blob: d4b821668e444ba5fa1761b4367a78d659d729d0 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcPersistentSession class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package PersistentObject
* @version //autogen//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* ezcPersistentSession is the main runtime interface for manipulation of persistent objects.
* Persistent objects can be stored calling save() resulting in an INSERT query. If
* the object is already persistent you can store it using update() which results in
* an UPDATE query. If you want to query persistent objects you can use the find methods.
* @property-read ezcDbHandler $database
* The database handler set in the constructor.
* @property-read ezcPersistentDefinitionManager $definitionManager
* The persistent definition manager set in the constructor.
* @package PersistentObject
* @version //autogen//
* @mainclass
class ezcPersistentSession implements ezcPersistentSessionFoundation
* Holds the properties of this class.
* @var array(string=>mixed)
private $properties = array();
* Constructs a new persistent session that works on the database $db.
* The $manager provides valid persistent object definitions to the
* session. The $db will be used to perform all database operations.
* @param ezcDbHandler $db
* @param ezcPersistentDefinitionManager $manager
public function __construct( ezcDbHandler $db, ezcPersistentDefinitionManager $manager )
$this->properties['database'] = $db;
$this->properties['definitionManager'] = $manager;
$this->properties['loadHandler'] = new ezcPersistentLoadHandler( $this );
$this->properties['saveHandler'] = new ezcPersistentSaveHandler( $this );
$this->properties['deleteHandler'] = new ezcPersistentDeleteHandler( $this );
* Returns the persistent object of class $class with id $id.
* @throws ezcPersistentObjectException
* if the object is not available.
* @throws ezcPersistentObjectException
* if there is no such persistent class.
* @param string $class
* @param int $id
* @return object
public function load( $class, $id )
return $this->loadHandler->load( $class, $id );
* Returns the persistent object of class $class with id $id.
* This method is equivalent to {@link load()} except that it returns null
* instead of throwing an exception if the object does not exist.
* @param string $class
* @param int $id
* @return object|null
public function loadIfExists( $class, $id )
return $this->loadHandler->loadIfExists( $class, $id );
* Loads the persistent object with the id $id into the object $object.
* The class of the persistent object to load is determined by the class
* of $object.
* @throws ezcPersistentObjectException
* if the object is not available.
* @throws ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundException
* if $object is not of a valid persistent object type.
* @throws ezcPersistentQueryException
* if the find query failed.
* @param object $object
* @param int $id
public function loadIntoObject( $object, $id )
return $this->loadHandler->loadIntoObject( $object, $id );
* Syncronizes the contents of $object with those in the database.
* Note that calling this method is equavalent with calling {@link
* loadIntoObject()} on $object with the id of $object. Any changes made
* to $object prior to calling refresh() will be discarded.
* @throws ezcPersistentObjectException
* if $object is not of a valid persistent object type.
* @throws ezcPersistentObjectException
* if $object is not persistent already.
* @throws ezcPersistentObjectException
* if the select query failed.
* @param object $object
public function refresh( $object )
return $this->loadHandler->refresh( $object );
* Returns the result of the query $query as a list of objects.
* Returns the persistent objects found for $class using the submitted
* $query. $query should be created using {@link createFindQuery()} to
* ensure correct alias mappings and can be manipulated as needed.
* Example:
* <code>
* $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'Person' );
* $allPersons = $session->find( $q, 'Person' );
* </code>
* If you are retrieving large result set, consider using {@link
* findIterator()} instead.
* Example:
* <code>
* $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'Person' );
* $objects = $session->findIterator( $q, 'Person' );
* foreach( $objects as $object )
* {
* // ...
* }
* </code>
* @throws ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundException
* if there is no such persistent class.
* @throws ezcPersistentQueryException
* if the find query failed.
* @throws ezcBaseValueException
* if $query parameter is not an instance of ezcPersistentFindQuery
* or ezcQuerySelect. Or if $class is missing if you use
* ezcQuerySelect.
