blob: 65555da4fbd13855f22464038d889d86da6ab295 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcTemplateAstWalker
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Template
* @version //autogen//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @access private
* The entire AST tree, doing nothing.
* @package Template
* @version //autogen//
* @access private
class ezcTemplateAstWalker implements ezcTemplateAstNodeVisitor
* A stack that keeps the path of nodes to the current position. The first element (0) contains the last
* executed node. The second element, the second last node, etc.
* @var array(ezcTemplateAstNode)
public $nodePath = array();
* The amount of statements in the last, second last, etc. position / level.
* @var array(int)
public $statements = array();
* The offset of the statements. Default it's 0. When a statement is inserted, the offset should also increase.
* @var array(int)
public $offset = array();
* Constructs a new ezcTemplateAstWalker
public function __construct( )
* Destructor
public function __destruct()
* visitLiteralAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateLiteralAstNode $type
* @return void
public function visitLiteralAstNode( ezcTemplateLiteralAstNode $type )
* visitLiteralArrayAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateLiteralArrayAstNode $type
* @return void
public function visitLiteralArrayAstNode( ezcTemplateLiteralArrayAstNode $type )
* visitOutputAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateOutputAstNode $type
* @return void
public function visitOutputAstNode( ezcTemplateOutputAstNode $type )
array_unshift( $this->nodePath, $type );
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $type->expression );
array_shift( $this->nodePath );
* visitTypeCastAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateTypeCastAstNode $node
* @return void
public function visitTypeCastAstNode( ezcTemplateTypeCastAstNode $node )
array_unshift( $this->nodePath, $node );
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $node->value );
array_shift( $this->nodePath );
* visitConstantAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateConstantAstNode $type
* @return void
public function visitConstantAstNode( ezcTemplateConstantAstNode $type )
* visitEolCommentAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateEolCommentAstNode $comment
* @return void
public function visitEolCommentAstNode( ezcTemplateEolCommentAstNode $comment )
* visitBlockCommentAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateBlockCommentAstNode $comment
* @return void
public function visitBlockCommentAstNode( ezcTemplateBlockCommentAstNode $comment )
* visitVariableAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateVariableAstNode $var
* @return void
public function visitVariableAstNode( ezcTemplateVariableAstNode $var )
* visitDynamicVariableAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateDynamicVariableAstNode $var
* @return void
public function visitDynamicVariableAstNode( ezcTemplateDynamicVariableAstNode $var )
array_unshift( $this->nodePath, $var );
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $var->nameExpression );
array_shift( $this->nodePath );
* visitDynamicStringAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateDynamicStringAstNode $dynamic
* @return void
public function visitDynamicStringAstNode( ezcTemplateDynamicStringAstNode $dynamic )
throw new ezcTemplateInternalException( "TODO: dynamicstring Ast node , tree walker" );
array_unshift( $this->nodePath, $dynamic );
foreach ( $parameters as $parameter )
if ( !$parameter instanceof ezcTemplateLiteralAstNode )
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $parameter );
array_shift( $this->nodePath );
* visitArrayFetchOperatorAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateArrayFetchOperatorAstNode $operator
* @return void
public function visitArrayFetchOperatorAstNode( ezcTemplateArrayFetchOperatorAstNode $operator )
array_unshift( $this->nodePath, $operator );
$parameters = $operator->getParameters();
$count = count( $parameters );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i )
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $operator->parameters[$i] );
array_shift( $this->nodePath );
* visitUnaryOperatorAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateOperatorAstNode $operator
* @return void
public function visitUnaryOperatorAstNode( ezcTemplateOperatorAstNode $operator )
$parameters = $operator->getParameters();
if ( count( $parameters ) < $operator->minParameterCount )
throw new ezcTemplateInternalException( "The operator <" . get_class( $operator ) . " contains only " . count( $parameters ) . " parameters but should at least have {$operator->minParameterCount} parameters." );
array_unshift( $this->nodePath, $operator );
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $operator->parameters[0] );
array_shift( $this->nodePath );
* visitBinaryOperatorAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateOperatorAstNode $operator
* @return void
public function visitBinaryOperatorAstNode( ezcTemplateOperatorAstNode $operator )
$parameters = $operator->getParameters();
if ( count( $parameters ) < $operator->minParameterCount )
throw new ezcTemplateInternalException( "The operator <" . get_class( $operator ) . " contains only " . count( $parameters ) . " parameters but should at least have {$operator->minParameterCount} parameters." );
array_unshift( $this->nodePath, $operator );
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $operator->parameters[0] );
