blob: 13f25376c169812ffdf330021a60d783f9e714ee [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcImageAnalyzerImagemagickHandler class.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package ImageAnalysis
* @version //autogentag//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @filesource
* Class to retrieve information about a given image file.
* This is an ezcImageAnalyzerHandler that utilizes ImageMagick to analyze
* image files.
* This ezcImageAnalyzerHandler can be configured using the
* Option 'binary', which must be set to the full path of the ImageMagick
* "identify" binary. If this option is not submitted to the
* {@link ezcImageAnalyzerHandler::__construct()} method, the handler will
* use just the name of the binary ("identify" on Unix, "identify.exe" on
* Windows).
* You can provide the options of the ezcImageAnalyzerImagemagickHandler to
* the {@link ezcImageAnalyzer::setHandlerClasses()}.
* @package ImageAnalysis
* @version //autogentag//
class ezcImageAnalyzerImagemagickHandler extends ezcImageAnalyzerHandler
* The ImageMagick binary to utilize.
* This variable is set during call to
* {@link ezcImageAnalyzerImagemagickHandler::checkImagemagick()}.
* @var string
protected $binary;
* Indicates if this handler is available.
* The first call to
* {@link ezcImageAnalyzerImagemagickHandler::isAvailable()}
* determines this variable, which is then used as a cache for the call to
* {@link ezcImageAnalyzerImagemagickHandler::checkImagemagick()}.
* @var bool
protected $isAvailable;
* Mapping between ImageMagick identification strings and MIME types.
* ImageMagick's "identify" command returns an identification string to
* indicate the file type examined.
* This map has been handcrafted, because ImageMagick misses the
* possibility to determine MIME types. It misses some identification
* strings (mostly for file types which are absolutely rare in use
* or which ImageMagick is only capable to read or write, but not both.).
* @var array(string=>string)
protected $mimeMap = array(
'bmp' => 'image/bmp',
'bmp2' => 'image/bmp',
'bmp3' => 'image/bmp',
'cur' => 'image/x-win-bitmap',
'dcx' => 'image/dcx',
'epdf' => 'application/pdf',
'epi' => 'application/postscript',
'eps' => 'application/postscript',
'eps2' => 'application/postscript',
'eps3' => 'application/postscript',
'epsf' => 'application/postscript',
'epsi' => 'application/postscript',
'ept' => 'application/postscript',
'ept2' => 'application/postscript',
'ept3' => 'application/postscript',
'fax' => 'image/g3fax',
'fits' => 'image/x-fits',
'g3' => 'image/g3fax',
'gif' => 'image/gif',
'gif87' => 'image/gif',
'icb' => 'application/x-icb',
'ico' => 'image/x-win-bitmap',
'icon' => 'image/x-win-bitmap',
'jng' => 'image/jng',
'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg',
'jpg' => 'image/jpeg',
'm2v' => 'video/mpeg2',
'miff' => 'application/x-mif',
'mng' => 'video/mng',
'mpeg' => 'video/mpeg',
'mpg' => 'video/mpeg',
'otb' => 'image/x-otb',
'p7' => 'image/x-xv',
'palm' => 'image/x-palm',
'pbm' => 'image/pbm',
'pcd' => 'image/pcd',
'pcds' => 'image/pcd',
'pcl' => 'application/pcl',
'pct' => 'image/pict',
'pcx' => 'image/x-pcx',
'pdb' => 'application/vnd.palm',
'pdf' => 'application/pdf',
'pgm' => 'image/x-pgm',
'picon' => 'image/xpm',
'pict' => 'image/pict',
'pjpeg' => 'image/pjpeg',
'png' => 'image/png',
'png24' => 'image/png',
'png32' => 'image/png',
'png8' => 'image/png',
'pnm' => 'image/pbm',
'ppm' => 'image/x-ppm',
'ps' => 'application/postscript',
'psd' => 'image/x-photoshop',
'ptif' => 'image/x-ptiff',
'ras' => 'image/ras',
'sgi' => 'image/sgi',
'sun' => 'image/ras',
'svg' => 'image/svg+xml',
'svgz' => 'image/svg',
'text' => 'text/plain',
'tga' => 'image/tga',
'tif' => 'image/tiff',
'tiff' => 'image/tiff',
'txt' => 'text/plain',
'vda' => 'image/vda',
'viff' => 'image/x-viff',
'vst' => 'image/vst',
'wbmp' => 'image/vnd.wap.wbmp',
'xbm' => 'image/x-xbitmap',
'xpm' => 'image/x-xbitmap',
'xv' => 'image/x-viff',
'xwd' => 'image/xwd',
* MIME types this handler is capable to read.
