blob: 70a63ec5c91a77a54763a015d01647137b4cc16f [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcDocumentPdfTextBoxRenderer class
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Document
* @version //autogen//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @access private
* Renders a single text box
* Tries to render a single text box into the available space, and aborts if
* not possible.
* Implements the basic methods for tokenizing the text, style based text
* fitting into lines, etc. Should be extended by all classes implementing more
* specific text rendering algorithms, since those base methods are implemented
* generally enough to be reused.
* @package Document
* @access private
* @version //autogen//
class ezcDocumentPdfTextBoxRenderer extends ezcDocumentPdfBlockRenderer
* Render a single text box
* All markup inside of the given string is considered inline markup (in
* CSS terms). Inline markup should be given as common docbook inline
* markup, like <emphasis>.
* Returns a boolean indicator whether the rendering of the full text
* in the available space succeeded or not.
* @param ezcDocumentPdfPage $page
* @param ezcDocumentPdfHyphenator $hyphenator
* @param ezcDocumentPdfTokenizer $tokenizer
* @param ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $text
* @param ezcDocumentPdfMainRenderer $mainRenderer
* @return bool
public function renderNode( ezcDocumentPdfPage $page, ezcDocumentPdfHyphenator $hyphenator, ezcDocumentPdfTokenizer $tokenizer, ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $text, ezcDocumentPdfMainRenderer $mainRenderer )
// Inference page styles
$styles = $this->styles->inferenceFormattingRules( $text );
$width = $page->innerWidth / $styles['text-columns']->value -
( $styles['text-column-spacing']->value * ( $styles['text-columns']->value - 1 ) );
// Evaluate available space
if ( ( $space = $this->evaluateAvailableBoundingBox( $page, $styles, $width ) ) === false )
return false;
// Iterate over tokens and try to fit them in the current line, use
// hyphenator to split words.
$tokens = $this->tokenize( $text, $tokenizer );
$lines = $this->fitTokensInLines( $tokens, $hyphenator, $space->width );
// Evaluate required space by text box
$required = 0;
foreach ( $lines as $line )
$required += $line['height'] * $styles['line-height']->value;
// Check that enough space is available to render text box
if ( $required > $space->height )
return false;
$space->height = $required;
$this->renderBoxBackground( $space, $styles );
$this->renderBoxBorder( $space, $styles );
$this->renderTextBox( $lines, $space, $styles );
$this->setBoxCovered( $page, $space, $styles );
return true;
* Render text box
* Render a single text box, specified by the given lines array,
* containing tokens and their styles, the available space and
* the styles array for the currently rendered element.
* Returns false, if the box size was not sufficant for the
* given text, and the covered vertical area otherwise.
* @param array $lines
* @param ezcDocumentPdfBoundingBox $space
* @param array $styles
* @return boolean
protected function renderTextBox( array $lines, ezcDocumentPdfBoundingBox $space, array $styles )
$yPos = $space->y;
foreach ( $lines as $nr => $line )
$yPos += $this->renderLine( $yPos, $nr, $line, $space, $styles ) * $styles['line-height']->value;
// Check if we run out of vertical space
if ( $yPos > ( $space->y + $space->height ) )
return false;
return $yPos - $space->y;
* Reverses a string
* Similar to PHPs strrev() function, but also works for UTF-8 strings.
