blob: a9f76ab3edb977164253bb54944af6127b7a5bb4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @version //autogentag//
* @filesource
* @package Mail
* @subpackage Tests
include_once( 'wrappers/smtp_wrapper.php' );
* @package Mail
* @subpackage Tests
class ezcMailTransportSmtpTest extends ezcTestCase
// This server is not accessible for the outside world
const HOST_NO_AUTH = '';
const PORT_NO_AUTH = 2525;
const USER_NO_AUTH = 'user';
const PASS_NO_AUTH = 'password';
// This server is not accessible for the outside world
const HOST_SSL = '';
const PORT_SSL = 465;
const USER_SSL = '';
const PASS_SSL = '';
const HOST_PLAIN = '';
const PORT_PLAIN = 25;
const USER_PLAIN = '';
const PASS_PLAIN = 'ezcomponents';
const HOST_CRYPT = '';
const PORT_CRYPT = 25;
const USER_CRYPT = 'ezcomponents';
const PASS_CRYPT = 'ezcomponents';
private $transport;
private $mail;
public static function suite()
return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( __CLASS__ );
protected function skipIfNotInNetwork( $server, $port )
if ( @fsockopen( $server, $port, $errno, $errstr, 1 ) === false )
$this->markTestSkipped( "No connection to SMTP server " . $server . ":" . $port . "." );
protected function setUp()
$this->mail = new ezcMail();
$this->mail->from = new ezcMailAddress( '', 'Unit testing' );
$this->mail->addTo( new ezcMailAddress( '', 'Foster' ) );
$this->mail->subject = "[Components test] SMTP test";
$this->mail->body = new ezcMailText( "It doesn't look as if it's ever used." );
public function testWrapperMockAuthLoginFail250()
$smtp = $this->getMock( 'ezcMailSmtpTransportWrapper', array( 'getReplyCode', 'sendData' ), array( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, self::PORT_PLAIN ) );
$smtp->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'getReplyCode' )
->will( $this->onConsecutiveCalls(
$this->returnValue( 'custom response' )
) );
$smtp->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'sendData' )
->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
$this->fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown.' );
catch ( ezcMailTransportSmtpException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "HELO/EHLO failed with error: .", $e->getMessage() );
$smtp->setStatus( ezcMailSmtpTransport::STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED );
public function testWrapperMockAuthLoginFailAuthNotSupported()
$smtp = $this->getMock( 'ezcMailSmtpTransportWrapper', array( 'getReplyCode', 'sendData' ), array( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, self::PORT_PLAIN ) );
$smtp->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'getReplyCode' )
->will( $this->onConsecutiveCalls(
$this->returnValue( '250' )
) );
$smtp->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'sendData' )
->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
$this->fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown.' );
catch ( ezcMailTransportSmtpException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "SMTP server does not accept the AUTH command.", $e->getMessage() );
$smtp->setStatus( ezcMailSmtpTransport::STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED );
public function testWrapperMockAuthLoginFailAuthMethodNotSupported()
$smtp = $this->getMock( 'ezcMailSmtpTransportWrapper', array( 'sortAuthMethods' ), array( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, self::PORT_PLAIN ) );
$smtp->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'sortAuthMethods' )
->will( $this->returnValue( array( 'no such authentication method' ) ) );
$this->fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown.' );
catch ( ezcMailTransportSmtpException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "Unsupported AUTH method 'no such authentication method'.", $e->getMessage() );
$smtp->setStatus( ezcMailSmtpTransport::STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED );
public function testWrapperMockAuthLoginFailAllMethods()
$smtp = $this->getMock( 'ezcMailSmtpTransportWrapper', array( 'auth' ), array( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, self::PORT_PLAIN ) );
$smtp->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'auth' )
->will( $this->onConsecutiveCalls(
$this->returnValue( false )
) );
$this->fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown.' );
catch ( ezcMailTransportSmtpException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "SMTP server did not respond correctly to any of the authentication methods LOGIN, PLAIN.", $e->getMessage() );
$smtp->setStatus( ezcMailSmtpTransport::STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED );
* Test for issue #12930: test that the sorting of the SMTP authentication
* methods supported by the SMTP server is done properly in decreasing order
* of strength.
public function testWrapperMockAuthLoginFailSortMethods()
$smtp = $this->getMock( 'ezcMailSmtpTransportWrapper', array( 'auth', 'getData' ), array( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, self::PORT_PLAIN ) );
// mock that the SMTP server will return the supported authentication methods
$smtp->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'getData' )
->will( $this->returnValue( '250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN DIGEST-MD5 NTLM CRAM-MD5' ) );
$smtp->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'auth' )
->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
$this->fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown.' );
catch ( ezcMailTransportSmtpException $e )
// compare the exception message with the one returned from the SMTP transport
// in order to see if the sorting of the supported authentication methods
// was done properly in decreasing order of strength.
