blob: dd359a35ff1c68dbb29ce4351950f2e933692312 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcGraphFlashDriver class
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Graph
* @version //autogentag//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* Driver to create Flash4 (SWF) files as graph output. The options of this
* class are defined in The options of this class are defined in the option
* class {@link ezcGraphFlashDriverOptions} extending the basic
* {@link ezcGraphDriverOptions}.
* <code>
* $graph = new ezcGraphPieChart();
* $graph->title = 'Access statistics';
* $graph->legend = false;
* $graph->driver = new ezcGraphFlashDriver();
* $graph->options->font = 'tutorial_font.fdb';
* $graph->driver->options->compression = 7;
* $graph->data['Access statistics'] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet( array(
* 'Mozilla' => 19113,
* 'Explorer' => 10917,
* 'Opera' => 1464,
* 'Safari' => 652,
* 'Konqueror' => 474,
* ) );
* $graph->render( 400, 200, 'tutorial_driver_flash.swf' );
* </code>
* @version //autogentag//
* @package Graph
* @mainclass
class ezcGraphFlashDriver extends ezcGraphDriver
* Flash movie
* @var SWFMovie
protected $movie;
* Unique element id
* @var int
protected $id = 1;
* Array with strings to draw later
* @var array
protected $strings = array();
* Constructor
* @param array $options Default option array
* @return void
* @ignore
public function __construct( array $options = array() )
ezcBase::checkDependency( 'Graph', ezcBase::DEP_PHP_EXTENSION, 'ming' );
$this->options = new ezcGraphFlashDriverOptions( $options );
* Returns unique movie object as a parent canvas for all swf objects.
* @return SWFMovie
public function getDocument()
if ( $this->movie === null )
ming_setscale( 1.0 );
$this->movie = new SWFMovie();
$this->movie->setDimension( $this->modifyCoordinate( $this->options->width ), $this->modifyCoordinate( $this->options->height ) );
$this->movie->setRate( 1 );
$this->movie->setBackground( 255, 255, 255 );
return $this->movie;
* Set the fill and line properties for a SWWFShape according to the
* given parameters.
* @param SWFShape $shape
* @param ezcGraphColor $color
* @param mixed $thickness
* @param mixed $filled
* @return void
protected function setShapeColor( SWFShape $shape, ezcGraphColor $color, $thickness, $filled )
if ( $filled )
switch ( true )
case ( $color instanceof ezcGraphLinearGradient ):
$gradient = new SWFGradient();
255 - $color->startColor->alpha
255 - $color->endColor->alpha
$fill = $shape->addFill( $gradient, SWFFILL_LINEAR_GRADIENT );
// Calculate desired length of gradient
$length = sqrt(
pow( $color->endPoint->x - $color->startPoint->x, 2 ) +
pow( $color->endPoint->y - $color->startPoint->y, 2 )
$fill->scaleTo( $this->modifyCoordinate( $length ) / 32768 , $this->modifyCoordinate( $length ) / 32768 );
rad2deg( asin(
( $color->endPoint->x - $color->startPoint->x ) / $length
) + 180 )
( $color->startPoint->x + $color->endPoint->x ) / 2
( $color->startPoint->y + $color->endPoint->y ) / 2
$shape->setLeftFill( $fill );
case ( $color instanceof ezcGraphRadialGradient ):
$gradient = new SWFGradient();
255 - $color->startColor->alpha
255 - $color->endColor->alpha
$fill = $shape->addFill( $gradient, SWFFILL_RADIAL_GRADIENT );
$fill->scaleTo( $this->modifyCoordinate( $color->width ) / 32768, $this->modifyCoordinate( $color->height ) / 32768 );
$fill->moveTo( $this->modifyCoordinate( $color->center->x ), $this->modifyCoordinate( $color->center->y ) );
$shape->setLeftFill( $fill );
$fill = $shape->addFill( $color->red, $color->green, $color->blue, 255 - $color->alpha );
$shape->setLeftFill( $fill );
$shape->setLine( $this->modifyCoordinate( $thickness ), $color->red, $color->green, $color->blue, 255 - $color->alpha );
* Modifies a coordinate value, as flash usally uses twips instead of
* pixels for a higher solution, as it only accepts integer values.