* This array holds an extract of the
* {@link ezcImageAnalyzerHandler::$mimeMap}, listing all MIME types this
* handler is capable to analyze. The map is indexed by the MIME type,
* assigned to boolean true, to speed up hash lookups.
* @var array(string=>bool)
protected $mimeTypes = array(
'application/pcl' => true,
'application/pdf' => true,
'application/postscript' => true,
'application/vnd.palm' => true,
'application/x-icb' => true,
'application/x-mif' => true,
'image/dcx' => true,
'image/g3fax' => true,
'image/gif' => true,
'image/jng' => true,
'image/jpeg' => true,
'image/pbm' => true,
'image/pcd' => true,
'image/pict' => true,
'image/pjpeg' => true,
'image/png' => true,
'image/ras' => true,
'image/sgi' => true,
'image/svg' => true,
'image/tga' => true,
'image/tiff' => true,
'image/vda' => true,
'image/vnd.wap.wbmp' => true,
'image/vst' => true,
'image/x-fits' => true,
'image/x-ms-bmp' => true,
'image/x-otb' => true,
'image/x-palm' => true,
'image/x-pcx' => true,
'image/x-pgm' => true,
'image/x-photoshop' => true,
'image/x-ppm' => true,
'image/x-ptiff' => true,
'image/x-viff' => true,
'image/x-win-bitmap' => true,
'image/x-xbitmap' => true,
'image/x-xv' => true,
'image/xpm' => true,
'image/xwd' => true,
'text/plain' => true,
'video/mng' => true,
'video/mpeg' => true,
'video/mpeg2' => true,
* Analyzes the image type.
* This method analyzes image data to determine the MIME type. This method
* returns the MIME type of the file to analyze in lowercase letters (e.g.
* "image/jpeg") or false, if the images MIME type could not be determined.
* For a list of image types this handler will be able to analyze, see
* {@link ezcImageAnalyzerImagemagickHandler}.
* @param string $file The file to analyze.
* @return string|bool The MIME type if analyzation suceeded or false.
public function analyzeType( $file )
$format = ( ezcBaseFeatures::os() === 'Windows' ? '"%m|"' : escapeshellarg( '%m|' ) );
$parameters = '-format ' . $format . ' ' . escapeshellarg( $file );
$res = ezcImageAnalyzerImagemagickHandler::runCommand( $parameters, $outputString, $errorString );
if ( $res !== 0 || $errorString !== '' )
return false;
$identifiers = explode( '|', strtolower( $outputString ), 2 );
if ( !isset( $this->mimeMap[$identifiers[0]] ) )
return false;
return $this->mimeMap[$identifiers[0]];
* Analyze the image for detailed information.
* This may return various information about the image, depending on it's
* type. All information is collected in the struct
* {@link ezcImageAnalyzerData}. At least the
* {@link ezcImageAnalyzerData::$mime} attribute is always available, if the
* image type can be analyzed at all. Additionally this handler will always
* set the {@link ezcImageAnalyzerData::$width},
* {@link ezcImageAnalyzerData::$height} and
* {@link ezcImageAnalyzerData::$size} attributes. For detailes information
* on the additional data returned, see {@link ezcImageAnalyzerImagemagickHandler}.
