blob: 62c3cb9935b448028cffa2a86c19ef89930fcaa9 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcMvcRegexpRoute class
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @version //autogentag//
* @filesource
* @package MvcTools
* Router class that uses regular expressions for matching routes.
* The routes are matched against the uri property of the request object.
* @package MvcTools
* @version //autogentag//
* @mainclass
class ezcMvcRegexpRoute implements ezcMvcRoute, ezcMvcReversibleRoute
* This property contains the regular expression.
* @var string
protected $pattern;
* This is the name of the controller class that will be instantiated with the
* request variables obtained from the route, as well as the default values
* belonging to a route.
* @var string
protected $controllerClassName;
* Contains the action that the controller should execute.
* @var string
protected $action;
* The default values for the variables that are send to the controller. The route
* matchers can override those default values
* @var array(string)
protected $defaultValues;
* Constructs a new ezcMvcRegexpRoute with $pattern.
* When the route is matched (with the match() method), the route instantiates
* an object of the class $controllerClassName.
* @param string $pattern
* @param string $controllerClassName
* @param string $action
* @param array(string) $defaultValues
public function __construct( $pattern, $controllerClassName, $action = null, array $defaultValues = array() )
$this->pattern = $pattern;
$this->controllerClassName = $controllerClassName;
$this->action = $action;
$this->defaultValues = $defaultValues;
* Returns the request information that the matches() method will match the
* pattern against.
* @param ezcMvcRequest $request
* @return string
protected function getUriString( ezcMvcRequest $request )
return $request->uri;
* Evaluates the URI against this route.
* The method first runs the match. If the regular expression matches, it
* cleans up the variables to only include named parameters. it then
* creates an object containing routing information and returns it. If the
* route's pattern did not match it returns null.
* @param ezcMvcRequest $request
* @return null|ezcMvcRoutingInformation
public function matches( ezcMvcRequest $request )
if ( $this->pregMatch( $request, $matches ) )
foreach ( $matches as $key => $match )
if ( is_numeric( $key ) )
unset( $matches[$key] );
$request->variables = array_merge( $this->defaultValues, $request->variables, $matches );
return new ezcMvcRoutingInformation( $this->pattern, $this->controllerClassName, $this->action );
return null;
* This method performs the actual regular expresion match against the
* $request's URI.
* @param ezcMvcRequest $request
* @param array(string) $matches
* @return bool
protected function pregMatch( $request, &$matches )
return preg_match( $this->pattern, $this->getUriString( $request ), $matches );
* Parses the pattern and adds the prefix.
* It's up to the developer to provide a meaningfull prefix. In this case,
* it needs to be a regular expression just like the pattern.
* @param mixed $prefix
* @throws ezcMvcRegexpRouteException if the prefix can not be prepended to
* the pattern.
public function prefix( $prefix )
$pattern = $this->pattern;
// Find pattern delimiter
$patternDelim = $pattern[0];
// Obtain pattern modifiers
$patternModifier = substr( strrchr( $pattern, $patternDelim ), 1 );
// Find prefix delimiter
$prefixDelim = $prefix[0];
// Obtain prefix modifiers
$prefixModifier = substr( strrchr( $prefix, $prefixDelim ), 1 );
// If modifiers are not the same, throw exception
if ( $patternModifier !== $prefixModifier )
throw new ezcMvcRegexpRouteException( "The pattern modifiers of the prefix '{$prefix}' and pattern '{$pattern}' do not match." );
// Reassemble the new pattern
$newPattern = $patternDelim;
$newPattern .= substr( $prefix, 1, -1 - strlen( $prefixModifier ) );
$newPattern .= substr( $pattern, 1 + ( $pattern[1] == '^' ) );
$this->pattern = $newPattern;
* Generates an URL back out of a route, including possible arguments
* @param array $arguments
public function generateUrl( array $arguments = null )
$url = $this->pattern;
// strip delimiters
$url = substr( $url, 1 );
$url = substr( $url, 0, -1 );
// strip ^
if ( substr( $url, 0, 1 ) == '^' )
$url = substr( $url, 1 );
// strip $
if ( substr( $url, -1 ) == '$' )
$url = substr( $url, 0, -1 );
// merge default values
if ( is_null( $arguments ) )
$arguments = array( );
$arguments = array_merge( $this->defaultValues, $arguments );
$openPart = $openPartName = false;
$partName = $partOffset = $partLength = false;
$openParenthesis = 0;
for( $i = 0; isset( $url[$i] ); $i ++)
if ( $url[$i] == '(' )
elseif ( $url[$i] == ')' )
if ( substr( $url, $i, 4 ) == '(?P<' )
$openPart = $openPartName = true;
$partOffset = $i;
$partLength = 4;
$i += 4;
if ( $openPart )
if ( $url[$i] == ')' && $openParenthesis == 0 )
$url = str_replace(
substr( $url, $partOffset, $partLength ),
$i = $partOffset + strlen( $arguments[$partName] );
$partName = '';
$openPart = false;
$partOffset = false;
$partLength = 0;
if ( $openPartName )
if ( $url[$i] == '>' )
$openPartName = false;
$partName.= $url[$i];
return $url;