* @param float $pointValue
* @return float
protected function modifyCoordinate( $pointValue )
return $pointValue * 10;
* Demodifies a coordinate value, as flash usally uses twips instead of
* pixels for a higher solution, as it only accepts integer values.
* @param float $pointValue
* @return float
protected function deModifyCoordinate( $pointValue )
return $pointValue / 10;
* Draws a single polygon.
* @param array $points Point array
* @param ezcGraphColor $color Polygon color
* @param mixed $filled Filled
* @param float $thickness Line thickness
* @return void
public function drawPolygon( array $points, ezcGraphColor $color, $filled = true, $thickness = 1. )
$movie = $this->getDocument();
if ( !$filled )
// The middle of the border is on the outline of a polygon in ming,
// fix that:
$points = $this->reducePolygonSize( $points, $thickness / 2 );
catch ( ezcGraphReducementFailedException $e )
return false;
$shape = new SWFShape();
$this->setShapeColor( $shape, $color, $thickness, $filled );
$lastPoint = end( $points );
$shape->movePenTo( $this->modifyCoordinate( $lastPoint->x ), $this->modifyCoordinate( $lastPoint->y ) );
foreach ( $points as $point )
$shape->drawLineTo( $this->modifyCoordinate( $point->x ), $this->modifyCoordinate( $point->y ) );
$object = $movie->add( $shape );
$object->setName( $id = 'ezcGraphPolygon_' . $this->id++ );
return $id;
* Draws a line
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $start Start point
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $end End point
* @param ezcGraphColor $color Line color
* @param float $thickness Line thickness
* @return void
public function drawLine( ezcGraphCoordinate $start, ezcGraphCoordinate $end, ezcGraphColor $color, $thickness = 1. )
$movie = $this->getDocument();
$shape = new SWFShape();
$this->setShapeColor( $shape, $color, $thickness, false );
$shape->movePenTo( $this->modifyCoordinate( $start->x ), $this->modifyCoordinate( $start->y ) );
$shape->drawLineTo( $this->modifyCoordinate( $end->x ), $this->modifyCoordinate( $end->y ) );
$object = $movie->add( $shape );
$object->setName( $id = 'ezcGraphLine_' . $this->id++ );
return $id;
* Returns boundings of text depending on the available font extension
* @param float $size Textsize
* @param ezcGraphFontOptions $font Font
* @param string $text Text
* @return ezcGraphBoundings Boundings of text
protected function getTextBoundings( $size, ezcGraphFontOptions $font, $text )
$t = new SWFText();
$t->setFont( new SWFFont( $font->path ) );
$t->setHeight( $size );
$boundings = new ezcGraphBoundings( 0, 0, $t->getWidth( $text ), $size );
return $boundings;
* Writes text in a box of desired size
* @param string $string Text
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $position Top left position
* @param float $width Width of text box
* @param float $height Height of text box
* @param int $align Alignement of text
* @param ezcGraphRotation $rotation
* @return void
public function drawTextBox( $string, ezcGraphCoordinate $position, $width, $height, $align, ezcGraphRotation $rotation = null )
$padding = $this->options->font->padding + ( $this->options->font->border !== false ? $this->options->font->borderWidth : 0 );
$width = $this->modifyCoordinate( $width - $padding * 2 );
$height = $this->modifyCoordinate( $height - $padding * 2 );
$position = new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$this->modifyCoordinate( $position->x + $padding ),
$this->modifyCoordinate( $position->y + $padding )
// Try to get a font size for the text to fit into the box
$maxSize = $this->modifyCoordinate( min( $height, $this->options->font->maxFontSize ) );
$minSize = $this->modifyCoordinate( $this->options->font->minFontSize );
$result = false;
for ( $size = $maxSize; $size >= $minSize; )
