blob: 71f76a359ca4b5a41da29f24cfef04c067fddf26 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcTemplateAstNodeGenerator class
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Template
* @version //autogen//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @access private
* Generator of PHP code.
* Implements the ezcTemplateBasicAstNodeVisitor interface for visiting code elements
* and generating code for them.
* @package Template
* @version //autogen//
* @access private
class ezcTemplateAstToPhpGenerator implements ezcTemplateAstNodeVisitor
* The default value to increase the indentation with.
* Set it through the constructor.
* @var int
private $indentation;
* The current indentation value.
* This starts at 0 and usually increases with value defined in self::$indentation.
* @var int
private $currentIndentation;
* Text which represents the current indentation.
* This is automatically generated each time the indentation is changed.
* @var string
private $indentationText;
* Stack of old indentation values.
* When the indentation changes it is pushed to the stack and later on restored.
* @var array(int)
private $indentationStack;
* File descriptor for the opened file which will contain the generated code.
* @var resource
private $fd;
* Flag for whether the footer has been written or.
* This makes sure the destructor does not write it if it has been called earlier.
* @var bool
private $hasWrittenFooter;
* Flag for whether the output is currently at the beginning of a new line or not.
* This is used to determine if the indentation text self::$indentationText
* should be prepended to the current line or not.
* @var bool
private $newline;
* Escape the single quote in the output. Useful for the caching.
* @var bool
private $escapeSingleQuote = false;
* The character set defined in the template.
* If set to false, it uses the $sourceCharset.
* @var string|bool
private $charsetInTemplate = false;
* The source character set.
* @var string
private $sourceCharset;
* Transform to the target character set.
* @var string
private $targetCharset;
* Constructs a new ezcTemplateAstToPhpGenerator
* @param string $path File path for the file which should be generated.
* @param ezcTemplateConfiguration $configuration The template configuration.
* @param int $indentation The default indentation to use when increasing it.
public function __construct( $path, $configuration, $indentation = 4 )
if ( file_exists( $path ) )
if ( !is_writable( $path ) )
throw new ezcTemplateFileNotWriteableException( $path, "generated PHP file" );
$this->fd = @fopen( $path, "w" );
if ( !$this->fd )
throw new ezcTemplateFileNotWriteableException( $path, "generated PHP file" );
$this->indentation = $indentation;
$this->hasWrittenFooter = false;
$this->currentIndentation = 0;
$this->indentationText = '';
$this->indentationStack = array();
$this->newline = true;
$this->sourceCharset = $configuration->sourceCharset;
$this->targetCharset = $configuration->targetCharset;
* Writes the files footer and closes the file if it is open.
public function __destruct()
if ( $this->fd )
fclose( $this->fd );
$this->fd = null;
* Writes the opening tag and some comments for the PHP file.
* @return void
protected function writeHeader()
fwrite( $this->fd,
"<?php\n" );
* Writes the ending tag for the PHP file.
* @return void
protected function writeFooter()
// Only write a newline if the current output is not properly ended with a newline.
if ( !$this->newline )
fwrite( $this->fd, "\n" );
fwrite( $this->fd, "?>\n" );
$this->hasWrittenFooter = true;
* Writes a text string to the currenly opened file.
* The text string will be split up into lines and will have each line
* indented according to current indentation rules.
* @param string $text The text string to write.
* @param string $pre Text to place in front of each line (after indentation).
* @param string $post Text to place after each line (before newline character).
* @return void
protected function write( $text, $pre = null, $post = null )
$lines = preg_split( "#(\r\n|\r|\n)#", $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE );
$count = count( $lines );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i += 2 )
$line = $lines[$i];
if ( $i + 1 < $count )
$str = $pre . $line . $post . $lines[$i + 1];
if ( $this->newline )
$str = $this->indentationText . $str;
fwrite( $this->fd, $str );
$this->newline = true;
else // The last line.
if ( strlen( $line ) > 0 )
$str = $pre . $line . $post;
if ( $this->newline )
$str = $this->indentationText . $str;
fwrite( $this->fd, $str );
$this->newline = false;
* Increases the indentation with n characters.
* The old indentation value is added to a stack which can be restored
* with restoreIndentation().
* @param int $indentation The number of characters to increase the current indentation with.
