blob: b35c5c6a562031852b89ae713823dc5f10d5d32f [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcTemplateSourceToTstParser class
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Template
* @version //autogen//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @access private
* Super class for all element parsers.
* @package Template
* @version //autogen//
* @access private
abstract class ezcTemplateSourceToTstParser
* Status for the parser which means the parser has not been started.
* This is the initial status of all parser objects.
* Status for the parser which means the parser was able to find some
* elements it recognized but in the end it failed.
* Status for the parser which means the parser was able to parser all
* known elements.
const PARSE_SUCCESS = 3;
* Status for the parser which means the parser was not able to find some
* anything it recognized.
* This usually means the parser cannot handle the current location and
* another parser type should be tried.
const PARSE_FAILURE = 4;
* The main parser object which instigated the total parser operation.
* This is used to create the various parser elements and to handle
* operor precedence.
* @var ezcTemplateParser
public $parser;
* The parent parser for this parser.
* If this is non-null it means another parser started the current one.
* The parent can be used to call atEnd() to figure out if the end has been
* reached, allowing the current parser to only concentrate on its own parser
* elements.
* @var ezcTemplateSourceToTstParser
public $parentParser;
* @var ezcTemplateSourceToTstParser
public $programParser;
* An array of elements which have been created by the parsers.
* @var array(ezcTemplateTstNode)
public $elements;
* The status of the parsing operation, can be one of:
* - PARSE_NOT_STARTED - The parser has not yet been started.
* - PARSE_PARTIAL_SUCCESS - The parser found something it work on but still failed.
* - PARSE_SUCCESS - The parser was able to parse the entire entity.
* - PARSE_FAILURE - The parser failed parsing the entity.
* @var int
public $status;
* The starting point for the parse operation. This must never be modified.
* @var ezcTemplateParserCursor
public $startCursor;
* The last point where the parser tried to parse a special entity. This can
* be used to determine a more exact location of where the entity is found.
* Note: This is initially set to same cursor location as $startCursor.
* @var ezcTemplateParserCursor
public $lastCursor;
* The current position in the parsing, this is used by the parser to keep track
* of where it is.
* Note: This is initially set to same cursor location as $startCursor.
* @var ezcTemplateParserCursor
public $currentCursor;
* The position where the parsing ended.
* Note: This is initially set to same cursor location as $startCursor.
* @var ezcTemplateParserCursor
public $endCursor;
* Contains the sub-parser object used by parseOptionalType() or parseRequiredType().
* Note: Do not use this after a call to the above methods, instead use
* $lastParser.
* @var ezcTemplateSourceToTstParser
* @see $lastParser
public $subParser;
* Contains the last used sub-parser object which is created when
* parseOptionalType() or parseRequiredType() is called.
* @var ezcTemplateSourceToTstParser
* @see $subParser
public $lastParser;
* The state of the last parser operation, determines how far the parser got.
* This value is used to generate a meaningful error message when the parser
* fails.
* Note: The value of the state is not generic and is only known to the
* specific parser.
* @var int
protected $operationState;
* Initialise the parser with the main parser object and the parent parser
* (if any).
* Note: If both $parentParser and $startCursor is null then all cursor
* objects will be null. A call to setAllCursors() is required before
* the parser is started.
* @param ezcTemplateParser $parser The parser manager which instigated the
* current total parser operation.
* @param ezcTemplateSourceToTstParser $parentParser The element parser which
* directly instantiated this parser.
* @param ezcTemplateCursor $startCursor Defines the start of the parse
* operation, can be ommitted in
* which case the current cursor
* if the parent is used.
function __construct( ezcTemplateParser $parser, /*ezcTemplateSourceToTstParser*/ $parentParser,
/*ezcTemplateCursor*/ $startCursor )
$this->parser = $parser;
$this->parentParser = $parentParser;
// Make sure program parser is set correctly
if ( $parentParser !== null )
$this->programParser = $parentParser->programParser;
$this->programParser = $this;
$this->elements = array();
$this->subParser = null;
$this->lastParser = null;
$this->status = self::PARSE_NOT_STARTED;
if ( $this->parentParser !== null )
// Copy current cursor from parent to all cursors.
if ( $startCursor !== null )
$this->startCursor = clone $startCursor;
$this->lastCursor = clone $this->parentParser->lastCursor;
if ( $this->startCursor->position > $this->lastCursor->position )
$this->lastCursor->copy( $this->startCursor );
$this->startCursor = clone $this->parentParser->currentCursor;
$this->lastCursor = clone $this->startCursor;
$this->currentCursor = clone $this->lastCursor;
$this->endCursor = clone $this->currentCursor;
// Set cursors to null, they must now be initialized with setAllCursors().
