blob: a5321a043d4a9eb2ca7af5e2709109e2dd2927ab [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcDocumentWiki class
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Document
* @version //autogen//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* Document handler for wiki text documents.
* This document handler implements generic conversions for wiki markup
* languages. The tokenizer, which differs for each wiki language, can be set
* directly, or you may use the extended implementations for the specific
* sytaxes:
* - ezcDocumentConfluenceWiki
* - ezcDocumentCreoleWiki
* - ezcDocumentDokuwikiWiki
* Each wiki syntax has some sort of plugin mechanism, which allows you to
* handle the contents of a special formatted syntax element using custom
* classes or external applications. You can register a plugin for this, which
* then need to "parse" the element contents itself and may return random
* docbook markup.
* The basic conversion of a wiki document into a docbook document, using the
* default creole tokenizer, looks like:
* <code>
* $document = new ezcDocumentWiki();
* $document->loadString( '
* = Example text =
* Just some exaple paragraph with a heading, some **emphasis** markup and a
* [[|link]].' );
* $docbook = $document->getAsDocbook();
* echo $docbook->save();
* </code>
* You may switch the used tokenizer using the respective options of the
* document class, defined in the ezcDocumentWikiOptions class:
* <code>
* $document = new ezcDocumentWiki();
* $document->options->tokenizer = new ezcDocumentWikiConfluenceTokenizer();
* $document->loadString( '
* h1. Example text
* Just some exaple paragraph with a heading, some *emphasis* markup and a
* [link|].' );
* $docbook = $document->getAsDocbook();
* echo $docbook->save();
* </code>
* For the conversion back from docbook to wiki markup, currently only one
* converter to creole markup has been implemented. This conversion can be used
* like:
* <code>
* $docbook = new ezcDocumentDocbook();
* $docbook->loadFile( 'docbook.xml' );
* $document = new ezcDocumentWiki();
* $document->createFromDocbook( $docbook );
* echo $document->save();
* </code>
* @package Document
* @version //autogen//
* @mainclass
class ezcDocumentWiki extends ezcDocument implements ezcDocumentValidation
* Registered plugins
* Plugins are special RST element, which are documented at:
* Plugins are the best entry point for custom rules, and you may
* register custom plugin classes using the class method
* registerPlugin().
* @var array
protected $plugins = array(
'code' => 'ezcDocumentWikiCodePlugin',
* Asbtract syntax tree.
* The internal representation of RST documents.
* @var ezcDocumentWikiDocumentNode
protected $ast;
* Plain RST contents as a string
* @var string
protected $contents;
* Construct RST document.
* @ignore
* @param ezcDocumentWikiOptions $options
* @return void
public function __construct( ezcDocumentWikiOptions $options = null )
parent::__construct( $options === null ?
new ezcDocumentWikiOptions() :
$options );
* Register plugin handler
* Register a custom plugin handler for special plugins or overwrite
* existing plugin handlers. The plugins are specified by its
* (lowercase) name and the class name, which should handle the plugin
* and extend from ezcDocumentWikiPlugin.
* @param string $name
* @param string $class
* @return void
public function registerPlugin( $name, $class )
$this->plugins[strtolower( $name )] = (string) $class;
* Get plugin handler
* Get plugin handler class name for the specified name.
* @param string $name
* @return string
public function getPluginHandler( $name )
$name = strtolower( $name );
if ( !isset( $this->plugins[$name] ) )
throw new ezcDocumentWikiMissingPluginHandlerException( $name );
return $this->plugins[$name];
* Create document from input string
* Create a document of the current type handler class and parse it into a
* usable internal structure.
* @param string $string
* @return void
public function loadString( $string )
$this->contents = $string;
* Return document compiled to the docbook format
* The internal document structure is compiled to the docbook format and
* the resulting docbook document is returned.
* This method is required for all formats to have one central format, so
* that each format can be compiled into each other format using docbook as
* an intermediate format.
* You may of course just call an existing converter for this conversion.
* @return ezcDocumentDocbook
public function getAsDocbook()
$tokenizer = $this->options->tokenizer;
$parser = new ezcDocumentWikiParser();
$parser->options->errorReporting = $this->options->errorReporting;
$this->ast = $parser->parse( $tokenizer->tokenizeString( $this->contents ) );
$document = new ezcDocumentDocbook();
$visitor = new ezcDocumentWikiDocbookVisitor( $this, $this->path );
$visitor->visit( $this->ast, $this->path )
$document->setPath( $this->path );
// Merge errors from converter
$this->errors = array_merge(
return $document;
* Create document from docbook document
* A document of the docbook format is provided and the internal document
* structure should be created out of this.
* This method is required for all formats to have one central format, so
* that each format can be compiled into each other format using docbook as
* an intermediate format.
* You may of course just call an existing converter for this conversion.
* @param ezcDocumentDocbook $document
* @return void
public function createFromDocbook( ezcDocumentDocbook $document )
if ( $this->options->validate &&
$document->validateString( $document ) !== true )
$this->triggerError( E_WARNING, "You try to convert an invalid docbook document. This may lead to invalid output." );
$this->path = $document->getPath();
$converter = new ezcDocumentDocbookToWikiConverter();
$converter->options->errorReporting = $this->options->errorReporting;
$this->contents = $converter->convert( $document )->save();
* Validate the input file
* Validate the input file against the specification of the current
* document format.
* Returns true, if the validation succeded, and an array with
* ezcDocumentValidationError objects otherwise.
* @param string $file
* @return mixed
public function validateFile( $file )
return $this->validateString( file_get_contents( $file ) );
* Validate the input string
* Validate the input string against the specification of the current
* document format.
* Returns true, if the validation succeded, and an array with
* ezcDocumentValidationError objects otherwise.
* @param string $string
* @return mixed
public function validateString( $string )
$tokenizer = $this->options->tokenizer;
$parser = new ezcDocumentWikiParser();
// Only halt on parse errors, and collect all other errors.
$parser->options->errorReporting = E_PARSE;
$errors = array();
$ast = null;
// Try to parse the document and keep the parse tree for evetual
// checking for decoration errors
$ast = $parser->parse( $tokenizer->tokenizeString( $string ) );
catch ( ezcDocumentParserException $e )
$errors[] = $e;
// Get errors and notices from parsed document
$errors = array_merge( $errors, $parser->errors );
// If we had no parse error until now, we also try to decorate the
// document, which may leed to another class of errors.
if ( $ast !== null )
$oldErrorReporting = $this->options->errorReporting;
$this->options->errorReporting = E_PARSE;
$visitor = new ezcDocumentWikiDocbookVisitor( $this, $this->path );
$visitor->visit( $ast, $this->path );
// Get errors and notices from parsed document
$errors = array_merge( $errors, $visitor->getErrors() );
catch ( ezcDocumentVisitException $e )
$errors[] = $e;
// Reset error reporting
$this->options->errorReporting = $oldErrorReporting;
if ( count( $errors ) === 0 )
// If no problem could be found, jsut return true
return true;
// Transform aggregated errors into validation errors
foreach ( $errors as $nr => $error )
$errors[$nr] = ezcDocumentValidationError::createFromException( $error );
return $errors;
* Return document as string
* Serialize the document to a string an return it.
* @return string
public function save()
return $this->contents;