* @todo Why does ImageMagick return the wrong file size on TIFF with comments?
* @todo Check for translucent transparency.
* @throws ezcImageAnalyzerFileNotProcessableException
* If image file can not be processed.
* @param string $file The file to analyze.
* @return ezcImageAnalyzerData
public function analyzeImage( $file )
// Example strings returned here:
// JPEG (Exif without comment):
// string(45) "[JPEG|76383|399|600|8|59428|DirectClassRGB|]*"
// --------------------------------
// TIFF (Exif with comment):
// string(79) "[TIFF|108125|399|600|8|113524|DirectClassRGB|A simple comment in a TIFF file.]*"
// --------------------------------
// PNG:
// string(46) "[PNG|5420|160|120|8|254|DirectClassRGBMatte|]*"
// --------------------------------
// GIF (Animated):
// string(168) "[GIF|4100|80|50|8|38|PseudoClassRGB|]*[GIF|4100|80|50|8|21|PseudoClassRGB|]*[GIF|4100|80|50|8|17|PseudoClassRGB|Copyright 1996 DeMorgan Industries Corp.
// Animated Cog]*"
// --------------------------------
$formatString = ( ezcBaseFeatures::os() === 'Windows' ? '"[%m|%b|%w|%h|%k|%r|%c]*"' : escapeshellarg( '[%m|%b|%w|%h|%k|%r|%c]*' ) );
$command = '-format ' . $formatString . ' ' . escapeshellarg( $file );
// Execute ImageMagick
$return = $this->runCommand( $command, $outputString, $errorString );
if ( $return !== 0 || $errorString !== '' )
throw new ezcImageAnalyzerFileNotProcessableException( $file, "ImageMagick error: '{$errorString}'." );
$dataStruct = new ezcImageAnalyzerData();
$rawDataArr = explode( '*', $outputString );
if ( sizeof( $rawDataArr ) === 1 )
throw new ezcImageAnalyzerFileNotProcessableException( $file, "ImageMagick did not return correct formated string." );
// Unset last (empty) element
unset( $rawDataArr[count( $rawDataArr ) - 1] );
if ( sizeof( $rawDataArr ) > 1 )
$dataStruct->isAnimated = true;
foreach ( $rawDataArr as $id => $rawData )
$parsedData = explode( '|', substr( $rawData, 1, -1 ) );
$dataStruct->mime = $this->mimeMap[strtolower( $parsedData[0] )];
$dataStruct->size = filesize( $file );
$dataStruct->width = max( (int) $parsedData[2], $dataStruct->width );
$dataStruct->height = max( (int) $parsedData[3], $dataStruct->height );
$dataStruct->isColor = $parsedData[4] > 2 ? true : false;
$dataStruct->transparencyType = self::TRANSPARENCY_OPAQUE;
if ( strpos( $parsedData[5], 'RGBMatte' ) !== FALSE )
$dataStruct->transparencyType = self::TRANSPARENCY_TRANSPARENT;
if ( $parsedData[6] !== '' )
if ( $dataStruct->isAnimated && $id > 0 )
$dataStruct->commentList[] = $parsedData[6];
$dataStruct->comment = $parsedData[6];
$dataStruct->commentList = array( $parsedData[6] );
if ( $dataStruct->mime === 'image/jpeg' || $dataStruct->mime === 'image/tiff' )
$this->analyzeExif( $dataStruct, $file );
return $dataStruct;
* Analyze Exif data contained in JPEG and TIFF images.
* This method analyzes the Exif data contained in JPEG and TIFF images,
* using ImageMagick's "identify" binary.
* This method tries to provide the EXIF data in a format as close as
* possible to the format returned by ext/EXIF {@link}.
* @param ezcImageAnalyzerData $data The data object to fill.