* @return void
public function increaseIndentation( $indentation )
$this->indentationStack[] = $this->currentIndentation;
$this->currentIndentation += $indentation;
if ( $this->currentIndentation > 0 )
$this->indentationText = str_repeat( " ", $this->currentIndentation );
$this->indentationText = "";
* Restores the old indentation value from the stack.
* @throws Exception if the stack is empty.
* @return void
public function restoreIndentation()
if ( count( $this->indentationStack ) == 0 )
throw new ezcTemplateInternalException( "Indentation stack is empty, cannot restore last indentation." );
$this->currentIndentation = array_pop( $this->indentationStack );
if ( $this->currentIndentation > 0 )
$this->indentationText = str_repeat( " ", $this->currentIndentation );
$this->indentationText = "";
* Generates code for control structures which takes a single parameter (optional).
* The name of the control structure is sent in $name
* @param ezcTemplateAstNode $control The control structure element to get parameter from.
* @param string $name The name of the control structure, e.g. 'break'
* @return void
protected function generateOptionalUnaryControl( ezcTemplateAstNode $control, $name )
$expression = $control->expression;
if ( $expression === null )
$this->write( "{$name};\n" );
$this->write( "{$name} " );
$expression->accept( $this );
$this->write( ";\n" );
* Generates code for control structures which takes a single parameter.
* The name of the control structure is sent in $name
* @param ezcTemplateAstNode $control The control structure element to get parameter from.
* @param string $name The name of the control structure, e.g. 'break'
* @return void
protected function generateUnaryControl( ezcTemplateAstNode $control, $name )
$this->write( "{$name} " );
$control->expression->accept( $this );
$this->write( ";\n" );
* Generates code for construct elements which looks like function calls.
* @param string $name The name of the construct to place in code.
* @param ezcTemplateAstNode $construct The construct element.
* @param array(ezcTemplateAstNode) $parameters
* The parameters for the construct, will be written out with a comma
* in between.
* @return void
private function generateFunctionConstruct( $name, ezcTemplateAstNode $construct, Array $parameters )
$this->write( $name . "(" );
foreach ( $parameters as $i => $parameter )
if ( $i > 0 )
$this->write( "," );
$parameter->accept( $this );
$this->write( ");\n" );
* Exports the constant type value.
* @param ezcTemplateLiteralAstNode $type The code element containing the constant value.
* @return void
public function visitLiteralAstNode( ezcTemplateLiteralAstNode $type )
// Output type using var_export
if ( is_string( $type->value ) )
$search = array( "\\",
"\n" );
$replace = array( "\\\\",
"\\n" );
if ( $this->escapeSingleQuote )
$search[] = "'";
$replace[] = "\\'";
$valueText = str_replace( $search, $replace, $type->value );
$charset = $this->charsetInTemplate === false ? $this->sourceCharset : $this->charsetInTemplate;
#echo "FROM", $charset;
#echo "TO", $this->targetCharset;
$valueText = iconv( $charset, $this->targetCharset, $valueText );
$text = "\"$valueText\"";
$this->write( $text );
elseif ( is_array( $type->value ) )
$this->write( "array(" );
foreach ( $type->value as $val )
$val->accept( $this );
$this->write( "," );
$this->write( ")" );
// $this->write( var_export( $type->value, true ) );
$this->write( var_export( $type->value, true ) );
* Writes an php array.
* @param ezcTemplateLiteralArrayAstNode $type
* @return void
public function visitLiteralArrayAstNode( ezcTemplateLiteralArrayAstNode $type )
$first = true;
$this->write( "array(" );
foreach ( $type->value as $key => $val )
if ( !$first )
$this->write( "," );
if ( isset( $type->keys[$key] ) )
$type->keys[$key]->accept( $this );
$this->write ( " => " );
$val->accept( $this );
$first = false;
$this->write( ")" );
* Writes an output node.
* @param ezcTemplateOutputAstNode $type
* @return void
public function visitOutputAstNode( ezcTemplateOutputAstNode $type )
$type->expression->accept( $this );
* Casts the value to the type.
* @param ezcTemplateTypeCastAstNode $node
* @return void
public function visitTypeCastAstNode( ezcTemplateTypeCastAstNode $node )
$this->write( "(" . $node->type . ")" );
$node->value->accept( $this );
* Writes the constant as-is.
* @param ezcTemplateConstantAstNode $type The code element containing the constant value.