* @param string $string
* @return string
protected function strrev( $string )
if ( !is_string( $string ) || empty( $string ) )
return $string;
if ( strlen( $string ) === ( $length = iconv_strlen( $string, 'UTF-8' ) ) )
// String only contains of single-byte characters
return strrev( $string );
$reverted = '';
for ( $c = $length; $c > 0; --$c )
$reverted .= iconv_substr( $string, $c - 1, 1, 'UTF-8' );
return $reverted;
* Render a single line and return the used height
* @param float $position
* @param int $number
* @param array $line
* @param ezcDocumentPdfBoundingBox $space
* @param array $styles
* @return void
protected function renderLine( $position, $number, array $line, ezcDocumentPdfBoundingBox $space, array $styles )
$spaceWidth = $this->driver->calculateWordWidth( ' ' );
$lineWidth = 0;
foreach ( $line['tokens'] as $token )
if ( !is_int( $token['word'] ) )
$lineWidth += $token['width'];
// Reverse alignement, if direction is set to "right-to-left"
$align = $styles['text-align']->value;
if ( $styles['direction']->value === 'rtl' )
switch ( $align )
case 'right':
$align = 'left';
$align = 'right';
switch ( $align )
case 'center':
$offset = ( $space->width - $lineWidth - ( $line['spaces'] * $spaceWidth ) ) / 2;
case 'right':
$offset = $space->width - $lineWidth - ( $line['spaces'] * $spaceWidth );
case 'justify':
$offset = 0;
switch ( true )
case $number === $line['words']:
// Just use common space width in last line of a
// paragraph
$spaceWidth = $this->driver->calculateWordWidth( ' ' );
case $line['words'] <= 1:
// Space width is irrelevant, if only one token is
// in the line
$spaceWidth = ( $space->width - $lineWidth ) / ( $line['spaces'] - 1 );
$offset = 0;
// Reverse tokens and words, if direction is set to "right-to-left"
$tokens = $line['tokens'];
if ( $styles['direction']->value === 'rtl' )
$tokens = array_reverse( $tokens );
foreach ( $tokens as $nr => $token )
if ( is_string( $token['word'] ) )
$tokens[$nr]['word'] = $this->strrev( $token['word'] );
// Default to left alignement
$xPos = $space->x + $offset;
foreach ( $tokens as $token )
if ( $token['word'] === ezcDocumentPdfTokenizer::SPACE )
$this->renderTextDecoration( $token['style'], $xPos, $position, $spaceWidth, $line['height'] );
$this->handleLinks( $token, $xPos, $position, $spaceWidth, $line['height'] );
$xPos += $spaceWidth;
else if ( is_string( $token['word'] ) )
$this->renderTextDecoration( $token['style'], $xPos, $position, $token['width'], $line['height'] );
// Apply current styles
foreach ( $token['style'] as $style => $value )
$this->driver->setTextFormatting( $style, $value->value );
// Render word
$this->driver->drawWord( $xPos, $position + $line['height'], $token['word'] );
$this->handleLinks( $token, $xPos, $position, $token['width'], $line['height'] );
$xPos += $token['width'];
return $line['height'];
* Handle links
* Handle embedded link markup for current token and perform the
* appropriate calls to the driver.
* @param array $token
* @param float $x
* @param float $y
* @param float $width
* @param float $height
* @return void
protected function handleLinks( array $token, $x, $y, $width, $height )
if ( $token['url'] !== null )
$this->driver->addExternalLink( $x, $y, $width, $height * 1.1, $token['url'] );
if ( $token['target'] !== null )
$this->driver->addInternalLink( $x, $y, $width, $height * 1.1, $token['target'] );
* Render text decoration
* Render text decoration, like by a assigned text-decoration setting, or
* background-colors, and similar.
* @param array $styles
* @param float $x
* @param float $y
* @param float $width
* @param float $height
* @return void
protected function renderTextDecoration( array $styles, $x, $y, $width, $height )
// Directly exit, if there are no decorations to render
if ( ( $styles['text-decoration']->value === 'none' ) &&
( !isset( $styles['background-color'] ) ||
( $styles['background-color']->value['alpha'] >= 1 ) ) )
if ( isset( $styles['background-color'] ) &&
( $styles['background-color']->value['alpha'] < 1 ) )
array( $x, $y ),
array( $x + $width, $y ),
array( $x + $width, $y + $height * $styles['line-height']->value ),
array( $x, $y + $height * $styles['line-height']->value ),
if ( strpos( $styles['text-decoration'], 'line-through' ) !== false )
array( $x, $y + $height - $styles['font-size']->value / 3 ),
array( $x + $width, $y + $height - $styles['font-size']->value / 3 ),
// @todo: How thick should line-throughs be?
ezcDocumentPcssMeasure::create( '1px' )->get(),
if ( strpos( $styles['text-decoration'], 'overline' ) !== false )
array( $x, $y ),
array( $x + $width, $y ),
// @todo: How thick should overlines be?
ezcDocumentPcssMeasure::create( '1px' )->get(),
if ( strpos( $styles['text-decoration'], 'underline' ) !== false )
array( $x, $y + $height * 1.1 ),
array( $x + $width, $y + $height * 1.1 ),
// @todo: How thick should underlines be?
ezcDocumentPcssMeasure::create( '1px' )->get(),
* Tokenize the input string
* For proper word wrapping in the paragraph the strng needs to be
* tokenized, while each token has to maintain its stack of assigned
* formats.