* @param ezcPersistentFindQuery|ezcQuerySelect $query
* @param string $class
* @return array(object($class))
* @apichange This method will only accept an instance of
* ezcPersistentFindQuery as the $query parameter in future
* major releases. The $class parameter will be removed.
public function find( $query, $class = null )
return $this->loadHandler->find( $query, $class );
* Returns the result of $query for the $class as an iterator.
* This method is similar to {@link find()} but returns an {@link
* ezcPersistentFindIterator} instead of an array of objects. This is
* useful if you are going to loop over the objects and just need them one
* at the time. Because you only instantiate one object it is faster than
* {@link find()}. In addition, only 1 record is retrieved from the
* database in each iteration, which may reduce the data transfered between
* the database and PHP, if you iterate only through a small subset of the
* affected records.
* Note that if you do not loop over the complete result set you must call
* {@link ezcPersistentFindIterator::flush()} before issuing another query.
* @throws ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundException
* if there is no such persistent class.
* @throws ezcPersistentQueryException
* if the find query failed.
* @throws ezcBaseValueException
* if $query parameter is not an instance of ezcPersistentFindQuery
* or ezcQuerySelect. Or if $class is missing if you use
* ezcQuerySelect.
* @param ezcPersistentFindQuery|ezcQuerySelect $query
* @param string $class
* @return ezcPersistentFindIterator
* @apichange This method will only accept an instance of
* ezcPersistentFindQuery as the $query parameter in future
* major releases. The $class parameter will be removed.
public function findIterator( $query, $class = null )
return $this->loadHandler->findIterator( $query, $class );
* Returns the related objects of a given $relatedClass for an $object.
* This method returns the related objects of type $relatedClass for the
* given $object. This method (in contrast to {@link getRelatedObject()})
* always returns an array of found objects, no matter if only 1 object
* was found (e.g. {@link ezcPersistentManyToOneRelation}), none or several
* ({@link ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation}).
* Example:
* <code>
* $person = $session->load( "Person", 1 );
* $relatedAddresses = $session->getRelatedObjects( $person, "Address" );
* echo "Number of addresses found: " . count( $relatedAddresses );
* </code>
* Relations that should preferably be used with this method are:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link ezcPersistentOneToManyRelation}</li>
* <li>{@link ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation}</li>
* </ul>
* For other relation types {@link getRelatedObject()} is recommended.
* If multiple relations are defined for the $relatedClass (using {@link
* ezcPersistentRelationCollection}), the parameter $relationName becomes
* mandatory to determine which relation definition to use. For normal
* relations, this parameter is silently ignored.
* @param object $object
* @param string $relatedClass
* @param string $relationName
* @return array(int=>object($relatedClass))
* @throws ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException
* if the given $object does not have a relation to $relatedClass.
public function getRelatedObjects( $object, $relatedClass, $relationName = null )
return $this->loadHandler->getRelatedObjects( $object, $relatedClass, $relationName );
* Returns the related object of a given $relatedClass for an $object.
* This method returns the related object of type $relatedClass for the
* object $object. This method (in contrast to {@link getRelatedObjects()})
* always returns a single result object, no matter if more related objects
* could be found (e.g. {@link ezcPersistentOneToManyRelation}). If no
* related object is found, an exception is thrown, while {@link
* getRelatedObjects()} just returns an empty array in this case.
* Example:
* <code>
* $person = $session->load( "Person", 1 );
* $relatedAddress = $session->getRelatedObject( $person, "Address" );
* echo "Address of this person: " . $relatedAddress->__toString();
* </code>
* Relations that should preferably be used with this method are:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link ezcPersistentManyToOneRelation}</li>
* <li>{@link ezcPersistentOneToOneRelation}</li>
* </ul>
* For other relation types {@link getRelatedObjects()} is recommended.
* If multiple relations are defined for the $relatedClass (using {@link
* ezcPersistentRelationCollection}), the parameter $relationName becomes
* mandatory to determine which relation definition to use. For normal
* relations, this parameter is silently ignored.
