blob: c3893ca6fdf2ba78decc2a29819ad31f22ad8218 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcTemplateLiteralBlockSourceToTstParser class
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Template
* @version //autogen//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @access private
* Parser for template blocks containing an literal only.
* Parses inside the blocks {...} and looks for an literal by using the
* ezcTemplateLiteralParser class.
* @package Template
* @version //autogen//
* @access private
class ezcTemplateLiteralBlockSourceToTstParser extends ezcTemplateSourceToTstParser
* The block element object which is the result of the parse operation.
* @var ezcTemplateLiteralBlockTstNode
public $block;
* Passes control to parent.
* @param ezcTemplateParser $parser
* @param ezcTemplateSourceToTstParser $parentParser
* @param ezcTemplateCursor $startCursor
function __construct( ezcTemplateParser $parser, /*ezcTemplateSourceToTstParser*/ $parentParser, /*ezcTemplateCursor*/ $startCursor )
parent::__construct( $parser, $parentParser, $startCursor );
$this->block = null;
* Parses the literal by using the ezcTemplateLiteralParser class.
* @param ezcTemplateCursor $cursor
* @return bool
protected function parseCurrent( ezcTemplateCursor $cursor )
// $cursor will be update as the parser continues
$this->block = new ezcTemplateLiteralBlockTstNode( $this->parser->source, clone $this->startCursor, $cursor );
// skip whitespace and comments
if ( !$this->findNextElement() )
return false;
$hasClosingMarker = $cursor->current() == '/';
if ( $hasClosingMarker )
$closingCursor = clone $cursor;
$matches = $cursor->pregMatchComplete( "#^(literal)(?:[^a-zA-Z0-9_])#" );
if ( $matches === false )
return false;
$cursor->advance( strlen( $matches[1][0] ) );
// skip whitespace and comments
if ( !$this->findNextElement() )
return false;
// Assume end of first {literal} block
if ( !$cursor->match("}") )
throw new ezcTemplateParserException( $this->parser->source, $this->startCursor, $cursor, ezcTemplateSourceToTstErrorMessages::MSG_EXPECT_CURLY_BRACKET_CLOSE );
if ( $hasClosingMarker )
throw new ezcTemplateParserException( $this->parser->source, $this->startCursor, $cursor,
"Found closing block {/literal} without an opening block." );
$literalTextCursor = clone $cursor;
// Start searching for ending literal block.
while ( !$cursor->atEnd() )
// Find the next block
$tagPos = $cursor->findPosition( "{" );
if ( $tagPos === false )
return false;
$tagCursor = clone $cursor;
$tagCursor->gotoPosition( $tagPos - 1 );
if ( $tagCursor->current() == "\\" )
// This means the tag is escaped and should be treated as text.
$cursor->copy( $tagCursor );
$cursor->advance( 2 );
unset( $tagCursor );
// Reached a block {...}
$cursor->gotoPosition( $tagPos );
$literalTextEndCursor = clone $cursor;
$continue = false;
while ( !$cursor->atEnd() )
// skip whitespace and comments
if ( !$this->findNextElement() )
return false;
// Check for end, if not continue search
if ( !$cursor->match( '/literal' ))
$continue = true;
// skip whitespace and comments
if ( !$this->findNextElement() )
return false;
if ( $cursor->current() == '}' )
$this->block->textStartCursor = $literalTextCursor;
$this->block->textEndCursor = $literalTextEndCursor;
$this->block->endCursor = clone $cursor;
// Make sure the text is extracted now that the cursor are correct
$this->appendElement( $this->block );
return true;
if ( $continue )
return false;