* This method should return an array of tokens, also maintaining the
* included whitespace characters, each associated with its markup
* elements.
* @param ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element
* @param ezcDocumentPdfTokenizer $tokenizer
* @param bool $recursed
* @return array
protected function tokenize( ezcDocumentLocateableDomElement $element, ezcDocumentPdfTokenizer $tokenizer, $recursed = false )
$tokens = array();
$rules = $this->styles->inferenceFormattingRules( $element, ezcDocumentPcssStyleInferencer::TEXT );
// Do not inherit background and border rules from paragraph
if ( !$recursed )
$rules = array_diff_key( $rules, array(
'background-color' => true,
'border' => true,
) );
$url = $element->tagName === 'ulink' && $element->hasAttribute( 'url' ) ? $element->getAttribute( 'url' ) : null;
$target = $element->tagName === 'link' && $element->hasAttribute( 'linked' ) ? $element->getAttribute( 'linked' ) : null;
foreach ( $element->childNodes as $child )
switch ( $child->nodeType )
$words = $tokenizer->tokenize( $child->textContent );
foreach ( $words as $word )
$tokens[] = array(
'word' => $word,
'style' => $rules,
'url' => $url,
'target' => $target,
$tokens = array_merge(
$this->tokenize( $child, $tokenizer, true )
if ( !$recursed )
// Remove double spaces
foreach ( $tokens as $nr => $token )
if ( ( $token['word'] === ezcDocumentPdfTokenizer::SPACE ) &&
isset( $tokens[$nr + 1] ) &&
( $tokens[$nr + 1]['word'] === ezcDocumentPdfTokenizer::SPACE ) )
$i = 1;
do {
unset( $tokens[$nr + $i] );
} while ( isset( $tokens[$nr + ( ++$i )] ) &&
( $tokens[$nr + $i]['word'] === ezcDocumentPdfTokenizer::SPACE ) );
$tokens = array_values( $tokens );
// Remove optional starting spaces
if ( count( $tokens ) &&
( $tokens[0]['word'] === ezcDocumentPdfTokenizer::SPACE ) )
$tokens = array_slice( $tokens, 1 );
return $tokens;
* Force split a word.
* Force the splitting of a word, which did not fit in a line alone and
* could not be splitted using the hyphenator. We just search for the
* maximum word part length which fits the available space.
* Could be improved to use a binary search on the word length, but this
* shouldn't happen too often anyways.
* @param string $word
* @param float $available
* @return array
protected function forceSplit( $word, $available )
$length = iconv_strlen( $word ) - 1;
while ( $this->driver->calculateWordWidth( iconv_substr( $word, 0, $length ) ) > $available )
return array(
iconv_substr( $word, 0, $length ),
iconv_substr( $word, $length )
* Try to match tokens into lines
* Try to match tokens into lines of the given width. Returns an array with
* words for each line. The words might already be split up by the
* hyphenator.
* @param array $tokens
* @param ezcDocumentPdfHyphenator $hyphenator
* @param float $available
* @return array
protected function fitTokensInLines( array $tokens, ezcDocumentPdfHyphenator $hyphenator, $available )
$lines = array( array(
'tokens' => array(),
'height' => 0,
'words' => 0,
'spaces' => 0,
) );
$line = 0;
$consumed = 0;
while ( $token = array_shift( $tokens ) )
// Handle forced line breaks
if ( $token['word'] === ezcDocumentPdfTokenizer::FORCED )
// Continue rendering in next line
$consumed = 0;
$lines[++$line] = array(
'tokens' => array(),
'height' => 0,
'words' => 0,
'spaces' => 0,
// Pure wrapping tokens are irrleveant to width calculation
if ( $token['word'] === ezcDocumentPdfTokenizer::WRAP )
// Apply current styles
foreach ( $token['style'] as $style => $value )
// Only pass whitelist of properties to the backend. This is not really
// the right place to do this, but it reduces the amount of calls to
// the backend and the size of the call log massively.
