blob: f1d3fba2e3911a12ddebd487dfe8c06486904b0d [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcTemplateArray class
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Template
* @version //autogen//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @access private
* This class contains a bundle of static functions, each implementing a specific
* function used inside the template language.
* @package Template
* @version //autogen//
* @access private
class ezcTemplateArray
* Returns an array with the values $v1, [$v2, ...] prepended to the original array $array.
* @param array(mixed) $array
* @param mixed... $values
* @return array(mixed)
public static function array_append( $array, $values )
$args = func_get_args();
$array = array_shift( $args );
return array_merge( $array, $args );
* Returns an array with the values $v1, [$v2, ...] prepended to the original array $array.
* @param array(mixed) $array
* @param mixed... $values
* @return array(mixed)
public static function array_prepend( $array, $values )
$args = func_get_args();
$array = array_shift( $args );
return array_merge( $args, $array );
* Returns the given array with two elements: $index1 and $index2 swapped.
* @param array(mixed) $array
* @param int $index1
* @param int $index2
* @return array(mixed)
public static function array_swap( $array, $index1, $index2 )
$val = $array[$index1];
$array[$index1] = $array[$index2];
$array[$index2] = $val;
unset( $val );
return $array;
// array_find_replace( $a, $v, $vNew )::
// $key = array_search( $v, $a ); if ( $key ) $a[$key] = $vNew;
* Searches in the $array for the array key(s) $find and
* replaces the value with $replace.
* @param array(mixed) $array
* @param string $find
* @param mixed $replace
* @return array(mixed)
public static function array_find_replace( $array, $find, $replace )
$keys = array_keys( $array, $find );
foreach ( $keys as $key )
$array[$key] = $replace;
return $array;
* Returns an array of extracted properties from an array of objects.
* The properties named in the array $array. Each property becomes a new value in the resulting array.
* <code>
* {use $productsArray}
* {var $priceArray = array_extract_by_properties( $productsArray, array( "price" ) )}
* {debug_dump( $priceArray )}
* </code>
* The first line of the code above imports an array with product objects.
* A product object has at least one property price. Meaning that:
* <code>
* {$productArray[0]->price}
* </code>
* returns the price of the first product in the array.
* The function array_extract_by_properties goes through the whole array of products and stores the
* price in the array. The output can be something like:
* <code>
* array
* (
* [0] => 200
* [1] => 199.24
* [2] => 50.20
* )
* </code>
* @param array(mixed) $array
* @param array(string) $properties
* @return array(mixed)
public static function array_extract_by_properties( $array, $properties )
$list = array();
foreach ( $array as $item )
foreach ( $properties as $property )
$list[] = $item->$property;
return $list;
* Returns an array that contains $length times the input $array.
* @param array(mixed) $array
* @param int $length
* @return array(mixed)
public static function array_repeat( $array, $length )
$out = array();
for( $i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i)
$out = array_merge( $out, $array );
return $out;
* Returns a sorted array.
* @param array(mixed) $array
* @param int $flags Contains a PHP array sort flag. Default set to SORT_REGULAR.
* @return array(mixed)
public static function array_sort( $array, $flags = SORT_REGULAR )
$tmp = $array;
sort( $tmp, $flags );
return $tmp;
* Returns a reversed sorted array.
* @param array(mixed) $array
* @param int $flags Contains a PHP array sort flag. Default set to SORT_REGULAR.
* @return array(mixed)
public static function array_sort_reverse( $array, $flags = SORT_REGULAR )
$tmp = $array;
rsort( $tmp, $flags );
return $tmp;
* Returns a sorted hash, sorted on the values.
* @param array(mixed) $array
* @param int $flags Contains a PHP array sort flag. Default set to SORT_REGULAR.
* @return array(mixed)
public static function hash_sort( $array, $flags = SORT_REGULAR )
$tmp = $array;
asort( $tmp, $flags );
return $tmp;
* Returns a reversed sorted hash, sorted on the values.
* @param array(mixed) $array
* @param int $flags Contains a PHP array sort flag. Default set to SORT_REGULAR.
* @return array(mixed)
public static function hash_sort_reverse( $array, $flags = SORT_REGULAR )
$tmp = $array;
arsort( $tmp, $flags );
return $tmp;
* Returns a sorted hash, sorted on the keys.
* @param array(mixed) $array
* @param int $flags Contains a PHP array sort flag. Default set to SORT_REGULAR.
* @return array(mixed)
public static function hash_sort_keys( $array, $flags = SORT_REGULAR )
$tmp = $array;
ksort( $tmp, $flags );
return $tmp;
* Returns a reversed sorted hash, sorted on the keys.
* @param array(mixed) $array
* @param int $flags Contains a PHP array sort flag. Default set to SORT_REGULAR.
* @return array(mixed)
public static function hash_sort_keys_reverse( $array, $flags = SORT_REGULAR )
$tmp = $array;
krsort( $tmp, $flags );
return $tmp;