blob: 5a5631b887e4d955446b46611ae92c6da996bf02 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @version //autogen//
* @filesource
* @package Reflection
* @subpackage Tests
class ezcReflectionTest extends ezcTestCase
public function testGetTypeByName() {
$string = ezcReflection::getTypeByName('string');
self::assertEquals('string', $string->getTypeName());
$int = ezcReflection::getTypeByName('int');
self::assertEquals('integer', $int->getTypeName());
$webservice = ezcReflection::getTypeByName('TestWebservice');
self::assertEquals('TestWebservice', $webservice->getTypeName());
$class = ezcReflection::getTypeByName('ezcReflectionClass');
self::assertEquals('ezcReflectionClass', $class->getTypeName());
public function testGetClasses() {
$classes = ezcReflection::getClasses();
self::assertContainsOnly( 'ezcReflectionClass', $classes );
foreach ( $classes as $className => $class) {
self::assertFalse( $class->isInterface() );
self::assertEquals( $class->getName(), $className );
$classNames[] = $class->getName();
self::assertEquals( get_declared_classes(), $classNames );
public function testGetInterfaces() {
$interfaces = ezcReflection::getInterfaces();
self::assertContainsOnly( 'ezcReflectionClass', $interfaces );
foreach ( $interfaces as $interfaceName => $interface) {
self::assertTrue( $interface->isInterface() );
self::assertEquals( $interface->getName(), $interfaceName );
$interfaceNames[] = $interface->getName();
self::assertEquals( get_declared_interfaces(), $interfaceNames );
public function testGetUserDefinedFunctions() {
$definedFunctionArrays = get_defined_functions();
$userDefinedFunctions = $definedFunctionArrays['user'];
$functions = ezcReflection::getUserDefinedFunctions();
self::assertEquals( count( $userDefinedFunctions ), count( $functions ) );
self::assertContainsOnly( 'ezcReflectionFunction', $functions );
foreach ( $functions as $functionName => $function ) {
self::assertTrue( $function->isUserDefined() );
self::assertEquals( strtolower( $function->getName() ), $functionName );
self::assertContains( strtolower( $function->getName() ), $userDefinedFunctions );
// strtolower used because of the following error:
Failed asserting that
[0] => __autoload
[1] => phpunit_util_errorhandler
[2] => _pear_call_destructors
[3] => m1
[4] => mmm
[5] => m2
[6] => m3
[7] => m4
contains <string:PHPUnit_Util_ErrorHandler>.
public function testGetInteralFunctions() {
$definedFunctionArrays = get_defined_functions();
$internalFunctions = $definedFunctionArrays['internal'];
$functions = ezcReflection::getInternalFunctions();
self::assertEquals( count( $internalFunctions ), count( $functions ) );
self::assertContainsOnly( 'ezcReflectionFunction', $functions );
foreach ( $functions as $functionName => $function ) {
self::assertTrue( $function->isInternal() );
self::assertEquals( $function->getName(), $functionName );
self::assertContains( $function->getName(), $internalFunctions );
public function testGetFunctions() {
$definedFunctionArrays = get_defined_functions();
$definedFunctions = array_merge( $definedFunctionArrays['internal'], $definedFunctionArrays['user'] );
$functions = ezcReflection::getFunctions();
self::assertEquals( count( $definedFunctions ), count( $functions ) );
self::assertContainsOnly( 'ezcReflectionFunction', $functions );
foreach ( $functions as $functionName => $function ) {
self::assertEquals( strtolower( $function->getName() ), $functionName );
self::assertContains( strtolower( $function->getName() ), $definedFunctions );
// strtolower used because of the following error:
Failed asserting that
[0] => __autoload
[1] => phpunit_util_errorhandler
[2] => _pear_call_destructors
[3] => m1
[4] => mmm
[5] => m2
[6] => m3
[7] => m4
contains <string:PHPUnit_Util_ErrorHandler>.
public function testGetDocCommentParser() {
self::assertType( 'ezcReflectionDocCommentParser', ezcReflection::getDocCommentParser() );
public function testSetDocCommentParser() {
$docCommentParser = new ezcReflectionDocCommentParserImpl();
ezcReflection::setDocCommentParser( $docCommentParser );
self::assertEquals( $docCommentParser, ezcReflection::getDocCommentParser() );
public function testGetReflectionTypeFactory() {
self::assertType( 'ezcReflectionTypeFactory', ezcReflection::getReflectionTypeFactory() );
public function testSetReflectionTypeFactory() {
$factory = new ezcReflectionTypeFactoryImpl();
ezcReflection::setReflectionTypeFactory( $factory );
self::assertEquals( $factory, ezcReflection::getReflectionTypeFactory() );
public static function suite()
return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( "ezcReflectionTest" );