$this->startCursor = null;
$this->lastCursor = null;
$this->currentCursor = null;
$this->endCursor = null;
$this->operationState = false;
* Set all cursors to the position of $cursor. This means all parsing starts
* from this position.
* @param ezcTemplateCursor $cursor The cursor position to use.
* @return void
public function setAllCursors( ezcTemplateCursor $cursor )
$this->startCursor = clone $cursor;
$this->lastCursor = clone $cursor;
$this->currentCursor = clone $cursor;
$this->endCursor = clone $cursor;
* Figures out if the end as been reached and returns true if it has.
* This must be re-implemented by block parser which will utilize a
* sub-parser which does a callback to this method.
* The default throws an exception.
* @param ezcTemplateCursor $cursor
* @param ezcTemplateTstNode $operator
* @param bool $finalize
* @return bool
public function atEnd( ezcTemplateCursor $cursor, /*ezcTemplateTstNode*/ $operator, $finalize = true )
if ( $this->parentParser !== null )
// The $finalize flag is not automatically sent to parent
return $this->parentParser->atEnd( $cursor, $operator, false );
throw new ezcTemplateInternalException( "atEnd() called on parser <" . get_class( $this ) . "> which has not implemented it properly." );
* Skips whitespace which is present at the current cursor position until
* it reaches a non-whitespace character.
* The following charaters are considered whitespace:
* - newlines (\r \r\n and \n)
* - space
* - tab (\t)
* Note: The passed object will be modified.
* @param ezcTemplateCursor $cursor The cursor object to process.
* @return bool False if the end of the buffer is reached while processing, true otherwise.
public function skipWhitespace()
if ( $this->currentCursor->atEnd() )
return false;
if ( $this->currentCursor->pregMatch( "#^(\r\n|[\r\n\t ])+#" ) === false )
return true;
return !$this->currentCursor->atEnd();
* Merges the elements from the parser object $parser with the current elements
* by appending them to the end of the list.
* @param ezcTemplateSourceToTstParser $parser The parser object which contains parsed elements.
* @return void
public function mergeElements( $parser )
$this->elements = array_merge( $this->elements, $parser->elements );
* Appends the template element to the end of the current list.
* @param ezcTemplateTstNode $element The element object to add to list.
* @return void
public function appendElement( $element )
$this->elements[] = $element;
* Parses an optional type?
* @param mixed $type
* @param ezcTemplateCursor $startCursor
* @param bool $mergeElements
* @return bool
protected function parseOptionalType( $type, ezcTemplateCursor $startCursor = null, $mergeElements = true )
if ( is_string( $type ) )
$className = 'ezcTemplate' . $type . 'SourceToTstParser';
if ( !ezcBaseFeatures::classExists( $className ) )
throw new ezcTemplateInternalException( "Could instantiate sub-parser for type <$type>, the class <$className> does not exist" );
$this->subParser = new $className( $this->parser, $this, $startCursor );
else if ( is_object( $type ) &&
$type instanceof ezcTemplateSourceToTstParser )
$this->subParser = $type;
throw new ezcTemplateInternalException( "Cannot use <" . gettype( $type ) . "> as parser in ezcTemplateSourceToTstParser::parseOptionalType()" );
$this->lastParser = $this->subParser;
if ( $this->subParser->status == self::PARSE_SUCCESS )
$this->currentCursor->copy( $this->subParser->endCursor );
$this->lastCursor->copy( $this->currentCursor );
if ( $mergeElements )
$this->mergeElements( $this->subParser );
$this->subParser = null;
return true;
elseif ( $this->subParser->status === self::PARSE_PARTIAL_SUCCESS )
$this->status = $this->subParser->status;
return true;
$this->subParser = null;
return false;
* Parses a required type.
* @param mixed $type
* @param ezcTemplateCursor $startCursor
* @param bool $mergeElements
* @return bool
protected function parseRequiredType( $type, ezcTemplateCursor $startCursor = null, $mergeElements = true )
if ( is_string( $type ) )
$className = 'ezcTemplate' . $type . 'SourceToTstParser';
if ( !ezcBaseFeatures::classExists( $className ) )
throw new ezcTemplateInternalException( "Could instantiate sub-parser for type <$type>, the class <$className> does not exist" );
$this->subParser = new $className( $this->parser, $this, $startCursor );
else if ( is_object( $type ) &&
$type instanceof ezcTemplateSourceToTstParser )
$this->subParser = $type;
throw new ezcTemplateInternalException( "Cannot use <" . gettype( $type ) . "> as parser in ezcTemplateSourceToTstParser::parseRequiredType()" );
$this->lastParser = $this->subParser;
if ( $this->subParser->status == self::PARSE_SUCCESS )
$this->currentCursor->copy( $this->subParser->endCursor );
$this->lastCursor->copy( $this->currentCursor );
if ( $mergeElements )
$this->mergeElements( $this->subParser );
$this->subParser = null;
return true;
elseif ( $this->subParser->status === self::PARSE_PARTIAL_SUCCESS )
$this->status = $this->subParser->status;
return false;
return false;
* Parses the source code starting from {@link $currentCursor current cursor}.
