blob: 373a730fb86bd79a82e23173a5e6ceb8e0e54e96 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcTemplateWhitespaceRemoval class
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Template
* @version //autogen//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @access private
* Trims away whitespace from parser elements.
* This class can perform several types of whitespace removal on the parsed
* result to ensure that the output given to the end user does not contain
* unneccesary whitespaces which can be important in some output contexts. It
* is important to note that this will only remove whitespace from the parsed
* result and is not applied at run-time, this means that whitespace in
* outputted strings are kept.
* The various removal types are configurable in the constructor which allows
* it to be tailored to what is set as the current output context, e.g.
* whitespace removal for plain text might be different than XHTML output.
* Controlling the removal types are done with boolean switches in member
* variables, they are:
* - $trimTrailing - If enabled it will remove the trailing whitespace from
* text blocks after the last block in the code, it checks each line to see if
* it contains whitespace only and if it does the line is removed.
* - $trimLeading - Same as $trimTrailing but the trimming is done for the
* leading lines of the text block found before the first block in the code.
* - $trimBlockEol - Trims away the whitespace and newline after all command
* blocks, this essentially makes the block line disappear from the output.
* - $trimIndent - Trims away whitespace for each line in each block level by
* using the minimum column as the last trimming point. All lines in the same
* block level will get the same amount of whitespace removed.
* Example of leading whitespace removal:
* <code>
* "\n" .
* " " .
* " some text\n" .
* " "
* becomes:
* " some text\n" .
* " "
* </code>
* here whitespace is kept after the first non-whitespace line.
* Example of trailing whitespace removal:
* <code>
* "\n" .
* " " .
* " some text\n" .
* " "
* becomes:
* "\n" .
* " " .
* " some text"
* </code>
* here whitespace is kept before the first non-whitespace line.
* Example of block-line eol removal:
* <code>
* "{if}\n" .
* " {$item}\n" .
* "{/if} \n"
* becomes
* "{if}" .
* " {$item}\n" .
* "{/if}"
* </code>
* here the whitespace with EOL marker is removed only at the end of the the
* block line, this ensures that critical newlines are kept for the {$item}
* code and that the {if} block do not add extra newlines
* Example of indent removal:
* <code>
* "{if}\n" .
* " {$item}\n" .
* "{/if} \n"
* becomes
* "{if}" .
* " {$item}\n" .
* "{/if}"
* </code>
* here the whitespace with EOL marker is removed only at the end of the the
* block line, this ensures that critical newlines are kept for the {$item}
* code and that the {if} block do not add extra newlines
* @package Template
* @version //autogen//
* @access private
class ezcTemplateWhitespaceRemoval
public function __construct()
$this->trimTrailing = true; // Remove trailing whitespace after last block
$this->trimLeading = true; // Remove leading whitespace before first block
$this->trimBlockEol = true; // Remove whitespace found on the same line as the end of the block definition
$this->trimIndent = true; // Remove indentation whitespace until the minimum column of the current column is reached
$this->tabSize = 8; // Size of vertical tabs
* Trims away trailing and leading whitespace lines from the top of the
* element tree.
* @param ezcTemplateProgramTstNode $tree The program element for the tree.
public function trimProgram( ezcTemplateProgramTstNode $tree )
if ( !$tree->hasChildren() )
// echo "has no children\n";
if ( $this->trimLeading )
// echo "trim leading\n";
$child = $tree->getFirstChild();
// We only touch text block elements, not literal text
if ( $child instanceof ezcTemplateTextBlockTstNode )
$lines = $this->trimLeading( $child->lines );
// Set back modified lines if they are modified
if ( $lines !== false )
$child->setTextLines( $lines );
// echo "first child is not text\n";
if ( $this->trimTrailing )
// echo "trim trailing\n";
$child = $tree->getLastChild();
// We only touch text block elements, not literal text
if ( $child instanceof ezcTemplateTextBlockTstNode )
$lines = $this->trimTrailing( $child->lines );
// Set back modified lines if they are modified
if ( $lines !== false )
$child->setTextLines( $lines );
// echo "last child is not text\n";
* Trim away the minimum indentation level for all elements in $elements.
* @param ezcTemplateBlockTstNode $parentBlock The block which owns elements in $elements.
* @param array(ezcTemplateTstNode) $elements List of elements to trim.
public function trimBlockLevelIndentation( ezcTemplateTstNode $parentBlock, Array $elements )
// First figure out the smallest amount of indentation that can be removed
$indentation = $parentBlock->minimumWhitespaceColumn();
$nrOfElements = sizeof( $elements );
for ( $el = 0; $el < $nrOfElements ; $el++ )
$element = $elements[$el];
if ( $element instanceof ezcTemplateTextBlockTstNode )
$lines = $element->lines;
$count = count( $lines );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i )
// Skip the first line if it is placed after another element (column > 0 ).
// We can only modify lines with leading point at column 0.
if ( $i == 0 && $element->firstLineColumn() > 0 )
// It prevents some text nodes from removal.
// Trim the line and leave EOL alone
$lines[$i][0] = $this->trimIndentationLine( $lines[$i][0], $indentation );
if ( $i == $count - 1 )
if ( $el < $nrOfElements - 1 )
if ( $elements[ $el + 1 ] instanceof ezcTemplateBlockTstNode && !( $elements[ $el + 1 ] instanceof ezcTemplateOutputBlockTstNode ) )
$trimmed = trim( $lines[$i][0], " \t" );
if ( strlen( $trimmed ) == 0 )
$lines[$i][0] = "";
if ( $parentBlock instanceof ezcTemplateBlockTstNode && !( $parentBlock instanceof ezcTemplateOutputBlockTstNode ) )
$last = sizeof( $lines ) -1;
$trimmed = trim( $lines[$last][0], " \t" );
if ( strlen ( trim( $lines[$last][0], " \t") ) == 0 )
$lines[ $last ][0] = "";
$element->setTextLines( $lines );
elseif ( $element instanceof ezcTemplateConditionBodyTstNode )
$this->trimBlockLevelIndentation( $element, $element->children );
* Trim away the excess whitespace which makes up the block lines.