* @return void
public function visitConstantAstNode( ezcTemplateConstantAstNode $type )
$this->write( $type->value );
* Writes the EOL comment with correct start marker.
* @param ezcTemplateEolCommentAstNode $comment The code element containing the EOL comment.
* @return void
public function visitEolCommentAstNode( ezcTemplateEolCommentAstNode $comment )
$marker = $comment->createMarkerText();
if ( $comment->hasSeparator )
$marker .= ' ';
$this->write( $comment->text . "\n", $marker );
* Writes the block comment.
* @param ezcTemplateBlockCommentAstNode $comment The code element containing the block comment.
* @return void
public function visitBlockCommentAstNode( ezcTemplateBlockCommentAstNode $comment )
// Comment output.
// if ( $comment->hasSeparator )
// {
// $startMarker = '/* ';
// $endMarker = ' */';
// }
// else
// {
// $startMarker = '/*';
// $endMarker = '*/';
// }
// $this->write( $startMarker . $comment->text . $endMarker . "\n" );
* Writes a dollar sign and the name of the variable.
* @param ezcTemplateVariableAstNode $var The code element containing the variable value.
* @return void
public function visitVariableAstNode( ezcTemplateVariableAstNode $var )
$this->write( '$' . $var->name );
* Writes a dollar sign and curly braces around the sub-expression.
* @param ezcTemplateDynamicVariableAstNode $var The code element containing the variable value.
* @return void
public function visitDynamicVariableAstNode( ezcTemplateDynamicVariableAstNode $var )
$this->write( '${' );
$var->nameExpression->accept( $this );
$this->write( '}' );
* Visits a code element containing a dynamic string.
* @param ezcTemplateDynamicStringAstNode $dynamic The code element containing the dynamic string.
* @return void
public function visitDynamicStringAstNode( ezcTemplateDynamicStringAstNode $dynamic )
$parameters = $dynamic->getParameters();
$this->write( '"' );
foreach ( $parameters as $parameter )
if ( $parameter instanceof ezcTemplateLiteralAstNode )
// Extract value as string and write it without the quotation marks.
$value = (string)$parameter->value;
$value = str_replace( array( "\\", "\"", "{" ),
array( "\\\\", "\\\"", "\\{" ),
$value );
$this->write( $value );
$this->write( '{' );
$parameter->accept( $this );
$this->write( '}' );
$this->write( '"' );
* Visits a code element containing an array fetch operator type.
* @param ezcTemplateArrayFetchOperatorAstNode $operator The code element containing the array fetch operator.
* @return void
public function visitArrayFetchOperatorAstNode( ezcTemplateArrayFetchOperatorAstNode $operator )
$parameters = $operator->getParameters();
$count = count( $parameters );
if ( $count < $operator->minParameterCount )
throw new ezcTemplateInternalException( "The operator <" . get_class( $operator ) . " contains only " . count( $parameters ) . " parameters but should at least have {$operator->minParameterCount} parameters." );
// Generate code for first operand
$parameters[0]->accept( $this );
for ( $i = 1; $i < $count; ++$i )
// Generate the operator symbol before parameter.
$this->write( "[" );
// Generate code for operand
$parameters[$i]->accept( $this );
// and after parameter.
$this->write( "]" );
* Visits a code element containing a unary operator type.
* Unary operators take one parameter and consist of a symbol.
* @param ezcTemplateOperatorAstNode $operator The code element containing the operator with parameter.
* @return void
public function visitUnaryOperatorAstNode( ezcTemplateOperatorAstNode $operator )
$parameters = $operator->getParameters();
if ( count( $parameters ) < $operator->minParameterCount )
throw new ezcTemplateInternalException( "The operator <" . get_class( $operator ) . " contains only " . count( $parameters ) . " parameters but should at least have {$operator->minParameterCount} parameters." );
if ( $operator->preOperator )
// Generate the operator symbol in between parameters.
$this->write( " " . $operator->getOperatorPHPSymbol() );
// Generate code for first operand
$parameters[0]->accept( $this );
// Generate code for first operand
$parameters[0]->accept( $this );
// Generate the operator symbol in between parameters.
$this->write( $operator->getOperatorPHPSymbol() . " " );
* Visits a code element containing a binary operator type.
* Binary operators take two parameters and consist of a symbol.