* @param string $file The file to analyze.
protected function analyzeExif( ezcImageAnalyzerData $data, $file )
$tagMap = array(
"IFD0" => array(
"EXIF" => array(
// ImageMagick does not grab this correct, therefore not supported
// "SubjectLocation",
"INTEROP" => array(
// Retreive exif data
$command = '-format ' . escapeshellarg( "%[EXIF:*]" ) . ' ' . escapeshellarg( $file );
$return = $this->runCommand( $command, $outputString, $errorString, false );
if ( $return !== 0 || $errorString !== '' )
throw new ezcImageAnalyzerFileNotProcessableException( $file, "ImageMagick error: '{$errorString}'." );
// The following is done in 2 steps to ensure the same array order as ext/exif provides.
// Pre-process data
$rawData = explode( "\n", $outputString );
$dataArr = array();
foreach ( $rawData as $dataString )
$dataParts = explode( "=", $dataString, 2 );
if ( sizeof( $dataParts ) === 2 )
$dataArr[$dataParts[0]] = substr( $dataParts[1], -1, 1 ) === "." ? substr( $dataParts[1], 0, -1 ) : $dataParts[1];
// Some post-processing is needed because ext/exif has some different tag names
if ( isset( $dataArr["ExifOffset"] ) )
$dataArr["Exif_IFD_Pointer"] = $dataArr["ExifOffset"];
if ( isset( $dataArr["InteroperabilityIndex"] ) )
$dataArr["InterOperabilityIndex"] = $dataArr["InteroperabilityIndex"];
if ( isset( $dataArr["InteroperabilityVersion"] ) )
$dataArr["InterOperabilityVersion"] = $dataArr["InteroperabilityVersion"];
if ( isset( $dataArr["Artist"] ) )
$dataArr["Author"] = $dataArr["Artist"];
// Assign data to tags
$exifArr = array();
foreach ( $tagMap as $section => $tags )
foreach ( $tags as $tag )
if ( isset( $dataArr[$tag] ) )
// Correct types
switch ( true )
case ( ctype_digit( $dataArr[$tag] ) && stripos( $tag, "version" ) === false ):
$exifArr[$section][$tag] = (int)$dataArr[$tag];
case ( is_numeric( $dataArr[$tag] ) && stripos( $tag, "version" ) === false ):
$exifArr[$section][$tag] = (float)$dataArr[$tag];
$exifArr[$section][$tag] = $dataArr[$tag];
// Retreive additional data for computation
$imageData = getimagesize( $file );
$colorCount = 0;
$command = '-format ' . escapeshellarg( '%k' ) . ' ' . escapeshellarg( $file );
$return = $this->runCommand( $command, $colorCount, $errorString );
if ( $return !== 0 || $errorString !== '' )
throw new ezcImageAnalyzerFileNotProcessableException( $file, "ImageMagick error: '{$errorString}'." );
// Compute additional section ext/EXIF provides
$additionsArr = array();
$addtionsArr["FILE"]["FileName"] = basename( $file );
$addtionsArr["FILE"]["FileDateTime"] = filemtime( $file );
$addtionsArr["FILE"]["FileSize"] = filesize( $file );
$addtionsArr["FILE"]["FileType"] = $imageData[2];
$addtionsArr["FILE"]["MimeType"] = $data->mime;
$addtionsArr["FILE"]["SectionsFound"] =
( isset( $exifArr["EXIF"] ) || isset( $exifArr["IFD0"] ) ? "ANY_TAG, " : "" )
. implode( ", ", array_keys( $exifArr ) );
$addtionsArr["COMPUTED"]["html"] = "width=\"{$data->width}\" height=\"{$data->height}\"";
$addtionsArr["COMPUTED"]["Height"] = $data->height;
$addtionsArr["COMPUTED"]["Width"] = $data->width;
$addtionsArr["COMPUTED"]["IsColor"] = ( $colorCount < 3 ) ? 0 : 1;
// @todo Implement if possible!
