blob: a10476c82a4148a86ffb381a9a9bf26c1f626a8a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @version //autogentag//
* @filesource
* @package Mail
* @subpackage Tests
* @package Mail
* @subpackage Tests
class ezcMailTransportMboxTest extends ezcTestCase
public function testFetchMailEmptyMbox()
$mbox = new ezcMailMboxTransport( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/data/empty.mbox" );
$set = $mbox->fetchAll();
$parser = new ezcMailParser();
$mail = $parser->parseMail( $set );
$this->assertEquals( 0, count( $mail ) );
public function testFetchMailEmptyMboxNoHeader()
$mbox = new ezcMailMboxTransport( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/data/empty-no-header.mbox" );
$set = $mbox->fetchAll();
$parser = new ezcMailParser();
$mail = $parser->parseMail( $set );
$this->assertEquals( 0, count( $mail ) );
public function testFetchMailMboxHeader()
$mbox = new ezcMailMboxTransport( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/data/one-mail.mbox" );
$set = $mbox->fetchAll();
$parser = new ezcMailParser();
$mail = $parser->parseMail( $set );
$this->assertEquals( 1, count( $mail ) );
$this->assertEquals( "[xdebug-general] Re: Vim foldexpr for text profile output", $mail[0]->subject );
public function testFetchMailMboxNoHeader()
$mbox = new ezcMailMboxTransport( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/data/one-mail-no-header.mbox" );
$set = $mbox->fetchAll();
$parser = new ezcMailParser();
$mail = $parser->parseMail( $set );
$this->assertEquals( 1, count( $mail ) );
$this->assertEquals( "[xdebug-general] Re: Vim foldexpr for text profile output", $mail[0]->subject );
public function testFetchMailFromUnreadableMbox()
$tempDir = $this->createTempDir( 'ezcMailTransportMboxTest' );
$fileName = $tempDir . "/test-unreadable-mbox.mbox";
$fileHandle = fopen( $fileName, "wb" );
fwrite( $fileHandle, "some contents" );
fclose( $fileHandle );
chmod( $fileName, 0 );
$mbox = new ezcMailMboxTransport( realpath( $fileName ) );
$this->fail( "Didn't get exception when expected." );
catch ( ezcBaseFilePermissionException $e )
public function testFetchMail()
$mbox = new ezcMailMboxTransport( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/data/test-mbox" );
$set = $mbox->fetchAll();
$parser = new ezcMailParser();
$mail = $parser->parseMail( $set );
$this->assertEquals( 2, count( $mail ) );
$this->assertEquals( "[PHP-CVS] cvs: php-src /ext/ftp ftp.c /ext/mhash mhash.c /ext/soap php_encoding.c /ext/standard basic_functions.c streamsfuncs.c string.c", $mail[0]->subject );
$this->assertEquals( "[PHP-DEV] PHP 5.1.3RC2 Released", $mail[1]->subject );
public function testFetchMail2()
$set = new ezcMailMboxSet( fopen( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/data/test-mbox", 'rt' ), array( 0 => 12053 ) );
$parser = new ezcMailParser();
$mail = $parser->parseMail( $set );
$this->assertEquals( 1, count( $mail ) );
$this->assertEquals( "[PHP-DEV] PHP 5.1.3RC2 Released", $mail[0]->subject );
public function testFetchMail3()
$mbox = new ezcMailMboxTransport( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/data/test-mbox" );
$set = $mbox->fetchByMessageNr( 1 );
$parser = new ezcMailParser();
$mail = $parser->parseMail( $set );
$this->assertEquals( 1, count( $mail ) );
$this->assertEquals( "[PHP-DEV] PHP 5.1.3RC2 Released", $mail[0]->subject );
public function testFetchMail4()
$mbox = new ezcMailMboxTransport( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/data/test-mbox" );
$set = $mbox->fetchByMessageNr( -1 );
$this->assertEquals( 'Expected exception was not thrown' );
catch ( ezcMailNoSuchMessageException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "The message with ID '-1' could not be found.", $e->getMessage() );
$set = $mbox->fetchByMessageNr( 3 );
$this->assertEquals( 'Expected exception was not thrown' );
catch ( ezcMailNoSuchMessageException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "The message with ID '3' could not be found.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testFetchMail5()
$dirname = dirname( __FILE__ );
$mbox = new ezcMailMboxTransport( $dirname . "/data/not-here-at-all" );
