blob: 1e1498dd2e0943afce027870e74d21efa931f6fd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @version //autogentag//
* @filesource
* @package MvcTools
* @subpackage Tests
require_once 'MvcTools/tests/testfiles/testclasses.php';
* Test the handler classes.
* @package MvcTools
* @subpackage Tests
class ezcMvcToolsRouterTest extends ezcTestCase
public function testSimple()
$request = new ezcMvcRequest;
$request->uri = 'entry/list';
$router = new testSimpleRouter( $request );
$routeInfo = $router->getRoutingInformation();
$controllerClass = $routeInfo->controllerClass;
$controller = new $controllerClass( $routeInfo->action, $request );
self::assertEquals( array( 'method' => 'list' ), $controller->getVars() );
$request = new ezcMvcRequest;
$request->uri = 'entry/get/89';
$router = new testSimpleRouter( $request );
$routeInfo = $router->getRoutingInformation();
$controllerClass = $routeInfo->controllerClass;
$controller = new $controllerClass( $routeInfo->action, $request );
self::assertEquals( array( 'method' => 'show', 'id' => 89 ), $controller->getVars() );
$request = new ezcMvcRequest;
$request->uri = 'entry/89';
$router = new testSimpleRouter( $request );
$routeInfo = $router->getRoutingInformation();
$controllerClass = $routeInfo->controllerClass;
$controller = new $controllerClass( $routeInfo->action, $request );
self::assertEquals( array( 'method' => 'show', 'id' => 89 ), $controller->getVars() );
public function testInvalidAction()
$request = new ezcMvcRequest;
$request->uri = 'test/no-action';
$router = new testSimpleRouter( $request );
$routeInfo = $router->getRoutingInformation();
$controllerClass = $routeInfo->controllerClass;
$controller = new $controllerClass( $routeInfo->action, $request );
self::fail( "Expected exception not thrown." );
catch ( ezcMvcActionNotFoundException $e )
self::assertEquals( "The action 'nonExistingMethod' does not exist.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testNoRoutes()
$request = new ezcMvcRequest;
$router = new testNoRoutesRouter( $request );
$routeInfo = $router->getRoutingInformation();
self::fail( "Expected exception not thrown." );
catch ( ezcMvcNoRoutesException $e )
self::assertEquals( "No routes are defined in the router.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testNoRouteMatched()
$request = new ezcMvcRequest;
$request->uri = 'nomatch';
$router = new testSimpleRouter( $request );
$routeInfo = $router->getRoutingInformation();
self::fail( "Expected exception not thrown." );
catch ( ezcMvcRouteNotFoundException $e )
self::assertEquals( "No route was found that matched request ID 'nomatch'.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testNoRouteMatchedRequestId()
$request = new ezcMvcRequest;
$request->uri = 'nomatch';
$request->requestId = 'localhost/nomatch';
$router = new testSimpleRouter( $request );
$routeInfo = $router->getRoutingInformation();
self::fail( "Expected exception not thrown." );
catch ( ezcMvcRouteNotFoundException $e )
self::assertEquals( "No route was found that matched request ID 'localhost/nomatch'.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testFaultyRoute()
$request = new ezcMvcRequest;
$router = new testFaultyRouteRouter( $request );
$routeInfo = $router->getRoutingInformation();
self::fail( "Expected exception not thrown." );
catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e )
self::assertEquals( "The value 'O:8:\"stdClass\":0:{}' that you were trying to assign to setting 'route' is invalid. Allowed values are: instance of ezcMvcRoute.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testPrefixRoutes()
$request = new ezcMvcRequest;
$request->uri = 'blog/entry/list';
$router = new testPrefixRouter( $request );
$routeInfo = $router->getRoutingInformation();
$controllerClass = $routeInfo->controllerClass;
$controller = new $controllerClass( $routeInfo->action, $request );
self::assertEquals( array( 'method' => 'list' ), $controller->getVars() );
$request = new ezcMvcRequest;
$request->uri = 'blog/entry/get/89';
$router = new testPrefixRouter( $request );
$routeInfo = $router->getRoutingInformation();
$controllerClass = $routeInfo->controllerClass;
$controller = new $controllerClass( $routeInfo->action, $request );
self::assertEquals( array( 'method' => 'show', 'id' => 89 ), $controller->getVars() );
$request = new ezcMvcRequest;
$request->uri = 'blog/entry/89';
$router = new testPrefixRouter( $request );
$routeInfo = $router->getRoutingInformation();
$controllerClass = $routeInfo->controllerClass;
$controller = new $controllerClass( $routeInfo->action, $request );
self::assertEquals( array( 'method' => 'show', 'id' => 89 ), $controller->getVars() );
self::assertEquals( 'sample', $controller->action );
function testNoNamedRoute()
$request = new ezcMvcRequest;
$request->uri = 'entry/get/89';
$router = new testNamedRouter( $request );
$foo = $router->generateUrl( 'list' );
self::fail( 'Expected exception not thrown.' );
catch ( ezcMvcNamedRouteNotFoundException $e )
self::assertEquals( "No route was found with the name 'list'.", $e->getMessage() );
function testNamedRouteThatDoesNotSupportReversedRoutes()
$request = new ezcMvcRequest;
$request->uri = 'entry/get/89';
$router = new testNamedRouter( $request );
$foo = $router->generateUrl( 'no-reverse' );
self::fail( 'Expected exception not thrown.' );
catch ( ezcMvcNamedRouteNotReversableException $e )
self::assertEquals( "The route with name 'no-reverse' is of the 'testRegexpRoute' class, which does not support reversed route generation.", $e->getMessage() );
$foo = $router->generateUrl( 'catchall' );
self::fail( 'Expected exception not thrown.' );
catch ( ezcMvcNamedRouteNotReversableException $e )
self::assertEquals( "The route with name 'catchall' is of the 'ezcMvcCatchAllRoute' class, which does not support reversed route generation.", $e->getMessage() );
public static function suite()
return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( "ezcMvcToolsRouterTest" );