// $addtionsArr["COMPUTED"]["ByteOrderMotorola"] = null;
$fNumberParts = isset( $exifArr["EXIF"]["FNumber"] ) ? explode( "/", $exifArr["EXIF"]["FNumber"] ) : null;
if ( sizeof( $fNumberParts ) === 2 )
$addtionsArr["COMPUTED"]["ApertureFNumber"] = sprintf( "f/%.1f", $fNumberParts[0] / $fNumberParts[1] );
// ImageMagick resturns "..." for not set comments
if ( isset( $exifArr["EXIF"]["UserComment"] ) )
$addtionsArr["COMPUTED"]["UserComment"] = preg_match( "/^\.*$/", $exifArr["EXIF"]["UserComment"] ) === false ? $exifArr["EXIF"]["UserComment"] : null;
// @todo Maybe we can determine that somehow?
// $addtionsArr["COMPUTED"]["UserCommentEncoding"] = "UNDEFINED";
// Not available through ImageMagick
// $addtionsArr["COMPUTED"]["Thumbnail.FileType"] = null
// $addtionsArr["COMPUTED"]["Thumbnail.MimeType"] = null
// Merge arrays (done here, to have consistent key order)
$data->exif = array_merge( $addtionsArr, $exifArr );
* Returns if the handler can analyze a given MIME type.
* This method returns if the driver is capable of analyzing a given MIME
* type. This method should be called before trying to actually analyze an
* image using the drivers {@link ezcImageAnalyzerHandler::analyzeImage()}
* method.
* @param string $mime The MIME type to check for.
* @return bool True if the handler is able to analyze the MIME type.
public function canAnalyze( $mime )
return isset( $this->mimeTypes[strtolower( $mime )] );
* Checks wether the GD handler is available on the system.
* Returns if PHP's {@link getimagesize()} function is available.
* @return bool True is the handler is available.
public function isAvailable()
if ( !isset( $this->isAvailable ) )
$this->isAvailable = $this->checkImagemagick();
return $this->isAvailable;
* Checks the availability of ImageMagick on the system.
* @return bool
protected function checkImagemagick()
if ( !isset( $this->options['binary'] ) )
$this->binary = ezcBaseFeatures::getImageIdentifyExecutable();
else if ( file_exists( $this->options['binary'] ) )
$this->binary = $this->options['binary'];
return ( $this->binary !== null );
* Run the binary registered in ezcImageAnalyzerImagemagickHandler::$binary.
* This method executes the ImageMagick binary using the applied parameter
* string. It returns the return value of the command. The output printed
* to STDOUT and ERROUT is available through the $stdOut and $errOut
* parameters.
* @param string $parameters The parameters for the binary to execute.
* @param string $stdOut The standard output.
* @param string $errOut The error output.
* @param bool $stripNewlines Wether to strip the newlines from STDOUT.
* @return int The return value of the command (0 on success).
protected function runCommand( $parameters, &$stdOut, &$errOut, $stripNewlines = true )
$command = ( ezcBaseFeatures::os() === 'Windows' ? $this->binary : escapeshellcmd( $this->binary ) )
. ( $parameters !== '' ? ' ' . $parameters : '' );
// Prepare to run ImageMagick command
$descriptors = array(
array( 'pipe', 'r' ),
array( 'pipe', 'w' ),
array( 'pipe', 'w' ),
// Open ImageMagick process
$process = proc_open( $command, $descriptors, $pipes );
// Close STDIN pipe
fclose( $pipes[0] );
// Read STDOUT
$stdOut = '';
$stdOut .= ( $stripNewlines === true ) ? rtrim( fgets( $pipes[1], 1024), "\n" ) : fgets( $pipes[1], 1024 );
} while ( !feof( $pipes[1] ) );
// Read STDERR
$errOut = '';
$errOut .= rtrim( fgets( $pipes[2], 1024), "\n" );
} while ( !feof( $pipes[2] ) );
// Wait for process to terminate and store return value
return proc_close( $process );