$this->assertEquals( 'Expected exception was not thrown' );
catch ( ezcBaseFileNotFoundException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "The mbox file '{$dirname}/data/not-here-at-all' could not be found.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testfetchFromOffset1()
$mbox = new ezcMailMboxTransport( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/data/testlimit-mbox" );
$set = $mbox->fetchFromOffset( -1, 10 );
$this->assertEquals( 'Expected exception was not thrown' );
catch ( ezcMailOffsetOutOfRangeException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "The offset '-1' is outside of the message subset '-1', '10'.", $e->getMessage());
public function testfetchFromOffset2()
$mbox = new ezcMailMboxTransport( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/data/testlimit-mbox" );
$set = $mbox->fetchFromOffset( 10, 1 );
$this->assertEquals( 'Expected exception was not thrown' );
catch ( ezcMailOffsetOutOfRangeException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "The offset '10' is outside of the message subset '10', '1'.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testfetchFromOffset3()
$mbox = new ezcMailMboxTransport( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/data/testlimit-mbox" );
$set = $mbox->fetchFromOffset( 0, -1 );
$this->assertEquals( 'Expected exception was not thrown' );
catch ( ezcMailInvalidLimitException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "The message count '-1' is not allowed for the message subset '0', '-1'.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testfetchFromOffset4()
$mbox = new ezcMailMboxTransport( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/data/testlimit-mbox" );
$set = $mbox->fetchFromOffset( 0, 10 );
$parser = new ezcMailParser();
$mail = $parser->parseMail( $set );
$this->assertEquals( 9, count( $mail ) );
$this->assertEquals( "[svn-components] 3263 - docs/guidelines [eZComponents: Docs]", $mail[8]->subject );
public function testfetchFromOffset5()
$mbox = new ezcMailMboxTransport( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/data/testlimit-mbox" );
$set = $mbox->fetchFromOffset( 0, 0 );
$parser = new ezcMailParser();
$mail = $parser->parseMail( $set );
$this->assertEquals( 9, count( $mail ) );
$this->assertEquals( "[svn-components] 3263 - docs/guidelines [eZComponents: Docs]", $mail[8]->subject );
public function testBrokenFilePointer()
$set = new ezcMailMboxSet( false, array() );
self::fail( "Expected exception not thrown" );
catch ( ezcBaseFileIoException $e )
self::assertEquals( "An error occurred while reading from 'filepointer'. (The passed filepointer is not a stream resource.)", $e->getMessage() );
public function testFetchMailTabsInHeaders()
$mbox = new ezcMailMboxTransport( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/data/tab.mbox" );
$set = $mbox->fetchAll();
$parser = new ezcMailParser();
$mail = $parser->parseMail( $set );
$expected = "Re: [Agavi-Dev] [Agavi-Users] Advanced Layout/Layers example (was: Re: IMPORTANT: Breaking changes in 0.11 branch: tons of new features!)";
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $mail[0]->subject );
$expected = "<>, <>";
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $mail[0]->getHeader( "List-Subscribe" ) );
public function testFetchMailUnknownCharsets()
$mbox = new ezcMailMboxTransport( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/data/unknown-charsets.mbox" );
$set = $mbox->fetchAll();
$parser = new ezcMailParser();
$mail = $parser->parseMail( $set );
$this->assertEquals( "x-user-defined", $mail[0]->body->originalCharset );
$this->assertEquals( "utf-8", $mail[0]->body->charset );
$this->assertEquals( "Tämä on testiöö1", trim( $mail[0]->body->text ) );
$this->assertEquals( "unknown-8bit", $mail[1]->body->originalCharset );
$this->assertEquals( "utf-8", $mail[1]->body->charset );
$this->assertEquals( "Tämä on testiöö2", trim( $mail[1]->body->text ) );
public static function suite()
return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( "ezcMailTransportMboxTest" );