* @param object $object
* @param string $relatedClass
* @param string $relationName
* @return object($relatedClass)
* @throws ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException
* if the given $object does not have a relation to $relatedClass.
public function getRelatedObject( $object, $relatedClass, $relationName = null )
return $this->loadHandler->getRelatedObject( $object, $relatedClass, $relationName );
* Returns a select query for the given persistent object $class.
* The query is initialized to fetch all columns from the correct table and
* has correct alias mappings between columns and property names of the
* persistent $class.
* Example:
* <code>
* $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'Person' );
* $allPersons = $session->find( $q, 'Person' );
* </code>
* @throws ezcPersistentObjectException
* if there is no such persistent class.
* @param string $class
* @return ezcQuerySelect
public function createFindQuery( $class )
return $this->loadHandler->createFindQuery( $class );
* Returns a sub-select for the given $class to be used with $parentQuery.
* This method creates an {@link ezcPersistentFindQuery} as a {@link
* ezcQuerySubSelect} for the given $class. The returned query has already
* set aliases for the properties of $class, but (in contrast to the query
* returned by {@link createFindQuery()}) does not have the selection of all
* properties set. You need to do
* <code>
* <?php
* $subSelect = $session->subSelect( $existingSelectQuery, 'MyClass' );
* $subSelect->select( 'myField' );
* ?>
* </code>
* manually to select the fields you desire.
* @param ezcPersistentFindQuery $parentQuery
* @param string $class
* @return ezcQuerySubSelect
public function createSubQuery( ezcPersistentFindQuery $parentQuery, $class )
return $this->loadHandler->createSubQuery( $parentQuery, $class );
* Returns the base query for retrieving related objects.
* See {@link getRelatedObject()} and {@link getRelatedObjects()}. Can be
* modified by additional where conditions and simply be used with
* {@link find()} and the related class name, to retrieve a sub-set of
* related objects.
* If multiple relations are defined for the $relatedClass (using {@link
* ezcPersistentRelationCollection}), the parameter $relationName becomes
* mandatory to determine which relation definition to use. For normal
* relations, this parameter is silently ignored.
* @param object $object
* @param string $relatedClass
* @param string $relationName
* @return ezcPersistentFindQuery
* @throws ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException
* if the given $object does not have a relation to $relatedClass.
public function createRelationFindQuery( $object, $relatedClass, $relationName = null )
return $this->loadHandler->createRelationFindQuery( $object, $relatedClass, $relationName );
* Saves the new persistent object $object to the database using an INSERT INTO query.
* The correct ID is set to $object.
* @throws ezcPersistentObjectException if $object
* is not of a valid persistent object type.
* @throws ezcPersistentObjectException if $object
* is already stored to the database.
* @throws ezcPersistentObjectException
* if it was not possible to generate a unique identifier for the
* new object.
* @throws ezcPersistentObjectException
* if the insert query failed.
* @param object $object
public function save( $object )
return $this->saveHandler->save( $object );
* Saves the new persistent object $object to the database using an UPDATE query.
* @throws ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundException if $object is not of a valid persistent object type.
* @throws ezcPersistentObjectNotPersistentException if $object is not stored in the database already.
* @throws ezcPersistentQueryException
* @param object $object
* @return void
public function update( $object )
return $this->saveHandler->update( $object );
* Saves or updates the persistent object $object to the database.
* If the object is a new object an INSERT INTO query will be executed. If
* the object is persistent already it will be updated with an UPDATE
* query.
* @throws ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundException
* if the definition of the persistent object could not be loaded.
* @throws ezcPersistentObjectException
* if $object is not of a valid persistent object type.
* @throws ezcPersistentObjectException
* if any of the definition requirements are not met.
* @throws ezcPersistentObjectException
* if the insert or update query failed.
* @param object $object
* @return void
public function saveOrUpdate( $object )
return $this->saveHandler->saveOrUpdate( $object );
* Create a relation between $object and $relatedObject.
