blob: cfbdf4b6b6673a7acd411de51f1b56d2809d6250 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @version //autogentag//
* @filesource
* @package Feed
* @subpackage Tests
include_once( 'Feed/tests/test.php' );
* @package Feed
* @subpackage Tests
class ezcFeedTest extends ezcFeedTestCase
public static function suite()
return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( __CLASS__ );
public function testFeedNonExistentLocal()
$feed = ezcFeed::parse( 'not-here.xml' );
$this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
catch ( ezcBaseFileNotFoundException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "The file 'not-here.xml' could not be found.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testFeedNonExistentRemote()
$feed = ezcFeed::parse( '' );
$this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
catch ( ezcBaseFileNotFoundException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "The file '' could not be found.", $e->getMessage() );
* Test for unreachable hosts.
public function testFeedUnreachableHost()
$feed = ezcFeed::parse( 'http://localhost.nothere/this-file-cannot-possibly-exist.xml' );
$this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
catch ( ezcBaseFileNotFoundException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "The file 'http://localhost.nothere/this-file-cannot-possibly-exist.xml' could not be found.", $e->getMessage() );
* Test for issue #13110: Add support for feed redirection.
public function testFeedRedirect302Header()
// This feed returns a 302 header and should not produce an ezcBaseFileNotFoundException
$feed = ezcFeed::parse( '' );
$this->assertEquals( "", $feed->title->text );
public function testFeedExistsRemote()
$feed = ezcFeed::parse( '' );
public function testParseBroken()
$file = dirname( __FILE__ ) . "{$dot}rss2{$dot}regression{$dot}parse{$dot}incomplete{$dot}";
$feed = ezcFeed::parse( $file );
$this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
catch ( ezcFeedParseErrorException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "Parse error while parsing feed '{$file}': It is not a valid XML file.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testParseContentBroken()
$feed = ezcFeed::parseContent( 'bad XML document' );
$this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
catch ( ezcFeedParseErrorException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "Parse error while parsing feed: Content is no valid XML.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testParseContentNotRecognized()
$feed = ezcFeed::parseContent( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><xxx>Content</xxx>' );
$this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
catch ( ezcFeedParseErrorException $e )
$expected = "Feed type not recognized.";
$result = substr( $e->getMessage(), strlen( $e->getMessage() ) - 25 );
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $result );
* Test for issue #14055: Parsing an empty string raises a warning.
* Parsing an empty file did not raise a warning before the fix for this
* issue, but was throwing the exception outright. Only ezcFeed::parseContent
* was modified by the fix.
public function testParseEmptyString()
$this->createTempDir( "ezcFeed_" );
$file = $this->getTempDir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'empty_feed.rss';
file_put_contents( $file, '' );
$feed = ezcFeed::parse( $file );
$this->fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown' );
catch ( ezcFeedParseErrorException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "Parse error while parsing feed '" . realpath( $file ) . "': It is not a valid XML file.", $e->getMessage() );
* Test for issue #14055: Parsing an empty string raises a warning.
public function testParseContentEmptyString()
$feed = ezcFeed::parseContent( '' );
$this->fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown' );
catch ( ezcFeedParseErrorException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "Parse error while parsing feed: Content is empty.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testParseRss2NoVersion()
$feed = ezcFeed::parseContent( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><rss><channel><title>RSS no version</title><item><title>Item no version</title></item></channel></rss>' );
$this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
catch ( ezcFeedParseErrorException $e )
$expected = "Feed type not recognized.";
$result = substr( $e->getMessage(), strlen( $e->getMessage() ) - 25 );
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $result );
public function testParseRss2UnsupportedVersion()
$feed = ezcFeed::parseContent( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><rss version="unsupported version"><channel><title>RSS unsupported version</title><item><title>Item unsupported version</title></item></channel></rss>' );
$this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
catch ( ezcFeedParseErrorException $e )
$expected = "Feed type not recognized.";