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $operator->parameters[1] );
array_shift( $this->nodePath );
* visitFunctionCallAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateFunctionCallAstNode $fcall
* @return void
public function visitFunctionCallAstNode( ezcTemplateFunctionCallAstNode $fcall )
array_unshift( $this->nodePath, $fcall );
foreach ( $fcall->getParameters() as $i => $parameter )
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $fcall->parameters[$i] );
array_shift( $this->nodePath );
* visitBodyAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateBodyAstNode $body
* @return void
public function visitBodyAstNode( ezcTemplateBodyAstNode $body )
array_unshift( $this->nodePath, $body );
array_unshift( $this->statements, 0);
array_unshift( $this->offset, 0);
$b = clone( $body );
for( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $b->statements ); $i++)
$this->statements[0] = $i;
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $b->statements[$i] );
$body = $b;
array_shift( $this->offset );
array_shift( $this->statements );
array_shift( $this->nodePath );
* visitRootAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateRootAstNode $body
* @return void
public function visitRootAstNode( ezcTemplateRootAstNode &$body )
array_unshift( $this->nodePath, $body );
array_unshift( $this->statements, 0);
array_unshift( $this->offset, 0);
$b = clone( $body );
for( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $b->statements ); $i++)
$this->statements[0] = $i;
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $b->statements[$i] );
// XXX Test this, this may be wrong.
// $body = $b;
array_shift( $this->offset );
array_shift( $this->statements );
array_shift( $this->nodePath );
* visitGenericStatementAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateGenericStatementAstNode $statement
* @return void
public function visitGenericStatementAstNode( ezcTemplateGenericStatementAstNode $statement )
array_unshift( $this->nodePath, $statement );
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $statement->expression );
array_shift( $this->nodePath );
* visitIfAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateIfAstNode $if
* @return void
public function visitIfAstNode( ezcTemplateIfAstNode $if )
array_unshift( $this->nodePath, $if );
foreach ( $if->conditions as $i => $conditionBody )
$condition = $conditionBody->condition;
if ( $condition !== null )
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $if->conditions[$i]->condition );
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $conditionBody->body );
array_shift( $this->nodePath );
* visitDynamicBlockAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateDynamicBlockAstNode $statement
* @return void
public function visitDynamicBlockAstNode( ezcTemplateDynamicBlockAstNode $statement )
array_unshift( $this->nodePath, $statement );
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $statement->body );
array_shift( $this->nodePath );
* Visits a code element containing while control structures.
* @param ezcTemplateWhileAstNode $while The code element containing the while control structure.
* @return void
public function visitWhileAstNode( ezcTemplateWhileAstNode $while )
array_unshift( $this->nodePath, $while );
$conditionBody = $while->conditionBody;
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $conditionBody->condition );
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $conditionBody->body );
array_shift( $this->nodePath );
* visitForeachAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateForeachAstNode $foreach
* @return void
public function visitForeachAstNode( ezcTemplateForeachAstNode $foreach )
array_unshift( $this->nodePath, $foreach );
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $foreach->arrayExpression );
if ( $foreach->keyVariable !== null )
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $foreach->keyVariable );
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $foreach->valueVariable );
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $foreach->body );
array_shift( $this->nodePath );
* visitBreakAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateBreakAstNode $break
* @return void
public function visitBreakAstNode( ezcTemplateBreakAstNode $break )
* visitContinueAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateContinueAstNode $continue
* @return void
public function visitContinueAstNode( ezcTemplateContinueAstNode $continue )
* visitReturnAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateReturnAstNode $return
* @return void
public function visitReturnAstNode( ezcTemplateReturnAstNode $return )
* visitRequireAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateRequireAstNode $require
* @return void
public function visitRequireAstNode( ezcTemplateRequireAstNode $require )
* visitRequireOnceAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateRequireOnceAstNode $require
* @return void
public function visitRequireOnceAstNode( ezcTemplateRequireOnceAstNode $require )
* visitIncludeAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateIncludeAstNode $include
* @return void
public function visitIncludeAstNode( ezcTemplateIncludeAstNode $include )
* visitIncludeOnceAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateIncludeOnceAstNode $include
* @return void
public function visitIncludeOnceAstNode( ezcTemplateIncludeOnceAstNode $include )
* visitSwitchAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateSwitchAstNode $switch
* @return void