$result = $this->testFitStringInTextBox( $string, $position, $width, $height, $size );
if ( is_array( $result ) )
$size = $this->deModifyCoordinate( $size );
$size = $this->modifyCoordinate( floor( ( $newsize = $size * ( $result ) ) >= $size ? $size - 1 : $newsize ) );
if ( !is_array( $result ) )
if ( ( $height >= $this->options->font->minFontSize ) &&
( $this->options->autoShortenString ) )
$result = $this->tryFitShortenedString( $string, $position, $width, $height, $size = $this->modifyCoordinate( $this->options->font->minFontSize ) );
throw new ezcGraphFontRenderingException( $string, $this->options->font->minFontSize, $width, $height );
$this->options->font->minimalUsedFont = $this->deModifyCoordinate( $size );
$this->strings[] = array(
'text' => $result,
'id' => $id = 'ezcGraphTextBox_' . $this->id++,
'position' => $position,
'width' => $width,
'height' => $height,
'align' => $align,
'font' => $this->options->font,
'rotation' => $rotation,
return $id;
* Render text depending of font type and available font extensions
* @param string $id
* @param string $text
* @param string $chars
* @param int $type
* @param string $path
* @param ezcGraphColor $color
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $position
* @param float $size
* @param float $rotation
* @return void
protected function renderText( $id, $text, $chars, $type, $path, ezcGraphColor $color, ezcGraphCoordinate $position, $size, $rotation = null )
$movie = $this->getDocument();
$tb = new SWFTextField( SWFTEXTFIELD_NOEDIT );
$tb->setFont( new SWFFont( $path ) );
$tb->setHeight( $size );
$tb->setColor( $color->red, $color->green, $color->blue, 255 - $color->alpha );
$tb->addString( $text );
$tb->addChars( $chars );
$object = $movie->add( $tb );
( $rotation !== null ? -$rotation->getRotation() : 0 )
$position->x +
( $rotation === null ? 0 : $this->modifyCoordinate( $rotation->get( 0, 2 ) ) ),
$position->y -
$size * ( 1 + $this->options->lineSpacing ) +
( $rotation === null ? 0 : $this->modifyCoordinate( $rotation->get( 1, 2 ) ) )
$object->setName( $id );
* Draw all collected texts
* The texts are collected and their maximum possible font size is
* calculated. This function finally draws the texts on the image, this
* delayed drawing has two reasons:
* 1) This way the text strings are always on top of the image, what
* results in better readable texts
* 2) The maximum possible font size can be calculated for a set of texts
* with the same font configuration. Strings belonging to one chart
* element normally have the same font configuration, so that all texts
* belonging to one element will have the same font size.
* @access protected
* @return void
protected function drawAllTexts()
// Iterate over all strings to collect used chars per font
$chars = array();
foreach ( $this->strings as $text )
$completeString = '';
foreach ( $text['text'] as $line )
$completeString .= implode( ' ', $line );
// Collect chars for each font
if ( !isset( $chars[$text['font']->path] ) )
$chars[$text['font']->path] = $completeString;
$chars[$text['font']->path] .= $completeString;
foreach ( $this->strings as $text )
$size = $this->modifyCoordinate( $text['font']->minimalUsedFont );
$completeHeight = count( $text['text'] ) * $size + ( count( $text['text'] ) - 1 ) * $this->options->lineSpacing;
// Calculate y offset for vertical alignement
switch ( true )
case ( $text['align'] & ezcGraph::BOTTOM ):
$yOffset = $text['height'] - $completeHeight;
case ( $text['align'] & ezcGraph::MIDDLE ):
$yOffset = ( $text['height'] - $completeHeight ) / 2;
case ( $text['align'] & ezcGraph::TOP ):
$yOffset = 0;
$padding = $text['font']->padding + $text['font']->borderWidth / 2;
if ( $this->options->font->minimizeBorder === true )
// Calculate maximum width of text rows
$width = false;
foreach ( $text['text'] as $line )