* @param ezcTemplateOperatorAstNode $operator The code element containing the operator with parameters.
* @return void
public function visitBinaryOperatorAstNode( ezcTemplateOperatorAstNode $operator )
$parameters = $operator->getParameters();
if ( count( $parameters ) < $operator->minParameterCount )
throw new ezcTemplateInternalException( "The operator <" . get_class( $operator ) . " contains only " . count( $parameters ) . " parameters but should at least have {$operator->minParameterCount} parameters." );
// Generate code for first operand
$parameters[0]->accept( $this );
// Generate the operator symbol in between parameters.
if ( $operator instanceof ezcTemplateReferenceOperatorAstNode )
// No spaces around the '->'. PHP cannot handle: $myObj -> class
$this->write( $operator->getOperatorPHPSymbol() );
$this->write( " " . $operator->getOperatorPHPSymbol() . " " );
// Generate code for second operand
$parameters[1]->accept( $this );
* Visits a code element containing a function call.
* Function call consist of a function name and arguments.
* @param ezcTemplateFunctionCallAstNode $fcall The code element containing the function call with arguments.
* @return void
public function visitFunctionCallAstNode( ezcTemplateFunctionCallAstNode $fcall )
// Start arguments
$this->write( $fcall->name . "(" );
foreach ( $fcall->getParameters() as $i => $parameter )
if ( $i > 0 )
$this->write( "," );
$parameter->accept( $this );
$this->write( ")" );
* Visits a code element containing a body of statements.
* A body consists of a series of statements in sequence.
* @param ezcTemplateBodyAstNode $body The code element containing the body.
* @return void
public function visitBodyAstNode( ezcTemplateBodyAstNode $body )
foreach ( $body->statements as $statement )
$statement->accept( $this );
* Visits a code element containing a body of statements.
* A body consists of a series of statements in sequence.
* @param ezcTemplateRootAstNode $body The code element containing the body.
* @return void
public function visitRootAstNode( ezcTemplateRootAstNode $body )
$this->charsetInTemplate = $body->charset;
if ( $body->startProgram )
foreach ( $body->statements as $statement )
$statement->accept( $this );
if ( $body->startProgram )
* Visits a code element containing a generic statement.
* The expression is evaluated and and a semi-colon added to end the statement.
* A generic statement contains a generic code expression but is terminated with a semi-colon.
* @param ezcTemplateGenericStatementAstNode $statement The code element containing the statement.
* @return void
public function visitGenericStatementAstNode( ezcTemplateGenericStatementAstNode $statement )
$statement->expression->accept( $this );
if ( $statement->terminateStatement )
$this->write( ";\n" );
* Visits a code element containing if control structures.
* @param ezcTemplateIfAstNode $if The code element containing the if control structure.
* @return void
public function visitIfAstNode( ezcTemplateIfAstNode $if )
foreach ( $if->conditions as $i => $conditionBody )
$condition = $conditionBody->condition;
if ( $i == 0 )
$this->write( "if (" );
elseif ( $condition !== null )
$this->write( "elseif (" );
$this->write( "else" );
if ( $condition !== null )
$condition->accept( $this );
$this->write( ")\n{\n" );
$this->write( "\n{\n" );
$this->increaseIndentation( $this->indentation );
$conditionBody->body->accept( $this );
$this->write( "}\n" );
* Pretends to write the dynamic block. The only thing it does is calling
* the children with the escapeSingleQuote switched on.
* @param ezcTemplateDynamicBlockAstNode $statement
* @return void
public function visitDynamicBlockAstNode( ezcTemplateDynamicBlockAstNode $statement )
$this->escapeSingleQuote = $statement->escapeSingleQuote;
// Do not write anything, but call the children.
$statement->body->accept( $this );
$this->escapeSingleQuote = false;
* Visits a code element containing while control structures.
* @param ezcTemplateWhileAstNode $while The code element containing the while control structure.
* @return void
public function visitWhileAstNode( ezcTemplateWhileAstNode $while )
$conditionBody = $while->conditionBody;
$this->write( "while (" );
$conditionBody->condition->accept( $this );
$this->write( ")\n{\n" );
$this->increaseIndentation( $this->indentation );
$conditionBody->body->accept( $this );
$this->write( "}\n" );
* Visits a code element containing foreach control structures.
