blob: a158756e9d50f68ca6d5e39e354db937c89b33df [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcGraphAxisExactLabelRenderer class
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Graph
* @version //autogentag//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* Renders axis labels like known from charts drawn in analysis
* <code>
* $chart->xAxis->axisLabelRenderer = new ezcGraphAxisExactLabelRenderer();
* </code>
* @property bool $showLastValue
* Show the last value on the axis, which will be aligned different
* than all other values, to not interfere with the arrow head of
* the axis.
* @property bool $renderLastOutside
* Render the last label outside of the normal axis label boundings
* next to the chart boundings. This may interfere with axis labels
* or cause small font size with a low axisSpace.
* @version //autogentag//
* @package Graph
* @mainclass
class ezcGraphAxisExactLabelRenderer extends ezcGraphAxisLabelRenderer
* Constructor
* @param array $options Default option array
* @return void
* @ignore
public function __construct( array $options = array() )
$this->properties['showLastValue'] = true;
$this->properties['renderLastOutside'] = false;
parent::__construct( $options );
* __set
* @param mixed $propertyName
* @param mixed $propertyValue
* @throws ezcBaseValueException
* If a submitted parameter was out of range or type.
* @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException
* If a the value for the property options is not an instance of
* @return void
* @ignore
public function __set( $propertyName, $propertyValue )
switch ( $propertyName )
case 'showLastValue':
case 'renderLastOutside':
if ( !is_bool( $propertyValue ) )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( $propertyName, $propertyValue, 'bool' );
$this->properties[$propertyName] = (bool) $propertyValue;
return parent::__set( $propertyName, $propertyValue );
* Render Axis labels
* Render labels for an axis.
* @param ezcGraphRenderer $renderer Renderer used to draw the chart
* @param ezcGraphBoundings $boundings Boundings of the axis
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $start Axis starting point
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $end Axis ending point
* @param ezcGraphChartElementAxis $axis Axis instance
* @return void
public function renderLabels(
ezcGraphRenderer $renderer,
ezcGraphBoundings $boundings,
ezcGraphCoordinate $start,
ezcGraphCoordinate $end,
ezcGraphChartElementAxis $axis,
ezcGraphBoundings $innerBoundings = null )
// receive rendering parameters from axis
$steps = $axis->getSteps();
$axisBoundings = new ezcGraphBoundings(
$start->x, $start->y,
$end->x, $end->y
// Determine normalized axis direction
$direction = new ezcGraphVector(
$end->x - $start->x,
$end->y - $start->y
// Get axis space
$gridBoundings = null;
list( $xSpace, $ySpace ) = $this->getAxisSpace( $renderer, $boundings, $axis, $innerBoundings, $gridBoundings );
// Draw steps and grid
foreach ( $steps as $nr => $step )
$position = new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$start->x + ( $end->x - $start->x ) * $step->position,
$start->y + ( $end->y - $start->y ) * $step->position
$stepSize = new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$axisBoundings->width * $step->width,
$axisBoundings->height * $step->width
if ( ! $step->isZero )
// major grid
if ( $axis->majorGrid )
// major step
if ( $this->showLabels )
switch ( $axis->position )
case ezcGraph::RIGHT:
case ezcGraph::LEFT:
$labelWidth = $axisBoundings->width *
$steps[$nr - $step->isLast]->width /
( $this->showLastValue + 1 );
$labelHeight = $ySpace;
if ( ( $this->renderLastOutside === true ) &&
( $step->isLast === true ) )
$labelWidth = ( $boundings->width - $axisBoundings->width ) / 2;
case ezcGraph::BOTTOM:
case ezcGraph::TOP:
$labelWidth = $xSpace;
$labelHeight = $axisBoundings->height *
$steps[$nr - $step->isLast]->width /
( $this->showLastValue + 1 );
if ( ( $this->renderLastOutside === true ) &&
( $step->isLast === true ) )
$labelHeight = ( $boundings->height - $axisBoundings->height ) / 2;
$showLabel = true;
switch ( true )
case ( !$this->showLastValue && $step->isLast ):
// Skip last step if showLastValue is false
$showLabel = false;
// Draw label at top left of step
case ( ( $axis->position === ezcGraph::BOTTOM ) &&
( !$step->isLast ) ) ||
( ( $axis->position === ezcGraph::BOTTOM ) &&
( $step->isLast ) &&
( $this->renderLastOutside ) ) ||
( ( $axis->position === ezcGraph::TOP ) &&
( $step->isLast ) &&
( !$this->renderLastOutside ) ):
$labelBoundings = new ezcGraphBoundings(
$position->x - $labelWidth + $this->labelPadding,
$position->y - $labelHeight + $this->labelPadding,
$position->x - $this->labelPadding,
$position->y - $this->labelPadding
$alignement = ezcGraph::RIGHT | ezcGraph::BOTTOM;
// Draw label at bottom right of step
case ( ( $axis->position === ezcGraph::LEFT ) &&
( !$step->isLast ) ) ||
( ( $axis->position === ezcGraph::LEFT ) &&
( $step->isLast ) &&
( $this->renderLastOutside ) ) ||
( ( $axis->position === ezcGraph::RIGHT ) &&
( $step->isLast ) &&
( !$this->renderLastOutside ) ):
$labelBoundings = new ezcGraphBoundings(
$position->x + $this->labelPadding,
$position->y + $this->labelPadding,
$position->x + $labelWidth - $this->labelPadding,
$position->y + $labelHeight - $this->labelPadding
$alignement = ezcGraph::LEFT | ezcGraph::TOP;
// Draw label at bottom left of step
case ( ( $axis->position === ezcGraph::TOP ) &&
( !$step->isLast ) ) ||
( ( $axis->position === ezcGraph::TOP ) &&
( $step->isLast ) &&
( $this->renderLastOutside ) ) ||
( ( $axis->position === ezcGraph::RIGHT ) &&
( !$step->isLast ) ) ||
( ( $axis->position === ezcGraph::RIGHT ) &&
( $step->isLast ) &&
( $this->renderLastOutside ) ) ||
( ( $axis->position === ezcGraph::BOTTOM ) &&
( $step->isLast ) &&
( !$this->renderLastOutside ) ) ||
( ( $axis->position === ezcGraph::LEFT ) &&
( $step->isLast ) &&
( !$this->renderLastOutside ) ):
$labelBoundings = new ezcGraphBoundings(
$position->x - $labelWidth + $this->labelPadding,
$position->y + $this->labelPadding,
$position->x - $this->labelPadding,
$position->y + $labelHeight - $this->labelPadding
$alignement = ezcGraph::RIGHT | ezcGraph::TOP;
if ( $showLabel )
if ( !$step->isLast )
// Iterate over minor steps
foreach ( $step->childs as $minorStep )
$minorStepPosition = new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$start->x + ( $end->x - $start->x ) * $minorStep->position,
$start->y + ( $end->y - $start->y ) * $minorStep->position
$minorStepSize = new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$axisBoundings->width * $minorStep->width,
$axisBoundings->height * $minorStep->width
if ( $axis->minorGrid )
// major step