$string = implode( ' ', $line );
$boundings = $this->getTextBoundings( $size, $text['font'], $string );
if ( ( $width === false) || ( $boundings->width > $width ) )
$width = $boundings->width;
switch ( true )
case ( $text['align'] & ezcGraph::LEFT ):
$xOffset = 0;
case ( $text['align'] & ezcGraph::CENTER ):
$xOffset = ( $text['width'] - $width ) / 2;
case ( $text['align'] & ezcGraph::RIGHT ):
$xOffset = $text['width'] - $width;
$borderPolygonArray = array(
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$this->deModifyCoordinate( $text['position']->x - $padding + $xOffset ),
$this->deModifyCoordinate( $text['position']->y - $padding + $yOffset )
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$this->deModifyCoordinate( $text['position']->x + $padding * 2 + $xOffset + $width ),
$this->deModifyCoordinate( $text['position']->y - $padding + $yOffset )
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$this->deModifyCoordinate( $text['position']->x + $padding * 2 + $xOffset + $width ),
$this->deModifyCoordinate( $text['position']->y + $padding * 2 + $yOffset + $completeHeight )
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$this->deModifyCoordinate( $text['position']->x - $padding + $xOffset ),
$this->deModifyCoordinate( $text['position']->y + $padding * 2 + $yOffset + $completeHeight )
$borderPolygonArray = array(
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$this->deModifyCoordinate( $text['position']->x - $padding ),
$this->deModifyCoordinate( $text['position']->y - $padding )
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$this->deModifyCoordinate( $text['position']->x + $padding * 2 + $text['width'] ),
$this->deModifyCoordinate( $text['position']->y - $padding )
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$this->deModifyCoordinate( $text['position']->x + $padding * 2 + $text['width'] ),
$this->deModifyCoordinate( $text['position']->y + $padding * 2 + $text['height'] )
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$this->deModifyCoordinate( $text['position']->x - $padding ),
$this->deModifyCoordinate( $text['position']->y + $padding * 2 + $text['height'] )
if ( $text['rotation'] !== null )
foreach ( $borderPolygonArray as $nr => $point )
$borderPolygonArray[$nr] = $text['rotation']->transformCoordinate( $point );
if ( $text['font']->background !== false )
if ( $text['font']->border !== false )
// Render text with evaluated font size
$completeString = '';
foreach ( $text['text'] as $line )
$string = implode( ' ', $line );
$completeString .= $string;
$boundings = $this->getTextBoundings( $size, $text['font'], $string );
$text['position']->y += $size;
switch ( true )
case ( $text['align'] & ezcGraph::LEFT ):
$position = new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$text['position']->y + $yOffset
case ( $text['align'] & ezcGraph::RIGHT ):
$position = new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$text['position']->x + ( $text['width'] - $boundings->width ),
$text['position']->y + $yOffset
case ( $text['align'] & ezcGraph::CENTER ):
$position = new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$text['position']->x + ( ( $text['width'] - $boundings->width ) / 2 ),
$text['position']->y + $yOffset
// Optionally draw text shadow
if ( $text['font']->textShadow === true )
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$position->x + $this->modifyCoordinate( $text['font']->textShadowOffset ),
$position->y + $this->modifyCoordinate( $text['font']->textShadowOffset )
// Finally draw text
$text['position']->y += $size * $this->options->lineSpacing;
* Draws a sector of cirlce
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $center Center of circle
* @param mixed $width Width
* @param mixed $height Height
* @param mixed $startAngle Start angle of circle sector
