blob: 33b157a855be53545e8a1ebd25706c3919a176ea [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcReflectionDocCommentParserImpl class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Reflection
* @version //autogen//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* Provides structured data from PHP Documentor comments
* Parser is implemented as state based parser using a state transisiton
* table consisting of transition rules for empty and non-empty lines.
* @package Reflection
* @version //autogen//
* @author Stefan Marr <>
* @author Falko Menge <>
class ezcReflectionDocCommentParserImpl implements ezcReflectionDocCommentParser {
const BEGINNING = 10;
const SHORT_DESC = 0;
const LONG_DESC = 1;
const ANNOTATIONS = 2;
* @var string
protected $docComment;
* @var int STATE
protected $state = self::BEGINNING;
* @var array(int=>int)
protected $stateTable = array(
true => array ( // empty lines
self::SHORT_DESC => self::LONG_DESC,
self::LONG_DESC => self::LONG_DESC,
false => array ( // non empty lines
self::BEGINNING => self::SHORT_DESC,
self::SHORT_DESC => self::SHORT_DESC,
self::LONG_DESC => self::LONG_DESC,
* @var ezcReflectionAnnotation
protected $lastAnnotation = null;
* @var string
protected $shortDesc;
* @var string
protected $longDesc;
* @var ezcReflectionAnnotation[]
protected $annotations;
* Constructs an instance of ezcReflectionDocCommentParserImpl
* @return ezcReflectionDocCommentParserImpl
public function __construct() {
$this->annotations = array();
* Initialize parsing of the given documentation fragment.
* Results can be retrieved after completion by the getters provided.
* @param string $docComment
* @return void
* @see interfaces/ezcReflectionDocCommentParser#parse($docComment)
public function parse($docComment) {
$this->docComment = $docComment;
$lines = explode("\n", $this->docComment);
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$line = $this->extractContentFromDocCommentLine($line);
// in some states we need to do something
if (!empty($line)) {
if ($line[0] == '@') {
$this->state = self::ANNOTATIONS;
elseif ($this->state == self::ANNOTATIONS) {
else {
if ($this->state == self::SHORT_DESC
or $this->state == self::BEGINNING) {
$this->shortDesc .= $line . "\n";
elseif ($this->state == self::LONG_DESC) {
$this->longDesc .= $line . "\n";
else if ($this->state == self::LONG_DESC) {
$this->longDesc .= "\n";
//next state
$this->state = $this->stateTable[empty($line)][$this->state];
$this->shortDesc = trim($this->shortDesc);
$this->longDesc = trim($this->longDesc);
* @param string $line
* @return string
protected function extractContentFromDocCommentLine($line) {
$line = trim($line);
if (substr($line, -2) == '*/') {
$line = substr($line, 0, -2);
while (strlen($line) > 0 and ($line[0] == '/' or $line[0] == '*')) {
$line = substr($line, 1);
return trim($line);
* @param string $line
* @return void
protected function parseAnnotation($line) {
if (strlen($line) > 0) {
if ($line[0] == '@') {
$line = substr($line, 1);
$words = preg_split('/\s+/', $line, 4); // split the line by whitespace into up to 4 parts
$annotation = ezcReflectionAnnotationFactory::createAnnotation($words[0], $words);
$this->annotations[$annotation->getName()][] = $annotation;
$this->lastAnnotation = $annotation;
else {
//no leading @, it is assumed a description is multiline
if ($this->lastAnnotation != null) {
* Returns an array of annotations with a given name
* @param string $name
* @return ezcReflectionAnnotation[]
public function getAnnotationsByName($name) {
if (isset($this->annotations[$name])) {
return $this->annotations[$name];
else {
return array();
* @return ezcReflectionAnnotation[]
public function getAnnotations() {
$result = array();
foreach ($this->annotations as $annotations) {
foreach ($annotations as $annotation) {
$result[] = $annotation;
return $result;
* @return ezcReflectionAnnotationParam[]
public function getParamAnnotations() {
return $this->getAnnotationsByName('param');
* @return ezcReflectionAnnotationVar[]
public function getVarAnnotations() {
return $this->getAnnotationsByName('var');
* Return an array of return annotations
* @return ezcReflectionAnnotationReturn[]
public function getReturnAnnotations() {
return $this->getAnnotationsByName('return');
* Checks whether a annotation is used
* @param string $with name of used annotation
* @return boolean
public function hasAnnotation($with) {
return isset($this->annotations[$with]);
* Returns the short description from the source code documentation
* @return string Short description
public function getShortDescription() {
return $this->shortDesc;
* Returns the long description from the source code documentation
* @return string Long description
public function getLongDescription() {
return $this->longDesc;