// initially supported (from mock): PLAIN LOGIN DIGEST-MD5 NTLM CRAM-MD5
// SMTP transport sorted: DIGEST-MD5, CRAM-MD5, NTLM, LOGIN, PLAIN
$this->assertEquals( "SMTP server did not respond correctly to any of the authentication methods DIGEST-MD5, CRAM-MD5, NTLM, LOGIN, PLAIN.", $e->getMessage() );
$smtp->setStatus( ezcMailSmtpTransport::STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED );
public function testWrapperMockCmdMailFail()
$smtp = $this->getMock( 'ezcMailSmtpTransportWrapper', array( 'getReplyCode', 'sendData' ), array( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, self::PORT_PLAIN ) );
$smtp->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'getReplyCode' )
->will( $this->onConsecutiveCalls(
$this->returnValue( 'custom response' )
) );
$smtp->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'sendData' )
->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
$smtp->setStatus( ezcMailSmtpTransport::STATUS_AUTHENTICATED );
$smtp->cmdMail( '' );
$this->fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown.' );
catch ( ezcMailTransportSmtpException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "MAIL FROM failed with error: .", $e->getMessage() );
$smtp->setStatus( ezcMailSmtpTransport::STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED );
public function testWrapperMockCmdRpctFail()
$smtp = $this->getMock( 'ezcMailSmtpTransportWrapper', array( 'getReplyCode', 'sendData' ), array( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, self::PORT_PLAIN ) );
$smtp->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'getReplyCode' )
->will( $this->onConsecutiveCalls(
$this->returnValue( 'custom response' )
) );
$smtp->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'sendData' )
->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
$smtp->setStatus( ezcMailSmtpTransport::STATUS_AUTHENTICATED );
$smtp->cmdRcpt( '' );
$this->fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown.' );
catch ( ezcMailTransportSmtpException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "RCPT TO failed with error: .", $e->getMessage() );
$smtp->setStatus( ezcMailSmtpTransport::STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED );
public function testWrapperMockCmdDataFail()
$smtp = $this->getMock( 'ezcMailSmtpTransportWrapper', array( 'getReplyCode', 'sendData' ), array( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, self::PORT_PLAIN ) );
$smtp->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'getReplyCode' )
->will( $this->onConsecutiveCalls(
$this->returnValue( 'custom response' )
) );
$smtp->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'sendData' )
->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
$smtp->setStatus( ezcMailSmtpTransport::STATUS_AUTHENTICATED );
$this->fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown.' );
catch ( ezcMailTransportSmtpException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "DATA failed with error: .", $e->getMessage() );
$smtp->setStatus( ezcMailSmtpTransport::STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED );
// Tests sending a complete mail message.
public function testFullMail()
$transport = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, self::PORT_PLAIN );
$this->mail->subject = __CLASS__ . ':' . __FUNCTION__;
$transport->send( $this->mail );
catch ( ezcMailTransportException $e )
$this->fail( $e->getMessage() );
// Tests sending a complete mail message with CCs.
public function testFullMailCc()
$transport = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, self::PORT_PLAIN );
$this->mail->addCc( new ezcMailAddress( '', 'Foster Cc' ) );
$this->mail->subject = __CLASS__ . ':' . __FUNCTION__;
$transport->send( $this->mail );
catch ( ezcMailTransportException $e )
$this->fail( $e->getMessage() );
// Tests sending a complete mail message with BCCs.
public function testFullMailBcc()
$transport = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, self::PORT_PLAIN );
$this->mail->addBcc( new ezcMailAddress( '', 'Foster Bcc' ) );
$this->mail->subject = __CLASS__ . ':' . __FUNCTION__;
$transport->send( $this->mail );
catch ( ezcMailTransportException $e )
$this->fail( $e->getMessage() );
// Tests sending a complete mail message with CCs and BCCs.