* @param mixed $endAngle End angle of circle sector
* @param ezcGraphColor $color Color
* @param mixed $filled Filled
* @return void
public function drawCircleSector( ezcGraphCoordinate $center, $width, $height, $startAngle, $endAngle, ezcGraphColor $color, $filled = true )
if ( $startAngle > $endAngle )
$tmp = $startAngle;
$startAngle = $endAngle;
$endAngle = $tmp;
$movie = $this->getDocument();
$shape = new SWFShape();
$this->setShapeColor( $shape, $color, 1, $filled );
if ( !$filled )
$reduced = $this->reduceEllipseSize( $center, $width, $height, $startAngle, $endAngle, .5 );
catch ( ezcGraphReducementFailedException $e )
return false;
$startAngle = $reduced['startAngle'];
$endAngle = $reduced['endAngle'];
$width -= 1;
$height -= 1;
$shape->movePenTo( $this->modifyCoordinate( $center->x ), $this->modifyCoordinate( $center->y ) );
// @TODO: User SWFShape::curveTo
$angle = $startAngle;
$angle <= $endAngle;
$angle = min( $angle + $this->options->circleResolution, $endAngle ) )
$this->modifyCoordinate( $center->x + cos( deg2rad( $angle ) ) * $width / 2 ),
$this->modifyCoordinate( $center->y + sin( deg2rad( $angle ) ) * $height / 2 )
if ( $angle === $endAngle )
$this->modifyCoordinate( $center->x ),
$this->modifyCoordinate( $center->y )
$object = $movie->add( $shape );
$object->setName( $id = 'ezcGraphCircleSector_' . $this->id++ );
return $id;
* Draws a circular arc consisting of several minor steps on the bounding
* lines.
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $center
* @param mixed $width
* @param mixed $height
* @param mixed $size
* @param mixed $startAngle
* @param mixed $endAngle
* @param ezcGraphColor $color
* @param bool $filled
* @return string Element id
protected function simulateCircularArc( ezcGraphCoordinate $center, $width, $height, $size, $startAngle, $endAngle, ezcGraphColor $color, $filled )
$movie = $this->getDocument();
$id = 'ezcGraphCircularArc_' . $this->id++;
for (
$tmpAngle = min( ceil ( $startAngle / 180 ) * 180, $endAngle );
$tmpAngle <= $endAngle;
$tmpAngle = min( ceil ( $startAngle / 180 + 1 ) * 180, $endAngle ) )
$shape = new SWFShape();
$this->setShapeColor( $shape, $color, 1, $filled );
$this->modifyCoordinate( $center->x + cos( deg2rad( $startAngle ) ) * $width / 2 ),
$this->modifyCoordinate( $center->y + sin( deg2rad( $startAngle ) ) * $height / 2 )
// @TODO: Use SWFShape::curveTo
$angle = $startAngle;
$angle <= $tmpAngle;
$angle = min( $angle + $this->options->circleResolution, $tmpAngle ) )
$this->modifyCoordinate( $center->x + cos( deg2rad( $angle ) ) * $width / 2 ),
$this->modifyCoordinate( $center->y + sin( deg2rad( $angle ) ) * $height / 2 + $size )
if ( $angle === $tmpAngle )
$angle = $tmpAngle;
$angle >= $startAngle;
$angle = max( $angle - $this->options->circleResolution, $startAngle ) )
$this->modifyCoordinate( $center->x + cos( deg2rad( $angle ) ) * $width / 2 ),
$this->modifyCoordinate( $center->y + sin( deg2rad( $angle ) ) * $height / 2 )
if ( $angle === $startAngle )
$object = $movie->add( $shape );
$object->setName( $id );
$startAngle = $tmpAngle;
if ( $tmpAngle === $endAngle )
return $id;
* Draws a circular arc
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $center Center of ellipse
* @param integer $width Width of ellipse
* @param integer $height Height of ellipse
* @param integer $size Height of border
* @param float $startAngle Starting angle of circle sector
* @param float $endAngle Ending angle of circle sector
* @param ezcGraphColor $color Color of Border
* @param bool $filled
* @return void
public function drawCircularArc( ezcGraphCoordinate $center, $width, $height, $size, $startAngle, $endAngle, ezcGraphColor $color, $filled = true )
if ( $startAngle > $endAngle )
$tmp = $startAngle;
$startAngle = $endAngle;
$endAngle = $tmp;
