRST_CHILD if there are no children.
public function removeFirstChild()
if ( count( $this->children ) === 0 )
throw new ezcTemplateTstNodeException( ezcTemplateTstNodeException::NO_FIRST_CHILD );
array_shift( $this->children );
* Returns the last child element of the block.
* @return ezcTemplateTstNode
* @throws ezcTemplateTstNodeException::NO_LAST_CHILD if there are no children.
public function getLastChild()
if ( count( $this->children ) === 0 )
throw new ezcTemplateTstNodeException( ezcTemplateTstNodeException::NO_LAST_CHILD );
return $this->children[count( $this->children ) - 1];
* Removes the last child element of the block.
* @throws ezcTemplateTstNodeException::NO_LAST_CHILD if there are no children.
public function removeLastChild()
if ( count( $this->children ) === 0 )
throw new ezcTemplateTstNodeException( ezcTemplateTstNodeException::NO_LAST_CHILD );
array_pop( $this->children );
* Returns true if the block is not meant to start a new nesting level.
* @param ezcTemplateBlockTstNode $block
* @return bool
public function canBeChildOf( ezcTemplateBlockTstNode $block )
// If the current block cannot start a new nesting level
// it means it should be considered an standalone block and
// can be a child.
if ( !$this->isNestingBlock )
return true;
return false;
* Callback for closing an open block element.
* This can be used to perform changes to the open block before the closing
* block (this) is discarded.
* @param ezcTemplateBlockTstNode $openBlock The block which is currently open.
public function closeOpenBlock( ezcTemplateBlockTstNode $openBlock )
// Does nothing, re-implement to perform your duties.
* Checks if the element object $element can be handled by the current block.
* This method can be overridden to handle custom elements for instance {else}
* blocks of {if} control structures.
* Returns true if it can be handled, false otherwise. If it can be handled
* the caller must make sure handleElement() is used.
* @param ezcTemplateTstNode $element The element object which should be checked for special handling.
* @return bool
* Note: This method will be called if the element could not be added as a
* child or used to close the block.
public function canHandleElement( ezcTemplateTstNode $element )
// Default is to not handle any elements, sub-classes needs to
// figure out which ones it can handle.
return false;
* Empty function
* @todo Can be removed?
* @param mixed $parentElement
* @return void
public function canAttachToParent( $parentElement )
* Passes control of $element to the current block for special handling.
* The sub-classes need to re-implement canHandleElement() and this method
* to handle special cases which are not covered by the general child/closure
* rules in the program parser.
* Typically block elements which have special child blocks need to
* re-implement this.
* @param ezcTemplateTstNode $element The element object which should be handled.
* Note: This method will be called if the element could not be added as a
* child or used to the block.
public function handleElement( ezcTemplateTstNode $element )
// Sub-classes need to implement the special handling here
if ( $this === $element )
throw new ezcTemplateInternalException( "Detected invalid recursion creation in parser element " . get_class( $this ) );
if ( $element instanceof ezcTemplateLoopTstNode )
throw new ezcTemplateParserException( $element->source, $element->startCursor, $element->startCursor, ezcTemplateSourceToTstErrorMessages::MSG_UNEXPECTED_BREAK_OR_CONTINUE );
if ( $element instanceof ezcTemplateConditionBodyTstNode )
throw new ezcTemplateParserException( $element->source, $element->startCursor, $element->startCursor,
sprintf( ezcTemplateSourceToTstErrorMessages::MSG_UNEXPECTED_BLOCK, $element->name ) );
if ( $element instanceof ezcTemplateCaseTstNode )
throw new ezcTemplateParserException( $element->source, $element->startCursor, $element->startCursor,
sprintf( ezcTemplateSourceToTstErrorMessages::MSG_UNEXPECTED_BLOCK, $element->name ) );
$this->children[] = $element;
return true;
* {@inheritdoc}
* Returns the minimum column of all children.
public function minimumWhitespaceColumn()
if ( $this->minimumWhitespace !== null )
return $this->minimumWhitespace;
$this->minimumWhitespace = $this->minimumElementsColumn( $this->children );
return $this->minimumWhitespace;
* Finds the minimum whitespace column for all the specified elements.
* This method is useful for sub-classes of the block element in case they have
* multiple element lists and need to fetch the column value from all of them.
* @param array(ezcTemplateTstNode) $elements Array of element objects to check.
* @return int/false
protected function minimumElementsColumn( Array $elements )
$minimum = false;
foreach ( $elements as $element )
$column = $element->minimumWhitespaceColumn();
// If the column is false it means there it only contains whitespace
// or could figure out a minimum column
if ( $column === false )
if ( $minimum === false )
$minimum = $column;
$minimum = min( $minimum, $column );
return $minimum;
* Trims away the minimum indentation for the current block.
* Note: If a sub-class of this block element class uses another variable
* than $children for child elements or uses multiple lists then it
* needs to re-implement this method and call
* $removal->trimBlockLevelIndentation() for the correct list.
* @param ezcTemplateWhitespaceRemoval $removal
* The removal object which knows how to get rid of indentation for the current level.
public function trimIndentation( ezcTemplateWhitespaceRemoval $removal )
// Tell the removal object to trim our children
$removal->trimBlockLevelIndentation( $this, $this->children );
* Trims away the whitespace and EOL marker from the block line.
* The whitespace and EOL marker is found in the first child element
* which must be a text block element.
* Note: If a sub-class of this block element class uses another variable
* than $children for child elements or uses multiple lists then it
* needs to re-implement this method and call
* $removal->trimBlockLine() for the correct list.
* @param ezcTemplateWhitespaceRemoval $removal
* The removal object which knows how to get rid of block line whitespace.
public function trimLine( ezcTemplateWhitespaceRemoval $removal )
if ( count( $this->children ) == 0 )
if ( $this->children[0] instanceof ezcTemplateTextTstNode )
// Tell the removal object to trim our first text child
$removal->trimBlockLine( $this, $this->children[0] );
// Tell the removal object to trim text blocks after the current block
// and after all sub-blocks.
$removal->trimBlockLines( $this, $this->children );