public function testFullMailCcBcc()
$transport = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, self::PORT_PLAIN );
$this->mail->addCc( new ezcMailAddress( '', 'Foster Cc' ) );
$this->mail->addBcc( new ezcMailAddress( '', 'Foster Bcc' ) );
$this->mail->subject = __CLASS__ . ':' . __FUNCTION__;
$transport->send( $this->mail );
catch ( ezcMailTransportException $e )
$this->fail( $e->getMessage() );
// Tests sending several complete mail messages.
public function testFullMailMultiple()
$transport = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, self::PORT_PLAIN );
$this->mail->subject = __CLASS__ . ':' . __FUNCTION__;
$transport->send( $this->mail );
$transport->send( $this->mail );
catch ( ezcMailTransportException $e )
$this->fail( $e->getMessage() );
// Tests sending several complete mail messages with keep connection.
public function testFullMailMultipleKeepConnection()
$transport = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, self::PORT_PLAIN );
$this->mail->subject = __CLASS__ . ':' . __FUNCTION__;
$transport->send( $this->mail );
$transport->send( $this->mail );
catch ( ezcMailTransportException $e )
$this->fail( $e->getMessage() );
// Tests sending a mail to an invalid host.
public function testInvalidHost()
$transport = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( "" );
$this->mail->subject = __CLASS__ . ':' . __FUNCTION__;
$transport->send( $this->mail );
catch ( ezcMailTransportException $e )
// great, it failed.
// Tests sending a mail to an existing host with an invalid port.
public function testInvalidPort()
$transport = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, 26 ); // wrong port
$this->mail->subject = __CLASS__ . ':' . __FUNCTION__;
$transport->send( $this->mail );
catch ( ezcMailTransportException $e )
// great, it failed.
$this->fail( "SMTP connect to an invalidhost did not fail." );
// Tests sending a mail with empty to field.
public function testInvalidMailToEmptyArray()
$transport = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, self::PORT_PLAIN );
$this->mail->to = array();
$this->mail->subject = __CLASS__ . ':' . __FUNCTION__;
$transport->send( $this->mail );
catch ( ezcMailTransportException $e )
$this->fail( "SMTP send without recipients did not fail." );
// Tests sending a mail with to not set.
public function testInvalidMailToNull()
$transport = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, self::PORT_PLAIN );
$this->mail->to = null;
$this->mail->subject = __CLASS__ . ':' . __FUNCTION__;
$transport->send( $this->mail );
catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e )
$this->fail( "SMTP send without recipients did not fail." );
// Tests sending a complete mail message with Return-Path set.
public function testFullMailReturnPath()
$transport = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, self::PORT_PLAIN );
$this->mail->returnPath = new ezcMailAddress( '' );
$this->mail->subject = __CLASS__ . ':' . __FUNCTION__;
$transport->send( $this->mail );
catch ( ezcMailTransportException $e )
$this->fail( $e->getMessage() );
public function testConnectionSSL()
if ( !ezcBaseFeatures::hasExtensionSupport( 'openssl' ) )
$this->markTestSkipped( "PHP not compiled with --with-openssl." );
$this->skipIfNotInNetwork( self::HOST_SSL, self::PORT_SSL );
$smtp = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_SSL, self::USER_SSL, self::PASS_SSL, null, array( 'connectionType' => ezcMailSmtpTransport::CONNECTION_SSL ) );
$this->mail->subject = __CLASS__ . ':' . __FUNCTION__;
$smtp->send( $this->mail );
catch ( ezcMailTransportException $e )
$this->fail( $e->getMessage() );
public function testConnectionSSLOptions()
if ( !ezcBaseFeatures::hasExtensionSupport( 'openssl' ) )
$this->markTestSkipped( "PHP not compiled with --with-openssl." );
$this->skipIfNotInNetwork( self::HOST_SSL, self::PORT_SSL );
$smtp = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_SSL, self::USER_SSL, self::PASS_SSL, self::PORT_SSL,
array( 'connectionType' => ezcMailSmtpTransport::CONNECTION_SSL,
'connectionOptions' => array( 'wrapper_name' => array( 'option_name' => 'value' ) ) ) );
$this->mail->subject = __CLASS__ . ':' . __FUNCTION__;
$smtp->send( $this->mail );
catch ( ezcMailTransportException $e )
$this->fail( $e->getMessage() );
public function testConnectionSSLv2()
if ( !ezcBaseFeatures::hasExtensionSupport( 'openssl' ) )
$this->markTestSkipped( "PHP not compiled with --with-openssl." );