* It will examine all elements in $elements until it finds a text block.
* If the text block is found directly after a block element (of any kind)
* it will trim the first line of the text.
* @param ezcTemplateBlockTstNode $parentBlock
* The block which owns the text element.
* @param array(ezcTemplateTstNode) $elements
* Element list to check for block objects.
* Note: The block line is considered the first line of a text block placed
public function trimBlockLines( ezcTemplateTstNode $parentBlock, Array $elements )
// Trim after all sub-blocks
$previousSibling = null;
foreach ( $elements as $element )
if ( $element instanceof ezcTemplateTextTstNode &&
( $previousSibling instanceof ezcTemplateBlockTstNode &&
!$previousSibling instanceof ezcTemplateOutputBlockTstNode ) )
// This text element is placed directly after a block element
// so we need to trim it.
$this->trimBlockLine( $parentBlock, $element );
$previousSibling = $element;
* Trim away the excess whitespace which makes up the block line.
* after a block element.
* The first line of the text block is examined, if it contains whitespace
* only the line will be emptied and the EOL marker is disabled (set to
* false).
* @see ezcTemplateTextTstNode::setTextLines for details of the line format
* of text blocks.
* @param ezcTemplateBlockTstNode $parentBlock
* The block which owns the text element.
* @param ezcTemplateTextTstNode $textElement
* Text element to trim.
* Note: The block line is considered the first line of a text block placed
public function trimBlockLine( ezcTemplateTstNode $parentBlock, ezcTemplateTextTstNode $textElement )
$lines = $textElement->lines;
if ( count( $lines ) == 0 )
$line = $lines[0];
// Find first non-whitespace character, if we find one we cannot trim
if ( preg_match( "#[^ \t\x0B]#", $line[0] ) )
// Clear line text and EOL marker
$line[0] = '';
$line[1] = false;
$lines[0] = $line;
$textElement->setTextLines( $lines );
* Trims characters in the text line $line until the required indentation
* level is reached.
* The function will check for vertical tabs \t and handle that specially
* by using self::$tabSize for size.
* If the line is too short it will become an empty string.
* Note: If the indentation is stops within a vertical tab, the returned
* string will start right after the tab character.
* @param string $line
* A text string contain a line but without the EOL marker.
* @param int $indentation
* The required indentation level.
* @return string
public function trimIndentationLine( $line, $indentation )
$len = strlen( $line );
$i = 0;
$column = 0;
while ( $i < $len )
if ( $column == $indentation )
return (string)substr( $line, $i );
// Vertical tabs need special care
if ( $line[$i] == "\t" )
$tabCharacters = $column % $this->tabSize;
$tabLeft = $this->tabSize - $tabCharacters;
$column += $tabLeft;
if ( $column >= $indentation )
// Return string after tab character
return (string)substr( $line, $i + 1 );
if ( $column >= $indentation )
return (string)substr( $line, $i );
// Identation is larger than string so we return an empty one.
return '';
* Removes all lines (from the start) which are empty after trimming.
* As soon as a non-empty line is found it stops the process and keeps the
* rest of the lines and returns the modified lines or false it nothing
* was modified.
* For instance the text:
* <code>
* " \n" .
* "\n" .
* " abc\n" .
* " \n" .
* "\n"
* </code>
* Will be turned into:
* <code>
* " abc\n" .
* " \n" .
* "\n"
* </code>
* @param array(array) $lines The text lines to trim.
* @return array(array)/false
public function trimLeading( $lines )
$count = count( $lines );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i )
$line = $lines[$i];
$lineText = ltrim( $line[0] );
if ( strlen( $lineText ) != 0 )
// The line is empty so we disable the line by setting empty line
// text and removing the EOL marker.
$line[0] = $lineText;
$line[1] = false;
$lines[$i] = $line;
// If $i is 0 it means no lines have been modified.
if ( $i == 0 )
return false;
return $lines;
* Removes all lines (from the end) which are empty after trimming.
* As soon as a non-empty line is found it stops the process and keeps the
* rest of the lines and returns the modified lines, or false it nothing
* was modified.
* For instance the text:
* <code>
* " \n" .
* "\n" .
* " abc\n" .
* " \n" .
* "\n"
* </code>
* Will be turned into:
* <code>
* " \n" .
* "\n" .
* " abc\n"
* </code>
* and the text:
* <code>
* " \n" .
* "\r\n" .
* " \r" .
* " \n" .
* "\n"
* </code>
* Will be turned into:
* <code>
* "\n"
* </code>
* @param array(array) $lines The text lines to trim.
* @return array(array)/false
public function trimTrailing( $lines )
$count = count( $lines );
for ( $i = $count - 1; $i >= 0; --$i )
$line = $lines[$i];
$lineText = rtrim( $line[0] );
if ( strlen( $lineText ) != 0 )
// EOL marker is kept as it is, while line is replaced with new trimmed text
$lines[$i] = $line;
// The line is empty so we disable the line by setting empty line
// text and removing the EOL marker.
$line[0] = $lineText;
// Keep the EOL marker if this is the top-most line
if ( $i > 0 )
$line[1] = false;
$lines[$i] = $line;
// If $i is is the same as the starting iteration value
// it means no lines have been modified.
if ( $i == $count - 1 )
return false;
return $lines;