if ( !( ( $style === 'font-style' ) ||
( $style === 'font-weight' ) ||
( $style === 'color' ) ||
( $style === 'font-size' ) ||
( $style === 'font-family' ) ) )
$this->driver->setTextFormatting( $style, $value->value );
// Just add space to consumed wird width
if ( $token['word'] === ezcDocumentPdfTokenizer::SPACE )
if ( $consumed > 0 )
$consumed += $width = $this->driver->calculateWordWidth( ' ' );
$token['width'] = $width;
$lines[$line]['tokens'][] = $token;
$wordStack = array(
'tokens' => array(),
'height' => 0,
'words' => 0,
'spaces' => 0,
$wConsumed = 0;
do {
if ( ( $consumed + $wConsumed + ( $width = $this->driver->calculateWordWidth( $token['word'] ) ) ) < $available )
// The word just fits into the current line
$token['width'] = $width;
$wordStack['tokens'][] = $token;
$wordStack['height'] = max( $lines[$line]['height'], $this->driver->getCurrentLineHeight() );
$wConsumed += $width;
if ( !isset( $tokens[0] ) ||
( $tokens[0]['word'] === ezcDocumentPdfTokenizer::WRAP ) ||
( $tokens[0]['word'] === ezcDocumentPdfTokenizer::FORCED ) ||
( $tokens[0]['word'] === ezcDocumentPdfTokenizer::SPACE ) )
// We are allowed to wrap, so we can continue with the
// next iteration and merge the current word stack with
// the line array.
$lines[$line]['tokens'] = array_merge( $lines[$line]['tokens'], $wordStack['tokens'] );
$lines[$line]['height'] = max( $lines[$line]['height'], $wordStack['height'] );
$lines[$line]['words'] += $wordStack['words'];
$consumed += $wConsumed;
continue 2;
// Try to hyphenate the current word
$hyphens = array_reverse( $hyphenator->splitWord( $token['word'] ) );
foreach ( $hyphens as $hyphen )
if ( ( $consumed + $wConsumed + ( $width = $this->driver->calculateWordWidth( $hyphen[0] ) ) ) < $available )
$second = $token;
$second['word'] = $hyphen[1];
array_unshift( $tokens, $second );
$token['width'] = $width;
$token['word'] = $hyphen[0];
$lines[$line]['tokens'] = array_merge( $lines[$line]['tokens'], $wordStack['tokens'], array( $token ) );
$lines[$line]['height'] = max( $lines[$line]['height'], $wordStack['height'], $this->driver->getCurrentLineHeight() );
$lines[$line]['words'] += $wordStack['words'] + 1;
// Continue rendering in next line
$consumed = 0;
$lines[++$line] = array(
'tokens' => array(),
'height' => 0,
'words' => 0,
'spaces' => 0,
continue 3;
if ( ( $consumed + $wConsumed ) <= 0 )
// If we are already at the beginning of the line, and the
// word does still not fit, we forcefully split the word.
$hyphen = $this->forceSplit( $token['word'], $available );
$second = $token;
$second['word'] = $hyphen[1];
array_unshift( $tokens, $second );
$token['width'] = $this->driver->calculateWordWidth( $hyphen[0] );
$token['word'] = $hyphen[0];
$lines[$line]['tokens'] = array( $token );
$lines[$line]['height'] = $this->driver->getCurrentLineHeight();
$lines[$line]['words'] = 1;
// Continue rendering in next line
$consumed = 0;
$lines[++$line] = array(
'tokens' => array(),
'height' => 0,
'words' => 0,
'spaces' => 0,
continue 2;
// Did not fit using hyphenation, so retry after wrapping
// the current word stack into the next line.
array_unshift( $tokens, $token );
// Still does not fit, move whole word stack into the next line
// and try again
$token['width'] = $width = $this->driver->calculateWordWidth( $token['word'] );
$lines[++$line] = $wordStack;
$consumed = $wConsumed;
continue 2;
} while ( $token = array_shift( $tokens ) );
return $lines;