$this->skipIfNotInNetwork( self::HOST_SSL, self::PORT_SSL );
$smtp = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_SSL, self::USER_SSL, self::PASS_SSL, null, array( 'connectionType' => ezcMailSmtpTransport::CONNECTION_SSLV2 ) );
$this->mail->subject = __CLASS__ . ':' . __FUNCTION__;
$smtp->send( $this->mail );
catch ( ezcMailTransportException $e )
$this->fail( $e->getMessage() );
public function testConnectionSSLv3()
if ( !ezcBaseFeatures::hasExtensionSupport( 'openssl' ) )
$this->markTestSkipped( "PHP not compiled with --with-openssl." );
$this->skipIfNotInNetwork( self::HOST_SSL, self::PORT_SSL );
$smtp = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_SSL, self::USER_SSL, self::PASS_SSL, self::PORT_SSL, array( 'connectionType' => ezcMailSmtpTransport::CONNECTION_SSLV3 ) );
$this->mail->subject = __CLASS__ . ':' . __FUNCTION__;
$smtp->send( $this->mail );
catch ( ezcMailTransportException $e )
$this->fail( $e->getMessage() );
public function testConnectionTLS()
if ( !ezcBaseFeatures::hasExtensionSupport( 'openssl' ) )
$this->markTestSkipped( "PHP not compiled with --with-openssl." );
$this->skipIfNotInNetwork( self::HOST_SSL, self::PORT_SSL );
$smtp = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_SSL, self::USER_SSL, self::PASS_SSL, null, array( 'connectionType' => ezcMailSmtpTransport::CONNECTION_TLS ) );
$this->mail->subject = __CLASS__ . ':' . __FUNCTION__;
$smtp->send( $this->mail );
catch ( ezcMailTransportException $e )
$this->fail( $e->getMessage() );
public function testConnectionTLSWrongPort()
if ( !ezcBaseFeatures::hasExtensionSupport( 'openssl' ) )
$this->markTestSkipped( "PHP not compiled with --with-openssl." );
$this->skipIfNotInNetwork( self::HOST_SSL, self::PORT_SSL );
$smtp = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_SSL, self::USER_SSL, self::PASS_SSL, self::PORT_NO_AUTH, array( 'connectionType' => ezcMailSmtpTransport::CONNECTION_TLS ) );
$this->mail->subject = __CLASS__ . ':' . __FUNCTION__;
$smtp->send( $this->mail );
$this->fail( "Expected exception was not thrown" );
catch ( ezcMailTransportException $e )
public function testConnectionPlain()
$this->skipIfNotInNetwork( self::HOST_SSL, self::PORT_SSL );
$smtp = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_SSL, self::USER_SSL, self::PASS_SSL, null, array( 'connectionType' => ezcMailSmtpTransport::CONNECTION_PLAIN ) );
$this->mail->subject = __CLASS__ . ':' . __FUNCTION__;
$smtp->send( $this->mail );
catch ( ezcMailTransportException $e )
$this->fail( $e->getMessage() );
public function testTransportProperties()
$smtp = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, self::PORT_PLAIN );
$options = $smtp->options;
$smtp->options = new ezcMailSmtpTransportOptions();
$this->assertEquals( $options, $smtp->options );
$this->assertEquals( 5, $smtp->options->timeout );
$this->assertEquals( 5, $smtp->timeout );
$smtp->timeout = 10;
$this->assertEquals( 10, $smtp->options->timeout );
$this->assertEquals( ezcMailSmtpTransport::CONNECTION_PLAIN, $smtp->options->connectionType );
$this->assertEquals( array(), $smtp->options->connectionOptions );
$smtp->options = 'xxx';
$this->fail( "Expected exception was not thrown" );
catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "The value 'xxx' that you were trying to assign to setting 'options' is invalid. Allowed values are: instanceof ezcMailSmtpTransportOptions.", $e->getMessage() );
$smtp->no_such_property = 'xxx';
$this->fail( "Expected exception was not thrown" );
catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "No such property name 'no_such_property'.", $e->getMessage() );
$value = $smtp->no_such_property;
$this->fail( "Expected exception was not thrown" );
catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "No such property name 'no_such_property'.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testIsSet()
$transport = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, null, array( 'connectionType' => ezcMailSmtpTransport::CONNECTION_PLAIN ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, isset( $transport->user ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, isset( $transport->password ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, isset( $transport->senderHost ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, isset( $transport->serverHost ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, isset( $transport->serverPort ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, isset( $transport->timeout ) );