public function visitSwitchAstNode( ezcTemplateSwitchAstNode $switch )
array_unshift( $this->nodePath, $switch );
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $switch->expression );
foreach ( $switch->cases as $key => $case )
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $case );
array_shift( $this->nodePath );
* visitCaseAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateCaseAstNode $case
* @return void
public function visitCaseAstNode( ezcTemplateCaseAstNode $case )
array_unshift( $this->nodePath, $case );
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $case->match );
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $case->body );
array_shift( $this->nodePath );
* visitDefaultAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateDefaultAstNode $default
* @return void
public function visitDefaultAstNode( ezcTemplateDefaultAstNode $default )
array_unshift( $this->nodePath, $default );
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $default->body );
array_shift( $this->nodePath );
* visitConditionBodyAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateConditionBodyAstNode $cond
* @return void
public function visitConditionBodyAstNode( ezcTemplateConditionBodyAstNode $cond )
* visitTryAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateTryAstNode $try
* @return void
public function visitTryAstNode( ezcTemplateTryAstNode $try )
array_unshift( $this->nodePath, $try );
$try->body->accept( $this );
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $try->body );
foreach ( $try->catches as $key => $catch )
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $try->catches[$key] );
array_shift( $this->nodePath );
* visitCatchAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateCatchAstNode $catch
* @return void
public function visitCatchAstNode( ezcTemplateCatchAstNode $catch )
array_unshift( $this->nodePath, $catch );
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $catch->variableExpression );
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $catch->body );
array_shift( $this->nodePath );
* visitEchoAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateEchoAstNode $echo
* @return void
public function visitEchoAstNode( ezcTemplateEchoAstNode $echo )
array_unshift( $this->nodePath, $echo );
$outputList = $echo->getOutputList();
foreach ( $outputList as $i => $output )
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $echo->outputList[$i] );
array_shift( $this->nodePath );
* visitPrintAstNode
* @param ezcTemplatePrintAstNode $print
* @return void
public function visitPrintAstNode( ezcTemplatePrintAstNode $print )
array_unshift( $this->nodePath, $print );
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $print->expression );
array_shift( $this->nodePath );
* visitIssetAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateIssetAstNode $isset
* @return void
public function visitIssetAstNode( ezcTemplateIssetAstNode $isset )
* visitUnsetAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateUnsetAstNode $unset
* @return void
public function visitUnsetAstNode( ezcTemplateUnsetAstNode $unset )
* visitEmptyAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateEmptyAstNode $empty
* @return void
public function visitEmptyAstNode( ezcTemplateEmptyAstNode $empty )
array_unshift( $this->nodePath, $empty );
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $empty->expression );
array_shift( $this->nodePath );
* visitParenthesisAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateParenthesisAstNode $parenthesis
* @return void
public function visitParenthesisAstNode( ezcTemplateParenthesisAstNode $parenthesis )
array_unshift( $this->nodePath, $parenthesis );
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $parenthesis->expression );
array_shift( $this->nodePath );
* visitCurlyBracesAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateCurlyBracesAstNode $curly
* @return void
public function visitCurlyBracesAstNode( ezcTemplateCurlyBracesAstNode $curly )
array_unshift( $this->nodePath, $curly );
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $parenthesis->expression );
array_shift( $this->nodePath );
* visitIdentifierAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateIdentifierAstNode $node
* @return void
public function visitIdentifierAstNode( ezcTemplateIdentifierAstNode $node )
* visitNewAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateNewAstNode $node
* @return void
public function visitNewAstNode( ezcTemplateNewAstNode $node )
* visitCloneAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateCloneAstNode $node
* @return void
public function visitCloneAstNode( ezcTemplateCloneAstNode $node )
* visitPhpCodeAstNode
* @param ezcTemplatePhpCodeAstNode $node
* @return void
public function visitPhpCodeAstNode( ezcTemplatePhpCodeAstNode $node )
* visitThrowExceptionAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateThrowExceptionAstNode $node
* @return void
public function visitThrowExceptionAstNode( ezcTemplateThrowExceptionAstNode $node )
array_unshift( $this->nodePath, $node );
$this->acceptAndUpdate( $node->message );
array_shift( $this->nodePath );
* visitNopAstNode
* @param ezcTemplateNopAstNode $node
* @return void
public function visitNopAstNode( ezcTemplateNopAstNode $node )
* Internal function called to call the accept function and change the given node.
* @param ezcTemplateAstNode $node Notice that the parameter will be changed.
* @return void
protected function acceptAndUpdate( ezcTemplateAstNode &$node )
$ret = $node->accept( $this );
if ( $ret !== null ) $node = $ret;