* This method is used to create a relation between the given source
* $object and the desired $relatedObject. The related object is not stored
* in the database automatically, only the desired properties are set. An
* exception is {@ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation}s, where the relation
* record is stored automatically and there is no need to store
* $relatedObject explicitly after establishing the relation.
* If there are multiple relations defined between the class of $object and
* $relatedObject (via {@link ezcPersistentRelationCollection}), the
* $relationName parameter becomes mandatory to determine, which exact
* relation should be used.
* @param object $object
* @param object $relatedObject
* @param string $relationName
* @throws ezcPersistentRelationOperationNotSupportedException
* if a relation to create is marked as "reverse" {@link
* ezcPersistentRelation->reverse}.
* @throws ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException
* if the deisred relation is not defined.
public function addRelatedObject( $object, $relatedObject, $relationName = null )
return $this->saveHandler->addRelatedObject( $object, $relatedObject, $relationName );
* Returns an update query for the given persistent object $class.
* The query is initialized to update the correct table and
* it is only neccessary to set the correct values.
* @throws ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundException
* if there is no such persistent class.
* @param string $class
* @return ezcQueryUpdate
public function createUpdateQuery( $class )
return $this->saveHandler->createUpdateQuery( $class );
* Updates persistent objects using the query $query.
* The $query should be created using createUpdateQuery().
* Currently this method only executes the provided query. Future
* releases PersistentSession may introduce caching of persistent objects.
* When caching is introduced it will be required to use this method to run
* cusom delete queries. To avoid being incompatible with future releases it is
* advisable to always use this method when running custom delete queries on
* persistent objects.
* @throws ezcPersistentQueryException
* if the update query failed.
* @param ezcQueryUpdate $query
public function updateFromQuery( ezcQueryUpdate $query )
return $this->saveHandler->updateFromQuery( $query );
* Deletes the persistent object $object.
* This method will perform a DELETE query based on the identifier of the
* persistent object $object. After delete() the ID property of $object
* will be reset to null. It is possible to {@link save()} $object
* afterwards. $object will then be stored with a new ID.
* If you defined relations for the given object, these will be checked to
* be defined as cascading. If cascading is configured, the related objects
* with this relation will be deleted, too.
* Relations that support cascading are:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link ezcPersistenOneToManyRelation}</li>
* <li>{@link ezcPersistenOneToOne}</li>
* </ul>
* @throws ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundxception
* if $the object is not recognized as a persistent object.
* @throws ezcPersistentObjectNotPersistentException
* if the object is not persistent already.
* @throws ezcPersistentQueryException
* if the object could not be deleted.
* @param object $object The persistent object to delete.
public function delete( $object )
return $this->deleteHandler->delete( $object );
* Removes the relation between $object and $relatedObject.
* This method is used to delete an existing relation between 2 objects.
* Like {@link addRelatedObject()} this method does not store the related
* object after removing its relation properties (unset), except for {@link
* ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation()}s, for which the relation record is
* deleted from the database.
* If between the classes of $object and $relatedObject multiple relations
* are defined using a {@link ezcPersistentRelationCollection}, the
* $relationName parameter becomes necessary. It defines which exact
* relation to affect here.
* @param object $object Source object of the relation.
* @param object $relatedObject Related object.
* @param string $relationName
* @throws ezcPersistentRelationOperationNotSupportedException
* if a relation to create is marked as "reverse".
* @throws ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException
* if the deisred relation is not defined.
public function removeRelatedObject( $object, $relatedObject, $relationName = null )
return $this->deleteHandler->removeRelatedObject( $object, $relatedObject, $relationName );
* Deletes persistent objects using the query $query.
* The $query should be created using {@link createDeleteQuery()}.
* Currently this method only executes the provided query. Future
* releases PersistentSession may introduce caching of persistent objects.
* When caching is introduced it will be required to use this method to run
* cusom delete queries. To avoid being incompatible with future releases it is
* advisable to always use this method when running custom delete queries on
* persistent objects.
* @throws ezcPersistentQueryException
* if the delete query failed.
