blob: f803d6d95c6291403309d34b8f4cf335b5f97b5f [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcTemplateProgramSourceToTstParser class
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Template
* @version //autogen//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @access private
* Element parser for the program part of the template code.
* @package Template
* @version //autogen//
* @access private
class ezcTemplateProgramSourceToTstParser extends ezcTemplateSourceToTstParser
* The program element of the parse operation if the parsing was successful.
* @var ezcTemplateProgramTstNode
public $program;
* The last block which was processed by the parser. This is used to
* figure out the correct nesting of block elements.
* @var ezcTemplateTstNode
private $lastBlock;
* Passes control to parent.
* @param ezcTemplateParser $parser
* @param ezcTemplateSourceToTstParser $parentParser
* @param ezcTemplateCursor $startCursor
function __construct( ezcTemplateParser $parser, /*ezcTemplateSourceToTstParser*/ $parentParser, /*ezcTemplateCursor*/ $startCursor )
parent::__construct( $parser, $parentParser, $startCursor );
$this->program = null;
$this->lastBlock = null;
* Parses the code by looking for start of expression blocks and then
* passing control to the block parser (ezcTemplateBlockSourceToTstParser). The
* text which is not covered by the block parser will be added as
* text elements.
* @param ezcTemplateCursor $cursor
* @return bool
protected function parseCurrent( ezcTemplateCursor $cursor )
$this->program = new ezcTemplateProgramTstNode( $this->parser->source, $this->startCursor, $cursor );
$this->lastBlock = $this->program;
while ( !$cursor->atEnd() )
// Find the first block
$bracePosition = $cursor->findPosition( "{", true );
if ( $bracePosition === false )
// This will cause handleSuccessfulResult() to be called
return true;
// Reached a block {...}
$cursor->gotoPosition( $bracePosition );
$blockCursor = clone $cursor;
$cursor->advance( 1 );
if ( $this->lastCursor->length( $blockCursor ) > 0 )
$textElement = new ezcTemplateTextBlockTstNode( $this->parser->source, clone $this->lastCursor, clone $blockCursor );
$this->handleElements( array( $textElement ) );
unset( $textElement );
$this->startCursor->copy( $blockCursor );
$this->lastCursor->copy( $cursor );
if ( !$this->parseRequiredType( 'Block', $this->startCursor, false ) )
return false;
$this->startCursor->copy( $cursor );
$elements = $this->lastParser->elements;
// Sanity checking to make sure element list does not contain duplicates,
// this avoids having infinite recursions
$count = count( $elements );
if ( $count > 0 )
$offset = 0;
while ( $offset < $count )
$element = $elements[$offset];
for ( $i = $offset + 1; $i < $count; ++$i )
if ( $element === $elements[$i] )
throw new ezcTemplateInternalException( "Received element list with duplicate objects from parser " . get_class( $this->lastParser ) );
$this->handleElements( $elements );
// This will cause handleSuccessfulResult() to be called
return true;
* Performs checking on the parse result.
* The method will check if there are more text after the current cursor
* location and if so appends a new ezcTextElement object containing the
* text.
* It also checks if the $lastBlock contains the current program parser, if it
* does not it means the nesting in the current source code is incorrect.
* @param ezcTemplateCursor $lastCursor
* @param ezcTemplateCursor $cursor
* @throws ezcTemplateParserException if blocks are incorrectly nested.
