blob: 4e5426318978fd03507b7390c504d9484df349fe [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcTemplateSymbolTable class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Template
* @version //autogen//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @access private
* Symbol table
* @package Template
* @version //autogen//
* @access private
class ezcTemplateSymbolTable
const VARIABLE = 1;
const CYCLE = 2;
const IMPORT = 3; // USE is a keyword.
// Messages.
const SYMBOL_REDECLARATION = "The symbol <\$%s> is already declared.";
const SYMBOL_TYPES_NOT_EQUAL = "The %s <\$%s> is already declared as '%s'.";
const SYMBOL_NOT_DECLARED = "The symbol <\$%s> is not declared";
const SYMBOL_INVALID_SCOPE = "The %s <\$%s> is cannot be declared in a subblock: while, foreach, if, etc";
const SYMBOL_IMPORT_FIRST = "'Use' should be declared before other declarations";
* Keeps track of the symbols with its type.
* @var array(string=>int)
protected $symbols;
* Maps the variable name to the typehint integer.
* The integer has one of the values: ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_ARRAY,
* ezcTemplatesAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, or both (use bitwise OR).
* @var array(string=>int)
protected $typehints;
* Keeps track of the current scope. Inside a block the scope is higher
* than outside the block.
* Example:
* <code>
* Scope 1
* {if true}
* Scope 2
* {/if}
* Scope 1
* </code>
* @var int
private $scope;
* Keeps track of the type that is declared first.
* The first declared type should be a 'use' variable, if any.
* @var int
private $firstDeclaredType;
* Stores the last error message.
* @var string
private $errorMessage = "";
* This class is a singleton. Reference to itself.
* @var ezcTemplateSymbolTable
private static $instance = null;
* Instantiate this class and reset() all the values.
* The constructor is private and getInstance() should be used
* to instantiate the symbolTable.
private function __construct()
* Return the existing instance of the symbol table if it exists.
* Otherwise a new instance is created. (Singleton)
* @return ezcTemplateSymbolTable
static public function getInstance()
if ( self::$instance === null)
self::$instance = new ezcTemplateSymbolTable();
return self::$instance;
* Reset the symbol table.
* Set the scope to one. Remove all registered symbols and typehints.
* @return void
public function reset()
$this->typehints = array();
$this->symbols = array();
$this->scope = 1;
$this->firstDeclaredType = false;
* Add a new or existing symbol $symbol with its type $type to the
* symbolTable.
* If $isAutoDeclared is set to false (default), the added symbol must
* apply to all following rules:
* - The symbol cannot be redeclared.
* - The current scope must be one; thus only the top scope allows
* variable declaration.
* - The 'use' variables should all be declared before the other type of
* variables.
* When $isAutoDeclared is set to true:
* - Variables can be redeclared as long as the type does not change.
* - It is allowed to declare and redeclare at any scope.
* - The 'use' variables should all be declared before the other type of
* variables.
* @param string $symbol
* @param int $type The type is usually one of the constants:
* ezcTemplateSymbolTable::VARIABLE,
* ezcTemplateSymbolTable::CYCLE, and
* ezcTemplateSymbolTable::IMPORT.
* @param bool $isAutoDeclared Usually this parameter is set to true when
* a construct automatically declares a
* variable. For example the: {foreach}.
* @return bool Return true if the variable is added. If
* false is returned check the errorMessage.
public function enter( $symbol, $type, $isAutoDeclared = false )
// Check for redeclaration.
if ( isset( $this->symbols[ $symbol ] ) )
if ( $isAutoDeclared )
$storedType = $this->symbols[ $symbol ];
// Check whether the types are equal, when redeclaration is allowed.
if ( $type != $storedType )
$this->errorMessage = sprintf( self::SYMBOL_TYPES_NOT_EQUAL, self::symbolTypeToString( $type ), $symbol, self::symbolTypeToString( $storedType ) );
return false;
$this->errorMessage = sprintf( self::SYMBOL_REDECLARATION, $symbol );
return false;
// Check whether the declaration is at the top scope. Scope level 1.
if ( !$isAutoDeclared && $this->scope != 1 )
$this->errorMessage = sprintf( self::SYMBOL_INVALID_SCOPE, self::symbolTypeToString( $type ), $symbol );
return false;
if ( $this->firstDeclaredType === false )
$this->firstDeclaredType = $type;
if ( $type === self::IMPORT && $this->firstDeclaredType !== self::IMPORT )
$this->errorMessage = sprintf( self::SYMBOL_IMPORT_FIRST );
return false;
$this->symbols[ $symbol ] = $type;
return true;
* Return the type of the given symbol $symbol.
* If the symbol is not registered in the symbol table the method returns
* false and sets an error message.
* @param string $symbol
* @return bool
public function retrieve( $symbol )
if ( !isset( $this->symbols[ $symbol ] ) )
$this->errorMessage = sprintf ( self::SYMBOL_NOT_DECLARED, $symbol );
return false;
return $this->symbols[ $symbol ];
* Return an array with all symbols that have the given types $typeArray.
* @param array(int) $typeArray The array can have one or more of the
* following values:
* ezcTemplateSymbolTable::VARIABLE,
* ezcTemplateSymbolTable::CYCLE, and
* ezcTemplateSymbolTable::IMPORT.
* @return array(string)
public function retrieveSymbolsWithType( $typeArray )
$total = array();
foreach ( $typeArray as $type )
// Search for all the keys in the array, and merge it.
$total = array_merge($total, array_keys( $this->symbols, $type ) );
return $total;
* Return the last error message.
* @return string
public function getErrorMessage()
return $this->errorMessage;
* Translates a symbol type to a string.
* It returns one of the following strings: 'variable', 'cycle', or 'use'.
* @param int $type
* @return string
public static function symbolTypeToString( $type )
switch ( $type )
case self::VARIABLE: return "variable";
case self::CYCLE: return "cycle";
case self::IMPORT: return "use";
* Increase the current scope with one.
* @return void
public function increaseScope()
* Decreases the current scope with one.
* @return void
public function decreaseScope()
* Set the typehint with the symbol $name to the type hint value $hint.
* @param string $name
* @param int $hint The integer has one of the values: ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_ARRAY,
* ezcTemplatesAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, or both (use bitwise OR).
* @return void
public function setTypeHint( $name, $hint )
$this->typehints[$name] = $hint;
* Return the typehint of the given symbol $name.
* @param string $name
* @return int The integer has one of the values: ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_ARRAY,
* ezcTemplatesAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, or both (use bitwise OR).
public function getTypeHint( $name )
return isset( $this->typehints[$name] ) ? $this->typehints[$name] : false;