* The actual parsing is done by the abstract method parseCurrent() which must be
* implemented in sub-classes.
* If the parse operation was a success it returns true and $currentCursor
* and $endCursor will contain the position where the parser stopped. Also
* $status will be set accordingly.
* Note: If the parsing was successful it will call handleSuccessfulResult()
* which can be-reimplemented to perform cleanups or other tasks before
* the control passed to the caller.
* @return bool
public function parse()
// The status is failed until at least something recognizable is parsed
$this->status = self::PARSE_FAILURE;
if ( $this->parseCurrent( $this->currentCursor ) )
$this->status = self::PARSE_SUCCESS;
// Update end cursor if we have some sort of success.
if ( $this->status == self::PARSE_SUCCESS )
$this->handleSuccessfulResult( $this->lastCursor, $this->currentCursor );
$this->endCursor->copy( $this->currentCursor );
return true;
elseif ( $this->status == self::PARSE_PARTIAL_SUCCESS )
// Set end position to the current position.
$this->endCursor->copy( $this->currentCursor );
return false;
* Method which is called after a successful parse result in parse().
* Note: The default code does nothing.
* @param ezcTemplateCursor $lastCursor The last cursor position, copy of $this->lastCursor.
* @param ezcTemplateCursor $cursor The current cursor position, copy of $this->currentCursor.
* @return void
protected function handleSuccessfulResult( ezcTemplateCursor $lastCursor, ezcTemplateCursor $cursor )
// The default does nothing
* Parses the source code starting from position $cursor.
* If the parse operation was a success it returns true and $cursor will
* contain the position where the parser stopped.
* @param ezcTemplateCursor $cursor Same object as $this->currentCursor,
* provided for convenience.
* @return bool
abstract protected function parseCurrent( ezcTemplateCursor $cursor );
* Parses the source code starting from position $cursor. The starting point
* is passed in $startCursor and can be different from $cursor if some code
* has already been parsed.
* If the parse operation was a success it returns true and $cursor will
* contain the position where the parser stopped.
* Note: The $startCursor parameter will never be modified so there is no
* need to clone the passing object, while for $cursor it should be
* cloned since it will be modified.
* @param ezcTemplateCursor $startCursor The position of the code which
* caused this parser to be activated.
* @param ezcTemplateCursor $cursor The position to continue the parsing,
* this is usually at least one character
* after $startCursor.
* @param bool $allowFailure Controls how failure are handled, if this is true
* then the function will return false on failure,
* if not it will throw an exception on failure.
* @return bool
// abstract protected function parseCurrent( ezcTemplateCursor $startCursor, ezcTemplateCursor $cursor, $allowFailure = false );
* Returns the parser object which failed.
* Scans trough all sub-parser until the last one is found and returned.
* @return ezcTemplateSourceToTstParser
public function getFailingParser()
$parser = $this;
while ( $parser->subParser !== null )
$parser = $parser->subParser;
return $parser;
* Returns the error message for the last failed parse operation.
* @return string
* @throws Exception when no error message has been implemented in the parser.
public function getErrorMessage()
if ( $this->operationState === false )
// The generic error message
// sub-class must re-implement this method to give meaningful information.
return "Parser error.";
$error = $this->generateErrorMessage();
if ( !is_string( $error ) )
throw new ezcTemplateInternalException( "No error message was returned from " . get_class( $this ) . "::generateErrorMessage" );
return $error;
* Returns the error details for the last failed parse operation
* Note: The details may be empty.
* @return string
public function getErrorDetails()
if ( $this->operationState === false )
// No more details
return false;
return $this->generateErrorDetails();
* Generates the error message based on the state information in the parser
* when the parsing failed.
* This must be re-implemented by sub-parsers to give meaniningful information.
* The parser can use the $operationState variable to keep track of what went
* wrong.
* Note: The default implementation returns false.
* @return string
protected function generateErrorMessage()
// No message generated which will cause an exception
// This is only called if the sub-class forgot to re-implement this method.
return false;
* Generates the error details based on the state information in the parser
* when the parsing failed.
* This can be re-implemented by sub-parsers to give extra information.
* The parser can use the $operationState variable to keep track of what went
* wrong.
* Note: The default implementation returns false.