$result = substr( $e->getMessage(), strlen( $e->getMessage() ) - 25 );
$this->assertEquals( $expected, $result );
public function testParseModuleNotRecognized()
$feed = ezcFeed::parseContent( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><feed xmlns=""><unsupported_module:element>Content</unsupported_module:element></feed>' );
$this->assertEquals( 'ezcFeed', get_class( $feed ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'atom', $feed->getFeedType() );
$this->assertEquals( 'application/atom+xml', $feed->getContentType() );
public function testParseContentModuleElementNotRecognized()
$feed = ezcFeed::parseContent( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><feed xmlns="" xmlns:content=""><entry><content:unsupported_element>Content</content:unsupported_element></entry></feed>' );
$this->assertEquals( 'ezcFeed', get_class( $feed ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'atom', $feed->getFeedType() );
$this->assertEquals( 'application/atom+xml', $feed->getContentType() );
public function testParseContentModuleWrongNamespace()
$feed = ezcFeed::parseContent( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><feed xmlns="" xmlns:content=""><entry><content:encoded>Content</content:encoded></entry></feed>' );
$this->assertEquals( 'ezcFeed', get_class( $feed ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'atom', $feed->getFeedType() );
$this->assertEquals( 'application/atom+xml', $feed->getContentType() );
// The Content module should not appear in any entry because it has a wrong namespace
foreach ( $feed->item as $item )
$this->assertEquals( false, $item->hasModule( 'Content' ) );
public function testParseDCModuleElementNotRecognized()
$feed = ezcFeed::parseContent( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><feed xmlns="" xmlns:dc=""><entry><dc:unsupported_element>Content</dc:unsupported_element></entry></feed>' );
$this->assertEquals( 'ezcFeed', get_class( $feed ) );
$this->assertEquals( 'atom', $feed->getFeedType() );
$this->assertEquals( 'application/atom+xml', $feed->getContentType() );
public function testParseAtomUnsupportedModule()
$file = dirname( __FILE__ ) . "{$dot}atom{$dot}data{$dot}atom_example_from_specs.xml";
$feed = ezcFeed::parse( $file );
$module = $feed->unsupported_module;
$this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
catch ( ezcFeedUnsupportedModuleException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "The module 'unsupported_module' is not supported.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testParseAtomUndefinedModule()
$file = dirname( __FILE__ ) . "{$dot}atom{$dot}data{$dot}atom_example_from_specs.xml";
$feed = ezcFeed::parse( $file );
$module = $feed->iTunes;
$this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
catch ( ezcFeedUndefinedModuleException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "The module 'iTunes' is not defined yet.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testParseAtom1()
$file = dirname( __FILE__ ) . "{$dot}atom{$dot}data{$dot}atom_example_from_specs.xml";
$feed = ezcFeed::parse( $file );
$this->assertEquals( 'atom', $feed->getFeedType() );
$this->assertEquals( 'application/atom+xml', $feed->getContentType() );
$this->assertEquals( false, isset( $feed->skipDays ) );
$this->assertEquals( false, isset( $feed->unsupportedModule ) );
public function testParseAtom2()
$file = dirname( __FILE__ ) . "{$dot}atom{$dot}data{$dot}atom_multiple_entries.xml";
$feed = ezcFeed::parse( $file );
$this->assertEquals( 'atom', $feed->getFeedType() );
$items = $feed->item;
$expectedTitles = array(
'Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok 1',
'Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok 2',
$titles = array();
foreach ( $items as $item )
$titles[] = $item->title->text;
$this->assertEquals( $expectedTitles, $titles );
public function testParseRss1()
$file = dirname( __FILE__ ) . "{$dot}rss1{$dot}data{$dot}rss1_example_from_specs.xml";
$feed = ezcFeed::parse( $file );
$this->assertEquals( 'rss1', $feed->getFeedType() );
$this->assertEquals( 'application/rss+xml', $feed->getContentType() );
public function testParseRss2()
$file = dirname( __FILE__ ) . "{$dot}rss2{$dot}data{$dot}rss2_example_from_specs.xml";
$feed = ezcFeed::parse( $file );
$this->assertEquals( 'rss2', $feed->getFeedType() );
$this->assertEquals( 'application/rss+xml', $feed->getContentType() );
public function testParseRss2Podcast1()
$file = dirname( __FILE__ ) . "{$dot}rss2{$dot}data{$dot}librivox_podcast.xml";
$feed = ezcFeed::parse( $file );
$this->assertEquals( 'rss2', $feed->getFeedType() );
$this->assertEquals( 'LibriVox Audiobooks', $feed->title->__toString() );
$modules = $feed->getModules();
$this->assertEquals( true, isset( $modules['iTunes'] ) );
public function testParseRss2Podcast2()
$file = dirname( __FILE__ ) . "{$dot}rss2{$dot}data{$dot}woodsongs_old_time_radio_hour.xml";
$feed = ezcFeed::parse( $file );
$this->assertEquals( 'rss2', $feed->getFeedType() );
$this->assertEquals( 'The Woodsongs Old Time Radio Hour Podcast', $feed->title->__toString() );