$this->assertEquals( true, isset( $transport->options ) );
$this->assertEquals( false, isset( $transport->no_such_property ) );
public function testConstructorPort()
$smtp = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, null, array( 'connectionType' => ezcMailSmtpTransport::CONNECTION_PLAIN ) );
$this->assertEquals( 25, $smtp->serverPort );
$smtp = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, null, array( 'connectionType' => ezcMailSmtpTransport::CONNECTION_SSL ) );
$this->assertEquals( self::PORT_SSL, $smtp->serverPort );
$smtp = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, null, array( 'connectionType' => ezcMailSmtpTransport::CONNECTION_SSLV2 ) );
$this->assertEquals( self::PORT_SSL, $smtp->serverPort );
$smtp = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, null, array( 'connectionType' => ezcMailSmtpTransport::CONNECTION_SSLV3 ) );
$this->assertEquals( self::PORT_SSL, $smtp->serverPort );
$smtp = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, null, array( 'connectionType' => ezcMailSmtpTransport::CONNECTION_TLS ) );
$this->assertEquals( self::PORT_SSL, $smtp->serverPort );
$smtp = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, self::PORT_PLAIN, array( 'connectionType' => ezcMailSmtpTransport::CONNECTION_PLAIN ) );
$this->assertEquals( self::PORT_PLAIN, $smtp->serverPort );
public function testConstructorOptions()
$smtp = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, self::PORT_PLAIN, array( 'wrong_option' => ezcMailSmtpTransport::CONNECTION_TLS ) );
$this->fail( "Expected exception was not thrown" );
catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e )
$smtp = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, self::PORT_PLAIN, array( 'connectionOptions' => 'wrong value' ) );
$this->fail( "Expected exception was not thrown" );
catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e )
$options = new ezcMailSmtpTransportOptions();
$options->connectionType = ezcMailSmtpTransport::CONNECTION_SSL;
$smtp = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, self::PORT_PLAIN, $options );
$this->assertEquals( ezcMailSmtpTransport::CONNECTION_SSL, $smtp->options->connectionType );
$options = new stdClass();
$smtp = new ezcMailSmtpTransport( self::HOST_PLAIN, self::USER_PLAIN, self::PASS_PLAIN, self::PORT_PLAIN, $options );
$this->fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown.' );
catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "The value 'O:8:\"stdClass\":0:{}' that you were trying to assign to setting 'options' is invalid. Allowed values are: ezcMailSmtpTransportOptions|array.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testTransportOptionsDefault()
$options = new ezcMailSmtpTransportOptions();
$this->assertEquals( ezcMailSmtpTransport::CONNECTION_PLAIN, $options->connectionType );
$this->assertEquals( array(), $options->connectionOptions );
public function testTransportOptionsSet()
$options = new ezcMailSmtpTransportOptions();
$options->connectionType = ezcMailSmtpTransport::CONNECTION_TLS;
$options->connectionOptions = array( 'wrapper' => array( 'option' => 'value' ) );
$this->assertEquals( ezcMailSmtpTransport::CONNECTION_TLS, $options->connectionType );
$this->assertEquals( array( 'wrapper' => array( 'option' => 'value' ) ), $options->connectionOptions );
$options->ssl = true;
$this->assertEquals( ezcMailSmtpTransport::CONNECTION_SSL, $options->connectionType );
$options->ssl = false;
$this->assertEquals( ezcMailSmtpTransport::CONNECTION_PLAIN, $options->connectionType );
public function testTransportOptionsSetInvalid()
$options = new ezcMailSmtpTransportOptions();
$options->connectionOptions = 'xxx';
$this->fail( "Expected exception was not thrown" );
catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e )
$options->preferredAuthMethod = 'wrong value';
$this->fail( "Expected exception was not thrown" );
catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e )
$options->ssl = 'xxx';
$this->fail( "Expected exception was not thrown" );
catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e )
public function testTransportOptionsSetNotExistent()
$options = new ezcMailSmtpTransportOptions();
$options->no_such_option = 'xxx';
$this->fail( "Expected exception was not thrown" );
catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e )