blob: 6c6e003176b4037c98bb4ea68cd5d273d65cb421 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcReflectionFunction class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Reflection
* @version //autogen//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* Extends the ReflectionFunction class to provide type information
* using PHPDoc annotations.
* @package Reflection
* @version //autogen//
* @author Stefan Marr <>
* @author Falko Menge <>
class ezcReflectionFunction extends ReflectionFunction
* @var ezcReflectionDocCommentParser Parser for source code annotations
protected $docParser;
* @var string|ReflectionFunction
* ReflectionFunction object or function name used to initialize this
* object
protected $reflectionSource;
* Constructs a new ezcReflectionFunction object
* Throws an Exception in case the given function does not exist
* @param string|ReflectionFunction $function
* Name or ReflectionFunction object of the function to be reflected
public function __construct( $function ) {
if ( !$function instanceof ReflectionFunction ) {
parent::__construct( $function );
$this->reflectionSource = $function;
$this->docParser = ezcReflection::getDocCommentParser();
$this->docParser->parse( $this->getDocComment() );
* Use overloading to call additional methods
* of the ReflectionFunction instance given to the constructor.
* @param string $method Method to be called
* @param array $arguments Arguments that were passed
* @return mixed
public function __call( $method, $arguments )
$callback = array( $this->reflectionSource, $method );
if ( $this->reflectionSource instanceof parent
and is_callable( $callback ) )
// query external reflection object
return call_user_func_array( $callback, $arguments );
throw new ezcReflectionCallToUndefinedMethodException( __CLASS__, $method );
* Forwards a method invocation to either the reflection source passed to
* the constructor of this class when creating an instance or to the parent
* class.
* This method is part of the dependency injection mechanism and serves as
* a helper for implementing wrapper methods without code duplication.
* @param string $method Name of the method to be invoked
* @param mixed[] $arguments Arguments to be passed to the method
* @return mixed Return value of the invoked method
protected function forwardCallToReflectionSource( $method, $arguments = array() ) {
if ( $this->reflectionSource instanceof parent ) {
return call_user_func_array( array( $this->reflectionSource, $method ), $arguments );
} else {
return call_user_func_array( array( $this, 'parent::' . $method ), $arguments );
$argumentStrings = array();
foreach ( array_keys( $arguments ) as $key ) {
$argumentStrings[] = '$arguments[' . var_export( $key, true ) . ']';
$cmd = 'return parent::$method( ' . implode( ', ', $argumentStrings ) . ' );';
return eval( $cmd );
* Returns the parameters of the function as ezcReflectionParameter objects
* @return ezcReflectionParameter[] Parameters of the Function
* @since PHP 5.1.0
function getParameters() {
$params = $this->docParser->getParamAnnotations();
$extParams = array();
if ( $this->reflectionSource instanceof ReflectionFunction ) {
$apiParams = $this->reflectionSource->getParameters();
} else {
$apiParams = parent::getParameters();
foreach ($apiParams as $param) {
$type = null;
foreach ($params as $annotation) {
if (
$annotation instanceof ezcReflectionAnnotationParam
and $annotation->getParamName() == $param->getName()
) {
$type = $annotation->getTypeName();
if ( $this->reflectionSource instanceof ReflectionFunction ) {
$extParams[] = new ezcReflectionParameter(
} else {
// slightly increase performance and save some memory
$extParams[] = new ezcReflectionParameter(
return $extParams;
* Returns the type of the return value
* @return ezcReflectionType
* @since PHP 5.1.0
function getReturnType() {
$re = $this->docParser->getReturnAnnotations();
if (count($re) == 1 and isset($re[0]) and $re[0] instanceof ezcReflectionAnnotationReturn) {
return ezcReflection::getTypeByName($re[0]->getTypeName());
return null;
* Returns the description of the return value
* @return string
* @since PHP 5.1.0
function getReturnDescription() {
$re = $this->docParser->getReturnAnnotations();
if (count($re) == 1 and isset($re[0])) {
return $re[0]->getDescription();
return '';
* Returns the short description from the function's documentation
* @return string Short description
* @since PHP 5.1.0
public function getShortDescription() {
return $this->docParser->getShortDescription();
* Returns the long description from the function's documentation
* @return string Long descrition
* @since PHP 5.1.0
public function getLongDescription() {
return $this->docParser->getLongDescription();
* Checks whether the function is annotated with the annotation $annotation
* @param string $annotation Name of the annotation
* @return boolean True if the annotation exists for this function
* @since PHP 5.1.0
public function hasAnnotation($annotation) {
return $this->docParser->hasAnnotation($annotation);
* Returns an array of annotations (optinally only annotations of a given name)
* @param string $name Name of the annotations
* @return ezcReflectionAnnotation[] Annotations
* @since PHP 5.1.0
public function getAnnotations($name = '') {
if ($name == '') {
return $this->docParser->getAnnotations();
else {
return $this->docParser->getAnnotationsByName($name);
* Returns the source code of the function
* @return string Source code
public function getCode()
if ( $this->isInternal() ) {
$code = '/* ' . $this->getName() . ' is an internal function.'