* @param ezcQueryDelete $query
public function deleteFromQuery( ezcQueryDelete $query )
return $this->deleteHandler->deleteFromQuery( $query );
* Returns a delete query for the given persistent object $class.
* The query is initialized to delete from the correct table and
* it is only neccessary to set the where clause.
* Example:
* <code>
* $q = $session->createDeleteQuery( 'Person' );
* $q->where( $q->expr->gt( 'age', $q->bindValue( 15 ) ) );
* $session->deleteFromQuery( $q );
* </code>
* @throws ezcPersistentObjectException
* if there is no such persistent class.
* @param string $class
* @return ezcQueryDelete
public function createDeleteQuery( $class )
return $this->deleteHandler->createDeleteQuery( $class );
* Returns if $relatedObject is related to $sourceObject.
* Checks the relation conditions between $sourceObject and $relatedObject
* and returns true, if $relatedObject is related to $sourceObject,
* otherwise false. In case multiple relations are defined between the
* classes of $sourceObject and $relatedObject, the $relationName parameter
* becomes mandatory. If it is not provided in this case, an {@link
* ezcPersistentUndeterministicRelationException} is thrown.
* Note that checking relations of type {@link
* ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation} will issue a database query. Other relations will
* not perform this.
* @param ezcPersistentObject $sourceObj
* @param ezcPersistentObject $relatedObj
* @param string $relationName
* @return bool
public function isRelated( $sourceObject, $relatedObject, $relationName = null )
$srcClass = get_class( $sourceObject );
$relClass = get_class( $relatedObject );
$srcDef = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( $srcClass );
if ( !isset( $srcDef->relations[$relClass] ) )
return false;
$relationDef = $srcDef->relations[$relClass];
if ( $relationDef instanceof ezcPersistentRelationCollection )
if ( $relationName === null )
throw new ezcPersistentUndeterministicRelationException(
if ( !isset( $relationDef[$relationName] ) )
return false;
$relationDef = $relationDef[$relationName];
$relDef = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( $relClass );
$srcState = $sourceObject->getState();
$relState = $relatedObject->getState();
if ( $relationDef instanceof ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation )
return $this->checkComplexRelation( $srcState, $srcDef, $relState, $relDef, $relationDef );
return $this->checkSimpleRelation( $srcState, $srcDef, $relState, $relDef, $relationDef );
* Returns a hash map between property and column name for the given
* definition $def.
* The alias map can be used with the query classes. If $prefixTableName is
* set to false, only the column names are used as alias targets.
* @param ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $def Definition.
* @param bool $prefixTableName
* @return array(string=>string)
public function generateAliasMap( ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $def, $prefixTableName = true )
$table = array();
$table[$def->idProperty->propertyName] = ( $prefixTableName
? $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->table ) . '.' . $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->idProperty->columnName )
: $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->idProperty->columnName ) );
foreach ( $def->properties as $prop )
$table[$prop->propertyName] = ( $prefixTableName
? $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->table ) . '.' . $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $prop->columnName )
: $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $prop->columnName ) );
$table[$def->class] = $def->table;
return $table;
* Returns all the columns defined in the persistent object.
* If $prefixTableName is set to false, raw column names will be used,
* without prefixed table name.
* @param ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $def Defintion.
* @param bool $prefixTableName
* @return array(int=>string)
public function getColumnsFromDefinition( ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $def, $prefixTableName = true )
$columns = array();
$columns[] = ( $prefixTableName
? $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->table ) . '.' . $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->idProperty->columnName )
: $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->idProperty->columnName ) );
foreach ( $def->properties as $property )
$columns[] = ( $prefixTableName
? $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->table ) . '.' . $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $property->columnName )
: $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $property->columnName ) );
return $columns;
* Returns the object state.
* This method wraps around $object->getState() to add optional sanity
* checks to this call, like a correct return type of getState() and
* correct keys and values in the returned array.
* @param object $object
* @return array
* @access private
public function getObjectState( $object )
// Common sanity check.
if ( !is_array( $state = $object->getState() ) )
throw new ezcPersistentInvalidObjectStateException(
'Is type ' . gettype( $state ) . ' instead of array.'