* @return bool
protected function generateErrorDetails()
// No more details
return false;
* Parses for known inline comments by using ezcTemplateBlockCommentSourceToTstParser
* and ezcTemplateEolCommentSourceToTstParser.
* Depending of what the cursor points the function will do one of:
* - A comment was found and parsed, it returns true and $startCursor is
* adjusted to after comment.
* - A comment was found and parsing failed, it returns false.
* - No comment was found, it returns null.
* Note: This function can be used block parser which supports inline comments.
* @return bool
protected function skipComment()
if ( $this->currentCursor->current( 2 ) == '/*' )
// reached block comment
$commentCursor = clone $this->currentCursor;
$commentCursor->advance( 2 );
$subParser = new ezcTemplateBlockCommentSourceToTstParser( $this->parser, $this, $this->currentCursor );
if ( !$subParser->parse() )
$this->subParser = $subParser;
throw new ezcTemplateParserException( $this->parser->source, $this->currentCursor, $this->currentCursor, ezcTemplateSourceToTstErrorMessages::MSG_EXPECT_CLOSING_MULTILINE_COMMENT );
return false;
$this->currentCursor->copy( $subParser->currentCursor );
$this->lastCursor->copy( $this->currentCursor );
return true;
if ( $this->currentCursor->current( 2 ) == '//' )
// reached eol comment
$commentCursor = clone $this->currentCursor;
$commentCursor->advance( 2 );
$subParser = new ezcTemplateEolCommentSourceToTstParser( $this->parser, $this, $this->currentCursor );
if ( !$subParser->parse() )
$this->subParser = $subParser;
return false;
$this->currentCursor->copy( $subParser->currentCursor );
$this->lastCursor->copy( $this->currentCursor );
return true;
// null means to continue current iteration
return null;
* Skips all non-important elements until it reaches the end or a notable
* element, non-important elements are:
* - whitespace - performed with skipWhitespace()
* - comments - performed with skipComment()
* Returns true if the parsing was successful or false if the end is
* reached or something went wrong.
* @return bool
protected function findNextElement()
while ( !$this->currentCursor->atEnd() )
if ( !$this->skipWhitespace() )
return false;
// Parse comments if any
$comment = $this->skipComment();
if ( $comment === true )
// We found a comment so we need to try again for new whitespace or comment
elseif ( $comment === false )
// Comment found but failed parsing
return false;
// all whitespace and comments are skipped
return true;
return false;
* Finds the first character which is not-lowercase.
* This means it is either uppercase or not alphabetical.
* @return bool
protected function findNonLowercase()
if ( $this->currentCursor->atEnd() )
return false;
if ( $this->currentCursor->pregMatch( "#^[a-z]+#" ) === false )
return false;
* Executes a series of element parsers which is expected to be located
* in a direct sequence.
* If all parses are successful it returns the merged element list of all
* of them, if something fails it returns false.
* The $sequence parameter is an array of element parser to try, each entry
* is another array containing:
* - type - The base name of the element parser, e.g. 'Expresssion' becomes
* 'ezcTemplateExpressionSourceToTstParser'.
* @param array(array) $sequence The expected sequence to be found.
* @return array(ezcTemplateTstNode)
protected function parseSequence( $sequence )
$cursor = $this->currentCursor;
$elements = array();
foreach ( $sequence as $item )
// skip whitespace and comments
if ( !$this->findNextElement() )
return false;
if ( isset( $item['compound'] ) )
if ( $item['compound'] == 'or' )
$hasMatch = false;
foreach ( $item['compounds'] as $compound )
$compoundElements = $this->parseSequence( array( $compound ) );
if ( $compoundElements !== false )
$elements += $compoundElements;
$hasMatch = true;
if ( !$hasMatch )
return false;
elseif ( $item['compound'] == 'and' )
$hasMatch = false;
$compoundElements = $this->parseSequence( $item['compounds'] );
if ( $compoundElements === false )
return false;
throw new ezcTemplateInternalException( "Invalid compound type <" . $item['compound'] . ">" );
if ( $item['type'] == 'Character' )
$parser = null;
if ( !$cursor->match( $item['args'] ) )
return false;
$parserClass = 'ezcTemplate' . $item['type'] . 'SourceToTstParser';
$comment = false;
if ( isset( $item['comment'] ) )
$comment = $item['comment'];
$parser = new $parserClass( $this->parser, $this, null );
if ( !$this->parseRequiredType( $parser, null, false ) )
return false;
if ( $parser instanceof ezcTemplateExpressionSourceToTstParser )
$rootOperator = $parser->currentOperator;
if ( $rootOperator instanceof ezcTemplateOperatorTstNode )
$rootOperator = $rootOperator->getRoot();
$elements[] = $rootOperator;
$elements = array_merge( $elements, $parser->elements );
return $elements;