. ' Therefore the source code is not available. */';
} else {
$filename = $this->getFileName();
$start = $this->getStartLine();
$end = $this->getEndLine();
$offset = $start - 1;
$length = $end - $start + 1;
$lines = array_slice( file( $filename ), $offset, $length );
if ( strpos( trim( $lines[0] ), 'function' ) !== 0 ) {
$lines[0] = substr( $lines[0], strpos( $lines[0], 'function' ) );
$code = implode( '', $lines );
return $code;
// the following methods do not contain additional features
// they just call the parent method or the reflection source
* Returns a string representation
* @return string String representation
public function __toString() {
if ( $this->reflectionSource instanceof ReflectionFunction ) {
return $this->reflectionSource->__toString();
} else {
return parent::__toString();
* Returns this function's name
* @return string This function's name
public function getName() {
if ( $this->reflectionSource instanceof ReflectionFunction ) {
return $this->reflectionSource->getName();
} else {
return parent::getName();
* Returns whether this is an internal function
* @return boolean True if this is an internal function
public function isInternal() {
if ( $this->reflectionSource instanceof ReflectionFunction ) {
return $this->reflectionSource->isInternal();
} else {
return parent::isInternal();
* Returns whether this is a user-defined function
* @return boolean True if this is a user-defined function
public function isUserDefined() {
if ( $this->reflectionSource instanceof ReflectionFunction ) {
return $this->reflectionSource->isUserDefined();
} else {
return parent::isUserDefined();
* Returns whether this function has been disabled or not
* @return boolean True if this function has been disabled
public function isDisabled() {
if ( $this->reflectionSource instanceof ReflectionFunction ) {
return $this->reflectionSource->isDisabled();
} else {
return parent::isDisabled();
* Returns the filename of the file this function was declared in
* @return string Filename of the file this function was declared in
public function getFileName() {
if ( $this->reflectionSource instanceof ReflectionFunction ) {
return $this->reflectionSource->getFileName();
} else {
return parent::getFileName();
* Returns the line this function's declaration starts at
* @return integer Line this function's declaration starts at
public function getStartLine() {
if ( $this->reflectionSource instanceof ReflectionFunction ) {
return $this->reflectionSource->getStartLine();
} else {
return parent::getStartLine();
* Returns the line this function's declaration ends at
* @return integer Line this function's declaration ends at
public function getEndLine() {
if ( $this->reflectionSource instanceof ReflectionFunction ) {
return $this->reflectionSource->getEndLine();
} else {
return parent::getEndLine();
* Returns the doc comment for this function
* @return string Doc comment for this function
* @since PHP 5.1.0
public function getDocComment() {
if ( $this->reflectionSource instanceof ReflectionFunction ) {
return $this->reflectionSource->getDocComment();
} else {
return parent::getDocComment();
* Returns an associative array containing this function's static variables
* and their values
* @return array<sting,mixed> This function's static variables
public function getStaticVariables() {
if ( $this->reflectionSource instanceof ReflectionFunction ) {
return $this->reflectionSource->getStaticVariables();
} else {
return parent::getStaticVariables();
* Invokes the function
* @param mixed $argument,... Arguments
* @return mixed Return value of the function invocation
public function invoke( $arguments = array() ) {
$arguments = func_get_args();
if ( $this->reflectionSource instanceof ReflectionFunction ) {
// doesn't work: return call_user_func_array( array( $this->reflectionSource, 'invoke' ), $arguments );
// but hopefully the methods invoke and invokeArgs of
// the external ReflectionFunction implementation are semantically the same
return $this->reflectionSource->invokeArgs( $arguments );
} else {
// doesn't work: return call_user_func_array( array( parent, 'invoke' ), $arguments );
// but hopefully the methods invoke and invokeArgs of
// PHP's ReflectionFunction are semantically the same
return parent::invokeArgs( $arguments );
* Invokes the function and allows to pass its arguments as an array
* @param array<integer,mixed> $arguments
* Arguments
* @return mixed
* Return value of the function invocation
* @since PHP 5.1.0
public function invokeArgs( Array $arguments ) {