// @todo: Add more optional sanity checks.
return $state;
* Performs the given query.
* Performs the $query, checks for errors and throws an exception in case.
* Returns the generated statement object on success. If the $transaction
* parameter is set to true, the query is excuted transaction save.
* @param ezcQuery $q
* @param bool $transaction
* @return PDOStatement
* @access private
public function performQuery( ezcQuery $q, $transaction = false )
if ( $transaction )
$stmt = $q->prepare();
if ( ( $errCode = $stmt->errorCode() ) != 0 )
if ( $transaction )
throw new ezcPersistentQueryException( "The query returned error code $errCode.", $q );
if ( $transaction )
return $stmt;
catch ( PDOException $e )
if ( $transaction )
throw new ezcPersistentQueryException( $e->getMessage(), $q );
* Sets the property $name to $value.
* @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException
* if the property does not exist.
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $value
* @ignore
public function __set( $name, $value )
switch ( $name )
case 'database':
case 'definitionManager':
case 'loadHandler':
case 'saveHandler':
case 'deleteHandler':
throw new ezcBasePropertyPermissionException( $name, ezcBasePropertyPermissionException::READ );
throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $name );
* Property get access.
* Simply returns a given property.
* @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException
* If a the value for the property propertys is not an instance of
* @param string $propertyName The name of the property to get.
* @return mixed The property value.
* @ignore
* @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException
* if the given property does not exist.
* @throws ezcBasePropertyPermissionException
* if the property to be set is a write-only property.
public function __get( $propertyName )
if ( $this->__isset( $propertyName ) === true )
return $this->properties[$propertyName];
throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $propertyName );
* Returns if a property exists.
* Returns true if the property exists in the {@link $properties} array
* (even if it is null) and false otherwise.
* @param string $propertyName Option name to check for.
* @return void
* @ignore
public function __isset( $propertyName )
return array_key_exists( $propertyName, $this->properties );
* Checks many-to-many relation between persistent objects.
* Checks if the object defined by $relState is related to the object
* defined by $srcState. Creates the corresponding SELECT query and checks
* the result.
* @param array $srcState
* @param ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $srcDef
* @param array $relState
* @param ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $relDef
* @param ezcPersistentRelation $relationDef
* @return bool
private function checkComplexRelation( array $srcState, ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $srcDef, array $relState, ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $relDef, ezcPersistentRelation $relationDef )
$q = $this->database->createSelectQuery();
$q->select( $q->expr->count( '*' ) );
$q->from( $relationDef->relationTable );
foreach ( $relationDef->columnMap as $colMap )
$this->database->quoteIdentifier( $colMap->relationSourceColumn ),
$q->bindValue( $srcState[$srcDef->columns[$colMap->sourceColumn]->propertyName] )
$this->database->quoteIdentifier( $colMap->relationDestinationColumn ),
$q->bindValue( $relState[$relDef->columns[$colMap->destinationColumn]->propertyName] )
$stmt = $q->prepare();
return ( $stmt->fetchColumn() != 0 );
* Checks simple relation between persistent objects.
* Simple relations are {@link ezcPersistentOneToOneRelation}, {@link
* ezcPersistentOneToManyRelation} and {@link
* ezcPersistentManyToOneRelation}. Checks if the object defined by
* $relState is related to the object defined by $srcState. Does not
* perform a database query for checking..
* @param array $srcState
* @param ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $srcDef
* @param array $relState
* @param ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $relDef
* @param ezcPersistentRelation $relationDef
* @return bool
private function checkSimpleRelation( array $srcState, ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $srcDef, array $relState, ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $relDef, ezcPersistentRelation $relationDef )
foreach ( $relationDef->columnMap as $colMap )
$srcProp = $srcDef->columns[$colMap->sourceColumn]->propertyName;
$relProp = $relDef->columns[$colMap->destinationColumn]->propertyName;
if ( $srcState[$srcProp] !== $relState[$relProp] )
return false;
return true;