blob: 6084ec9d62dfaa8ba5ba0de34b1a33efb1c98f55 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcSearchXmlManager class
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Search
* @version //autogen//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* Handles document type definitions in XML format.
* Each definition must be in a separate file in the directory specified to the
* constructor. The filename must be the same as the lowercase name of the
* document type with .xml appended. Each file should return the definition of
* one document type.
* Example exampleclass.xml:
* <code>
* <?xml version="1.0" charset="utf-8"?>
* <document>
* <field type="id">id</field>
* <field type="string" boost="2">title</field>
* <field type="text">description</field>
* </document>
* </code>
* @version //autogen//
* @package Search
class ezcSearchXmlManager implements ezcSearchDefinitionManager
* Holds the path to the directory where the definitions are stored.
* @var string
private $dir;
* Holds the search document definitions that are currently cached.
* @var array(string=>ezcSearchDocumentDefinition)
private $cache = array();
* Map that maps XML attribute strings for the field type to constants.
* @var array(string=>int)
private $typeMap = array(
'id' => ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::STRING,
'string' => ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::STRING,
'text' => ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::TEXT,
'html' => ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::HTML,
'date' => ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::DATE,
'int' => ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::INT,
* Constructs a new XML manager that will look for search document definitions in the directory $dir.
* @param string $dir
public function __construct( $dir )
// append trailing / to $dir if it does not exist.
if ( substr( $dir, -1 ) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR )
$this->dir = $dir;
* Parses the definition for document type $documentType from the XML file at $path.
* The calling class already opened the XML file and provides the XML
* element through $s.
* @throws ezcSearchDefinitionInvalidException if there is either a
* duplicate ID property or an unknown type.
* @param string $documentType
* @param string $path
* @param SimpleXMLElement $s
* @return ezcSearchDocumentDefinition
private function parseDefinitionXml( $documentType, $path, SimpleXMLElement $s )
$def = new ezcSearchDocumentDefinition( $documentType );
foreach ( $s->field as $field )
if ( $field['type'] == 'id' )
if ( $def->idProperty !== null )
throw new ezcSearchDefinitionInvalidException( 'XML', $documentType, $path, 'Duplicate ID property' );
$def->idProperty = (string) $field;
$type = (string) $field['type'];
if ( !isset( $this->typeMap[$type] ) )
throw new ezcSearchDefinitionInvalidException( 'XML', $documentType, $path, "Unknown type: {$type}" );
$type = $this->typeMap[$type];
$boost = (float) $field['boost'];
if ( $boost == 0 )
$boost = 1;
$fields[(string) $field] = new ezcSearchDefinitionDocumentField( (string) $field, $type, $boost, ((string) $field['inResult']) !== 'false', ((string) $field['multi']) === 'true', ((string) $field['highLight']) === 'true' );
$def->fields = $fields;
return $def;
* Returns the definition of the search document with the type $type.
* @throws ezcSearchDefinitionNotFoundException if no such definition can be found.
* @throws ezcSearchDefinitionInvalidException
* if the definition does not have an "idProperty" attribute.
* @param string $type
* @return ezcSearchDocumentDefinition
public function fetchDefinition( $type )
// check the cache
if ( isset( $this->cache[$type] ) )
return $this->cache[$type];
// load definition
$definition = null;
$path = $this->dir . strtolower( $type ) . '.xml';
if ( !file_exists( $path ) )
throw new ezcSearchDefinitionNotFoundException( 'XML', $type, $path );
$definition = simplexml_load_file( $path, null, LIBXML_NOWARNING | LIBXML_NOERROR );
if ( !( $definition instanceof SimpleXMLElement ) )
throw new ezcSearchDefinitionInvalidException( 'XML', $type, $path, 'Invalid XML' );
$definition = self::parseDefinitionXml( $type, $path, $definition );
if ( $definition->idProperty === null )
throw new ezcSearchDefinitionInvalidException( 'XML', $type, $path, 'Missing ID property' );
// store in cache
$this->cache[$type] = $definition;
// return
return $definition;