return $this->forwardCallToReflectionSource( __FUNCTION__, array( $arguments ) );
if ( $this->reflectionSource instanceof ReflectionFunction ) {
return $this->reflectionSource->invokeArgs( $arguments );
} else {
return parent::invokeArgs( $arguments );
* Returns whether this function returns a reference
* @return boolean True if this function returns a reference
public function returnsReference() {
if ( $this->reflectionSource instanceof ReflectionFunction ) {
return $this->reflectionSource->returnsReference();
} else {
return parent::returnsReference();
* Returns the number of parameters
* @return integer The number of parameters
* @since PHP 5.0.3
public function getNumberOfParameters() {
if ( $this->reflectionSource instanceof ReflectionFunction ) {
return $this->reflectionSource->getNumberOfParameters();
} else {
return parent::getNumberOfParameters();
* Returns the number of required parameters
* @return integer The number of required parameters
* @since PHP 5.0.3
public function getNumberOfRequiredParameters() {
if ( $this->reflectionSource instanceof ReflectionFunction ) {
return $this->reflectionSource->getNumberOfRequiredParameters();
} else {
return parent::getNumberOfRequiredParameters();
* Returns NULL or the extension the function belongs to
* @return ezcReflectionExtension Extension the function belongs to
public function getExtension() {
if ( $this->getExtensionName() === false ) {
return null;
} else {
if ( $this->reflectionSource instanceof ReflectionFunction ) {
return new ezcReflectionExtension(
} else {
// using the name, since otherwhise the object would be treated like an
// external reflection implementation and that would decrease performance
return new ezcReflectionExtension( parent::getExtensionName() );
* Returns false or the name of the extension the function belongs to
* @return string|boolean False or the name of the extension
public function getExtensionName() {
return $this->forwardCallToReflectionSource( __FUNCTION__ );
* Returns whether this function is deprecated
* This is purely a wrapper method, which calls the corresponding method of
* the parent class.
* @return boolean
public function isDeprecated() {
// TODO: also check @deprecated annotation
if ( $this->reflectionSource instanceof ReflectionFunction ) {
return $this->reflectionSource->isDeprecated();
} else {
return parent::isDeprecated();
* Returns the name of namespace where this function is defined
* This is purely a wrapper method, which either calls the corresponding
* method of the parent class or forwards the call to the ReflectionClass
* instance passed to the constructor.
* @return string The name of namespace where this function is defined
* @since PHP 5.3.0
public function getNamespaceName() {
return $this->forwardCallToReflectionSource( __FUNCTION__ );
* Returns whether this function is defined in a namespace
* This is purely a wrapper method, which either calls the corresponding
* method of the parent class or forwards the call to the ReflectionClass
* instance passed to the constructor.
* @return boolean Whether this function is defined in a namespace
* @since PHP 5.3.0
public function inNamespace() {
return $this->forwardCallToReflectionSource( __FUNCTION__ );
* Returns the short name of the function (without namespace part)
* This is purely a wrapper method, which either calls the corresponding
* method of the parent class or forwards the call to the ReflectionClass
* instance passed to the constructor.
* @return string
* Returns the short name of the function (without namespace part)
* @since PHP 5.3.0
public function getShortName() {
return $this->forwardCallToReflectionSource( __FUNCTION__ );
* Returns whether this is a closure
* This is purely a wrapper method, which either calls the corresponding
* method of the parent class or forwards the call to the ReflectionClass
* instance passed to the constructor.
* @return boolean Whether this is a closure
* @since PHP 5.3.0
public function isClosure() {
return $this->forwardCallToReflectionSource( __FUNCTION__ );
* Exports a ReflectionFunction object.
* Returns the output if TRUE is specified for $return, printing it otherwise.
* This is purely a wrapper method, which calls the corresponding method of
* the parent class (ReflectionFunction::export()).
* @param string $function Name of the function
* @param boolean $return
* Whether to return (TRUE) or print (FALSE) the output
* @return mixed
public static function export($function, $return = false) {
return parent::export($function, $return);