* @param ezcTemplateForeachAstNode $foreach The code element containing the foreach control structure.
* @return void
public function visitForeachAstNode( ezcTemplateForeachAstNode $foreach )
$this->write( "foreach (" );
$foreach->arrayExpression->accept( $this );
$this->write( " as " );
if ( $foreach->keyVariable !== null )
$foreach->keyVariable->accept( $this );
$this->write( " => " );
$foreach->valueVariable->accept( $this );
$this->write( ")\n{\n" );
$this->increaseIndentation( $this->indentation );
$foreach->body->accept( $this );
$this->write( "}\n" );
* Visits a code element containing break control structures.
* @param ezcTemplateBreakAstNode $break The code element containing the break control structure.
* @return void
public function visitBreakAstNode( ezcTemplateBreakAstNode $break )
$this->generateOptionalUnaryControl( $break, "break" );
* Visits a code element containing continue control structures.
* @param ezcTemplateContinueAstNode $continue The code element containing the continue control structure.
* @return void
public function visitContinueAstNode( ezcTemplateContinueAstNode $continue )
$this->generateOptionalUnaryControl( $continue, "continue" );
* Visits a code element containing return control structures.
* @param ezcTemplateReturnAstNode $return The code element containing the return control structure.
* @return void
public function visitReturnAstNode( ezcTemplateReturnAstNode $return )
$this->generateOptionalUnaryControl( $return, "return" );
* Visits a code element containing require control structures.
* @param ezcTemplateRequireAstNode $require The code element containing the require control structure.
* @return void
public function visitRequireAstNode( ezcTemplateRequireAstNode $require )
$this->generateUnaryControl( $require, "require" );
* Visits a code element containing require_once control structures.
* @param ezcTemplateRequireOnceAstNode $require The code element containing the require_once control structure.
* @return void
public function visitRequireOnceAstNode( ezcTemplateRequireOnceAstNode $require )
$this->generateUnaryControl( $require, "require_once" );
* Visits a code element containing include control structures.
* @param ezcTemplateIncludeAstNode $include The code element containing the include control structure.
* @return void
public function visitIncludeAstNode( ezcTemplateIncludeAstNode $include )
$this->generateUnaryControl( $include, "include" );
* Visits a code element containing include_once control structures.
* @param ezcTemplateIncludeOnceAstNode $include The code element containing the include_once control structure.
* @return void
public function visitIncludeOnceAstNode( ezcTemplateIncludeOnceAstNode $include )
$this->generateUnaryControl( $include, "include_once" );
* Visits a code element containing switch control structures.
* @param ezcTemplateSwitchAstNode $switch The code element containing the switch control structure.
* @return void
public function visitSwitchAstNode( ezcTemplateSwitchAstNode $switch )
$this->write( "switch (" );
$switch->expression->accept( $this );
$this->write( ")\n{\n" );
$this->increaseIndentation( $this->indentation );
foreach ( $switch->cases as $case )
$case->accept( $this );
$this->write( "}\n" );
* Visits a code element containing case control structures.
* @param ezcTemplateCaseAstNode $case The code element containing the case control structure.
* @return void
public function visitCaseAstNode( ezcTemplateCaseAstNode $case )
$this->write( "case " );
$case->match->accept( $this );
$this->write( ":\n" );
$this->increaseIndentation( $this->indentation );
$case->body->accept( $this );
* Visits a code element containing default case control structures.
* @param ezcTemplateDefaultAstNode $default The code element containing the default case control structure.
* @return void
public function visitDefaultAstNode( ezcTemplateDefaultAstNode $default )
$this->write( "default:\n" );
$this->increaseIndentation( $this->indentation );
$default->body->accept( $this );
* Visits a code element containing conditions for if control structures.
* @param ezcTemplateConditionBodyAstNode $cond The code element containing the if condition.
* @return void
public function visitConditionBodyAstNode( ezcTemplateConditionBodyAstNode $cond )
// Not used, data is extracted directly for if, while and do/while
* Visits a code element containing try control structures.
* @param ezcTemplateTryAstNode $try The code element containing the try control structure.
* @return void
public function visitTryAstNode( ezcTemplateTryAstNode $try )
$this->write( "try\n{\n" );
$this->increaseIndentation( $this->indentation );
$try->body->accept( $this );
$this->write( "}\n" );
foreach ( $try->catches as $catch )
$catch->accept( $this );
* Visits a code element containing catch control structures.