$id = $this->simulateCircularArc( $center, $width, $height, $size, $startAngle, $endAngle, $color, $filled );
if ( ( $this->options->shadeCircularArc !== false ) &&
$filled )
$gradient = new ezcGraphLinearGradient(
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$center->x - $width,
new ezcGraphCoordinate(
$center->x + $width,
ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#FFFFFF' )->transparent( $this->options->shadeCircularArc * 1.5 ),
ezcGraphColor::fromHex( '#000000' )->transparent( $this->options->shadeCircularArc * 1.5 )
$this->simulateCircularArc( $center, $width, $height, $size, $startAngle, $endAngle, $gradient, $filled );
return $id;
* Draw circle
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $center Center of ellipse
* @param mixed $width Width of ellipse
* @param mixed $height height of ellipse
* @param ezcGraphColor $color Color
* @param mixed $filled Filled
* @return void
public function drawCircle( ezcGraphCoordinate $center, $width, $height, ezcGraphColor $color, $filled = true )
$movie = $this->getDocument();
$shape = new SWFShape();
$this->setShapeColor( $shape, $color, 1, $filled );
// Reduce size
if ( !$filled )
$width -= 1;
$height -= 1;
$this->modifyCoordinate( $center->x + $width / 2 ),
$this->modifyCoordinate( $center->y )
// @TODO: User SWFShape::curveTo
for ( $angle = $this->options->circleResolution; $angle < 360; $angle += $this->options->circleResolution )
$this->modifyCoordinate( $center->x + cos( deg2rad( $angle ) ) * $width / 2 ),
$this->modifyCoordinate( $center->y + sin( deg2rad( $angle ) ) * $height / 2 )
$this->modifyCoordinate( $center->x + $width / 2 ),
$this->modifyCoordinate( $center->y )
$object = $movie->add( $shape );
$object->setName( $id = 'ezcGraphCircle_' . $this->id++ );
return $id;
* Draw an image
* The image will be inlined in the SVG document using data URL scheme. For
* this the mime type and base64 encoded file content will be merged to
* URL.
* @param mixed $file Image file
* @param ezcGraphCoordinate $position Top left position
* @param float $width Width of image in destination image
* @param float $height Height of image in destination image
* @return void
public function drawImage( $file, ezcGraphCoordinate $position, $width, $height )
$movie = $this->getDocument();
$imageData = getimagesize( $file );
if ( ( $imageData[2] !== IMAGETYPE_JPEG ) && ( $imageData[2] !== IMAGETYPE_PNG ) )
throw new ezcGraphFlashBitmapTypeException( $imageData[2] );
// Try to create a new SWFBitmap object from provided file
$bitmap = new SWFBitmap( fopen( $file, 'rb' ) );
// Add the image to the movie
$object = $this->movie->add( $bitmap );
// Image size is calculated on the base of a tick size of 20, so
// that we need to transform this, to our tick size.
$factor = $this->modifyCoordinate( 1 ) / 20;
$object->scale( $factor, $factor );
// Scale by ratio of requested and original image size
$width / $imageData[0],
$height / $imageData[1]
// Move object to the right position
$this->modifyCoordinate( $position->x ),
$this->modifyCoordinate( $position->y )
// Create, set and return unique ID
$object->setName( $id = 'ezcGraphImage_'. $this->id++ );
return $id;
* Return mime type for current image format
* @return string
public function getMimeType()
return 'application/x-shockwave-flash';
* Finally save image
* @param string $file Destination filename
* @return void
public function render( $file )
$movie = $this->getDocument();
$movie->save( $file, $this->options->compression );
* Get resource of rendered result
* Return the resource of the rendered result. You should not use this
* method before you called either renderToOutput() or render(), as the
* image may not be completely rendered until then.
* @return SWFMovie
public function getResource()
return $this->movie;