blob: 23fcee9e86a4b2e5b1b073567c821b8365836899 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcTemplateTreeOutput abstract class
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Template
* @version //autogen//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @access private
* Iterates the given tree and outputs the result as text.
* This class must be extended and combined with a visitor (e.g. ezcTemplateTstNodeVisitor)
* to create a specific tree visitor for outputting the tree structure.
* This class has some abstract functions which must be implemented by the
* extending class, they are used to gain more detailed information about tree
* nodes.
* For instance the array:
* <code>
* array( 'name' => 'foo',
* 'type' => 'bar',
* 'isEnabled' => true );
* </code>
* will become:
* <code>
* |-- name: "foo"
* |-- type: "bar"
* `-- isEnabled: true
* </code>
* It can also handle arrays and objects which will be output recursively.
* For objects it will output the properties if it is an instance of $this->nodeClass
* by calling outputNode() while array is output by calling outputArray().
* All other objects will be cast to a string and output.
* Outputting an array with array:
* <code>
* array( 'children' => array( 'foo', 'bar' ) );
* </code>
* will become:
* <code>
* `-- children: array[2]
* |-- "foo"
* `-- "bar"
* </code>
* Outputting an array with objects:
* <code>
* array( 'children' => array( new ezcTemplateLiteralTstNode( 5 ),
* new ezcTemplateTextBlockTstNode( "line1\nline2" ) ) );
* </code>
* will become:
* <code>
* `-- children: array[2]
* |-- <Literal> @ 1:0->2:0
* | `-- value: 5
* `-- <TextBlock> @ 2:0->3:0
* "line1" . "\n" .
* "line2"
* </code>
* @package Template
* @version //autogen//
* @access private
abstract class ezcTemplateTreeOutput
* The result of the node output.
* @var string $text
public $text;
* The name of the class which all nodes inherit from.
* @var string
public $nodeClass;
* The regex (preg style) used to extract the name from the class name.
* @see extractNodeName() uses this variable.
* @var string
public $nodeClassRegex;
* Initialize the output class with the name of the node class and the regular expression to extract short names.
* @param string $nodeClass
* @param string $nodeClassRegex
public function __construct( $nodeClass, $nodeClassRegex = '' )
$this->text = '';
$this->nodeClass = $nodeClass;
$this->nodeClassRegex = $nodeClassRegex;
* Extracts the name of the node and returns it as a string.
* Note: Reimplement this to handle the node properly.
* @param Object $node The node to examine.
* @return string
protected function extractNodeName( $node )
return preg_replace( $this->nodeClassRegex, '$1', get_class( $node ) );
* Extracts position data from the specified node and set in the out parameters.
* Note: Reimplement this to handle the node properly.
* @param Object $node The node to examine.
* @param int $startLine The starting line for the node.
* @param int $startColumn The starting column for the node.
* @param int $endLine The starting line for the node.
* @param int $endColumn The starting column for the node.
* @return bool True if the extraction was succesful.
abstract protected function extractNodePosition( $node, &$startLine, &$startColumn, &$endLine, &$endColumn );
* Extracts the properties from the specified node and returns it as an array.
* Note: Reimplement this to handle the node properly.
* @param Object $node The node to examine.
* @return array(name=>value)
abstract protected function extractNodeProperties( $node );
* Outputs the contents of any node.
* Will display the name of the node, the position in the file and then output
* all the properties.
* @param Object $node The node to output.
* @return string
* @see extractNodeName()
* @see extractNodePosition()
* @see extractNodeProperties()
protected function outputNode( $node )
$text = "<" . $this->extractNodeName( $node ) . ">";
if ( $this->extractNodePosition( $node, $startLine, $startColumn,
$endLine, $endColumn ) )
$text .= " @ " . $startLine . ":" . $startColumn . "->" .
$endLine . ":" . $endColumn;
$text .= "\n";
$properties = $this->extractNodeProperties( $node );
$text .= $this->outputArray( $properties, true );
return $text;
* Outputs the array as a tree structure (recursively).
* @param array $properties The array to output
* @param bool $useKey If true then the keys of the array is displayed.
* @return string
protected function outputArray( $properties, $useKey )
$text = '';
$maxLen = 0;
if ( $useKey )
foreach ( $properties as $name => $property )
$maxLen = max( strlen( $name ), $maxLen );
$i = 0;
foreach ( $properties as $name => $property )
if ( $i > 0 )
$text .= "\n";
$remainderWsText = '';
$remainder = $maxLen - strlen( $name );
if ( $useKey && $remainder > 0 )
$remainderWsText = str_repeat( ' ', $remainder );
$suffix = '';
if ( $useKey )
$suffix = $name . $remainderWsText . ': ';
if ( $i == count( $properties ) - 1 )
$text .= '`-- ' . $suffix;
$prefix = ' ';
$text .= '|-- ' . $suffix;
$prefix = '| ';
// if $textBlock contains a string it will be display in between
// properties using $prefix for each line.
$textBlock = false;
if ( is_object( $property ) )
if ( $property instanceof $this->nodeClass )
$textBlock = $this->outputNode( $property, true );
$text .= (string)$property;
elseif ( is_array( $property ) )
$text .= "array[" . count( $property ) . "]";
$textBlock = $this->outputArray( $property, false );
elseif ( is_string( $property ) )
if ( strpos( $property, "\n" ) === false )
$line = self::outputString( $property );
$text .= "\"{$line}\"";
$lines = explode( "\n", $property );
foreach ( $lines as $offset => $line )
if ( $offset > 0 )
$textBlock .= " . \"\\n\" .\n";
$line = self::outputString( $line );
$textBlock .= "\"{$line}\"";
$text .= var_export( $property, true );
if ( $textBlock !== false )
// Split into lines and output each with the $prefix value in front.
$lines = explode( "\n", $textBlock );
$start = 0;
if ( $useKey )
$text .= "\n";
$start = 1;
$text .= $lines[0] . "\n";
$linesCount = count( $lines );
for ( $line = $start; $line < $linesCount; ++$line )
if ( $line > $start )
$text .= "\n";
$text .= $prefix . $lines[$line];
return $text;
* Outputs the string by escaping special characters making them readable.
* The special characters are: \n, \r, \t, \b, \" and '
* @param string $str The string to output.
* @return string
protected static function outputString( $str )
return str_replace( array( "\n", "\r", "\t", "\b", "\"", "'" ),
array( "\\n", "\\r", "\\t", "\\b", "\\\"", "\\'" ),
$str );