public function testParseRss2Version091()
$feed = ezcFeed::parseContent( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><rss version="0.91"><channel><title>RSS 0.91</title><item><title>Item 0.91</title></item></channel></rss>' );
$this->assertEquals( 'rss2', $feed->getFeedType() );
$this->assertEquals( 'RSS 0.91', $feed->title->__toString() );
$this->assertEquals( 'Item 0.91', $feed->item[0]->title->__toString() );
public function testParseRss2Version092()
$feed = ezcFeed::parseContent( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><rss version="0.92"><channel><title>RSS 0.92</title><item><title>Item 0.92</title></item></channel></rss>' );
$this->assertEquals( 'rss2', $feed->getFeedType() );
$this->assertEquals( 'RSS 0.92', $feed->title->__toString() );
$this->assertEquals( 'Item 0.92', $feed->item[0]->title->__toString() );
public function testParseRss2Version093()
$feed = ezcFeed::parseContent( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><rss version="0.93"><channel><title>RSS 0.93</title><item><title>Item 0.93</title></item></channel></rss>' );
$this->assertEquals( 'rss2', $feed->getFeedType() );
$this->assertEquals( 'RSS 0.93', $feed->title->__toString() );
$this->assertEquals( 'Item 0.93', $feed->item[0]->title->__toString() );
public function testParseRss2Version094()
$feed = ezcFeed::parseContent( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><rss version="0.94"><channel><title>RSS 0.94</title><item><title>Item 0.94</title></item></channel></rss>' );
$this->assertEquals( 'rss2', $feed->getFeedType() );
$this->assertEquals( 'RSS 0.94', $feed->title->__toString() );
$this->assertEquals( 'Item 0.94', $feed->item[0]->title->__toString() );
public function testCreateModuleNotSupported()
$module = ezcFeedModule::create( 'unsupported_module' );
$this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
catch ( ezcFeedUnsupportedModuleException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "The module 'unsupported_module' is not supported.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testAddElementNotSupported()
$feed = new ezcFeed( 'rss2' );
$item = $feed->add( 'item' );
$item->add( 'unsupported_element' );
$this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
catch ( ezcFeedUnsupportedElementException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "The feed element 'unsupported_element' is not supported.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testAddElementNotSupportedInModule()
$feed = new ezcFeed( 'rss2' );
$item = $feed->add( 'item' );
$module = $item->addModule( 'Content' );
$module->add( 'unsupported_element' );
$this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
catch ( ezcFeedUnsupportedElementException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "The feed element 'unsupported_element' is not supported.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testGetItemModules()
$feed = new ezcFeed( 'rss2' );
$item = $feed->add( 'item' );
$module = $item->addModule( 'Content' );
$modules = $item->getModules();
$this->assertEquals( 'ezcFeedContentModule', get_class( $modules['Content'] ) );
public function testGetItemModuleNotDefinedYet()
$feed = new ezcFeed( 'rss2' );
$item = $feed->add( 'item' );
$module = $item->Content;
$this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
catch ( ezcFeedUndefinedModuleException $e )
$this->assertEquals( "The module 'Content' is not defined yet.", $e->getMessage() );
public function testParseFeedWithAuthentication()
$this->markTestIncomplete( 'Accessing feeds with http authentication works. We will add a sensible test for this later, when we will have a test system with an anonymous account for feeds.' );
$feed = ezcFeed::parse( '' );
$this->assertEquals( "Feed title", $feed->title );
* Test for issue #13963: ezcFeedEnclosureElement obsolete?
public function testAssignEnclosure()
$feed = new ezcFeed( 'rss2' );
$feed->title = 'Feed title';
$feed->description = 'Feed description';
$link = $feed->add( 'link' );
$link->href = '';
$item = $feed->add( 'item' );
$item->title = 'Item title';
$item->description = 'Item description';
$link = $item->add( 'link' );
$link->href = '';
// assign the enclosure directly. Before the fix it would fail with error
// as it tried to assign the property 'link' instead of 'url'
$item->enclosure = '';
$xml = $feed->generate( 'rss2' );
// assert that the enclosure element is inside the generated XML feed
$this->assertEquals( true, strpos( $xml, '<enclosure url=""/>' ) !== false );
* Test for issue #15625: RSS 0.90 feeds are parsed as RSS 1.0 feeds
* It tests if when parsing an RSS 0.90 feed the parser throws an ezcFeedParseErrorException
public function testParseRss090()
$xml = <<<EOT
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<title>Mozilla Dot Org</title>
<description>the Mozilla Organization
web site</description>
<title>New Status Updates</title>
$feed = ezcFeed::parseContent( $xml );
$this->fail( "Expected exception was not thrown." );
catch ( ezcFeedParseErrorException $e )