* @param ezcTemplateCatchAstNode $catch The code element containing the catch control structure.
* @return void
public function visitCatchAstNode( ezcTemplateCatchAstNode $catch )
$this->write( "catch (" . $catch->className . " " );
$catch->variableExpression->accept( $this );
$this->write( ")\n{\n" );
$this->increaseIndentation( $this->indentation );
$catch->body->accept( $this );
$this->write( "}\n" );
* Visits a code element containing echo construct.
* @param ezcTemplateEchoAstNode $echo The code element containing the echo construct.
* @return void
public function visitEchoAstNode( ezcTemplateEchoAstNode $echo )
$outputList = $echo->getOutputList();
$this->write( "echo " );
foreach ( $outputList as $i => $output )
if ( $i > 0 )
$this->write( "," );
$output->accept( $this );
$this->write( ";\n" );
* Visits a code element containing print construct.
* @param ezcTemplatePrintAstNode $print The code element containing the print construct.
* @return void
public function visitPrintAstNode( ezcTemplatePrintAstNode $print )
$this->write( "print " );
$print->expression->accept( $this );
$this->write( ";\n" );
* Visits a code element containing isset construct.
* @param ezcTemplateIssetAstNode $isset The code element containing the isset construct.
* @return void
public function visitIssetAstNode( ezcTemplateIssetAstNode $isset )
$this->generateFunctionConstruct( 'isset', $isset, $isset->getExpressions() );
* Visits a code element containing unset construct.
* @param ezcTemplateUnsetAstNode $unset The code element containing the unset construct.
* @return void
public function visitUnsetAstNode( ezcTemplateUnsetAstNode $unset )
$this->generateFunctionConstruct( 'unset', $unset, $unset->getExpressions() );
* Visits a code element containing empty construct.
* @param ezcTemplateEmptyAstNode $empty The code element containing the empty construct.
* @return void
public function visitEmptyAstNode( ezcTemplateEmptyAstNode $empty )
$this->write( "empty(" );
$empty->expression->accept( $this );
$this->write( ");\n" );
* Writes parenthesis.
* @param ezcTemplateParenthesisAstNode $parenthesis
* @return void
public function visitParenthesisAstNode( ezcTemplateParenthesisAstNode $parenthesis )
$this->write( "(" );
$parenthesis->expression->accept( $this );
$this->write( ")" );
* Writes curly braces.
* @param ezcTemplateCurlyBracesAstNode $curly
* @return void
public function visitCurlyBracesAstNode( ezcTemplateCurlyBracesAstNode $curly )
$this->write( "{" );
$curly->expression->accept( $this );
$this->write( "}" );
* Writes a new class.
* @param ezcTemplateNewAstNode $new
* @return void
public function visitNewAstNode( ezcTemplateNewAstNode $new )
$this->write( "new " );
$this->write( $new->class . "(" );
foreach ( $new->getParameters() as $i => $parameter )
if ( $i > 0 )
$this->write( "," );
$parameter->accept( $this );
$this->write( ")" );
* Writes the clone statement.
* @param ezcTemplateCloneAstNode $clone
* @return void
public function visitCloneAstNode( ezcTemplateCloneAstNode $clone )
$this->write( "clone " );
$this->write( $clone->object->accept($this) );
* Writes raw PHP code.
* @param ezcTemplatePhpCodeAstNode $code
* @return void
public function visitPhpCodeAstNode( ezcTemplatePhpCodeAstNode $code )
$this->write( $code->code );
* Writes a new runtime exception.
* @param ezcTemplateThrowExceptionAstNode $exception
* @return void
public function visitThrowExceptionAstNode( ezcTemplateThrowExceptionAstNode $exception )
$this->write( "throw new ezcTemplateRuntimeException( ");
$exception->message->accept( $this );
$this->write( ")" );
* Writes an identifier.
* @param ezcTemplateIdentifierAstNode $node
* @return void
public function visitIdentifierAstNode( ezcTemplateIdentifierAstNode $node )
$this->write( $node->name );
* Visits a node containing a nop node.
* @param ezcTemplateNopAstNode $node The node containing the nop node.
* @return void
public function visitNopAstNode( ezcTemplateNopAstNode $node )
// Nops don't create any output