* @return void
protected function handleSuccessfulResult( ezcTemplateCursor $lastCursor, ezcTemplateCursor $cursor )
if ( $lastCursor->length( $cursor ) > 0 )
$textElement = new ezcTemplateTextBlockTstNode( $this->parser->source, clone $lastCursor, clone $cursor );
$this->handleElements( array( $textElement ) );
if ( $this->lastBlock === null )
throw new ezcTemplateInternalException( "lastBlock is null, should have been a parser element object." );
if ( !$this->lastBlock instanceof ezcTemplateProgramTstNode )
$parents = array();
// Calculate level of the last block, this used to indent the last block
$level = 0;
$block = $this->lastBlock;
while ( $block->parentBlock !== null &&
!( $block->parentBlock instanceof ezcTemplateProgramTstNode ) )
if ( $block === $block->parentBlock )
throw new ezcTemplateInternalException( "Infinite recursion found in parser element " . get_class( $block ) );
$block = $block->parentBlock;
$block = $this->lastBlock;
// Go trough all parents until the root is reached
while ( $block->parentBlock !== null &&
!( $block->parentBlock instanceof ezcTemplateProgramTstNode ) )
if ( $block === $block->parentBlock )
throw new ezcTemplateInternalException( "Infinite recursion found in parser element " . get_class( $block ) );
$block = $block->parentBlock;
$parents[] = str_repeat( " ", $level ) . "{" . $block->name . "} @ {$block->startCursor->line}:{$block->startCursor->column}:";
$parents = array_reverse( $parents );
$treeText = "The current nesting structure:\n" . join( "\n", $parents );
throw new ezcTemplateParserException( $this->parser->source, $this->startCursor, $this->currentCursor,
"Incorrect nesting in code, close block {/" . $this->lastBlock->name . "} expected." );
// Get rid of whitespace for the block line of the program element
$this->parser->trimBlockLine( $this->program );
* Handles elements
* @param array(ezcTemplateTstNode) $elements
* @return void
public function handleElements( $elements )
foreach ( $elements as $element )
if ( $element instanceof ezcTemplateBlockTstNode && $element->isClosingBlock )
// Check for closing of current block
// echo ("Closing block: ". get_class( $element ) ."\n" );
$this->closeOpenBlock( $element );
// This method throws an exception if the node cannot be attached.
$element->canAttachToParent( $this->lastBlock );
$this->lastBlock->handleElement( $element );
if ( $element instanceof ezcTemplateBlockTstNode && $element->isNestingBlock)
// No special handling required so we check if the element
// is a nesting block and should start a new nesting level
$element->parentBlock = $this->lastBlock;
$this->lastBlock = $element;
* Matches an open with an closing block.
* @param ezcTemplateTstNode $element
* @throws ezcTemplateParserException for non matching open and close blocks.
* @return void
protected function closeOpenBlock( $element )
// The previous element must be a block element,
// if not throw an exception
if ( !$this->lastBlock instanceof ezcTemplateBlockTstNode )
throw new ezcTemplateParserException( $this->parser->source, $this->startCursor, $this->currentCursor,
"Found closing block {" . $element->name . "} without a previous block element <" . get_class( $this->lastBlock ) . ">" );
// Check for closing blocks that do not belong to an opening block.
if ( $this->lastBlock->parentBlock === null && $element->isClosingBlock )
if ( $element instanceof ezcTemplateCustomBlockTstNode )
throw new ezcTemplateParserException( $this->parser->source, $this->startCursor, $this->startCursor,
"The custom block: {".$element->name."} should not have a closing block. Check the custom block definition. " );
throw new ezcTemplateParserException( $this->parser->source, $this->startCursor, $this->startCursor,
"Found closing block {/". $element->name."} without an opening block." );
// The name of the previous element must match the closing block,
// if not throw an exception
if ( $this->lastBlock->name != $element->name )
throw new ezcTemplateParserException( $this->parser->source, $this->startCursor, $this->currentCursor,
"Open and close block do not match: {". $this->lastBlock->name ."} and {/".$element->name. "}" );
// Sanity check
if ( $this->lastBlock->parentBlock === null )
throw new ezcTemplateInternalException( "Parent block of last block <" . get_class( $this->lastBlock ) . "> is null, should not happen." );
// Call the closing element with the block element it closes,
// this allows it to update the open block if required.
$element->closeOpenBlock( $this->lastBlock );
// Tell the main parser to trim indentation for the block,
// the whitespace trimming rules are defined within the main parser.
$this->parser->trimBlockLevelIndentation( $this->lastBlock );
// Get rid of whitespace for the block line
$this->parser->trimBlockLine( $this->lastBlock );
// Go up (closer to program) one level in the nested tree structure
$this->lastBlock = $this->lastBlock->parentBlock;